
Comments by CJKent_band (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    "Always do right — this will gratify some and astonish the rest." - Mark Twain
    ^^^ “Haters are fans in denial…” :D
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Rhode Island
    Multiple people charged amid prostitution probe at Tolland's Electric Blue Cafe
    @skibum609 I will correct you at your request. The Federal Government and their Private Industry accomplices in all the United States and the world are attacking low income workers, using America’s and the world’s most vulnerable people into sources of revenue.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Intel on remmy
    @Jt562 Officer Krupke, I will play along and comment on your discussion. :D In my humble opinion and limited experience, No two people's experiences with the same stripper are the same, or even similar. Everyone has their own unique, different experiences with a stripper. We all should be accountable for our own experiences with strippers. What has worked for me, for good ITC to transition to OTC, is to invest time, money and energy/effort to build a trusting relationship with a girl. I make sure she knows I am a respectful reliable gentleman, safe, clean, discreet, and fun, funny. (Think Edward (Richard Gere) from the movie Pretty Woman). My All Time Favorite Stripper, Ally, started dancing when I was going to see a Current Favorite Ariel, who didn’t do OTC. Ally was just over 20 years, sweet, beautiful and shy. She became friendly and would seat with me while I was waiting for my, at that time, Current Favorite Ariel, she, Ally, would let me know if Ariel was not there, would tell the waitresses to let Ariel know I have arrived. Once Ally was tired and fell asleep on my shoulder and thanked me for letting her sleep and rest. One time when Ariel didn’t show up I asked Ally to go with me to the 15 minute VIP, she was so sweet and excited. We had to wait for a “room” and she sat in my lap and we made out like teenagers. Once in the VIP we went as close as humanly possible to Full Service but didn’t do FS. After the VIP I asked Ally if she would be interested in OTC (“would you be interested in meeting outside the club, we can have a better, more comfortable experience, and you don’t have to share money with the club?”) and gave her my number, but she said she didn’t do that. I keep going to visit Ariel on the weekends, and she didn’t show up another time and I took Ally to the VIP again, and again we were so close to FS, but we didn’t have FS, however she was so nice, excited, shy and cute. I was still visiting Ariel, on the weekends, when Ally texted me on the middle of the week to ask me if I was still interested in OTC with her, I answer of course I am. We made an “date/appointment”, I went to pick her up near her place and we went to a small hotel and had a very nice GFE type of “date”. Ally was a sweet and nice Baby Stripper. Ally and I developed a Sugar Baby type of relationship we had OTC almost every week for more than two years. I would pick her up on Sunday afternoon, get a nice hotel room and make love, massage each other, have room service, sometimes we would go out to dinner to a nice fancy place, she always looked like a beautiful classy woman. She would refer to me as her fiancé to other people, her sister told me. I have thousands of pictures of her modeling cute sexy outfits I got for her. Around Halloween she was slave princesses Leia from Star Wars, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, Playboy Bunny. Around Christmas a sexy miss Santa, naughty school girl. Like I said Ally was a baby stripper when we meet, very sweet and nice, the sex got better and better because she was more comfortable and felt safe relaxed and was able to let herself go and enjoy it, I enjoyed it too, she would experience multiple orgasms and was very shy and sweet about it. Sometimes she would spend the night and would fall a sleep with her head on my chest like the little angel she was. She texted me one last time letting me know she was moving on and thanking me for the relationship... Thank you for making me remember the Good Times with my ATF (All Time Favorite). She was worth every penny and every second I spent with her. Let’s be careful out there, Officer Krupke. And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Going to TJ for the first time 5/30 to 6/3
    @Lapdanceguy213 I will play along and comment on your discussion. Since this will be your first time, is best to keep things simple and go with the expectation of this just being a recon/investigation/learning visit to gain information and see how things work/are, if you don’t speak Spanish fluently be prepared for “misunderstandings” real or fake; because somethings get lost in translation. Also again, keep expectations realistic; the paid-for-sex experience can be an expensive hobby for most people. If you really can afford the paid for-sex-hobby south of the border, just take a plane, train, bus to San Diego and then the trolley/streetcar to the border and walk across to the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3SzOUvB1WSg&pp=ygUOS3J1c3R5IHRpanVhbmE%3D When going into Mexico the Mexican border officials might ask you for the Visitor Permit (FMM) and the permit will be stamped and the number of days that is valid noted on it (up to 180) and you keep half of the Visitor Permit. Keep the Visitor Permit with your passport card or passport because you are supposed to show it to Mexican government officials, if they ask for it, and ultimately you will have to give it back to a Mexican immigration official when you leave Mexico. After crossing the border, joust walk over the pick up place for the Free Limousine ride service to Hong Kong, the people there will be happy to help you, and tip