
Fast Forward ten years?

Breathe, breathe in the air
In ten years time do you think will SC experiences be much the same, maybe better? More clubs or less clubs thanks to the do-gooders?


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I think there will be fewer clubs, and fewer of the ones that are left will provide the level of service for which I'm looking. I hope that won't be the case, but I fear that it will. FWIW, I think it's a toss up as to which "do-gooders" it is that will be the cause. There's the conservative ones that do it to shut down the evil dens of iniquity, and the liberal ones who will do it in the name of social justice.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    I'd guess in ten years the industry will be drastically different. Once more clubs realize how much revenue they are losing to camgirls and other alternatives they will change the way they operate. Inside the club the experience will appear the same in many ways, maybe a few more niceties here and there, but the better clubs will be a lot more plugged in. Short of the grind, many consumers should be able to get a lot of the things they enjoy about the scene without physically being in a club.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    think back 10 years.
    fundamentaly what's changed since 2000?

    not much, things are basically the same and imo they will be basically the same in 2020.
  • gatorjoe2
    14 years ago
    I think several trends that have already started will be completed:

    Online... Girls will work just like the cam girls.

    Corporate... More of the clubs will come under some corporate heading like Rick's

    More of the clubs will either be strict, no touch or full out brothels. Gambling is advancing in every state, county, city. Sex is not going to be far behind.
  • Yoda
    14 years ago
    I spent a few hours this week at the club that was my first regular club back in the mid-80's. Not much has changed including a bartender and a waitress that were both there back in the 80's. The dancers have more tats and the gown and floor shows are gone. The sets are shorter and there are more girls per shift than there used to be. These minor changes are pretty insignificant in my book. The other clubs I visit are also just about the same today as they were ten or more years ago.

    The internet will never replace strip clubs for guys that are interested in something besides whacking-off to a computer screen...
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I have a feeling the economy will be just as bad if not worse in ten years time. Patrons will have less disposable income and will have to be more selective on where they spend it. As a result, low value clubs will go out of business and the high value clubs will survive.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Doll House in the oldest gentlemen's club in Columbus and the only things that have changed about it are the lap dance room has become more fancy and the prices have increased for cover, drinks, and LDs.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    Going to the strip club will be not too much different in 2020 than it is now. I think there will be less clubs, though, because many jurisdictions have banned new strip clubs from opening and if the ones that exist now close, there's nowhere to stick any new ones. I'd have to agree with gatorjoe that most clubs will be either strict no touch air dance palaces, or full out brothels, as everyone will try to take things to the limit, and some will go too far, as far as the local politicians are concerned.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Casino gambling, clubs with private VIP, internet and full time year round professional sports will converge in the club of the future, an adult Disneyland which will be a glizty version of the saloons of the old West. Everything under one roof: gambling, stripping, private rooms for legal prostitution, reservations with the girl of your choice by internet paid in advance by credit card, bar for watching the games, even a WiiFi for nerds who must stay connected to the office. Maybe ten years is too soon, but the trend is there. Four or five large corporations will dominate the market and franchise the operations. Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler will take the lead.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    If you want to see 10 years into the future, go to California...if you want to see 10 years in the past, go to Europe.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I fear that the clubs we're losing nowadays due to the bad economy and/or the "do-gooders" will never be replaced, so the overall quantity of clubs will drop. Don't know what the mileage will look like in 10 years from the remaining clubs - I predict that it will be an extreme one way or another: either mileage off the charts, or no mileage at all.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think one thing that might happen is we will see a decline in independent strip clubs and an increase in chains. The chains have better bargaining power and legal protection. Much harder to shut down and raid a chain than it is to raid an independent.

    Also I think as prices of cameras/surveillance decrease, we will see more installed at strip clubs. Not necessarily lower mileage but more accountability.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I might not be here in 10 years, so why think about it? If I am, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I agree with clubber. I don't have a crystal ball. But I do think two things. #1 the clubs may put themselves out of business with rising prices and #2 something will come along to replace them. The male sex drive will survive. And remember "prohibition" didn't work either.
  • arbeeguy
    14 years ago
    It's all guesswork isn't it. Like Clubber, I won't be around -- sad to contemplate. But I predict there will be more brothels masquerading as strip clubs. This can only happen when the local government is willing to look the other way. East Saint Louis area, CT's Adult Bookstore in Gary, and Tropical Lei in Upland are three good examples. LE is aware of exactly what happens in these places. They have made an accomodation. But there always has to be a cover, to "protect the innocent and ignorant."
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    If you want a look into the future, I recommend the movie "Idiocracy"

