As I Watch These 2 City Vids A Lot On YouTube, I See Lots Of Similarities With How The Girls Are Walkin' Around. The Communities, Style Of Business, Girls, & Traffic Flow In These Areas Are To Be Compared. The Girls Are Hot, There Seems To B Good Entertainment, & The Culture In These Areas Look Pretty Cool. I Wonder If Anybody Has Ever Went Here, & What Their Experiences Were Like. Are The Girls Straight Forward, Easy To Talk To, Really Into Fun Or Is There Things To Be Looked Out For? I Wonder How The Girls Are To Be Compared Considering The Far Away Geographic Locations From Each Other. Both Daytime & Night Drives On These 2 Areas Look Good & Makes Me Have Fantasy Of Going There As It Would B A Double Score With The Strip Clubs As Well. I Really Like The Variety Of Looks With These Girls Walkin' Around & They Seem Nice. I Wonder What All They Are Willing To Do & How Much $$$$$ Are Required. ☀️ Unleash The Venom & Blow The Whistle
Buddy if you were to step foot on that street you’d get shivved quicker than CJ Kent cums in his pants when he sees a negative article about Donald Trump.
I enjoy watching those "street walk" (or bike or drive) videos too. I concur with @shailynn, they're very dangerous locations now.
Street-walker strolls were not always so extremely risky. These videos recall my own "good old days" when I might cruise for street-walkers in my youth. That particular type of mongering has become a very dangerous game, and the internet information has also become less and less reliable, so I don't really enjoy it any more. The drugs have changed it all, as I understand it.
I would say, that I CHOOSE not to participate in it, any more, but in fact, I would probably find myself compelled (as in, an addiction) to participate in street-walker mongering if I found it enjoyable. So I guess I'm glad that I find it unenjoyable enough that I don't feel compelled to go after it. My lowest of low experiences were along Nebraska Avenue in Tampa in the late 1990s or early 2000s. I'm glad I don't do that any more. I never took the drugs, but I was certainly patronizing the women who needed the drugs.
I'm unfamiliar with the cities in these particular videos. There have been a few, very few, limited videos on YouTube which show the strips in cities I know well, but I found the videos very misleading about the cities in general. I think the L.A. and Seattle (and other) strips that are more regularly portrayed, probably receive a fair and representative portrayal, since there's so much more street action there.
I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer some of your questions.
You wrote and I quote:
“Tube, I See Lots Of Similarities With How The Girls Are Walkin' Around”
Many of the girls live and work in Seattle and travel to work in Los Angeles looking for better business opportunities.
The Pimps that handle a large percentage of the girls move them to work where they think they will be more profitable for them.
I have “visited” Figueroa during the daytime in daylight, it is a safe as any other city of similar size in the world.
The girls ask for $100 for full service plus the room $40 to $60 depending on the motel/hotel. The “session” lasts until she decides it ends, like if you shut your load within five minutes you are done, but the session is only 15-20 minutes long regardless.
Many of the girls have escort services in the Internet and quote what the market is in the area $300-$600 per hour and full service is the norm, if you want GFE and or PSE or backdoor access is fifty to hundreds more.
The best service to be had is when you become a regular customer and she feels comfortable and safe and is willing to do more if she gets more and she knows that she can trust you won’t hurt her or scam her.
Like it is a pleasure doing business with you…should be the sentiment form both parties to have a good business relationship.
The girls are not being bothered/hassled by the police, because of the new laws and seem to be in a very relax environment.
This to me seems to be a good alternative to those that want full service extras and can’t get them at the strip clubs.
Just be careful and aware of your rights. If a police stop you immediately say you wish to remain silent and ask for a lawyer and keep asking for a lawyer.
Do not give any explanations or excuses.
Do not say anything more without your lawyer being present.
Most likely they will let you go with a warning, because they know they won’t be able to prosecute and they will be liable for false arrest.
