
What's in a rating?

I recently rated Platinum Plus a one rating. It doesn't matter that much in my opinion because all of your ratings get averaged so if I have given a club several 8's and then a big fat 1. My average rating would still be something like 7.5 overall.

What ticks me off is when you ask a dancer a price, I asked two for $30. She agreed and then after one dance, she asks "you want another?" I said that was a 2 for $30. She claims she couldn't hear. What a lie. She apparently heard everything else I was saying but made sure to have me pay up front so she would already have the money. ROB name is Ava pronounced something like Avuh. I told a bouncer and she came back over and told me this lie and then told the bouncer I was ok. Like she is going to give me back $15 if I tell her she is wrong. I don't know why she even came over to talk to me. She must have thought I would take her rip off peacefully and not tell anyone about her ways.


  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Actually I asked a bouncer her name. Just so I could warn anyone reading this. I wasn't making up the part about a lot of police in the back parking lot. I don't know what was going on. I didn't see the police inside the club. If she didn't have me pay up front I might have believed her lie about not hearing me. She's such a good liar she can make up a story without hardly a thought. I don't know why the staff was concerned if I was ok or not. Were they going to pay me back what the dancer stole from me? I think not.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I wonder if their security cameras in the lap dance area have audio as well? I was having fun until she came over and harassed me.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I guess when a dancer has a technique to rip off unsuspecting guys or customers and it's worked great in the past, she'll continue business as usual. She had her technique down. Have you pay first. If she's caught she just uses probably one of a dozen lies she has already used before. Oh, I didn't hear you if questioned about it. Selective deafness, only hearing everything else I said but claiming not to hear the "two for" part. I told her I didn't believe her. Didn't matter to her. Apparently she's confident she can continue to rip off more customers.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    OK, cg, I got the picture that you "took 1 for the team" after your 1st post. Yeah, when choosing clubs in new city, I give weighting to best scores, but I also peruse recent reviews to read between the lines, or spot recent negative or positive trends.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    I don't see what ratings have to do with this. Any club can have a rip-off bitch. As a customer you should learn to spot them. You need to look out for your own ass, not expect the club to. It sounds like this bitch gave you plenty of cause for suspicion, casualguy. Frankly, I think you only have yourself to blame for going ahead and giving her your money in spite of all the warning signs. There's not much the club could have done at that point.

    This incident points out how customers especially have to take responsibility when cutting deals with dancers. If the club has a standard price per dance and an announced time when twofers are available, you can't expect them be very sympathetic to a customer who claims he had a side deal for a better price at a different time. That's between you and the dancer.

    For that matter, any twofer seems like a chancey proposition with a dancer you aren't sure about. If the first dance is lousy, why would you want a second anyway?
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    chandler you seemed to have missed the point of my posts. I'm just warning the locals she'll rip you off because she's a liar. You can't believe what she tells you. It's that simple. You agree to pay someone for a service and they don't perform, you can complain and warn other people but I doubt you can do too much more when it comes to a lap dance. I won't be returning to that club for some time.

    The dancers set their own prices for lap dances to the best of my knowledge. The club doesn't get a set amount per dance. If they did I wouldn't have been a regular customer.

    I was also letting other regulars know my rating shouldn't affect the overall club rating very much. My posts weren't directed to people who don't visit the club unless you just wanted to add that you don't like ROB's.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Casualguy, I didn't miss your point. I just see it differently. What lesson have you taken away from this? If it's only to avoid a stripper named Ava, then I think you're no less likely to repeat the same experience with other ROBs. You can't believe what any dancer tells you when she's trying to talk you into buying dances.

    BTW, my point about a standard dance price had nothing to do with whether the club takes a cut. If the price is, say, $25 and you haggle for two for $30, you can't expect the club to stand behind that.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "and you haggle for two for $30, you can't expect the club to stand behind that."

    You may and it may be very much appreciated. No, probably not your haggling. Management may be very interested in knowing what dancers are undercutting club prices and or acting as ROBs. Just because she acted as a ROB in one case doesn't mean she isn't discount debbie in others.

  • MisterGuy
    16 years ago
    This is why clubs that don't have set prices for dances (like the Cadillac Lounge in RI) IMO are *ripe* for ROBs. Dances can be anywhere from very reasonably priced to priced out-of-this-world. If I don't like the prices that are being offered, I just say "No thanks". Haggling for LDs doesn't have any interest for me...
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