Dancer told me she saw my review on the tuscl

avatar for Jpac73
I was at a club tonight that I have been visiting somewhat on a regular basis. I was getting a dance from my favorite dancer named Sweden and during the dance I mentioned that she reminded me of Tiffani Thiessen(save by the bell) and she replied " Was it you who wrote that report?"

I was like "what report?" she stated that her brother had showed her the review someone had wrote of her on this site. I told her yeah that was me, she then replied I was wondering who this person was stating I was a solid 8 in looks. She wasn't mad just surprised, kind of joked that I should have rated her a 10. It seemed to help me out, I ended up getting some contact during my private dance even though this is a no-contact club and the last time she gave me a dance it was mostly air.

I know most of you have dancers who read this site all the time but this is only like the 2nd time I have spoken to a dancer who says she reads the reviews here and I have been doing the strip club scene for soem years now.


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avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
I would have lied and said no, that wasn't me. My theory is that on the off chance someone I know found out about something I wrote here, I'd lie about it to the dancers. They don't need to know who writes what here. I've only known one dancer who knew about More of them know about SCL, within my experience.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Why give up your anonymity on Tuscl? When people know what you really think, you lose power. That's a standard business/negotiating maxim. It works in the clubbing hobby too. I would make exceptions in only the rarest of circumstances.
Lets say she spreads the word, and now everyone at said club knows your identity on TUSCL. Will you still be inclined to write bare-knuckle honest reviews or will your statements on here now be conscious to not hurt anyone's feelings at said club?
avatar for dudeanonymous
15 years ago
I've had a few dancers mention TUSL, usually in terms of club ratings rather than ratings for individual girls. I always manage to keep a straight face when I respond with "What's that?"
Though it has yet to come up, I'm with the rest of the posters here. I don't want anyone I barely know connecting my on-line persona with the real one. Hell, I don't want anyone I know *well* connecting the two. :)
I am going to take the opposite view. At my favorite club, I am well know as shadowcat and that I write reviews on TUSCL. My ex dancer friend, gridget has also posted in the past. They also know that my buddies do reviews. I introduce them to the girls by there nicknames as well as real ones. It makes for a cozy family atmosphere. Most ask me not to use their names but a couple have asked me to. "I could use the business". Of course I never mention names unless they piss me off. I then use my "bitch of the month" in my reviews. I have made copies of reviews and shared them with the girls.

At other clubs, I also mention TUSCL. You are correct. Most dancers are not aware of it. By telling them, it lets them know that I am NOT an amatuer and to not fuck with me. On the other hand, I do not talk to other people about TUSCL and strip clubbing unless I know them very well. In my circle only my son and daughter know. I don't get approval from them. Just acceptance.At least I don't have to lie to them. My daughter even supplies me with perfumes for the girls.
avatar for Jpac73
15 years ago
None of the other girls really know me, so I am not worried. Actually the review I wrote only said good things about her, I kind of put down the club for not having better looking girls overall and not having contact dances(until last night).

It didn't look like she really read the reviews on this site until her brother found out that she worked at the club and I guess he wanted to find out info either about her or the club itself. He does not stay in town, he is in the Army but was just visting her for a short time, his friends now want to come and see her.

I see what most of you are saying but in this case I don't think I have to worry much. In some ways she seemed to have liked that someone thought highly of her.

avatar for steve229
15 years ago
I had my "cover" blown at one club. Dancer thanked me for saying nice things about her in a review. I asked how she knew it was me. She said, "Gee, STEVE, it was kinda obvious." Guess I should picked a better screen name, lol. Anyway, I really wasn't worried about the reviews, as much as some of my favorites finding the discussion page and figuring out I'd been posting about them. Luckily didn't happen. I think it was a similar deal, someone had showed the dancer the review, I don't think she was big on computers herself.
I usually don't tell them, it's kinda like handing ammo to the enemy, so to speak. I agree with SC, it lets the knowledgable ones know not to pull the usual SS. I generally go with the flow, and can generally tell if they are the hot ones in the club.
I would agree with most posters here that there is no way that I would want the girls that I do things with to connect me to my posts here. I could see this working for shadow, who posts stuff that is fairly benign, but even many of the most willing strippers would likely find some of my stuff offensive.

I also post on SW and on two occasions I met girls at clubs that knew me from there. One worked out ok, but the other was very nervous - like I was about to eat her young. Given what I tend to post, I don't blame her ;)
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
I'd lie too. No point in giving any leverage away.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I remember once I got into an argument with someone on SCL, she claimed she was a dancer and gave her dancer name. Next time I saw her in person it was a little strange but I did not say anything at all about the SCL.

