Need Tips for Hk visit from San Diego

avatar for Tislover2223
Based on what I read so far.
#1 Park on US side either jack in the box or Trolley station.

#2With passport, pedestrian cross the border.l heard it makes it easier.

#3 On other side catch a taxi for around 10$ to HK.

#4 I am little lost on multiple levels or clubs inside on Hk. Any tips here.

#5 Planning just private no rooms or hotels. So my understanding is negotiate with Chica and private. Need tips here.

#6 Then head back take pedestrian west if open else use east. Avoid late night walking or should I take a taxi back to border?

#7 Possible wait times check website.


last comment
avatar for CJKent_band
8 months ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

First to answer your questions:

Q: #1 Park on US side either jack in the box or Trolley station.

A: OK if you want to drive, in my humble opinion and limited experience taking a plane, bus and the trolley to the border is more relaxed.

Q:#2With passport, pedestrian cross the border.l heard it makes it easier.

A: Yes, it is easier, however; sometimes when going into Mexico the Mexican border officials might ask you to fill for the Visitor Permit (FMM) or you can prepare it in advance from the Mexican embassy website….

From the embassy website:

“A FMM (Forma Migratoria Múltiple) or Multiple Migratory Form, is a migration form issued by the immigration authority in Mexico upon arrival (air or land).

It is a temporary permit that will allow you (at the discretion of the immigration authority) to remain up to 180 days in the country. You will need to carry your FMM (or a copy of it) with you at all times.

It is VERY important that you hand the FMM over to immigration authorities upon exiting Mexico, as this constitutes proof of exit. If you plan to re-enter Mexico, a new FMM will have to be issued and paid for.

The FMM will be provided to you at the entry point into Mexico. If you travel by land, you can complete it online up to 30 days prior of your arrival to Mexico. For more information, please visit: Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM) .

The permit will be stamped and the number of days that is valid noted on it (up to 180) and you keep half of the Visitor Permit.

Keep the Visitor Permit with your passport card or passport because you are supposed to show it to Mexican government officials, if they ask for it, and ultimately you will have to give it back to a Mexican immigration official when you leave Mexico.

Q: #3 On other side catch a taxi for around 10$ to HK.

A: yes you can take a taxi but I recommend that fter crossing the border, joust walk over the pick up place for the FREE Limousine ride service to Hong Kong, the people there will be happy to help you, and tip the limo driver a couple of dollars.

This is an Instagram video of the FREE limo ride:…

Q: #4 I am little lost on multiple levels or clubs inside on Hk. Any tips here.

A: That is “marketing strategy” to create the impression of different areas like a VIP more exclusive experience and more exclusive.

Most heterosexual men go to Hong Kong to enjoy the paid for sex services. YES; that is the main reason to go there basic full service, from there everything else has to be negotiated in the paid-for-sex experience. Like restaurants, every bargirl has their own menu, and rules and have the “right to refuse service”.

#5 Planning just private no rooms or hotels. So my understanding is negotiate with Chica and private. Need tips here.

A: it is better in the long run, to get a basic room at hotel Cascadas so you can take a shower and be clean shaven when you walk into the club, get the discount VIP card from their website or their front office:

“Your $70 VIP Membership Card.
Membership includes:
* A $95 value each visit!
* 70% Off Hotel Mon & Tues
* 20% Off Bottles Mon & Tues
* 20% Off in Hotel*
* 50% Off HK Surprise
* 20% off HK Souvenirs
* 20% Off Restaurante Azul, Dine in
* VIP Room Access
* Free:
* Limo Service
* Security Parking
* Personal Waiter
* First Drink
* Birthday Cake
* Buy your VIP Card at customer service
* Not valid with any other offer”

Make a reservation in their website and When you get to the hotel Cascadas, get the VIP card at the front desk/customer service for the discounts and offers in case you end up wanting to take girls to your room (arriba) more than once a day, and just get a “basic room”, and check in.

I recommend to go to eat something light at the restaurant azul and then take a shower before going inside Hong Kong.

Inside the club walk around and see if any girl is of your liking and approach her, to “interview” her to see if she is right for the “job/position” of going with you upstairs (arriba)

Make sure you and her are clear about what is expected of each other, basic is full service (covered) for $100-$120 for half an hour, everything else is extra.

#6 Then head back take pedestrian west if open else use east. Avoid late night walking or should I take a taxi back to border?

A: when you are ready to leave check out of the hotel and ask the desk staff when the FREE limo will be ready to take you back to the border.

#7 Possible wait times check website.

A: Yes.

Since this will be your first time, is best to keep things simple and go with the expectation of this just being a recon/investigation/learning visit to gain information and see how things work/are,

if you don’t speak Spanish fluently be prepared for “misunderstandings” real or fake; because somethings get lost in translation.

Keep expectations realistic; the paid-for-sex experience can be an expensive hobby for most people.

Despite it being a simple premise, many Americans buy things that they cannot afford all of the time and end up in debt and unhappy.

If you really can afford the paid for-sex-hobby south of the border, just take a plane, train, bus to San Diego and then the trolley/streetcar to the border and walk across to the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty)…

Remember you are visiting a different country with a different culture a different language, but very nice people and really good food, an interesting “experiences” that you should be able and happy that you can afford.

As long as you behave like respectable, friendly, gentleman, you will be treated like a friendly, respectable gentleman.

Don’t overthink things, nothing is going to be exactly like you imagined or were told, just be prepared for the worst and hope for the best that way you won’t be surprised or disappointed.