the limo driver a couple of dollars. This is an Instagram video of the FREE limo ride: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnphzPuDslQ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= When you get to the hotel Cascadas, get the VIP card at the front desk/customer service for the discounts and offers in case you end up wanting to take girls to your room (arriba) more than once a day, and just get a “basic room”, and check in. I recommend to go to eat something light at the restaurant azul and then take a shower before going inside Hong Kong. Inside the club walk around and see if any girl is of your liking and approach her, to “interview” her to see if she is right for the “job/position” of going with you upstairs (arriba) Make sure you and her are clear about what is expected of each other, basic is full service (covered) for $100-$120 for half an hour, everything else is extra. YES; that is the basic full service, from there everything else has to be negotiated in the paid-for-sex experience. Like restaurants, every bargirl has their own menu, and rules and have the “right to refuse service”. Remember you are visiting a different country with a different culture a different language, but very nice people and really good food, an interesting “experiences” that you should be able and happy that you can afford. As long as you behave like respectable, friendly, gentleman, you will be treated like a friendly, respectable gentleman. Don’t overthink things, nothing is going to be exactly like you imagined or were told, just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best that way you won’t be surprised or disappointed. Just relax stay open to the positive experiences so you can have a good enjoyable time. Keep in mind the Russian proverb: “People greet you according to the way you dress… and say goodbay according to the way you behave" So dress clean and simple, don’t be flashy or be pulling out a lot of cash, keep money in different pockets and make sure you know how much you have in each pocket so you don’t have to show more than necessary. Don’t drink or do drugs or do or carry anything illegal, focus on enjoying your first visit to Tijuana and Hong Kong experience, relax and enjoy the learning process. In this first visit don’t walk around the city beyond the Hotel area, stay safe and relax enjoy the place. When you’re ready to leave, check out from the hotel and ask for the limo to take you back to the border and walk back to the USA. Let’s be careful out there. Remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    What to do if you run into a piece of Orange Turd too big to flush down the toil
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Northern lights
    Pics and Vids of the Celestial Bodies at the club and on the Sky or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times, Good Times.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “What so many of you people fail to understand is that MAGA is not about Donald
    @gammanu95 Seriously: YOU People should understand The UNDENIABLE Truth: “Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” ~ François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), known as Voltaire, was a writer, philosopher, poet, dramatist, historian and polemicist of the French Enlightenment.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @gSteph The model that posed for it is a real person The artist can’t possibly match what nature created. :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    What is better than telling people a stupid story and having them believe you?
    "Sometimes the truth hurts. The weak deny it, and the strong live with it and move on."
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fun Fact, I was Jenna Jameson's roadie the last time she featured at Foxy Lady
    @ Meshuggah Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Bitch, Don’t kill my vibe
    Waitresses and Bartenders Doing Lap Dances?
    @azdd I will play along and comment on your discussion. You wrote and I quote: “she (Monique) brought me a drink, and I brought her to the VIP room!” Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times, Good Times. Some clubs in Los Angeles allow it, but don’t advertise it. When I see a waitress I like, is my type (a dime), I ask her and see if she can and would be interested in doing some dances and eventually OTC, my Holly Grail: OTC with a DS with GFE and PSE, with NSA that we both walk away happy, believing it was a Fair Trade and a win win experience. Let’s be careful out there… :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “I am the chosen one”
    Just the UNDENIABLE TRUTH… https://www.google.com/search?q=trum+i+am+the+chosen+one.video&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1024US1024&oq=trum+i+am+the+chosen+one.video&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDkyMDFqMGo0qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:edee3a40,vid:yP-LmzYYrMQ,st:0
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “My Supreme Court justices are a partisan institution full of hacks that will do
    @uniquename You wrote and I quote: “I’m not finding anywhere that claims he said that.“” You found it here. :D May not be the exact quote, but it is the undeniable fact. All contents should be considered a work of fiction. © 1993-2024 the ultimate strip club list :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @skibum609 You wrote and I quote: “I have a life in the real world.” Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    "However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing, as it were behind
    “An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.” ~ John Steinbeck, Novel: East of Eden (1952)
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    $mash or Pass?