I remember the movie "The Girlfriend Experience" a drama set in the days leading up to the 2008 Presidential election, and centered on a high-end Manhattan call girl meeting the challenges of her boyfriend, her clients, and her work. In that movie an escort blogger/reviewer tries to coerce her into giving him free sex in exchange for a good review. My memory of the movie is fuzzy but I think she either refuses to give free sex to him and she gets slammed in fake reviews or she does end up getting desperate enough to give him free sex because of a decline in her business due to the recession. I don't think I would ever try to get myself a free lap dance in exchange for a good review but you never know it could work on the right night with the right girl.
I do know bloggers who now write reviews on products must now mention whether or not the product was given to them for free. I remember reading about an intern blogger on was terminated because he accepted a free macbook air gift. The influence of reviews and blogs is real.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
I've had a few girls ask me if I review the clubs. I say no. A lot of the experienced dancers can pick up I've seen a lot of clubs.

The club where I was most recently a regular I know the girls were into posting stuff online about each other. Mainly SCL because all you have to do is fire and forget. Used to hear the different clicks ask if someone could call the company and threaten to sue to get the "so and so sucks cock" posts taken down. I've sampled girls between the different cliques to not have to bother with girls expecting me to take sides. But I also haven't reviewed the club in a while because the girls are pretty good at remembering who's around when certain shit goes down.

Plus, thanks to all the shit that got posted the owner has locked a lot of the action down. All the guys who've been talking about problems from LE with what gets posted have the right idea, but it's probably going to be management that cracks down first. And when they crack down, a lot of the times they'll get the girls who haven't been outed, too. So, yeah, people read those things with more catching on all the time.
I can't remember where or when but it was a long time ago when lap dances were totally new to me. After agreeing to a LD and arriving at the room, I was told I had to sit on my hands. I did as I was told. Knowing what I know now, I would have walked out.
I screwed up. Wrong topic. Sorry.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Here is a quote from an old news article from 2006 when the Platinum Plus in Memphis was shut down

"In the last 10 months, Memphis police made 15 arrests for prostitution and 34 for assault. Shelby County District Attorney Bill Gibbons has shut down six clubs temporarily in three years for prostitution, lewdness and illegal alcohol sales.

Moreover, patrons openly discuss prostitution at local clubs on the online Ultimate Strip Club List at "

Not only the dancers and their friends/family read tuscl but also LE and the media.ā€¦
I was in the Memphis Platinum Plus during a raid. I was happy that I was not in the back room when it happened. In fact I wasn't aware that a raid was going on until the DJ announced that the private dance room was closed for awhile and drinks were buy one get on free until it reopened. It was closed for about 1 hr 30 mins. About 50 dancers and customers got citations. About 1hr 15 mins after the cops left, I enjoyed my 1st ever BBBJ in a strip club. I did NOT mention it in my review. The club will ever reopen. Ken Wood cut his losses.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
The only site that I have had quite a few dancers flag me as a poster on is zbone. Zbone is pretty well known to alot of dancers in most of the LA/OC clubs. Most don't seem to know about TUSCL, and I'd like to keep it that way!
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I read through the review section where strippers write reviews on clubs discussing house fees, etc. I have not met any strippers that I know through there but I think I might know about one. She worked in the Dayton area and was from San Francisco...and there is an stripper on stripperweb who has reviews on Dayton clubs who is from San Francisco...I wonder how many people in Dayton are from SF?
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
Michigan has a state wide SC forum, I'm know by my nickname in the clubs as well as on there. I'm kinda an ass kisser over there. A few strippers, bartenders, and owners read my meaningless babble. Last Friday, a stripper's boyfriend finally 2 and 2 together and realized who I was. That was fucking weird as hell.

As far as here, I don't know that any of them know me. There's more than enough clues but I don't know that anyone cares enough to piece it together.
My tuscl identity and participation are distributed on a "need to know" basis. Dancers don't need to know--ever.
avatar for saberclaw
15 years ago
this is a funny thread. btw what is scl?
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
"You mean, let me understand this cause, ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?"

Strip Club List
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
Said in your best Joe Pesci voice, I assume?
This is one of the reasons not to mention specific dancer names in a review. I've only been confronted by one dancer about a comment that I made about a strip club on SCL. I just denied it, and it was no big deal after that. The only other "review" site that I've heard a dancer mention was the Montreal Escort Review Board.

The Memphis PP was shut down eventually because of numerous police reports & public-nuisance claims of prostitution & assault, among other things, not because of anything on TUSCL, period.
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