Comments by Jayn2018
discussion comment
5 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
As others have brought up....with the availability of free porn , tinder, camming, SA - the average guy is not going to spend $$$ on lame air dances from a disinterested dancer and some low iq goon watching the floor like a hawk to make sure cutomers following "club rules."
Im happy these rip off joints are struggling and going under and lazy entitled dancers incomes are adjusting to reality. The easy money days are over for women who expect to get paid 500+ a night for shaking their ass 5 feet away from their customers lol.
With that said....extras-friendly strip clubs will do just fine as will your vegas style strip-club/night club hybrid concepts.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Great thread....for those who have high incomes and/or upward income gain potential...it definitely makes sense to outsource menial routine tasks so that the time saved can be used for boosting your earnings and wealth. CEOs of large publicly traded companies are definitely not cleaning their large houses on the weekend...their time is way too valuable and better spent on company related tasks and projects.
OTOH...for the average 40hr a week wage earner in a job/career with defined pay bands and limited income growth potential....outsourcing would be a tougher call given its almost always cheaper to DIY.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Rhode Island
Why do women who look down on men, hate the idea of potentially being groped and touched even bother messing around with working in such a sexually charged environment like strip clubs.
Its like a police officer who doesnt want to tackle an escaping robbery suspect because hes afraid of getting his uniform dirty. But he still wants the deference and respect for authority that comes with being a police officer.
Thankfully ive developed a keen sense of sniffing out and avoiding these uptight "traumatized" dancers based on their negative body language and facial expressions. Sorry im just not going to pay a dime to someone who has issues with men, issues with sex, and think their body is some sort of holy temple to be worshipped from afar.
There are plenty of fun free spirited dancers who understand the deal and are looking to please...these girls get my $$$
discussion comment
5 years ago
Rhode Island
When you perform a job that potentially pays the hourly equivalent of a surgeon and requires no schooling or prior experience, then that job will likely come with certain hazards and risks.
Men understand the concept of compensation commeasurate with hazard/risks when they sign up for a coveted miltary special forces role, a lucrative NFL contract or a six figure salary underwater welder oil rig job.
Only in strip club world does this concept seem lost on a lot of dancers. They want the easy money, the adoration and attention, but guys should just sit on their hands and behave like good little boys and just hand over the money.
Sorry but thats just now how it works. Otherwise why bother even having strip clubs. If men want to deal with uptight guarded women who find a mans touch disgusting....a man might as well save his money and try his luck finding a willing woman at a bar or lounge.
No one forces these women to work at a strip club. Just a work a normal 9-5 job....stop with this entitlement of risk-free easy money because simply having a vagina entitles money to just be handed to you.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Still learning to proofread
This is mostly an american/western guy thing to not like/ look down on strip clubs and sex work. The rest of the non anglo sphere embraces strip clubs- at the very least is tolerant non-judgemental about it.
Here we have a toxic brew of fragile male ego, white knightism, pedastalization of women, and puritanical/uptight view of sex. Dont forget man-hating feminists that want to shut down/demonize anything that is fun for men.
Thats why american strip clubs, the ones that manage to stay open, are for the most part air dance rip off joints save for a few libertine pockets. So it makes sense that most guys dont want to waste time and money getting teased all night.
If american society in general were more open minded and chill with sex work- we would see a much more vibrant and fun sc scene and more guys drawn to it as an entertainment option.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I think 24-30 is the sweet spot. Dancers at this age can still be smokeshows physically but have likely been at the sc game for a while so they know how to charm and finesse.
The problem with the younger cohort is too many gps types and "fast money/party girl" mentalities. They typically arent going to stay in the sc game by their mid 20s due to burn out/lost interest - so im not too keen on the younger types bc its a mixed bag as to whether im going to get my $$$ worth
discussion comment
6 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
Icey, asinine troll that he/she was, at least wrote and communicated coherently and had occasional interesing/useful insights
Nicole was obnoxious arrogant and mean spirited and thought she was better looking and smarter than she really was.
Her attempts at arguing via incoherent word-vomit were painful to read. I think she ran away crying once everyone dogpiled her and tore into her mediocre looks and intellect. Good riddance
discussion comment
6 years ago
Trump will get re-elected.
