#3 US Club, Hot Lap Dance Club busted for prostitution. 19 arrested.

Cops say lawyers ran midtown brothel
Saturday, July 19th 2008, 1:46 AM
Porn star Alexia Moore performs on stage ...
DeCrescenzo for News
... and hurries out of court Friday night.
Louis Posner
Inside The Hot Lap Dance Club.
Teams of vice cops swooped down and busted a posh midtown strip club that catered to stockbrokers and bankers - and featured porn stars who charged $5,000 for private trysts.
Prominent tax lawyer Louis Posner; his wife, Betty; and 19 others were arrested on a variety of prostitution and money-laundering charges at The Hot Lap Dance Club, which the couple ran out of a velvet-heavy loft, police said.
Cops said Posner raked in $1 million over the last 10 months from the operation, which billed itself as "the Number 1 Gentlemen's Club in the World."
Four of the club's dancers including busty, streaked-blond porn star Alexia Moore - were busted for prostitution.
Another 15 strip club employees - including a rejected NYPD applicant and a private security officer - were arrested in Thursday's raid, sources said. No customers were cuffed.
The fifth-floor fantasy lounge on W. 38th St. offered its well-heeled members topless and all-nude lap dances from a bevy of beauties.
To get in, patrons had to be recommended by another member, or pass muster with the club's Internet screeners, cops said. There was a $50 cover charge plus a $20 membership fee.
Patrons then had to get past club security, "two monsters at the door downstairs," said a source familiar with the sizzling jiggle joint.
Besides half a dozen private bedrooms, the plush 7,000-foot loft had small cubicles patrons could rent for $300 for 15 minutes of fun - up from just $160 when the prostitution probe began a year ago, cops said.
For $500 to $5,000 more, the high-rollers could retire to private bedrooms for more personalized attention, or arrange for sex "off-premises."
Patrons who ran low on cash could hit the loft's ATM for up to $900 per visit.
A 13-page criminal complaint said undercover cops posing as men interested in throwing a bachelor party were told they could have a private room - with a bed - for $250 an hour, plus whatever they spent on the women.
"The house dealer of cocaine" came by the club every night and one manager boasted to undercover cops, "Lou has a source in the NYPD payroll so he can know who's a cop," the complaint said.
Dancers called Posner "Daddy" and one employee told an undercover cop the women had to have sex with Posner if they wanted a job, court records said.
Cops said Posner laundered the sex profits through Voter March, a nonprofit voter registration organization he founded.
"He's a lawyer who specializes in tax matters so he knew how to go below the radar," said Sgt. Christopher Koch of the NYPD's VICE club unit.
Investigators seized $570,000 from the Posners' 13 bank accounts and two safe deposit boxes. A law enforcement source said all the money can be traced back to the club and is subject to forfeiture.
Tenants who shared digs in the building said they dimed out the sex club to cops two years ago.
"Everybody knew it was a sex club," said Bruce Gilarei, 45. "One of the tenants here went to check it out with his girlfriend."
Posner, once known as the king of nuisance lawsuits, brought a landmark $16 million suit against his then-4-year-old son's nursery school in 1992 for letting the child run out of his classroom.
That son, Daniel, now nearly 20, told reporters he didn't know anything about the strip club.
A neighbor in the Posners' posh E. 48th St. apartment building, where monthly rents run $6,000 to $10,000, called the couple quiet - but odd.
"They are just the most low-key people," said a next-door neighbor who didn't want to give his name. "A little strange, but very low-key. They keep to themselves."
A lawyer who shared an office suit with Posner was dumbfounded.
"It's the last thing I would think anyone who works so hard to be a lawyer would do."
But a stunning stripper in her mid-20s who wasn't among those arrested Friday described Posner as "a sleazy, disgusting and disloyal boss" who often hit on the girls.
She said two weeks ago Posner announced that customer complaints were prompting him to weed out bad dancers with "auditions" for managers he said would be used to critique the women on "the art of lap dancing."
Moore, whose real name is Cassandra Malandri, was released on her own recognizance after her arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Cout Friday night. The Posners were expected to be arraigned Saturday.
The club last made news in March when it was sued by a securities trader who claimed he was seriously injured when a lap-dancing stripper swiveled and slammed him in the face with her shoe.
last commentwow
Finally, hopefully we can say goodbye to this club & it's many shills...
I am also not sorry to see this place meet its demise, but I have to say the news story does not fill me with confidence about its accuracy. I was just at this place a couple weeks ago, and there are things in the story that are blatantly false. You did not need to be recommended by a "member" to get in, and you did not need to go thru any kind of internet screening. Nor were there any goons at the door. I got into the building and up to the club without seeing a soul, and when I buzzed the door to the club it was answered not by a goon but by a young woman and a young man. The woman asked me for my $70, gave me my "membership card" (which merely would allow me re-entry without paying the $20 extra fee), and waltzed in. No one even asked me my name, much less sought a referral. So much for the club's exclusivity.
This also did not appear to be a haven for "high rollers." I was the only guy I could see wearing a suit, and as someone in my mid-40s, I also appeared to be one of the oldest guys there. Most of the customers appeared to be pretty young guys in their 20s, and they looked like tourists to me. I think this is more of a haven for tourists, and college frat parties, not Wall Streeters and lawyers.
I (wisely) did not try the private rooms, which indeed were quoted at $300 for 15 minutes. But again, I have to wonder why any "high roller" would be so stupid as to waste money on something like that. The $300 would just get you the room. If you paid, say, another $300 for a blow job that would be a mighty expensive blowjob. I can see tourist falling for that, but an executive? It seems unlikely to me. Escorts are plentiful in NYC, and they will come to your hotel room (or you can go to their hotel room) 24/7, and if you spent $600 you'd get a lot more than a 15 minute blowjob in a cubicle. Again, I imagine there must be rich executives that are that stupid about how they spend their money, but I don't think there are a lot of them. As a tourist trap for young guys looking for excitement in the big city, however, the place makes a lot of sense.
