Know any strippers who have had an abortion?

avatar for mmdv26
I was commenting on the pregnant topic below, and It dawned on me how many strippers I have known who had an abortion. Even more significant is how many dancers have had more than one abortion along the way. I guess it has become the default family-planning tool in some tribes.

I knew one who had the maximum number that the state would pay for through its welfare system. The she got pregnant again, and I have forgotten how she handled that. Eventually she ended up in prison for selling drugs.

Ran into a dancer in the parking lot the other day, and she proudly showed me her 5 month belly. I hadn't seen her for a while, so that apparently was the reason. I think she has five kids already, but I seem to remember her telling me last time she was pregnant that she would never get an abortion. Seldom danced on stage due to her abundance of stretch marks. Had covered FS on her dance menu, tho.


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avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
One afternoon, my ATF came to work after I was already there. After our hellos she went back, I assumed, to get ready to dance. However, she came back out in her civilian clothes and told me she had quit. She then said she needed to talk to me and we should go get something to eat. I knew she had something on her mind when she had walked in the club. Over dinner, she told me she was pregnant. She had been living with her bf, a good guy, and not your typical dancer bf. Anyway, all was good at that point. Not long after that she called and wished to talk again. We met and she told me about the abortion. She had been ready to have the baby, but after the bf family turned him against the idea and her, she took that way out, and soon left him as well.

The only one I know of, personally.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
I try to steer the conversation in any direction that goes within a mile of that topic, but three have mentioned it like it was just another topic of conversation on par with who won the football game, or what the weather will be like next week.

Isn't it sad that stripper who represent some of the worst genes in society are among the earliest, and most ready breeders? Conclusive proof that evolution is broken!
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
Society broke evolution - not strippers. (Though I agree with the spirit of your posting.)
I know one and the only thing that haunts her more than stripping was her abortion
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
15 years ago
I know one of my now former favorites had one, although she didn't actually tell me she did. (One of the other dancers drove her to the clinic and told me.) This is the one dancer who was also into incestuous sex with various male relatives, so it wouldn't shock me if it was because one of them did it. The remarkable thing is that many of the dancers I've known who have gotten pregnant wanted to have the baby and did. Then again, I don't think this is something they will bring up, nor should you bring up.
avatar for imnumnutz
15 years ago
i am not "friends" with many strippers, but yes, one confided to me that she has had an abortion.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Yes. I ran into Wendy in Dec 2005 at a Houston club (I had done her once in July 2005). She was in sexy bik outfit with her sexy tats showing - it drove me wild. She told me she had had an abortion not too long back (she had done this guy without a condom that she thought she was in love with) and needed $250 for toys for her 6 yr old daughter. I decided to meet her for a session at my trailer but was a little skittish as she told me she was a "happy prostitute." I started out on top of her (on airmattress) and she cried out loudly with the thrusts. We changed postions with her on top. The condom had come off during some foreplay and she did me without a condom. It was really something getting off in her but later on I was concerned about the safety, etc. She did not get PG and if she was on BC, did not let on. I had about 18 more sessions with her but played it safe using condoms although I could have gone without some of the times ("I really prefer my clients use condoms," she said). She left town for awhile returned 14 mo later saying she was married. She wanterd to hookup. I did her 7 more times before she moved to Arizona, divorcing him (he had left a wife to marry her btw). She was a big loss as her performance in bed was outstanding. I finally found a girl who could match her, the one I am doing now. The similarity in the two is they really love to fuck.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
player11: "I decided to meet her for a session at my trailer"

The player who lives in a trailer! Too funny.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
Yes. I know several.
Yes. I was really shocked when right out of the blue she tells me that she just had an abortion 4 days earlier.

What surprises me even more is the number of girls that elect to not get them. Motherhood straighten them out. They quit drugs and quit stripping.A loss for me but I wish them well.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

We can hope and pray motherhood straightens them out, but I think it is unlikely. I believe they never would have gotten into the situation to need the abortion were they fit to be mothers. I NEVER met a good mother that has had an abortion, unless of course I didn't know they had one. Remember, in my time, abortions were not as they are now were it is like buying a paper off the newsstands.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
I know a few that have had abortions; also know one or two that should have but didn't. For example, I know one dancer who has five kids and just had a sixth. And All the kids have different fathers. It seems this sixth one is a hook to keep a particular man in her life.

Another dancer who I was close to has had two abortions but I just learned she is pregmant again and has waited too long and will deliver this baby. But unfortunately for her, the father is a creep and she left him. So many of these stories are sad when you get the details.
Clubber, Of the 2 cases that I am personally aware of, other dancers told me that they thought it would be good for them. It got them off drugs.They were both impregnated by loser BF's. Fatherhood even turned them around.Neither has returned to stripping. If there were more success stories TUSCL would be out of business.

Most kids. 4. Chandler freaked when I introduced him to chandler.She was so petite you would never have guessed that she even had one. She has disappeared.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I have heard one great place to pick up women is the abortion rallies. You know those girls gotta be fucking.
Not aware of any I know personally, but I've been told that strippers have used the "need abortion" story to extract $ out of their customers. They wouldn't do that would they?
Ella (see photo on my page)left the club over a year ago.She came back about 6 months ago. Said that she had been working for her dad in New Orleans. Said that she needed a quick influx of cash for an abortion.She was always known to be full of stripper shit but always gave me great dances.I made my donation and have not seen her since.There are plenty of clubs in New Orleans that she could have gone to, to work. Too close to home? Or maybe she just wanted to be on familiar ground. New the set up and probably had some regulars there.
avatar for bornloser
15 years ago
One of my ATF's was pregnant by her married BF so she got an abortion. When I told another of my ATF's the story of ATF1-ATF2 got really upset because her current husband was sterile and she couldnt have any more kids(by him-so naturally I suggested we hook up and I'll supply the sperm but it never panned out)
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