
Valet Parking

Just wondering what you guys have experienced with valet parking at strip clubs. I might be able to sneak off to Penthouse Club in Detroit this weekend but they have valet parking for $7. I don't mind paying the $7 fee but I don't trust a strip club employee with my car. Hell I would offer him a $20 if he would just let me park the car myself. Also just wondering if and how much you guys tip the valet? Tipping is expected at the end of services..but in this case I could see why I would want to tip before service.

I have also read you can try parking nearby on the streets and walk over to avoid the valet but I don't want to risk getting my car towed while out of town. Not to mention the valet parking is probably safer. Are the valets working on both Saturday and Sunday? Are there any private parking garages within walking or taxi to the club? Or a motel I can park at and walk over/taxi over?

I have seen several videos such as this one
about how valets abuse the cars for reasons ranging from they are upset you did not tip them or they are just plain crazy (I think the plain crazy would apply to strip club employees).

I still remember one time I was at a club with a coat check. I gave them my coat and they wrote my name attached to the hanger (some clubs give you a ticket). Anyways at the end of the night I go to the desk and tell them my name. She goes and searches for my coat and claims she can't find it. She gets help from a bouncer and they both spend a good 5 minutes in the back room looking for my coat. They try to blame me saying I have had too much to drink and telling me they don't remember me having a coat when I came in. After I describe my coat in detail, they realized they wrote down the wrong name on my coat. Also another time I was given a ticket for the coat check and lost the ticket while getting a LD. The bouncer went back to the LD area and thankfully found the ticket but it was a good 10 minutes delay for me to leave. Also during this time I was describing my coat and the contents inside the pockets and the bouncer just gave me the tough guy attitude that I need the ticket or else I was not going to be getting anything.

I have sent a couple PMs to Detroit guys and appreciate their advice but I wanted to also hear what anyone has to say on the discussion board. I am sure other cities have the strip club valet parking as well.


  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    sam, I just bought a 2011 Mustang GT 6 speed manual with a 5.0 litre V8(412hp. No fucking way am I gonna let some jerk park it for me.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    If a club requires valet parking, I don't go there. I don't let other people fuck with my rig.

    If a club has a mandatory coat check, I leave my coat in the car and avoid having to pay any fee. I don't give a shit if it is -20F out. Walking a minute through a blizzard in a t-shirt won't kill you.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    I've left joints in the ashtray, cash in the console, GPS on the seat, and my cell phone and credit cards in the glove box. I do it on purpose to see if anything comes up missing. I've done this at Flight Club, Penthouse, All Stars, and Coliseum. I've never lost a thing.

    I've seen more than a few Vettes, Porsches, a couple Ferraris and a Ford GT at these clubs. Why do these people trust there $100,000+ cars with the valets and you won't let them touch your ride?

    As for a tip, I asked and was told $2-5 is common. I give a couple $2's. If you are really worried about it, give $10 when you get there and demand they park it right up front and watch them do it. I did this in Vegas with a friend's car. Then tip another $10 on the way out.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    samsung1, at Penthouse, it isn't the concern for being towed overall, it is more of a safety issue. It's a Detroit club, I've never had a problem there, some have. If I am driving my Corvette that night, you can be sure I'll use the Valet. If I am driving my Ford Focus, I don't care. I also agree with shadowcat, I really don't want some crazed Valet taking my Vette out for a run, I always note my mileage before giving them the car. The Valets work 7 days and 7 nights a week at the Detroit club to my knowledge
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    I parked on the street and walked around the corner to Penthouse in Detroit. The doorman stopped me and said I would not be allowed in without a valet parking stub. "We've made a deal with the neighborhood and valet parking is required." So I go back to my car and turn it over to the valet, show the stub to the doorman and go in. (No cover--daytime.) As I was leaving, still afternoon, I saw and heard another customer being put through the same routine. The residential neighborhood got angry about the noise, slaming doors, drunks urinating, pools of vomit. So they started a protest movement about stripclubs in Detroit. This dust up turned into a forest fire and the new, restrictive ordinances were passed. In the meantime, the deal between Penthouse and the residential neighborhood is enforced. No parking on the side streets and no admission without a valet parking ticket. In the winter I leave my coat in the car. If the guy wants a tip he better bring my car before I even feel cold air.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Someone has apparently watched the valet parking scene from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" one too many times.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    In my experience, anytime I've asked, they just show me where and let me park it myself. Now if they want the keys, I just say, "Never mind.".
    14 years ago
    Well, my last visit to Penthouse Club was last summer -- so Superdude's intel may be more current. [Though I wonder what happens if one rides up on a bike? I don't think there's late night bus service on 8 Mile Rd.] But valet service is quite common at many clubs [Penthouse, Trumpps, Tycoons, Coliseum, (all on 8 Mile)] but the Hamilton-owned (working class) clubs have no valet.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I never valet at strip clubs or restaurants. Bad things happen when you hand over the keys.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    CT, my experience was back on June 24, give or take a day. I figured it was daytime, and I grew up in Detroit, so I wasn't terribly concerned about safety issues, as I am at night. I walked up to the door and walked in, no hassle. I don't expect that as to be the common experienced but it happened. Every other time in the last year, I just used the Valet. If you want in at Penthouse, that's the way it is. There is bus service on 8 Mile Rd, I believe 24 hours a day, it's a main road separating 2 counties, but do you really want to wait for a bus there late at night?? Probably not. I've seen Ferraris, Vettes, Porsches, even a Lamborghini parked there at the entrance. Consider it a cost of doing business.
  • Drippy
    14 years ago
    I've never had a problem with valet in the Detroit area, but I usually visit suburban clubs and during the daylight hours. I just consider the valet fee + tip part of the cost of my SC visit.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Exactly, Drippy
    14 years ago
    VM, I agree... I wouldn't wait for a bus late at night there.

