
Comments by minnow (page 32)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Labour Day Weekend at Club Platinum
    Hmm, member since Mar 2018, and just now getting around to writing 1st review, yet has a bunch of other threads/posts ? OK, anyone care to guess what OP's other S/N (s) might be ? Seems to be from Canada.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flu shots.
    I've been getting flu shots for ~ the last 15 years, no side effects so far. I got the flu in just 1 of those years (2 months after getting shot). Felt like crap for 2 or 3 days, so it may have minimized severity a bit. I've been fortunate with the laundry list of shots/vaccines given to people traveling to some 3rd world countries. My last employer required that ~ 10 yrs. ago. Aside from a sore upper arm for a day or so, no problems. One coworker felt flu-like for 2 days or so, and had to burn some sick days.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Top TV shows all time
    "INPO" : Get Smart, Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, All In The Family, SNL, Benny Hill Show.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: WTF?
    @heaving- Very likely can't roll over 401k while still employed by company. Once you leave the employ of company, rolling over 401k into an IRA is 1 of several options.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Better Reviews
    "1pm Tuesday afternoon, no cover charge. Grabbed a $3 beer, didn't see any dancers that interested me, so I left after 20 minutes." If I had a dollar for every submission I've seen like that, I'd have enough money to pay cash for a new Rolls Royce. This submission is deficient on so many levels. First being that it is so generic, it could apply to at least 2/5 of clubs in USA open in the afternoon. It's not just a matter of checking off the checklist items, I need to be convinced that author actually visited club. So, the more details, the better. Dancer attractiveness, mileage, and staff attitude can be bullshitted to a certain degree, but lack of experience with club costs/services can't be BS'd out of. Does listing the costs really take that much effort. I know that only so much lemonade can be squeezed out of a lemon, but the lack of effort to do so is appallingly obvious. Instead of just saying the dancers were unattractive, give reader an idea of how they're unattractive. Say something like, "After seeing only 2 dancers in club, 1 AA who looked like female version of Refrigerator Perry, and 1 Caucasian whose pockmarked face reminded me of Mrs. Bates corpse, the lack of visual relief killed my motivation to stay beyond 20 minutes. I'm talking a frigging review, people, not a quick tweet. Taking a step back, lapdances/VIP's are a major reason many go to stripclubs. For me, failure to provide details about lapdance cost or mileage is a significant omission. Unless other items are very strong, my willingness to approve such a submission would be like asking me to purchase an automotive magazine with "reviews' that said " car looks sleek, interior is reasonably comfortable, exhaust note is adrenaline inducing, but we declined to do road test due to rain." Well, people who buy cars want to know how it handles on the road, would you buy magazine lacking this critical info? Same goes for lapdances/VIP's. I know founders review guidelines aren't rigid specs, but the more closely it completely meets guidelines, the more likely I will approve it. Give enough to convince a complete newcomer whether or not they should visit club. REVIEW, not a tweet to insiders. Those who won't meet review standards are still free to post in club comments section.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    OT: TUSCL Golfers
    Thanks, 25. The other 3 colors were red, white, and blue. I think most guys used the white tee spot, recall few, if any, using the gold.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    OT: TUSCL Golfers
    skibum, etal: Asking for "Mr. Williams".... What does the color coded tee locations designate ? A golf course nearest to where I live had 4 colors, with gold being the farthest away, and red presumably for the ladies.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Hot Florida Nights
    Dear Penthouse..... Pls learn to paragraph. Did you happen to read comments under 1st rejection submission ?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    NFL - one week away
    I'll probably watch some game highlights, but not the game. Nobody has mentioned it yet, but is anyone going to be in the stadiums ? Empty, capacity/social distance constraints, phase in to more capacity? Advertisers are going to be broadcasting to a lot of empty screens if games get too blm/woke.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Fresh Look
    Latest issue is when clicking articles, get page numbers, but blank page- no articles
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Minnow is a fucking faggot
