Can a teenager join TUSCL?

avatar for billyboy13
Why, yes, a teenager can join tuscl, very easily. It takes about 2 minutes, tops.

This is njscfan. I was thinking about the fact that Bobby -- who is a very, very frequent poster -- never submitted a review. He said he did not want to pay for a VIP membership. That struck me as a little odd. A VIP membership is ridiculously cheap. I'm not even sure I notice it on my credit card bill. Plus, you don't even have to pay money for it, you can just submit a review. (I know, I'm starting to sound like an ad for tuscl.)

But if you were 13 years old, you might not have a credit card. And you might be afraid to submit a review, for fear that you could not make it sound credible given that you've never been inside a strip club.

So I asked myself: how hard would it be for a random 13 year old to join tuscl?

The answer is: not hard at all. Hit the join now button. Make up a screen name. Type in your email address. And ta da! The password is sent to your email, and you can immediately start posting on the discussion board. That's exactly what I did, and here I am, but this time as "billyboy13."

I'm sure it's because I'm in my 40s that I didn't figure this out ages ago. I bet my middleschoolers would have figured this out in 2 seconds.

It does make you wonder about people who post incessantly on the board, but never manage to write even one review.

Personally, I think founder should take a small measure to insure that no kids are on this site. On some other adult oriented sites, you have to pay a very small $1 fee to join via credit card. It's just a way to limit access. Yes, I know some teens have credit cards (and some adults don't), but it strikes me as a sensible measure. After all, I don't want to wind up chatting about sexual topics with a little boy who is pretending to be a man.


last comment
avatar for billyboy13
17 years ago
God I noticed another thing. When you are an unpaid member like billyboy13, you see all these dirty pictures of naked women in the ads. Tsk, tsk I think we have to protect the young boys from seeing these images. So, yes, I would urge founder to add a few more hoops to make it a little more difficult for children to join this site.
avatar for clubman2
17 years ago
Damn njscfan. I guess I have to run out this weekend to a new club and write a review. Oh well, what we do for the cause.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Yeah, teenager better not be exposed to naked pictures here. We all know they that won't just use P2P networks or newsgroups or IRC or WHATEVER to get them instead.

Is the 13 in billboy13 your IQ?

avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
Every 10 year old knows where the credit card info is and how to get it. That is a stupid, feel good - we made another useless law , passed by the worthless overpaid under-performing crooks we leave in office for WAY to long.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I've never paid for the VIP membership -- I don't pay for anything on the internet if I can help it. I feel, that my voluminous and responsible reportage, which dates back to the founding of TUSCL (in one or two different user-names, all variations on the concept of "book" plus "guy" plus, perhaps, some punctuation in between) amounts to enough pay-back to TUSCL that I'm morally endowed with the right to using the level of access which Founder so generously allows me to have. So, as it stands, I don't pay, yet I talk a lot.

So perhaps the fellow who discusses a lot but doesn't want to pay has preferences similar to my own?
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

Yes, it seems plausible that a teenager of normal intelligence and access to the proper equipment as well as internet access could join TUSCL.

IMHO, TUSCL should follow Big Tobacco's model and nab as young as possible. But, those perv ads need to show more and better uncovered titties or the teenager might start searching youtube for Janet Jackson's tit shot that was seen across the country and villified in the U.S. Congress. Wouldn't want teengagers equating uncovered breasts with the NFL.

avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
Book Guy: I admire your fiscal responsibility. Of course, the difference between somelike you (on the one hand), and someone like the fictitious billyboy13 (on the other hand) is that you have posted reviews. billyboy13 has not. Now for someone who has just joined the site, that's understandable. For someone who has been here since, say, last September, and who has been very active, but who just can't manage to fill out one review, it becomes a little odd.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
BookGuy: I had a VIP membership before. I don't have any philosophical objections to paying for information.

I was not getting any value out of it, however. You see I went pretty far down the rabbit hole here. Once you get to know the girls OTC they are pretty much willing to spill the beans on anything. So the stuff I read in the reviews was either old, old news to me, or just laughably wrong.

I tried to submit review a couple of times (just because I wanted to) but they were rejected. I think the specific details (e.g. which girls did OTC and for what price, which were ROBs, etc.) might have been a little too much. That kind of pissed me off that founder should choose to censor information because it was too revealing. WTF?

Anyway, I didn't feel like toning my reviews down so I could get access to reviews which didn't contain any information new to me. So I just let my VIP membership expire. I don't care if I can't read reviews. Won't be anything I don't already know in them, there wasn't even when I started.

Anyway, I don't agree with the underlying premise that one should have to contribute something on the internet in order to deserve something back.

