avatar for JustDude


joined Nov 2018last seen Feb 2023

Comments made by JustDude

review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Elskinman
New Jersey
Pretty much what I've come to expect from most NJ Clubs...
This review sounds off to me as well. I was there within the last few weeks and there were no masks on the dancers and the cover charge was $25. The doorman told me it went up when they re-opened after COVID.
review comment
4 years ago
avatar for Rrap
Time to kill
The lapdance and VIP areas have been downstairs for years.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Libation
The New Normal??
Gesh. I was 1/2 hour away from this place and almost pulled the post-covid-first-visit trigger... glad I didn't. Sounds pretty lame.
discussion comment
5 years ago
avatar for wallanon
The Hobby in Quotations
^ S'Funny, I hadn't expected my admittedly stale review to incite to much anger. I figured the real news was the $10 lap dances, which seemed worth reporting at the time. ;-) /shrug/ There isn't crap going on in Jersey right now to report on otherwise. Wish I had something new to report, but everything is still locked down around here. Probably a few more months till things loosen up. Just have to live with rehashing previous visits for a while sadly.
review comment
5 years ago
avatar for Ben D'erhover
Ben D'erhover
New Jersey
Welcome to Day One after the Apocalypse.
I was shocked to see a new review of an actual visit, and turns out there wasn't much happening... yet. I guess that's to be expected as most retail and restaurants are just starting to reopen around Jersey. I don't think we'll see things pick up for another month or so. Might have to hit this place up some day, but I don't have the time in my day to hang without a dance to be found.