    @PuddyTat69 We have to protect a woman’s identity in the Interwebs. But did you see her thong? :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The Thigh Gap
    @5footguy Pics and Vids of the “Thigh Gap” or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Shadowcat Update
    @shadowcat Best wishes that you will soon be doing all the things you love again, get well soon.
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    5 months ago
    Cascadas / Rizo de Oro early check-in
    @Powerman02 I will play along and comment on your discussion. Q: should I book a Monday night reservation, with 9am check-in? I don’t mind paying the extra night since it’s only $30 with VIP card. I’d likely spend that on a short-time room anyway. A: You should, if that gives you “peace of mind” and you have the “money to burn 🔥” Let me ask you a question; why pay for an entire extra day? At hotels all over the world on “tourist areas”, typically, luggage is covered against damage, loss, and theft, because they want to make their customers feel safe, comfortable and come back again, for business reasons. I think you have read or heard too many stories about the small percentage of luggage 🧳 theft or damage, and are paranoid about it. Like I said, it is up to you. Remember, as long as you stay in the “safe” tourist areas and don’t do anything illegal, like trying to buy illegal drugs, or get stupid-drunk you will be safe at the Happiest Place n Earth (according to Krusty) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3SzOUvB1WSg&pp=ygUeS3J1c3R5IGhhcHBpZXN0IHBsYWNlIG9uIGVhcnRo Let’s be careful out here and remember Pics and Vid or it didn’t happen. :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    @docsavge No need of Pics And Vids, because Barbara Eden is one of the gold standards for class, sex appeal, and feminine beauty.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “Death to the Fascist Insects, Capitalist Pigs, Greedy Businessmen, Con-Men and
    ^ So ridiculous, @twentyfive must work on his Anger Management Problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend. Chill @twentyfive Chill! ~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd Januaryk 2003 , Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist ~ Author of some of the most liked tweets in history Remember: All contents should be considered a work of fiction. © 1993-2024 the ultimate strip club list :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “Death to the Fascist Insects, Capitalist Pigs, Greedy Businessmen, Con-Men and
    And I don’t drink or do drugs… :D
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “Death to the Fascist Insects, Capitalist Pigs, Greedy Businessmen, Con-Men and
    @RonJax2 I will play along and answer your questions: Q: how do you afford this hobby without being a "greedy capitalist"? Surely the money you're spending in TJ, COI, on Figueroa street has to come from somewhere? A: I work hard for money as a underpaid Math College Professor, but I had the privilege of “inheriting” a little money… I would like to quote Al Bundy to further answer your questions: “I always said if I came into a little money I'd spread it around the community. You know, give a little to charity. Of course, I just said that. Yeah, I'll probably spend it all on hookers and booze.” :D Remember: Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen! All contents should be considered a work of fiction. © 1993-2024 the ultimate strip club list
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Strippers who dislike the customers
    @docsavage I will play along and answer your question. Q: What percentage of strippers in a strip club actually dislike the customers? A: 100% Strip clubs are, like most capitalist businesses, places where exploitation of workers takes place. As part of the stripper work culture there is Hostility and abuse including verbal, physical and job-related threats, along with the “general abuse and hostility” because it is a very complicated work environment. Strippers experience mistreatment from verbal abuse to racial or sexual harassment/assault, whether any harm was meant by the customer who many times is oblivious to his own actions.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    “Death to the Fascist Insects, Capitalist Pigs, Greedy Businessmen, Con-Men and
    @crsm27 I will play along and comment on your comment. "Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius." :D