    That said, do they have someplace to lock up bikes if one rides there? Just curious.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    CT, I'll let you know, most likely I'll be there this weekend. I don't recall any place like that, I can ask the valets, and watch their pained reactions. LOL
  • sinclair
    14 years ago

    See the review just posted by chloeb1 for Polekatz. He just ejected after valet gave him a hard time.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    I've used valet parking at both Playhouse and Flight Club and have not had a problem. But I'm not a regular there.

    "A little grease makes the world go 'round." So I would do what PAS suggests, offer the valet $10 to park it up close where you can see it and promise him another $10 when you leave.

    And I liked the PAS temptation test concept--it would sure clear up the basic question of trust in a hurry. But you have to be prepared to give it up!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Those that own a Ferrari, Porsche, or Lamborghini likely don't have the same concerns as we do. Now if it a collectible of those vehicles, a different matter.
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    You're kidding, right Clubber? Next time you see a Lambo, slam a door ding into and see if the owner doesn't serve you up your balls.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I agree, Clubber, that the rich don't have the same concerns. My point was that they are probably notconcerned about "crazed" valets, per the scene in that movie. I'd rather not leave my Vette on the side street next to Penthouse. It's a collectible. I'd rather not pay for valet, also. I am not rich, I am comfortable, but if the experience in the club is what I want, I'll pay for valet. Fortunately, up here in Detroit, we have a wide choice in clubs to choose from.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    A lot of the time I'm driving rentals so I don't let the valets park them. Most of the time if I just ask they'll let me park the car no problem. If they're on the fence about it, I offer to pay the fee but still want to park the car myself. Haven't had any valet ever insist on parking it themselves.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    i didn't say they do not care. Try reading! I said they do not have the same concerns! Big difference!
  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Clubber, I must have misinterpreted your comments. You seemed to diminish the concerns of the owners of hand made Italian cars. I can tell you they don't even like you looking at their cars, they feel your filthy gaze could lower the car's performance.

    Every fighting bull and every prancing pony is a collectible. Just ask anyone that owns one, their car was the most amazing thing ever built by the manufacturer. Many of the original owners have been to the factory and saw their cars in production and have driven like model cars at the plant's track. It's a whole different mindset to be the first owner of these cars.


    As far as their tricked out Escalade, they could care less. Every body shop in town can cure just about anything that could happen. If not, there's dozens of brand new Escalades on the lot just waiting to be pimped.


    Lamborghini was a tractor company that evolved into a car company. Nothing like being able to pull a plow from 0 to 6 in 2.1 seconds...
  • Clubber
    14 years ago

    Real simple. I've had a couple of collectible cars, and YES, I would just about kill someone for a door ding. Matter of fact, a guy I knew DID take a ball peen hammer to a car that dinged one of them. Part of the reason is the cost of repair and such on my limited budget.

    Now if I had nearly unlimited funds, not such a big deal.

    I have found those with the truly exotic vehicles tend to appreciate having me enjoy observing their vehicles.
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