Why Pay for Sex When You Can Get It for Free?

avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
I can only speak confidently for myself on the issue of why people pay for sex when they can get it for free, but let me take a crack at this.

1. Some people are penny pincher. They refuse to pay for sex and are satisfied being desplooginated by whatever pro bono desploogination services are available to meet their desploogination needs. This is not me. I’m not a penny pincher.

2. Some people equate sex with love and won’t consider sex with anyone they don’t love. I’m not knocking this viewpoint even though I never really understood it and certainly don’t subscribe to it. Yes, I agree that sex with someone you love CAN be great but it isn’t inherently great. I’ve been in love with a couple of women who were rather boring between sheets. I still loved them despite the lackluster sex but I didn’t kid myself that I was having superlative sex with them.

3. Some people (I’m not one of them despite my wisecracks to the contrary) actually PREFER to pay for sex. A good friend of mine used to ask the question, “Why get it for free when you can pay for it?” I thought it was funny but couldn’t relate to the sentiment.

4. Some people think paying for sex is the kinder, more sensitive thing to do when you’re seeking variety and sexual adventure but are not interested in embarking on another serious relationship. I fall solidly into this category. I think getting sex for free from women I only recently met is a lot more fun. I long ago learned to enjoy the hunt. I find it more emotionally and sexually gratifying to woo a woman, and make her want me before I grab her by the haunches and hump her into submission. But is this really fair? If I woo a woman and induce her to take an emotional interest in me when I have no intention of following through after I have spray painted her cervix with my splooge, this is both deceitful and hurtful. I did this for a while but came to dislike myself when I realized I was making nice, trusting women cry for no good reason. Playing with an honest woman’s emotions just to notch another conquest to gratify my ego was too wretched even for me. So I switched (reluctantly) to desploogination service professionals. No matter how good it is, sex with a desploogination service professional is less satisfying than it is with a woman who enthusiastically coaxes the splooge out of you because she genuinely enjoys being around (or under) you.

5. Some guys just can’t find any women who are willing to desplooginate them unless they are getting paid for the service. (Isn’t that right, Icey?)



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avatar for prevert
6 years ago
“Desplooginate”, now that made me chuckle.

I don’t want to get emotionally involved with women right now. That might change in the future but the ex-cunt left me wanting to be free of that kind of thing for now.

So I pay them. Since finding out strip clubs are more than show recently, I’ve almost stopped seeing hookers (at least the kind that advertise) and have my fun in clubs. It’s cheaper than keeping a woman happy just to have sex with her.
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
There was some famous rock star that once said, " I don't pay them for the sex, I pay them to leave. "

As a married man, I don't really want an "affair". I just want non-committable sex with a pretty girl. And I'm willing to pay for it. Would I rather get it for free? Sure. But I don't want the headaches of doing the dating scene.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
^^^ I agree. Paying to play with hookers and strippers is like renting a Lamborghini.

After an exhilarating ride you’re finished you just pay your bill and walk away.

You don’t worry about maintenance costs, mileage creep or “hair pollution” in the back seat ( https://www.tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=… ).
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
You're pathetic....

1. Youre basically saying that you can't get women you're attracted to, to fuck you for free so you're happy paying women more attractive than you could otherwise get, to fuck you.

2. You're saying you never understood intimacy and the special connection between two people that makes sex so amazing simply because its something you yourself have never experienced.

3. This is nonsense. I guarantee there is no man out there who would pay to fuck the girl they want when they could have her for free. Again, it goes back to your point 1.... some men, like you, would rather pay to fuck than fuck someone in their league...

4. So you'd rather have sex for free, but can't get it from the women you want so you settle for paying hookers and convince yourself its better to cheat on your wife with pros than it is to just fuck someone in your own league...

5. You by your own admissions pay for sex because the type of women you want won't fuck you for free.
avatar for gSteph
6 years ago
^^^Icey. ??? Why do you care???
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
You don’t read very well do you, junior?
avatar for Prim0
6 years ago
You could add in that you are paying so you can do things with the woman you might not normally be able to do.

I don't see a big deal in paying for something you want. Is it wrong to go out to a nice restaurant when you or your partner aren't very good cooks? Is it wrong to see a professional (Doctor, mechanic, etc.) to do jobs you cannot do yourself.

Sometimes you don't want the hassle of getting all of the raw materials and putting something together yourself.....so you hire a pro to do it for you.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
I can't be bothered to read all of that, but I'll just say that there is no such thing as free sex.
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
What an asinine post by icey.....every man regardless of attractiveness or status "pays" for sex.

Payment can take many forms - time and effort spent courting, gifts, dates, promises of commitment/fidelity, emotional or financial support, or cold hard cash.

"Free sex" to me is being able to consistently walk up to any girl I want and have no strings attached sex with her that same day.

Almost no guy that isnt a perfect 10 male model celebrity can pull that off with any sort of reliable consistency.

Men who huff and puff about how they are "too good" to pay for sex are either

A. Jealous broke losers who wish they could afford the luxury of no strings attached sex with a beautiful woman instead of jumping through a 100 hoops for their "free" sex from their mediocre girlfriend.


B. Wannabe PUA/cassanova beta male types who live for constant validation from women.

Me personally, Im an attractive guy who had had both "free" sex and paid sex. The "free" sex always costed me more....always.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
If you can't get a woman to please you the way you want to be pleased without making it a business transaction you're doing it wrong.
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
^^^most guys, like myself, who pay couldnt care less about whether or not its a business transaction or whether we are "doing it wrong" or "pathetic"

We arent driven by this all consuming need for female validation and approval like you are.

Some of the freakiest and sexually enthusiastic women ive been with have been girls i paid...conversely ive had some pretty bad "free" sex.