I comment all the time on the free sites, and don't care if there are lurkers who will just read it without contributing anything back. If you've been around the internet as long as me you'll know there was a point where it was mainly about those people who wanted to giving without expecting anything back.
avatar for minnow
17 years ago
ANYBODY with an email address & registering an original handle can join Tuscl, be they a net savvy child, or a sr. citizen in the early stages of Alzheimers. Said "member" (non-VIP) can now post on db. Whether or not anyone takes them seriously is another matter.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"If you've been around the internet as long as me you'll know there was a point where it was mainly about those people who wanted to giving without expecting anything back."

The point is though...that you're NOT giving anything in the first place!
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
No the point is, if YOU were giving anything (doubt it, I've only seen you try to "flame" and lie and spread misinformation, e.g. regarding STDs) YOU won't care if others were giving or not. The fact that you criticize other alleged lack of contributions just shows how insecure you are about your own. How many people have you on ignore MisterGay? You in a horse race with parodyman-->?

Like I say, I think giving is personal choice. Those who want to, and there will be enough, will, as for the others, it's up to them.

Once again, if you feels your arguments and logic on the matter are so strong you should have no problem convincing founder to change the rules, right? (Haha! Yeah, right!)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
LOL...I'M the one that's been spinning a tall tale about STDs?? LOL!!! Have fun with the "hey, HIV is no big deal, it's just like diabetes" line of thinking there Bobby-boy. And then you try and go after njscfan for not being honest with his wife about STDs after you've tried to downplay the impact of just about every STD out me a freaking're pathetic...

"The fact that you criticize other alleged lack of contributions just shows how insecure you are about your own."

You've GOT to be kidding me!! Do you know how many strip clubs that I've reviewed that no one apparently had been to & reviewed before? Do you know how many strip clubs were posted on this website that didn't actually exist or had bogus infomation associated with them that I helped correct? Have I reviewed more strip clubs than Bones? No way, but he never bragged about the number of clubs that he reviewed and neither do I. Together, we can all do better than each one of us can individually. I've lived by those words in many different areas of my life so far...obviously you haven't. You are the *definition* of a selfish person, and you've basically admitted that above.

The thing that the vast majority of us are giving to this site (besides any articles/blogs of interest, etc.) is real, live, usable info about strip clubs, which is what this website is all about. I don't buy your lame excuses for why you haven't posted one, single, solitary review anymore than I buy your buddy Davy-boy's lame excuses.

"How many people have you on ignore"

Probably the same, exact number of people on here that don't want to hear an honest answer to whatever they are posting about on here. I don't claim to know it all, but I can see & accurately respond to bullshit when I see it. All that I've seen out of you on here Bobby-boy has been misogyny when it comes to sex workers & BS about STDs. You're not doing anyone any favors posting here IMO.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Huh? HIV is not "just like" diabetes.

I've explained this to you before:

HIV is a viral infection, that if left untreated will destroy your immune system and leave you vulnerable to a whole range of diseases: various forms of cancer, bacterial infections, dementia. You about any bad thing you can think becomes more likely if you have HIV and are not treated early.

Diabetes, OTOH, is not an infection, nor is it contagious. It is an inability of the body to produce insulin and, hence, regulate blood sugar levels. Without careful blood sugar monitoring it can lead to complications like stroke, heart attack, gangrene, and blindness. But it does this directly not being by destroying the immune system and leaving the person vulnerable for other diseases to take over.

Now, the good news is that medicine has come a long way for both diseases.

HIV positive individuals used to have take complicated combinations of drugs according to very sensitive schedules. And the side effects were terrible. However, nowadays, there are a number of "one a day" pills. Side effects are still often quite noticeable, especially at first, but most people, especially those who are diagnosed early, are able to lead very normal lives. (e.g. Magic Johnson)

Depending on the type diabetes may or not be treatable with pills alone. Some people require insulin injections. Compared to HIV the drugs are much cheaper. However careful monitoring (daily or more) of blood sugar is required unlike HIV+, where once one stabilizes only a few blood tests a year will be required.

Like HIV, most people with diabetes can lead very normal lives (even become athletes), although they will probably have to be stricter about diet than HIV positive people.

Another big difference between HIV and diabetes is that HIV is a rapidly mutating virus, if medicine is skipped, drug resistance will develop. There is no analogue for diabetes.

So they are very different diseases. Not much in common, other than the fact that with careful management, neither one is an early death sentence anymore, and much progress is being made in the treatment of each.

Objectively speaking, in some ways diabetes is worse, and in some ways HIV is worse. Overall, I would rank them as equally severe.

