I do if they start dancing around and their skirt pops up so you can see their panties. Especially if she ends up pushing the guy's chair right to my table. She had nice legs. Another female customer was a dancer from another club who practically sat down in my lap before I even saw her. Just saying hi. That was nice. I didn't know the 2 guys she was with but I wouldn't have recognized them if they were regulars at the other club either.
Do you find tan lines on tits and ass to be sexy? I do. The female customer had some nice tan lines. Much better than many of the dancers I've seen.
I'm more apt to want to steal a look if they're inconspicuous rather than creating a spectacle. I find it kind of annoying when customers - men or women - try to make themselves the center of attention.
She wasn't too much of a spectacle, unless you were sitting nearby. I didn't mind though. I was watching 3 dancers on stage, dancers walking by, and her skirt kept going back up doing a little bit of dancing with the guy she was with. Some other guys were just watching her instead of the dancers.
Some female customers are great!!!!!!!!!1 I avoid the ones who come with there boyfriends just to prove to their man they are "cool girlfriends". Those are the bitchy ones cause they arent "cool" with it at all. And the dancers take the brunt of the abuses while the boyfriend looks miserable
I think that I am a normal male. Last night I was having dinner at a favorite dinner. There was a young couple sitting across from me. They had a young baby with them. A girl that kept smiling at me. her momma said "She is flirting with you". Momma was not bad looking herself. She was waring a very short skirt. Twice while she was attending to the baby she spread her legs and I could see that she was wearing white panties. I felt that it was unappropiate for me to be looking but I could not stop looking.
I always watch the hot ladies in the club, you just know they're there for hot lesbian interaction with the dancers. Sometimes, they just want to dance, like at a dance club, and they just move. But most of them want to rub boobs with the dancers.
I have a story that I can put names to because they have both moved on. Both of these dancers were on my favorites list. Foxy was tall, with a nice face and great body. Very high mileage. At least for me. I saw her once in the club in street clothes. She was with another female dressed in an army uniform. They were drinking a lot, tipping some of the dancers on stage. They were doing a lot of kissing and feeling each other up. It was too obvious. They had to be lesbians. Wrong! I was informed that Foxy was married and had a 2 year old. She was BI. And I know which dancer she had the hots for. Ella. Ella was hot. Not as hot as Foxy but you wouldn't turn it down. She was divorced with no kids. Ella had sent me 3 email attachments of her partially nude. Knowing that Foxy would like to see them. I printed them and gave them to her. She pinned them up in her locker. Foxy has moved out west with her Air Force husband. Ella has moved to New Orleans. Bookguy, she says that the clubs there suck. She tried working at one as a bar tender but is now working as a receptionist. She came back to my favorite club last month to earn some quick money. She says that she will leave again as soon as she has made enough money to pay for an abortion. Damn I miss them both!
I used to smile when I saw another female customer in a SC. But way too many times they turned out to the type that wondergrl described - either jealous, snotty bitches or stupid drunk sorority girls looking for attention. Both types made the dancers miserable and the crowd uncomfortable. Nowadays if I see another girl customer in a club I make it a point to sit on the other side of the room.
I'm used to a lot of couples and sometimes groups of females. Female customers in a club doesn't seem like any big deal to me. The biggest surprise I had was one night I was waiting to tip a dancer at the stage and a female customer snuck up behind me and got right next to me and tipped the dancer at the same time. I don't remember what she said. When I sat down, she waved me over to her table which was nearby. Then she started laughing saying that someone thought that she and I were sleeping together. I started thinking "this girl is drunk and crazy and she just got me to sit at her table." Then I was wondering if some jealous guy was going to cause trouble. Didn't see anyone. The dancer on stage thought she was my girlfriend and even asked if I wanted my girlfriend to join us after I agreed to get a lap dance. Crazy.
I did think it was strange to have a lone female customer. She looked ok but was acting a bit too crazy I thought. She made me nervous saying someone thought we were sleeping together. I didn't know what she was telling someone or why. You never know what a drunk female customer might do.
The local DJ's seem to encourage girl on girl or rather dancer on female customer especially if the female customer is hot and goes topless on stage with the dancer helping her.
Angels has had some SUPER HOT female customers and so has The Trap. This one young woman that was visiting The Trap, for the first time apparently, immediately got surrounded by hungry dancers and me! :) She seemed a little shocked and embarassed by all the attention. This one dancer said that she wanted to take her home and the woman customer just glowed with a beautiful smile.
Surprisingly, imho, the big tough woman customer isn't as common as the off the chart hot are.
From a slightly different perspective, my girlfriend always goes with me when we go to strip clubs and the guys definitely pay attention to her. Especially when she tips on stage or when we get dances. We have even had other guys buy dances for her to be done in the main room so I do think in general that guys look when they see other girls in the club, I certainly do.
last commentI avoid the ones who come with there boyfriends just to prove to their man they are "cool girlfriends". Those are the bitchy ones cause they arent "cool" with it at all. And the dancers take the brunt of the abuses while the boyfriend looks miserable
If you want a fun time, go to a strip club with a bi female friend.
Nowadays if I see another girl customer in a club I make it a point to sit on the other side of the room.
The above said, I didn't include SC visits in Key West. There were to many to remember.
Surprisingly, imho, the big tough woman customer isn't as common as the off the chart hot are.