Joe Biden

avatar for doctorevil
Anyone else think he looks like the Joker in Batman when he smiles?


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avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I think that means he's filling his Depends when he smiles. Feels so good!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
It may be his hair-plugs pulling on his scalp
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
Make fun of your unfavorable candidate all you want, but what really matters is how well Trump and Biden do in the key swing states.
We all damn well know that Biden is going to get 15 -20 Northeast, West Coast, and liberal mid-west states (think IL, MN), and that Trump is going to get 15 - 20 southern, mountain west, and conservative mid-west states ( think IN, OK).
Trump won OH, FL, PA, WI, and MI in 2016 (all went for Obama in 08, 12.) Lose more than 1 or 2 of those states, and Trump is toast. (Hope that doesn't happen.)
I have a healthy skepticism for the polls, but I don't casually blow the off, either.
Closing with a trivia question: What do Joe Biden and Barry Goldwater have in common besides being 2 long serving white haired Senators ?
A: Both were long time owners of mid-60's Corvettes.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I wouldn't count MN in Biden's camp yet. Even before Joe faces a debate, they are just about tied.…
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Let's violently protest and defund the police in those states. That's a winning formula if I've ever seen one.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Yeah, but with your no-bail rules, they will just go hang out with their homey Putin and show ,Ala and Kankles Hillary the finger on Zoom from Russia.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
We survived 8 years of Obama and Biden without doing the stupid shit the left is doing now. We will just be hanging out waiting to fix it later.

All you have to do is ask yourself how much healthcare costs you now compared to before Obamacare. If you weren't indigent before, it's definitely more.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Like I said, if you were indigent, you are better now. Maybe AOC, Hillary or Pocahantas do lap dances for government cheese.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
It doesn't matter which candidate wins, the New World Order will keep its jack boot on your throats. While, obviously President Trump cares more about you and humanity as a whole far more than any establishment candidate of either the so-called right or left, what the last 4 years has shown is that there is little any single elected official can do to stop the New World Order.

As David Icke says in his new book, The Answer, this evil only ends when humanity had a collective awakening and says "no" to the tyrants and elites.

The sad racial bickering and outright racism today against whites is simply a means to power of global pseudo-elites who care about as much about black people or any other group of humans as they do about flies hovering around them at their WEF, Bilderberg, or Trilateral gatherings.

By all means, keep drinking the globalist Kool Aid and being good idiots for those who really do hate you.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Go away, Trucidos.
avatar for datinman
5 years ago
"Trump won OH, FL, PA, WI, and MI in 2016 (all went for Obama in 08, 12.) Lose more than 1 or 2 of those states, and Trump is toast. "

I totally agree with Minnow. Now look at the things he has done the past few weeks. Cutting payroll tax in half eliminating a substantial amount of Social Security funding and promising to make to it permanent if re-elected. You think that is going to fly in seniors saturated Florida? No aid to homeowners or farmers in Iowa after derecho. Calling for a boycott of Ohio based Goodyear. It is like he is writing the Biden campaign commercials for them. Seriously, is he trying to lose?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Justin, you're repeating fake news.

1) cutting taxes will allow me to hire additional people, and give me more discretionary spending in my personal budget. Those payroll and spending increases are forecast to offset the reduced tax burden

2) Trump has declared a federal emergency in areas affected bybthe derecho and will help them recover and rebuild.

3)boycotting goodyear is not boycotting Ohio. The gains Ohio has experienced from other Trump policies far outweighs any losses from a goodyear boycott. Besides, goodyear has already disavowed and distanced themselves from that rogue HR presentation.

No research was required to correct the fake news. I absorbed it from the local newsradio & TV, ABC world news, and Special Report (Brett Baier has been acknowledged by both sides as a truly impartial and balanced anchor).
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
He looks like a ventriloquist dummy. It's like Bernie's got his arm shoved up Biden's ass and controlling his mouth.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"Trump won OH, FL, PA, WI, and MI in 2016 (all went for Obama in 08, 12.) Lose more than 1 or 2 of those states, and Trump is toast. "

As I write this, Trump is losing in FL PA WI MI and OH is a tossup. The Economist simulation currently has Biden's probability of winning at 87%.…

@GammaNut wrote: "Those payroll and spending increases are forecast to offset the reduced tax burden"

Does anyone know what he's talking about? The executive order gives payroll taxes a holiday until the end of the year, and, as @Justin points out, Trump wants to make the cuts permanent, gutting SS and Medicare funding. As Justin said, that's political suicide to seniors in FL.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
When Biden smiles I think it looks like his big white choppers are going to slide out of his mouth.

How can a party hate white folks so much - and yet their candidate has the whitest teeth?
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Biden is gonna cave in the live debates. If they have them. If he refuses them, any honest and reasonable voter should be able to conclude that he is incapable of representing himself and lacks the ability to govern.

Win-win for Trump.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... He looks like a ventriloquist dummy. It's like Bernie's got his arm shoved up Biden's ass and controlling his mouth ..."

That would make a very good political TV commercial
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Sorry guys I thought Joe Biden did good last night actually you guys helped a lot by lowering the bar of expectations, along with Trumps own poor performances
My guess is as long as facts are checked Biden is gonna clean his clock in any debates if the debates are actually cancelled it’s going to be Trump who tries to get out of them
In a head to head comparison Trump appears to be much older than Biden all that’s needed is to just keep rerunning the Trump walk down the ramp at West Point
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Joe did do well last night. He looks like he smells of ben gay and shat though.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Yes, Joe learned the art of teleprompter reading from the very best. That will make his debate collapse even more devastating.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
If the debates are done in a traditional manner, I think Trump will be too quick for Biden.

However, if they do any fact checking...

You can tell me it’s a beautiful red rose - but when it’s brown and smells like shit - I know the truth.
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I don’t think it’s prudent to argue over semantics. I heard Putin prefers to pump Donnie in the back door.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
IDK how the debates will turn-out, but I can def see the "moderators" giving Biden all sorts of slack while not giving Trump any.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Papi, I hope that Joe Biden shows who he is when he can use less scripted answers in the debate. (there will still be a lot of memorized talking points throughout)

Two things mak me worry - the 2008 and 2012 VP debates.

In 2012, Biden was talking all through Paul Ryan’s questions. You couldn’t shut him up. But the moderators let it happen.

In 2008, Sarah Palin received a lot of criticism for making a mistake in the pronunciation of the commanding General in Afghanistan’s name. Joe Biden was able to get away with mocking her for knowing that the Vice President is the President of the Senate.

The deck is stacked.
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