I suspect most of Mr. Posner's money came from those dumb tourists, not execs, and I also suspect a lot of it came from non-sexual activities. The 1 song LDs were $40, so it would be easy for a fool to spend $500 before he ever got his pants off. If you guess a mere 100 guys revolving thru the place a night (the place was huge), dropping a mere $200 a piece (which is almost guaranteed given the door charge and the price of LDs), I don't think Mr. Posner needed to sell a single handjob to make millions. I think he traded more in a high volume, low quality (and well advertised) tourist trade, than in an exclusive, high roller (and secretive) sex trade.
On the other hand, I'm glad we've finally uncovered the identity of David9999. Lol.
Here is a link to the story of a few dancers (hookers) that worked at the club. Truly sad.
I imagine this will not be the last high profile bust. It is an election year and high profile busts make for good campaign rhetoric and ads.
Reporter obviously got some of her story from club website. Reading the website- makes reference to "RSVPing" for "event", adding that RSVP not required for cardholders. This IMPLIES that 1st time visitor needs to email club to get membership card- njfans experience proves otherwise. Club website also claimed typical clientele of white collar professionals, which can be stretched to imply high rollers. I guess that would sensationalize article far more than 20 something tourist suckers. Although, a yr or so ago, 1 executive in a publicized case dropped 5 figures @ Scores(I think) in a few hrs, & charged it to company. There ARE some idiotic execs out there.
To further analyze income, conservatively guessing njfan referring to 2 peak nights & remaining off peak nights=~ $ peak nights would equate to $4.16M/yr. $1M profit not too far fetched??
Reading some of the articles about this suggests there is less to meet the eye here. One thing is the lawyer running this place sounds like an absolute pig, who treated his employees like shit, and tried to extort sex out of the girls. A lot of them turned on him and are in the process of diming him out. Another thing is that he was engaged in money laundering and drug dealing, and this is what appeared to attract the attention of law enforcement. And last but not least the evidence of actual prostitution ITC seems a little thin. One dancer/porn star offered a threesome for $5K, but it was to be held OTC, not at Hot Lap Dance. Other dancers actually said that if they were "caught" selling sex they got in trouble. I'm betting this guy will face more trouble for tax evasion than anything else.
I LOVE the artist's rendering of the courtroom...lol...busty girls with highlighted hair, tube tops, & pencil skirts. He must have been in heaven...
"Russians who worked to pay off debts to their handlers."
Real, live "sex slaves" too...wow...
HA! HA! Told you all from the beginning that this place was a hole.
Posted on the Daily News website by "aLady" on Jul 20, 2008 at 11:18:55 PM :
It does sound like any other club. Mangement is skievy and trying to get "favors" from girls. Extras are implied and management knows but if the see it they "act" all outraged. Same MO
Bye Bye Brothel!!!!!!!
Pair in strip club sex sting freed
Wednesday, July 23rd 2008, 9:23 PM
Hermann for News
Louis Posner
Hermann for News
Betty Posner
The millionaire husband and wife accused of running a sleazy sex-for-hire operation out of their plush midtown strip club were freed from jail Wednesday without bail.
Louis and Betty Posner were allowed to walk after prosecutors said they are sifting through mountains of evidence against the owners of the Hot Lap Dance Club on W. 38th St.
"We are in the process of obtaining additional information," said Assistant District Attorney Mary Weisgerber.
Louis Posner, 52, who wore a gray pinstriped suit, and his wife, Betty, 57, had failed to make $150,000 bail since their arrest in a sweep last week.
High-priced strippers told the Daily News they turned tricks in private "tissue box rooms" for businessmen and executives, and claimed Louis Posner took a cut of their fees.
Some of the sexy dancers also accused Louis Posner of ordering them to have sex with him so that he would look the other way from the illegal activities.
Undercover cops also said they were propositioned for sex at the club - or asked to go elsewhere - by strippers, including porn star Alexia Moore.
The Posners were set free when a grand jury failed to return an indictment on sex and money-laundering charges.
The husband's lawyer said the delay in indicting the couple might be a sign of weakness in the case.
"We're hoping that information will be favorable to us," lawyer Louis Ginsberg said.
The Posners must return to court in November. A source close to the case said they are expected to be indicted within a month.
Investigators are poring over reams of documents seized at the club and talking to scores of dancers.
Not all the strippers are turning on their ex-bosses.
A lawyer for 10 strippers at the club insisted Posner ran a clean operation and scrupulously barred prostitution.
"He told women prostitution was illegal, and he fired people who did that," said Wylie Stecklow, the lawyer.
Cops said Posner raked in $1 million over the last 10 months from the operation, which billed itself as "the No. 1 Gentlemen's Club in the World."
Four of the club's dancers were busted for prostitution. Another 15 strip club workers also were arrested.
Buzz up!
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milesbrown49 Jul 24, 2008 1:15:49 AM Report Offensive Post
Did anyone know he has big liberal politica ties. He has a voter registration group and has sponsored some very controversal writers. I think this arrest was political!!!
stripper Jul 24, 2008 1:55:45 AM Report Offensive Post
so.... when can i get back to work?
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As I suspected, this is a sign that the prostitution charges are pretty weak. The failure to even get an indictment is quite unusual.
I don't doubt the validity of the article above, but keep in mind that this "PremiumEvents" guy is one of the shills for HLD. I betcha the guy who ran this club gets indicted for something.