Tootsies with NO contact, is like ?

avatar for BuckMcNutter
So I hear it is open. A dancer told me there is no contact , not even in the Champagne room. For me that's like:
ordering a BLT and then bringing it to you with no bacon !
or waffles with no syrup !


last comment
avatar for bman77
5 years ago
No contacy in the champagne room is like going to a restaurant, looking at the menu, and not being able to order any food at all. Or going to a bar and being offered ice water to drink. Screw that. Waste of time.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
Horrible comparison. I love waffles without syrup.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Growing up poor in farm country we always had BLTs without bacon and it wasn't bad. Honestly until I went to college I thought the B was for bologna because we were lucky to get that on our BLT and when things were bad a nicely toasted sandwich with just crisp lettuce a fresh slice of tomato and some Miracle Whip is actually.

I think bman's description is better since it is all look and no taste.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Back to the topic though. Is that verified ? No contact at Tootsies ? It is in Dade County and they are behind the rest of Florida in opening up.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I would tend to dismiss what that dancer said, just chalk it up to SS
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I would think that is not $ustainable bc likely the dancers are making little $$$ so likely not worth it to most of them - I would think that would go by the wayside after a few days except Florida has been consistently near the top of new Covid-csses and SoFlo is the worst hit in FL - the Miami-Dade mayor is a Republican and was originally resisting the lockdown back in March, but now he's on the news stating businesses will be fined or locked down if they are not following proper Covid procedures.
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
No contact dances are like driving a (fill in your favorite sports car) with throttle cut off set at 25 mph.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
If champagne rooms are closed off, then maybe. If not, then it’s probably a nudge nudge wink wink type of thing. I remember when there was a sign at tootsies posted that said no prostitution was allowed in the establishment.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@nicespice there's a sign at Diamond Dolls that says the same thing LOLOL
avatar for BuckMcNutter
5 years ago
Apparently the champagne rooms are open but they are not allowing the curtains to be closed all the way and the managers are popping in now and then so no chance of playing hide the Salamis for a while.
avatar for richdee23
5 years ago
That’s complete bs! I was at tootsies last Friday and got several dances. They were the typical VHM and not even in VIP. Business as usual
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
I saw a pic taken this afternoon in front of Tootsies. Did something happen yesterday or very recently? There's yellow police or caution tape all of the railing in front (couldn't tell which it was due to the resolution of the pic), and it also looked like all the front entrances were boarded up with plywood. Like, completely boarded up. Any of you So Flo guys know the story>
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I've not heard anything - that is a bit of a rough area so maybe they were having issues w/ "protests" and "going after the man" via Tootsies, IDK - or could have been the city/county shutting them down b/c they may have not been adhering to Covid rules?
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
no contact... no Bueno.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
May be better just to contact... malo.
avatar for MrBeavis
5 years ago
Tootsies being closed is like.... being closed.
They were open but now they’re closed again until July 2.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ hmm - not surprised I guess the way things have been going Covid-wise in Miami-Dade
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@Beavis - that's too bad. But why board up the entrances with plywood?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
There’s an article on nbc news about an off duty Miami Gardens cop working security coming out maybe the boarding up was precautionary…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@25 - could be. Thanks for pointing that out.
avatar for sugarray
5 years ago
Confirmed @MrBeavis said. Dancer there texted me that they are closed until July 2. This Covid shit is outta control
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