I think the big difference is that to certain bigoted individuals, like yourself, HIV carries greater stigma, b/c your enfeebled mind never monitored developments after you first heard about it in the early 80's. Hence your claim that getting it was akin to "suicide". Dumb fuck that you are.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
And I am still laughing my ass off about how worried you were about the possibility of getting Hep-C from unprotected hetrosexual intercourse! Concrete proof that you know NOTHING about the subject, and just like flap your jaws and let all the hot air out of your head. (Oh, wait maybe hetrosexual intercourse is not your thing, so you were worried about it for other reasons...)
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Final thing "misogyny" refers to hatred of women in general. Something that you and njcsfan clearly suffer from (hence his cheating on his wife and putting her at risk of STDs w.o. her knowledge (get it? that's why it's wrong b.c. she didn't consent?)).

There is no "misogyny toward sex workers". It's a non-sensical phrase. If you don't like a particular subset of women, e.g. those who steal that is something else, VERY LIKELY having to do with their stealing than their femaleness. Does the phrase "misogyny toward female thieves" make any sense? Well maybe in your enfeebled little mind...

In any case, I've said (many times) that although most (and just to help out your enfeebled little "most" means >50% not "each and every one") strippers are morally defective, there are some that do have principles (don't steal and lie, care about their future, are intelligent) and will treat customers well. These are the ones I have no problems getting along with. How they are quiet rare, and I would not bet on a random stripper being one.

Ok, now that you have my real positions, and you cannot argue against them, go an simplify it to some extreme that you feel you can argue against. e.g. "Bobby said every single stripper would burn a customer's house to ground just out of sheer pleasure."

MisterGay loses again...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"HIV is not 'just like' diabetes."

So, we're going to backpeddle from what you stated in this thread now?:…
"HIV would definitely suck, but won't be the end of the world. About as bad as having diabetes."

or here in this thread:…
"let me tell you that diabetes is pretty fucking serious: It will shorten your life expectancy and dramatically increase your chance of heart attacks and strokes. There can be other serious complications like blindness and loss of limbs. It's really fucking serious, man."

which, of course, isn't at all consistent with this:
"HIV-. I said that it was certainly not something anyone would want to have, but about as serious as diabetes"

The fact is Bobby-boy that you've been bobbing & weaving on the topic of STDs for quite some time and basically downplaying their significance for the entire time. Hence the sillyiness of your "claim" that njscfan's wife is at "risk" for much of anything that's a big deal in your mind...get it?? I didn't think so...

"Hence your claim that getting it was akin to 'suicide'."

I never said that...that was your reported buddy Davy-boy...check the's pretty clear. I'm bigoted towards no one BTW...don't project yourself on to me tyvm.

Keep going back to your simple-minded "gay" references as well...because, at the end of every single day, that's all that you have left in the

Misogyny?? Well, we'd have to go all the way to this infamous post from here:…
"Strippers (w a few v rare exceptions) are a bunch of degenerates."

Keep trying to backpeddle on that one've demonstrated again & again how you look down your nose at the very same sex workers that provide you with an outlet when you're feeling "down"...poor lil Bobby-boy...
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago

Looks like you're the one back peddling.

In this thread you said that I said "all" strippers are degenerates, but then when you quote it here, you see that I even said there that there were some very rare exceptions.

No inconsistency in the statements comparing HIV and diabetes. I said they were about equally serious, but neither is the end of the world or anywhere close to equivalent to suicide.

Thanks for digging up those quotes and exposing to all what a liar you are.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I caught diabetes from a stripper once, but she called it "live-a-betes" and we all felt better and so she gave me an ITC BBBJ TC CIM just to make sure. I was worried that she might get my live-AIDs from the combination of CIM and live-a-betes but it didn't seem to turn out that way.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"In this thread you said that I said 'all' strippers are degenerates"

Ummmm, where did I say that in this thread?? Oh yea, never...learn to read ass-clown.

"No inconsistency in the statements comparing HIV and diabetes."

Man, reading for comprehension isn't a strong suit with you eh? Intentionally downplaying HIV by saying that it's "as bad as having diabetes", then going on & on about how "pretty fucking serious" diabetes is (which is actually Dad has it) isn't being consistent, but I wouldn't expect you to know that.

You really aren't that bright after all Bobby-boy...
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
MisterGay I owe you an apologize. The quote was actually from wonder girls "not welcome" thread:
***> <***
"Right, you're not misogynistic at all, since all strippers are nothing but 'a bunch of dengerates' "

As for HIV: Yeah, I was downplaying the seriousness relative to suicide which was the original claim. Do you think diabetes or HIV are akin to suicide? Which do you think is more serious?
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
I meant: which do you think is more serious HIV or diabetes? (Assuming the former is caught early. I will agree that once HIV has become AIDS it is even more serious than diabetes.)
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Troll Wars
Nothin' but Troll Wars
All the time...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Really now...don't bother trying to backpeddle anymore from the *distain* that you have been showing at every turn for the very same sex workers that you go to when you are feeling "blue"...please...spare us...

