Tampa Bed Dances

avatar for thisisawesome
The first time we went, we sat and enjoyed the show for a while before being approached by a busty (aren’t they all?) blonde who asked if we would like a private dance. That was why we were there! We asked about the differences between lap dances, bed dances and the VIP room. After getting the details, we settled on a bed dance for Jessie. After our experience with Annie, we wanted to see how things might go with another girl. I (Michael), specifically, wanted to see how much further they might go!

She led us to a room in the back that had a twin bed completely set up. She instructed both of us to lay down. I was next to the wall, stretched out on my side so that I could watch. Jessie was on her back. The dancer straddled Jessie and immediately began to unbutton her top, even before the song started. Since Jessie wore no bra, she had full and immediate access to my wife’s breasts.

I was instantly hard as I realized that I was about to see a woman play with my wife’s tits for the first time. For the next few minutes I watched as they kissed each other and sucked one another’s breasts. The girl even pulled up Jessie’s skirt and rubbed and kissed her pussy through her hose. At one point she reached over and squeezed my cock. I guess she wanted to be sure that I was paying attention!

Watching my nearly naked wife make out with an eager, naked woman is a moment in time I will never forget. The moment was over far too quickly, and we had no interest in going back to our seats. We went straight to the hotel to finished what she had started and relive the moment in our mind over again.

We came back the next night and were approached by a very friendly girl. Although she wasn’t the best-looking girl in the place she had a nice personality and we enjoyed chatting. Eventually we wound up in the area for another bed dance. Although I told her I wanted her to dance for Jessie, she said she wanted to do both of us. And she did.

For about three songs we essentially had sex with our clothes on. Well, I had MY clothes on. The dancer was naked except for a G-string. Jessie was completely exposed, with her dress opened all the way down the front. It was just a process of taking turns. For a while the dancer and I would each suck on one of Jessie’s breasts, then Jessie and I would return the favor to the dancer. Hands and arms were everywhere. One of the two of them was squeezing my cock almost continually. We finished that session very happy.

My favorite, however, happened later that same night. A girl who had some resemblance to Demi Moore sat down somewhat abruptly between us and began to talk. The conversation was good, and she and Jessie were getting along very well. In fact, there was a lot of whispered, conspiratorial talk about men. As the representative for the species I did my best to defend all men everywhere, but I am afraid I was out numbered.

After a while we made our way to the bed dancing area. This bed was larger than the first ones we had seen. Plenty of room for all of us. The girl took turns riding one of us, then the other. Again, Jessie’s dress was completely opened. She had worn no underwear that night, so she was completely exposed. (After her experience the night before, I think Jessie wanted to be sure that if the girl was going to go down on her, that there would be no obstructions.) It took “Demi” very little time to find her way down there and tease my wife with her tongue. Another first!

After a couple of songs, the girl instructed Jessie to straddle me. I watched as the two of them kissed and caressed one another, felt both of them rubbing and squeezing my cock, and saw the dancer slide her hands between Jessie’s legs from behind, rubbing her clit. As she stroked and rubbed it, I could see Jessie’s excitement beginning to build.

I wasn’t the only one who could see it. At some point, I noticed that a couple of the security guys who had been patrolling the private area had stopped at our doorway and were taking in the show. At first, I though they were there because we had crossed some sort of line. As it turned out, they just wanted to enjoy the show. So we continued.

I eventually worked a finger into Jessie’s pussy. She rode it, just as though she were fucking me. The naked dancer now just leaned back to watch, her knees spread wide, close to my face, touching herself as I played with my wife in front of her. I began to finger-fuck Jessie harder, and as she approached orgasm she pulled the girl close and began to kiss her deeply. She eventually shuddered with a wave of orgasm, clutching the dancer as she did. Seeing her cum was satisfying for all of us.

We went back on one other occasion and Jessie had a great time fingering and being fingered by a beautiful Mediterranean girl, but that was our last experience with a Tampa bed dance. Those nights were important to us. They provided a safe means for Jessie to explore her curiosity. They gave me plenty of eye candy (and more!). And they created experiences and memories that continue to bond us to this day.

We miss Tampa! And we miss bed dances. When they were eventually banned, we assumed that type of play had come to an end for us. Boy, were we wrong!


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avatar for RockAllNight
5 years ago
Good story. Where in Tampa were you?
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Bed dances? Was this Deja Vu?
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Price for two people? Price for one person? Length of dance?
avatar for minnow
5 years ago
T-man-this is 1 of many BS submissions put forth lately for the sole purpose of getting a free 4 week VIP. This slip through the cracks approval coming from a zero - zero Aug 2020 joiner has a fishy smell to it.
avatar for Techman
5 years ago
Why does not Founder post the name of the reviewing member and # of his/her reviews on the unpublished list??
avatar for Sgrayeff
5 years ago
I agree with Minnow, which I rarely do.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Techman I think Founder doesn't show the name / # of reviews on unposted reviews so each one is judged the same. Some people might choose to approve or reject a review because of who wrote it instead of what was written.

With articles I don't judge them nearly as strict as reviews. Articles don't have to be able to help someone decide whether to go to a club or not so it doesn't have to be detailed or a recent event. As long as it is a fun read it is worthwhile as an article to me even if it was something that happened a long time ago or was just a completely made up experience.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
I agree with Whodey 100%. It's an article and a good read. Fiction? Most likely, as I know of no "bed dances" in Tampa. The person put a good effort forth and deserves credit.
avatar for RandomName111
4 years ago
I was so confused about the bed dances and how I missed them. Now, on the way to Florida from Atlanta there used to be a truck stop club.... Cafe Rogue or something like that? They had bed dances that could be good, esp if it was off hours and nobody was manning the cameras. Sadly I think all of those places have long since closed.

Shame too... they had damned good pie and an hour in the club and a couple of hours in the parking lot sleeping helped me pull off a number of 16 hour drives for long weekends down in Florida about 20 years ago when hotels were still considered expensive.
avatar for gotoguy
4 years ago
Regarding bed dances in Florida:

The club name is Cafe Risque and there are over 200 road signs on US70 with a silhouetted girl in every kind of raunchy position for all to see as they drive the distance. Each sign tells you how many more miles and the exit number. So you can't miss the place. My wife complains the signs are horrible as we drive bye. I know better than to say anything.

CR is a trucker stop with 16 wheeler parking. They actually have showers for the truckers. They have trucker food, and sometimes even decent coffee. They are open 24/7 but the lot is always near empty when I drive by.

Anyway, to the point, they have bed dances. The beds are in a partly reclined position, like a beach chair, beds are actually plywood cubbies with a cushion. You scoot into the cubby. There are at least 3 or 4 signs that say "camera". For me that is a turnoff. The girl tells you to get comfortable, and leave for about 10 min. Then the girl comes back with a brand new, in the box, pair of white heavy cotton under ware (these are not panties). There is no touching by customers. The neon lights are brightly lit.

So bottom line is -- no good bed dances that I know about in Florida.
avatar for xpando
4 years ago
I remember the bed dances from the old no-rules Tampa Deja Vu.
It had to be 20 years ago. Those were fun.
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