    Who's the crybaby here ? Instead of addressing the points I made and proving them wrong, you resort to name calling like a 7 year old crybaby. Your insults don't faze me, because they say a lot more about you than they do about me. "Say nasty shit about EVERY (emphasis mine) piece of content on this site." Well, lessee, if you look at the 1st page of comments on my profile, you'd have to go back 7.5 months (16 Jan.) to find 100 comments made by me. Your last 100 comments only go back barely 1 month (3 Aug). If I commented at the same rate that you have, I would have had 750 comments on my profile between 16 January and today vs 100 that I actually have. That can hardly be considered "commenting on every post". Your keyboard diarrhea rate is 7.5 times greater than mine. Since you seem to have so much time on your hands, maybe you can tell me how many of my last 100 posts could be considered critical in nature. Of those, how many could be considered unwarranted ? Prove it, name calling doesn't count here.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Minnow is a fucking faggot
    Somebody needs to get back on their meds or lay off the sauce. Stalking ?? Hell, man, you almost rival juice as the most obsessive poster- probably 200 reviews and a dozen articles. Although one can't see the identity of the unpublished reviewers, your style stands out like a sore thumb. Calling people names is such an infantile reaction. If that's the best you can come up with, maybe my criticism is on the mark.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Tactfully Texting in Twenty Twenty
    Touched a nerve, did I ? If that's the best response that you can come up with, my point is on target.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Tactfully Texting in Twenty Twenty
    Wtf approved this gibberish? What's next, an article on how to wipe your ass, tie your shoelaces, or microwave a 1 minute pizza ? At least 3 people are nearly brain dead, or didn't bother reading any of it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Criminal Dancers
    I would guess in the locales that require a sheriff's card (or similar) that having a felony conviction on record would preclude a dancer from working there. Atlanta, Las Vegas, and San Diego come to mind. As for misdemeanors, I would guess it would depend (on the number, and class of the misdemeanor.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: S&P
    BUY, SELL, OR HOLD ? That is the question, regardless of where Dow is. So, what are the town criers going to do TODAY(or next business day) with their investments ? Buy more because this might be the middle of a long leg up ? Hold on, and smugly smile at the gains you've experienced in the last few months ? Sell because you think the market is over priced, and now might be a good time to take some profits ? If the later, I have another question for you: What are you going to do with the profits ? More to the point, when are you going to jump back in the market ? By then you may very well have missed out on some early recovery gains. I have a feeling the $350K club plank owners know not to be too taken in by headlines, and stay in the game (with some modifications.)
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    R_H, thanks for your 2 recent reviews. Which PHX clubs(if any) scan one's driver license ?
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    better than expected
    efd- Tuscl is a national/global review site, not a local circle jerk. With that attitude, please submit future submissions to club comments section.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Potential.. late night fun
    Ethnic profile ? Large as in build, or as in flabby/overweight? Enhanced or natural boobs ? Age range ? Don't be a fucking crybaby, learn to put forth better detailed reviews.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    My Onlyfans Orgy
    chessmaster +1. Really belongs on DB.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Bucks Boycott
    Hey, the fan$$ can boycott the games too. Eat that!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Best Vacation ?
    Londonguy, it seems that 2 weeks vacation is pretty much the norm for several US companies. As prior posts have mentioned, as company tenure goes beyond 3 to 5 years, employees get an additional week. Some 25 year plus employees can get up to 6 weeks. The Puritan Work Ethic is alive and well in America, when compared to Western Europe.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Best Vacation ?
    Vacation is a state of mind more so than it is about the place you go to. A warm destination in the winter or a mild(er) destination in the dog days of summer helps. So does having the logistical pieces fall into place. Thus leaving one more time to pursue favorite activities, be it on the slopes, the beach, the trails, museum visits, or just reading a book by the pool. Lastly, as much as I like clubs, I build my vacation around other interests apart from the clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Let's get serious. What condiment do you like on your burger?
    I'm with Jimmy "The Tulip". Hate mayo on burgers, or anything else for that matter. I'm a ketchup & mustard guy, occasionally take relish or dill pickle.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Worst Vacation
    Some of you guys that went to Jamaica should have listened to "Dreadlock Holiday" by 10cc first. For me, few things can spoil a vacation worse than crappy weather. I'd had several good prior vacations/getaways to Phoenix, but was not to be so this year. Only 2 days of this 6 day trip got above 70 degrees, other days rainy, or barely broke 60 with windy conditions. To add insult to injury, I caught a cold, and took 45 minutes (with heater/defrost running) to break/scrape ice from my car when I got back. Ironically, I was considering going to FL, but I said, nah, I haven't been to Phoenix in a while. Temperatures in FL were mostly 80ish that week.