We know that with the right mindset and realistic expectations, most American heterosexual men will have a good time at the Happiest Place on Earth (Hong Kong)…
I live less than 5 miles from Aurora Avenue, and have lived in this city for over 50 years. Aurora is totally fine during the day, and mostly fine at night. There are lots of non-hooker businesses and home along that street or just off that street. The road extends 13 miles from the middle of Seattle north to Edmonds. There are about 100 blocks of relative crappiness, and of that maybe 10 that are hooker focused. The harlots are brazen though... they walk around in see-through fishnet onesies at noon in December as well as July.
If you want to get shivved on Aurora, you could try of the following:
1. be a pimp doing pimp stuff with other pimps 2. be a drug dealer or buyer 3. hang out with junkies or bums
...otherwise you're going to struggle to get shivved. I think herpes may be a bit easier to come by in this neighborhood. End of day, Aurora is just a shitty street with hookers and auto parts stores and one very dirty stripclub / whorehouse called Sugars that is near and dear to the local PL brotherhood.
last commentStreet-walker strolls were not always so extremely risky. These videos recall my own "good old days" when I might cruise for street-walkers in my youth. That particular type of mongering has become a very dangerous game, and the internet information has also become less and less reliable, so I don't really enjoy it any more. The drugs have changed it all, as I understand it.
I would say, that I CHOOSE not to participate in it, any more, but in fact, I would probably find myself compelled (as in, an addiction) to participate in street-walker mongering if I found it enjoyable. So I guess I'm glad that I find it unenjoyable enough that I don't feel compelled to go after it. My lowest of low experiences were along Nebraska Avenue in Tampa in the late 1990s or early 2000s. I'm glad I don't do that any more. I never took the drugs, but I was certainly patronizing the women who needed the drugs.
I'm unfamiliar with the cities in these particular videos. There have been a few, very few, limited videos on YouTube which show the strips in cities I know well, but I found the videos very misleading about the cities in general. I think the L.A. and Seattle (and other) strips that are more regularly portrayed, probably receive a fair and representative portrayal, since there's so much more street action there.
I will play along and comment on your discussion and answer some of your questions.
You wrote and I quote:
“Tube, I See Lots Of Similarities With How The Girls Are Walkin' Around”
Many of the girls live and work in Seattle and travel to work in Los Angeles looking for better business opportunities.
The Pimps that handle a large percentage of the girls move them to work where they think they will be more profitable for them.
I have “visited” Figueroa during the daytime in daylight, it is a safe as any other city of similar size in the world.
The girls ask for $100 for full service plus the room $40 to $60 depending on the motel/hotel.
The “session” lasts until she decides it ends, like if you shut your load within five minutes you are done, but the session is only 15-20 minutes long regardless.
Many of the girls have escort services in the Internet and quote what the market is in the area $300-$600 per hour and full service is the norm, if you want GFE and or PSE or backdoor access is fifty to hundreds more.
The best service to be had is when you become a regular customer and she feels comfortable and safe and is willing to do more if she gets more and she knows that she can trust you won’t hurt her or scam her.
Like it is a pleasure doing business with you…should be the sentiment form both parties to have a good business relationship.
The girls are not being bothered/hassled by the police, because of the new laws and seem to be in a very relax environment.
This to me seems to be a good alternative to those that want full service extras and can’t get them at the strip clubs.
Just be careful and aware of your rights. If a police stop you immediately say you wish to remain silent and ask for a lawyer and keep asking for a lawyer.
Do not give any explanations or excuses.
Do not say anything more without your lawyer being present.
Most likely they will let you go with a warning, because they know they won’t be able to prosecute and they will be liable for false arrest.
We know that with the right mindset and realistic expectations, most American heterosexual men will have a good time at the Happiest Place on Earth (Hong Kong)……
The blade is an affordable alternative but the service is not as good as in Hong Kong.
Remember that you get what you pay for.
Let’s be careful out there.
And Pics and Vids of it didn’t happen.
If you want to get shivved on Aurora, you could try of the following:
1. be a pimp doing pimp stuff with other pimps
2. be a drug dealer or buyer
3. hang out with junkies or bums
...otherwise you're going to struggle to get shivved. I think herpes may be a bit easier to come by in this neighborhood. End of day, Aurora is just a shitty street with hookers and auto parts stores and one very dirty stripclub / whorehouse called Sugars that is near and dear to the local PL brotherhood.
I can't speak for Figueroa.