Just relax stay open to the positive experiences so you can have a good enjoyable time.

Keep in mind the Russian proverb:

“People greet you according to the way you dress…
and say goodbay according to the way you behave"

So dress clean and simple, don’t be flashy or be pulling out a lot of cash, keep money in different pockets and make sure you know how much you have in each pocket so you don’t have to show more than necessary.

Don’t drink or do drugs or do or carry anything illegal, focus on enjoying your first visit to Tijuana and Hong Kong experience, relax and enjoy the learning process.

In this first visit don’t walk around the city beyond the Hotel area, stay safe and relax enjoy the place.

When you’re ready to leave, check out from the hotel and ask for the limo to take you back to the border and walk back to the USA.

Let’s be careful out there.

Remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

avatar for devl_dawgg
8 months ago
RonJax recently submitted six reviews of TJ clubs with lots of great info. Check them out.
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
^ Thanks for the plug, @devl_dawgg!

OP, this review might answer your question #4:…

Scroll down to look for ##### Club Details #####. I put a lot of detail into how the club is laid out and have some tips for how to navigate it.

Re: question #5: Planning just private no rooms or hotels. Can you elaborate on what you mean, and what you're asking? There's a wide array of options here: taking a chica arriba (but not having sex), doing VIP rooms (my favorite pastime) or doing Privados (which are cheap but not a great deal because they are over so quick.)
avatar for Jascoi
8 months ago
it is a long walk to trolley at ped west (chaperal). and open hours are limited. 6am-2pm. ped east is 24 hours but general lines might be longer. filling out FFM form is inconsitant. and i have NEVER given back a FFM form to exit tijuana mexico.
i ride the trolley because parking is free where i park. PALM avenue. imperial beach just south of.chula vista. trolley hours until 12:30 am or so.
i take the free zona shuttle to/from HK. tip max $2.
have fun!
avatar for Jascoi
8 months ago
don't forget passport.
and optional global entry /sentri is helpful crossing back into usa...
avatar for Tislover2223
8 months ago
@RonJax2 I am not looking for sexual services it's just that san diego clubs don't even do top less dances. Last time tried goldfinger, cheetah, exposed not great experience. So exploring options in TJ. Maximum looking for top less or nudes intimate dances that's primarily is what I am looking for. Planning around November
avatar for Tislover2223
8 months ago
@Jascoi, @devl_dawgg thx for tips
@CjKent_band awesome for details
avatar for Jascoi
8 months ago
a 5 minute private dance booth in miami room costs about $25. may be what you want. usually no tip for girl. she gets a cut of cost.
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
^ The other option for dances is the VIP rooms. They cost $110 per hour to the house, plus a tip for the mesero (~$10) and a tip for chica ($80-$100), and they come with a bucket of ficha beers for you both to enjoy. If you're going to be getting a lot of dances, VIP is definitely cheaper by the hour then the 5 min privados.

Getting lap dances in HK is one of my favorite past times. Nowhere in the US can you get an hour long, ultra high mileage dance with drinks for ~$200. IMHO, you'd be missing the best part, which is taking a chica arriba afterwards, but you do you, my dude.
avatar for Tislover2223
8 months ago
@RonJax2 Thanks for explaining, if taking Chica Arriba will be extra room fee if I am not staying in hotel. Here is my basic understanding of overall.
1) Vip = cover + VIP house fee + Chica tip + Mesra tip + Beer included
2) Arriba= cover + Hotel $ fee runs at 40 mins + Chica rate paid at Hk or to Chica ? + Chica tip + Anything else ?
avatar for RonJax2
8 months ago
^ @Tis

Re: Cover. I don't know for sure since I always stay at Rizo or Cascadas, which lets you skip the cover. But I'm pretty sure they only assess a cover of $7-10 dollars on Thurs-Sat nights, and it comes with a free drink. Day and weeknights should be free to enter.

Re: Arriba costs. You'll pay a chica directly for an arriba, you don't pay the house. Most chicas right now are charging $120-$150 per HH arriba. Some might negotiate as low as $100 HH, some outliers might be asking up to $200 per HH arriba. Note that most chicas nowadays will lower their HH rate for more time, so a chica charging $150 per HH might charge $250 per hour or $400 for 2 hours. Most chicas will be happy with a small tip of like $20 on top of their arriba rate.

Note also that you'll pay a barfine to the house for any arriba lasting longer than an hour. That bar fine is $110 per hour, and comes with some drinks, which you'll probably need to tip the mesero for.

The one thing I don't know is if a chica will negotiate a lower arriba rate if you're only interested in dances. My guess is not. But you might try and find out for your self. Assuming they charge the same, the VIP room will be cheaper by the hour for you than an arriba.

Finally, how's your Spanish? If it's anything short of fluent, make sure you download the Spanish language pack for Google Translate, so you can use it even if you don't get service in the club. (My phone never works in the club.) Here are a few phrases you might practice or memorize in advance of your trip:

No quiero tener sexo / I don't want to have sex

Busco chica que le guste bailar / I'm searching for a chica who likes to dance

Solo me interesan... / I'm only interested in....
...los bailes eróticos / erotic dances
...los bailes sexys / sexy dances
...los bailes de barra / pole dances
...los bailes de regazo / lap dances

¿Cuanto cobras por una arriba sin sexo, solo los bailes? / How much do you charge for an arriba without sex, just dances?
avatar for Tislover2223
5 months ago
Thanks again !!
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