On one hand you have the fractured, ineffective and flaccid democratic party comprised of slimy politicians each with their own self-serving agenda.
On the other hand you have the energetic and dynamic trump with a single unifying banner that crosses all party lines "make america great again"
One man, one army, one purpose. Trump is handily winning the game of thrones.
Additionally, none of the democrats take down attempts are working - trump relishes as the democrats exhaust themselves throwing any accusation that can stick as well as paint themselves into a corner by trump labelling the anti-american and far-left "Squad" as the face of the party.
2020 is going to be a bloodbath for the democrats and i wouldnt be surprised to see a reaganesque electoral landslide for trump.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
....the entitled masses still demand more and more wealth confiscation to fund even more entitlements. When does it end? When are the masses finally content? The answer is never....greed as currently exhibited by the masses is never satisfied...but the current crop of socialist politicians are perfectly fine with promising the world to everyone so long as it means more power to them....even if leads the country to misery and destitution as socialism always ends up doing....
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
There's a reason why " thou shalt not covet" is one of Gods commandments. 2 of the seven deadly sins are greed and envy.
Greed/covetousness and envy are rotten for the soul - i have no respect/admiration for the rich nor sympathy for the poor/struggling who exhibit these traits.
With that being said, I disdain the current fashionable trend of demonizing wealth and financial success. There are good rich people and rotten poor people. Nothing wrong with enjoying comforts you can afford and having an elevated standard of living as a result of industrious work and taking smart calculated risks.
Even with the current crop of social programs and welfare
discussion comment
6 years ago
I like to dirty talk with dancers and dont mind getting handsy right off the bat - its my way of filtering out the gps and uptight types . A positive response likely means shes sexually open minded, fun and that shes into me on some level.
Its definitely a more aggressive approach but i prefer not wasting time-money on a dud...
discussion comment
6 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Ns....im only a negative jerkoff to some of the nastier mean-spirited posters with chips on their shoulders - i have no beef w pleasant types like yourself
discussion comment
6 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
^^^Lol she mad...in other words she hates her job "this shit", hates her coworkers "fucking dumb/zero self worth" and hates her customers "retards"
Just another overrated GPS dancer to avoid - thank god there are plenty of hot "zero self worth" dancers around to choose from :)
discussion comment
6 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Not likely in her case.....she gets off on berating and insulting men and for now gets away with it....as her physical allure begins to fade men will start to put up less and less with the bad attitude.
She doesnt seem likely to adjust to being more seductive and charming....when you hate men its hard to even pretend....likely she will go down the "bitter washed up stripper now working a clerical job" route instead
discussion comment
6 years ago
>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Nothing complex here. You were attractive and naked - many guys will overlook cunty behavior from women if they are "hawt."
As your looks fade each year - i.e more wrinkles, more sagging, less smooth skin....men will tolerate less bitchiness and gps which will manifest itself in your making incrementally less money so easily.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Im almost exclusively into short curvy-thick latinas. I just love exotic looking women who look well fed lol. Im okay with fake asses and tits if done well. Tattoos-piercings same deal.
Most important factor after looks is good vibe and chemistry. As others have said...i wont waste time-money on an ice queen or dancer with gps i dont care how hot she is.
Some of my best nights have been with girls that werent originally my first pick but we ended up having strong chemistry.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
^^some dancers are are only turned on by the biggest baddest dude. They also crave drama and excitement - a loser thug will likely provide all this plus other perks (good sex, drugs, etc).
A mild mannered guy with money who treats them well is the male equivalent of a plain jane......plus these women, if attractive, likely get plenty of offers from well-off men who want to "save them."
In her mind men like that are nothing special and readily available so long as she maintains her looks. In the meantime she will always go for the more exciting bad boy thug
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
^^^im of the thought that as long as a customer is not being outright abusive...everything is fair game at a strip club. A customer doesnt have to spend a dime in the club if he doesnt want to. He can bring up any topic he wants. He can touch her or not touch her. In every business..the customer is always king and the strip club is no exception.
