
Court: Trump NOT guilty of rape

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Thursday, July 25, 2024 3:31 PM
Now, I know all the little libs of TUSCL are going to have total TDS meltdowns. This article and the court records reference close the books once and for all on the LIE that Trump was convicted of rape. Stop the semantics, don't argue whatever fantasy you want to be true, and I will look forward to Trump finding the same justice that Johnny Depp did.

Trump's defamation lawsuit against ABC, George Stephanopoulos can move forward, judge rules



  • twentyfive
    a month ago
    ^ sure he is and there’s 93 million reasons that he’s guilty.
  • goldeneagles9
    a month ago
    He was not convicted that would have been a criminal offense. He was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of his peers in New York state. If it was a criminal case he would have had a jail sentence but since it was a civil case he has to pay restitution to E Jean Carroll. The crime is the same. Sexual assault in New York is defined as rape. I know this is a lot to digest for conservative high school drop outs or those that watch Fox News and are brain damaged from propaganda.
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    If it were a criminal case, he would have had a jail sentence, but since it was a civil case he has to pay restitution to E. jean Carroll. The crime is the same. An unbelievably ignorant post from a very stupid person. When a case is civil, the violation is not a crime, stupid. If it were a crime he'd have been charged criminally. Sexual assault is not rape in a civil case jackass. To be a democrat you have to fail an IQ test.
  • gammanu95
    a month ago
    Whatever that means. Care to add facts, data, or citations, or are you just going to keep making shit up?
  • gammanu95
    a month ago
    ^^ first response to 25

    This response to skibum: my post is to debunk all the libs who line to call Trump a rapist. Which he is not. My post and your comment are in agreement
  • jaybud999
    a month ago
    Stop trying to defend him on this issue. Trump fucked up, and he has to pay. The end. Ok, he's not a "rapist." Now you feel better?

    Don't forget to take your lipitor and lisonopril today.
  • CJKent_band
    a month ago
    I will play along and comment on this “discussion”.

    On July 19, 2023
    Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

    “The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was 'raped' within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump 'raped' her as many people commonly understand the word 'rape,' ” Kaplan wrote

  • Dolfan
    a month ago
    I don't like to get into these bullshit conversations, but the little "stop the semantics" comment here is about the most disingenuous bullshit imaginable. The distinction between sexual assault and rape is semantics for most people. I sure as shit wouldn't distinguish between the two on a resume/background check for a babysitter.

    You can call into question the validity of that verdict and/or the actual events. I'm not inclined to participate in those arguments. Perhaps he'll win on appeal, I really didn't follow the case close enough to speculate. That's not the point of my comment. I'm just saying that saying stop the semantics in a post that is overtly about a semantic distinction is rich.

    Anyway, I'll leave you two back to your silly bickering.
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    E. Jean Carroll, like every other liar who comes out 25 years later is a scumbag progressive. In real America, there'd be no charges. The statute in effect at the time of her lies has run. New York cheated and reopened it, which is a constitutional violation.
  • gammanu95
    a month ago
    ^well, youre wrong. Just ask your buddy Bill Clinton. Furthermore, Trump WAS NOT SUED OR TRIED FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT OR RAPE. It was civil suit for defamation of denying the occurrence which the accuser has also denied occurred! How's that for bullshit? Hypocrit liberals.
  • gammanu95
    a month ago
    ^^Dolfan was wrong. As a liberal, it was a forgone conclusion, but I like pointing it out.
  • Dolfan
    a month ago
    Which part am I wrong about? A jury did not find Trump liable for sexual abuse?

    Or are you saying the distinctions between guilty and liable or sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape aren't largely a matter of semantics?

    I remember why I don't engage in these conversations.
  • Studme53
    a month ago
    I thought he was found to have defamed Jean Carrol in the civil case. Was he’s found to have sexually assaulted her in the civil case?
  • whodey
    a month ago
    The jury found that he both defamed her and that he had sexually abused her. The jury found that he had not raped her which was another claim she had brought against him.

    This link includes a pdf of the jury's written decisions in the case. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/read-the-fu…
  • gammanu95
    a month ago
    _The jury found that he had not raped her_.

  • rickmacrodong
    a month ago
    How do they define sexual assault? If Trump tripped and fell face first into her boobs, is that SA? Or what if he gave her a handshake that lasted too long? Stared at her boobs? We need to first know how they define sexual assault and why was it only a civil case not a criminal case? Also how do they prove whether the assault did or didnt occur without video evidence?
  • CJKent_band
    a month ago

    “Sexual assault takes many forms including attacks such as rape or attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats.

    Usually a sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person's body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person's consent.”
  • Mate27
    a month ago
    Who literally has time to immerse themselves into the minutia and gossip of people who work in Hollywood for ugly people (politicians). I guess now we know.
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    Who literally has time to immerse themselves into gossiping about what others post. I guess now we know.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    Honestly, I didn't know anybody thought he had been convicted of rape or claimed that. I guess I probably pay closer attention to the legal specifics since I have training in the field. I thought he had said "you can grab them in the pussy" and had plural divorces and had been ordered to pay a lot due to sexual harassment claims by a columnist from actions taken years ago. Who thought it was rape?
  • Dqirish
    a month ago
    One things for sure, when you have to quibble about the semantics of your presidential candidate's sexual assault finding, your party is doing great!
  • whodey
    a month ago
    Yes gammanu95 he did not rape her according to the jury so anyone supporting him is not supporting a rapist. They are however supporting a sexual abuser who forced himself on a woman. Do you regularly support other sexual abusers?
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    ^ Like Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Kobe Bryant, Jeffrey Epstein, all democrats.
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