You've been donwplaying pretty much ALL STDs in order to try and justify your high-risk sexual contact with sex workers...stop deluding yourself and spreading your diseased thoughts everywhere. Oh, and now AIDS is MORE serious than diabetes...sheesh...get a plan & stick with it...

You're not going to "catch" diabetes from anyone...unless you count being pre-disposed to it due to ethnic background or family history. My Dad got it because of his weight & his poor diet late in life, but he manages it very well. I wouldn't want to engage in risky sexual behavior (or encourage others to do the same like you have) and take my chances that the latest wonder drugs will keep me alive if I got HIV or AIDS...that's stupidty in action IMO.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
dude I caught diabetes from that stripper I'm tellin ya ...
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Sorry MisterGay.

If you claim I said something I did not, and I correct it, I am not a back peddler. Rather you are a liar.

If people exaggerate the risks (e.g. you on Hep-C) and severity (David9999 on HIV) of diseases and I correct then I am not a "downplayer". Rather you are an exaggerater.

MisterGay: you lose again.

Here's a hint: There is something out there called truth. No matter what theatrics or lies you tell, you will not change what the truth is, and ultimately it will catch up to you. Especially since you are in the bottom half of IQ distribution (a couple standard deviations below average, in fact).

You can say I said "X" all you want. When it turn out it was "Y" it's just a matter of time before the truth is revealed and MISTERGAY LOSES AGAIN.

You can say the risks of STDs are X, but if they are really Y it is just a matter of time before the truth is revealed and MISTERGAY LOSES AGAIN.

MisterGay has been losing all his life. Hopefully one day he will learn his lesson and why MISTERGAY ALWAYS LOSES IN THE GAME OF LIFE.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
If a clown like bobbyl can join TUSCL then the under aged, the mentally impared and the village drunk should have no problems other than the fact they out class bobbyl and will soon grow bored with his postings.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
LOL! Unfortunately for you, your not-so-illustrious track record of quotes here on this board Bobby-boy is very clear. You have a deep-seeded need to justify your past risky behavior by downplaying the risks involved when it comes to STDs. All the "let's-pretend-that-I'm-a-medical-professional-and-quote-scientific-articles" nonsense is not fooling anyone here that has some intelligence...I assure you.

You also continue to try and use a silly schoolyard putdown by calling someone "gay" as if it's still 1984. News flash: gay people are getting married, getting civil unions, getting their rights finally, holding high positions in politics, business, the media, etc., etc....grow the fuck up!!

BTW, your mini-meltdown that you are in the process of having because *one person* here called you a PL is pretty piss-poor compared to your buddy Davy-boy's major meltdown. Take it up a notch...there are a LOT more people out there that think you are a
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
So, MisterGay. let me get this straight. I just thought you were nothing more than A CONSISTENT LOSER IN THESE DEBATES AND IN THE GAME OF LIFE.

But now you are telling me that you are:


avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I just *love* that you think you get to be the arbiter in who ends up getting completely & totally owned in the exchanges on Let me remind you of what you said in this thread (during your buddy Davy-boy's long meltdown):…
"no one is ever going to admit defeat no matter how thoroughly you trounce them"

Now you are not only looking down your nose at the very sex workers that provide you with an outlet when you are feeling "glum", but you are looking down your nose at others that
use the very same sex workers for other (more sane) reasons. Your powers at projection are, in a word, *amazing*...someone should do a clinical trial just on *you* alone! They'd probably win a Nobel Prize!

Oh, and thanks so much for taking my advice and ramping up your meltdown a notch or two...the yelling (caps) is great! I suspect that we're only a few dozen more posts away from your head spinning off and you going into hibernation with Davy-boy.

And good luck with your self-imposed celibacy due to your past risky behavior with sex workers..say "Hi" to your hairy palms for
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Dear MisterGay:

I tire of you. It was fun to beat you around for a while, but honestly, now I feel it's no more challenging than taking candy from a baby. You are one of those people so dumb (approximate IQ=70) that you can't even see how dumb you are.

You were bound to go totally down the tubes at some point however. I see you don't try and make factual statements anymore or try that feeble exercise in math you did once. No it's just vague statements like "Everything you say is wrong. Oh, but I can't give a single example. Oh, wait a minute once you said 2+2=7. Here's the actual quote: 'BobbyI: 2+2=4'. Fucking idiot, everyone knows it's 5."

Anyway, off to ignore land for you. Wish you had at least another 35 or so IQ points so you were at least a bit of challenge....

I now bid you farewell. Enjoy your life as

MISTERGAY: The Incredible Respecter of Whores/World Class Reviewer of Whore Houses.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Will you *ever* come up with something new to say Bobby-boy?? I guess not...oh're doing very with the self-denial thing too...keep up the great work!

"Everything you say is wrong. Oh, but I can't give a single example."

And when did I say again? Oh yea, it's never...just like before...LOL!! I accept your unconditional surrender BTW.
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