
How far do you travel to visit a fave?

Saturday, September 6, 2008 12:12 PM
How far have you/do you travel to visit a favorite dancer?

I think my record is about 1.75 hrs. This was a girl I met on a temporary assignment. I went back to the home office, she moved, I moved, she went through many clubs, etc. So when the dust settled I ended up with the lengthy drive. It was worth it for me and there were good times with other girls there as well but the club was decent, not in itself worth such a drive.

I have faves in Vegas that I catch up with when I'm there but I don't count that as I'd go to Vegas regardless, the trip is not specifically to catch up with my girls.


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    About 1hour 20 minutes for me to drive to Ottawa to see some favorites.

    Otherwise my current favorite works at SCORES which is 20 minutes away.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    If you mean only to see a favorite, not more than an hour, and only a couple of times. If it could be included with other endeavors, about 3 hours to Key West.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    240 miles door to door. 3 1/2 hours if everything goes perfect. No accidents, no major road construction. good weather and the cops leave me alone. I make one 5 minute piss stop and fill up the gas tank while I am there.
  • 59
    16 years ago
    Clubber, correct I meant just to see a favorite.

    I go to Atlantic City regularly, about 2 hours for me. I used to visit a favorite, recently retired, while there. But that was a bonus, primary purpose was the gambling and I wouldn't have made a special trip just to see her - besides again a fairly mediocre club.
  • rockie
    16 years ago
    I've got issues going more than an hour for any dancer! I'm obviously not dedicated!
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I have a favorite club that's roughly an hour away, but I don't specifically go there to see specific dancers, although it seems at least 90% likely my faves at that club will be there anyway. And the other club I go to regularly is 15 minutes, so there you go.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    I was driving about 90 minutes for quite a while. Luckily for me my ATF moved to a closer club! Now it's about an hour.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Several months ago I met a dancer at an Atlanta club. Only 40 miles from where I live. At first she seemed to be honest with me and interested in taking it OTC.I thought no more 240 mile drives. I got burnt.I am happily back to my 240 mile drive.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    There are 5 pretty decent clubs within a 10 minute drive for me, so I don't have to venture far. Besides......my "fav" is any hot girl that showed up that day!
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    "There are 5 pretty decent clubs within a 10 minute drive for me...". Must be nice to have that many nice clubs that close. Of course, "nice clubs", would likely have a different meaning for each of us.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    True. These 5 clubs range from a divey, hole-in-the-wall tittie bar to upscale "gentlepeople's" clubs. They are all clean, fairly well run, and each has a good selection of women. There are some areas here in LA where there are 5 or more clubs in a 2 mile radius, especially near the airport & downtown (and in the SFV, of course). I guess that may be typical of most large urban cities.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Well, there are clubs relatively close together, but driving anywhere in metro South Florida is more than a 10 minute drive. :)
  • magicrat
    16 years ago
    An hour and a half..about 100 miles. I live in no man's land for clubs, so the nearest decent club is about 70 miles away. My fav is 100 miles and I make the drive maybe 6x a year.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    The nearest club worth visiting is about 50 miles. Two others that are worthwhile are about 80 miles. The best of the three is 80 miles but does not open until 9:00 pm, so I only go a couple of times a year.

    Boy do I miss Dallas in the 90's.
  • kansasgent
    16 years ago
    When I first started to visit strip clubs I would travel three hours to see a particular young lady.
  • minnow
    16 years ago
    This may be urban legend, but I vaguely recall "hearing" that the marathon distance (~ 26 miles, 385 yards) was the distance that a certain Greek runner ran to visit a lady of his choice. If so, maybe certain stripclub visits should be part of a "Cannonball Run", or even a Grand Prix event?? Atlanta to Columbia anyone?? Tampa or Miami for finish lines??
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I will take the challenge Atlanta to Columbia. I will win. It is 240 miles from my house to my favorite club in Columbia. I regularly do it in 3 hrs 15 minutes with a 5 min pit stop in Augusta. I do not need to make the pit stop. I am willing to bet that I can get this time down to 3 hours. I have made the trip so many times that I know where the construction is and where the cops like to hide out. A certain underpass or a grove of trees. I know some of the back roads and have my Garmin GSP to back me up. MY vehicle is up to it. A Ford Ranger Edge with a 5 speed manual transmittion, a 4.0 litre engine and some after market goodies. Once I get established on I-20 where the speed limit is 70, I shove it into over drive and set the cruse control at 79 mph. Even in over drive there is a lot back there. I have taken it from 79 to 91(my top)in a second. Coming home is always slower. I am in no hurry. I have the sun in my eyes or it is dark and I am tired and no pussy to look fore ward to.
  • 59
    16 years ago
    Several of you made a good point that proximity to decent clubs plays a significant role. I also live in a no man's land for decent clubs, closest is 15 minutes but I wouldn't waste my time there. Closest clubs worth my while are 1-1.25 hrs away. So when I do develop a favorite girl these days, that's the distance I will travel to visit them.
  • ozymandias
    16 years ago
    I've never "travelled" to a club, ever. If the mood strikes, I go to whatever I know has good quality girls and is nearby or in the vicinity.

    The only time I would ever travel for adult entertainment of any kind would be a trip to a country with good fucking - like Costa Rica or Thailand - because then it's a *vacation*, and I can shop, sail, dine, etc. in between LBFMs.

  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I have to travel an hour to get to any strip clubs so I usually hit up a few at a time or at least 2 good ones. One hour seems ok. I have travelled for up to 2 hours but I was going to a dancers house to visit her. She used to live only 1 hour away when I first knew her. I didn't let that 2 hour drive stop me at first but I only did that one or two more times at most. I apparently have an issue with driving 2 hours one way to see someone when I'm not getting that much out of the arrangement. She was pretty and in shape and very nice to me but calling me up on a week night when I typically have to go to work in the morning and asking if I can come by and go to a movie when she lives 2 hours away, I drew a line and said no thanks. 2 hours is too far away unless you're spending the night.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I sometimes go to the beach which is 4 to 5 hours away and hit up the clubs in the evening. I don't know if that's the same thing though.
  • rl27
    16 years ago
    The farthest is a club that is about 1 1/2 hours where all but one of my favorites dance. I go this far regularly for several reasons.

    1. The club is out in the middle of nowhere, and because of this flies well under the radar.
    2. The crowds are a lot better than the crazy party atmosphere where I live.
    2. Some very hot dancers work there.
    3. Dance prices are cheaper than where I live.
    4. Dances are not cut short and often over 5 minutes long.
    5. Contact is a lot better than clubs near where I live, with some good extras.
    6. One dancer there gives the best lap dances that I have found anywhere in years.

    The farthest ever, was a little under 3 hours while on vacation.
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