    in the film Starbucks now delivers handjobs, and the motto of Carl's Jr. has degenerated from "Don't Bother Me. I'm Eating." to "Fuck You! I'm Eating!
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Assume the following: Just about everything we used to think was unthinkable has come to pass in the past 30 years in the world of personal conduct--legalized abortion, gay marriage, co-ed college dormitories, couples openly living together, casino gambling in your hometown, decriminalization of pot, open access to porn, gay couples adopting children and on and on. I do not say whether these things are good or bad, just that they have come to be when, not that long ago, they were grounds for social disapproval or criminal charges. It's just a matter of time before we see isolated and remote co-ed adult theme parks, offering everything you want. The younger generation will vote to rescind the laws blocking it and business investors will see the money. Sex always sells.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    ^^^ Mike Judge is the guy behind the movie Idiocracy, he also was behind the Beavis&Butthead series and movie and Office Space movie.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    SuperDude, good point.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    The world will not survice another 10 years. Enjoy those whores while you still can!
  • sanitago
    14 years ago
    a good question and a better debate. I myself fear that the pressure of the narrow-minded will be brought fully to bear where it can have the most affect: local town and county government. control of these bodies will give those who want to 'save us from ourselves' the power to decide which businesses survive and which don't. my bet is that, given the chance, they will make sure all of the things we think of as fun; like strip clubs, adult book stores, etc., will be either forced out of business or will struggling to stay afloat in a hostile environment.
    I honestly hope to be proven dead wrong in this, BTW.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    I remember my geography professor who studied social trends made a comment that America is always 50 years behind Europe socially. Seeing as how prostitution is slowly becoming a legal profession across Europe there is hope that sooner or later (and I hope its sooner) prostitution will be legal in all 50 states.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Heard today someone has predicted the human race won't make it another 100 years. Might just be true, the way things are headed. If the US becomes just another socialist country like those in Europe, that will be the end of the world. ONLY the US has stood as a beacon of freedom throughout it's existence, and freedom is mankind's greatest desire!
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I have to go along with sanitago on his point. Local government attracts the people who, as he put it, want to "save us from ourselves". And you know a lot of club owners will do something stupid, like get caught selling illegal drugs, that will force laws to be made. I don't think the younger generation will rescind the law, as SuperDude says, because they will get older, have kids and want to protect them from stuff like strip clubs. Of course, it could be an unborn generation, as of now, that does this.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Some rambling thoughts:

    First, the extremes will win out. Super corporate clubs will survive because they have lawyers and remote owners--they can litigate delays, like a legal Muhamid Ali rope-a-dope. The flip side is likely to be that lower end dive clubs will continue, but more likely as bars that feature dancers and not necessarily as strip clubs as we know them. A lot of the middle ground wannabe clubs might thin out or disappear.

    Second, politics is like a roller coaster. Today's crisis that is worth enforcing (e.g. the morality forces vs. clubs) is tomorrow's money drain. I can envision that under the right circumstances tight local and state budgets will push some of the obsessive focus on clubs to the side. I hope I'm right.

    And lastly, the biggest change will be driven by demograhics--the baby boomers are aging and will gradually disappear from strip clubs. So when the marketplace changes so dramatically, something has to give, so there are likely to be far fewer clubs in the future. I think we're already seeing some of that effect begin to take effect.

    But I think there wil always be some form of personbalized live adult entertainment that fills a gap between passive media and illegal activites likek prostitution.

    So, a good grind and even extras in 10 years? I say yes. But regulars will be in the drivers seat.
  • Book Guy
    14 years ago
    Corporate strip clubs. And prevalent legalized prostitution. Not in the same establishment, I think.

    I'm looking forward to the time that mega-churches see their bubble burst, and the empty buildings get bought up by chains like Rick's and Deja Vu ... :)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Book Guy, I have already read that in Europe/England mega Christian churches are being sold and converted into muslim mosques
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    USA was one of the last developed countries to accept socialized health care (a liberal idea) so I am guessing they will be again one of the last developed countries to accept legalized prostitution (another liberal idea)
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Check out Love Land in South Korea.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    SuperDude, I am reading about Love Land on wikipedia but the details are slim...what can you tell me about it? It seems mostly like a place with sex statues...but I don't read anything about prostitution. Still seems like a cool place though.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Love Land is a sex theme park, designed to ease the transistion to marriage for tense South Korean couples. The displays and teasers are a lighthearted attempt to get newlyweds to relax. I think it's only a first step in theme parks to cum in the next ten years or so. At least I can dream, wet or dry.
  • jost
    14 years ago
    based on recent history of evolution of mainstream stripclub entertainment:

    burlesque/pasties stageshows
    nude stageshows
    no touch table dances
    contact private dances

    mileage is increasing..I think the next step will inevitably be brothel-like entertainment..maybe not in 10 yrs..but it will happen eventually..guaranteed..whether that's good or bad depends on one's personal opinion..
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