Similarly, a dancer can choose to or not to engage a customer for whatever reason.
"Creating a piece of performance art" lol give me a fking break...this isnt the fking russian ballet....youre parading yourself naked for money. These dancers seriously need to get over themselves....
discussion comment
6 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Agree skibum- the US worldwide defense umbrella essentially subsidizes many of these socialist countries which makes that model even feasible in the world.
Barring that, Socialism or the social welfare model could potentially function but only under the following conditions.
1. High IQ technocratic leadership
2. Authoritarian style government
3. No outside external threats
1 ensures competent leadership least suceptible to corruption and rent-seeking and 2 prevents the greedy masses from "voting" themselves more and more public benefits. 3 relieves public finances from large defense spending which can allow the funds to spent on social welfare.
3. Small homogeneous population
4. Restrictive immigration
3 prevents inter-group resentment and hatred due to perceptions of "leeching" off welfare and 4 prevents other countries from exporting their poverty by sending their poor to social welfare states where they will be taken care of.
The model seems to work in repressive Gulf monarchies and high IQ asian societies such as Singapore and japan.
Venezuela is a failure due to a low iq corrupt leadership aided by democratic mechanisms allowing the masses to vote themselves more and more free stuff.
The nordic countries could have sustained socialism - however their idiotic voting public and leaders demanded open borders and now those countries public finances are headed towards insolvency to support their new 3rd world guests.
All this to say, is that in our country with 300 million plus people of various racial and religious backgrounds at each others throats, middling IQ leadership easily suceptible to corruption, massive defense spending to police the world, and a large voting block with insatiable appetite for endless welfare spending AND completely open borders.....
Socialism in the US would be a utter and horrrific disaster.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
*take the hits...
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Agree stupid fking article. At a strip club i want to be myself grope a hot dancer and whisper all my dirty thoughts in het ear and she at least pretends she is enjoying all of it...im not at a strip club to be a good little fking church boy.
Dancers with all these fussy "rules" governing how customers should behave think and talk should just work normal receptionist jobs and leave the strip club world to bad chicks with thick skins. Cant play in the big leagues if you cant the hits...
discussion comment
6 years ago
Icey is either a woman or a woke sjw "nu-male" who lives for female validation and approval. His/her posts seethe with resentment over "geriatric old tricks" having unashamed fun with women way outside their league.
I think his/her biggest fear is knowing one of those sugar daddy geriatrics will eventually approach his "main bitch" stripper with an offer she cant refuse. When that happens...the flakiness, missed calls, and unresponded texts will begin...which will kick icey's hamster wheel into overdrive because deep down he knows that some old guy with enough money to burn will be balls deep inside his/her main bitch
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
What is it to you icey.....prostitution, tricking, paying for sex...whatever you want to call it....its never going away. Its been around since the beginning of mankind and it will persist as long as man exists..... no matter how much ugly man-hating women, religious nutjobs, and white knights/simps try to shame and criminalize it.
discussion comment
6 years ago
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
^^^in real life she gets a glance here an there...like any other half decent looking girl.
On tuscl, a site for men discussing naked women, she throws up her few best naked pictures with most flattering angles and lighting, makes a few meaningless posts, then sits back and watches some of the men here trip over themselves thinking shes some kind of rare stunner
Shes nothing special in real life....physically a 6 at best...maybe a 7 if she slathers on enough makeup/eye shadow and wears a push up bra.
If she was a legit typical attractive girl.......and not a dancer.... what the hell is she doing spending her time berating and attention whoring for a bunch of men on an obscure website. My guess is a combination of sub-par looks and social retardedness due to untreated autism.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Explain why celebrities, athletes, CEOs pay hookers then. Are they loser tricks? These men presumably could have "free" sex with willing civilian women...yet they still choose to pay.
Justin Bieber, back in his heyday, was caught leaving a well known brothel in brazil. This man had women literally offering themselves on a silver platter. Was he a loser trick?
In my case....if hookers were turned off by the act of me giving them money to fk...why are they seemingly enjoying themselves just as much as i am....i can feel how wet and turned on they are...they are kissing me and giving me sloppy bjs...so what gives here??