Im way past your high school mentality worrying about whether handing over green slips of paper for sex is "uncool" to people i couldnt give 2 fks about
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Icey one day you will figure out that no one thinks you havea fucking clue about life and that everything you say here is total bullshit and contradictory. You think I want advice from someone who talks about hitting bitches? Fuck off loser.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
LOL for someone that tells PLs that pay for sex they are doing it rong, IceyDodo talks about using money to get GFE from stripper whores. Here's some quotes on TUSCL from IceyDodo, aka the hypocritical trick bitch...

"I don't mind spending money in the club."

"If I fuck a stripper...... "

"I offer to pay the house fee, tip out and fine for leaving early) and smoke some weed."

"I don't mind doing normal things like giving her weed, alcohol if she can't buy it, or some money to get her eyebrows or nails done... a bill here and there..."

"Yeah, Im fine with the sugar daddy aspect. Im not naive to think she'd be with me if I were broke."

"Don't care where I met her and have no problem spending the money, its not an issue."

"And I agree, its really weird that she would cut off the $$$. You'd think she'd want to push it. And at this stage while I know itll hurt in the long run, Id be down with it. She knows I'll spend it on her.It was pretty much like we were living in a hip hop video...materialistically, it was there for her. Designer shoes, bags, clothes, the best weed, expensive restaurants. She grew up poor and likes fast money..."

"Im hoping if nothing else, she misses the money. She won't find this elsewhere...it was a lot. A few hundred a day, some days over a thousand."

"... I'd even be fine with it just being about money if she just stays and acts normal."
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
For me it's about instant gratification - I have sexual needs but do not want to be in a relationship and as was posted in the OP it's not fair to either party if my motivation is just sexual.

So P4P for me is instant gratification w/ NSA on either side - I get what I want/need and she gets what she want$/need$.

And as the saying goes "there's no such thing as a free lunch".
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
There are still ways to have NSA sex. I donno, I think if you want to exchange something for sex, there are girls out there who will fuck for a meal, a bump of coke or some weed... lol
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
If a guy that is big and strong can use his assets to make a living (boxer, football player, bodyguard, etc), why can't a woman similarly use her body to make a living.

It's basic supply & demand economics - men provide the demand and there are women willing to provide the supply - like many other business opportunities.

Fact is males and females are wired differently w.r.t. sex and this is evident in pretty-much all species.
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
^^^agree Papi...there a study out there that observed male monkeys giving the females their food in exchange for sex

Women enjoy sex...but they are no where near as indiscriminate as men are in who they would fk nor are they willing to do all the stupid/dangerous/risky things men would do to get laid.

Women sure as hell dont pay for sex - there are no where near as many male strip clubs or straight male escorts....

If women were truly wired like men were....the world would be one giant gay bath house and we would still be living in mud huts lol
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
if we wanna go by biology, then there are males in every species who don't get to mate. Using money to change that is going against nature lulz
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
Money is just one expression of male provisoning ability which females find attractive...ie can this man effectively provide for my offspring...men who are able to provision get to mate.

Nothing unnatural here.....
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Sure women like men who can provide, its masculine. Being a trick isn't, hoes hate tricks. Trust me, hookers don't see tricks as "providers" and aren't attracted to them.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"You're going to have to spend money. "

- IceyDodo, June 30, 2018
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
Explain why celebrities, athletes, CEOs pay hookers then. Are they loser tricks? These men presumably could have "free" sex with willing civilian women...yet they still choose to pay.

Justin Bieber, back in his heyday, was caught leaving a well known brothel in brazil. This man had women literally offering themselves on a silver platter. Was he a loser trick?

In my case....if hookers were turned off by the act of me giving them money to fk...why are they seemingly enjoying themselves just as much as i am....i can feel how wet and turned on they are...they are kissing me and giving me sloppy bjs...so what gives here??
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Responding to a loser like faggy loco is a big waste of time, contrary to his lonely opinion most folks just don't see things that way, you go on being a deluded little bitch thinking that you and your opinions are all that, most here know better.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
25, chill out, Mamisan is right there.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Having fame or money doesn't mean you can't be a trick. For the super rich, the allure is usually control or weird fetishes they can't get taken care of elsewhere.

Would you come back to the hooker if she made her disgust clear and apparent? She's giving you what you paid for, doesn't mean she likes it lol

Most folks actually do see things my way. That's why you tricks are semi anonymous on here, discuss how to hide shit from your wives and community and are afraid of LE.... you wouldn't openly brag about the shit you do.
avatar for TFP
6 years ago
Man this is ridiculous. Why do you folks even bother talking to Icey? She's never gonna consider any of your points, just gonna keep reciting the same shit over and over.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Consider what points? That real men pay women to stick their dicks in their pussies?
avatar for Jayn2018
6 years ago
What is it to you icey.....prostitution, tricking, paying for sex...whatever you want to call it....its never going away. Its been around since the beginning of mankind and it will persist as long as man exists..... no matter how much ugly man-hating women, religious nutjobs, and white knights/simps try to shame and criminalize it.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Actually icee you sound just like Donald J. Trump, saying many people agree, in reality it’s only one and he doesn’t believe he needs meds so there’s that as well
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
===> "if we wanna go by biology, then there are males in every species who don't get to mate. Using money to change that is going against nature lulz"

The more Icey posts, the more sense that he/she makes, lol. Some guys do indeed use strippers to fill a void that they can't fill with civilian women. It's also true that humans are as subject to the Law of Natural Selection as any species - not every man is going to reproduce.

But I think it's going a little far to say that p4p is going against nature, lmao. After all, it's not like these girls are any more eager than civilian women to have babies with these types, they just want to get paid for a momentary physical transaction.

Ok, that's as much fun as i want to have with troll posts. Please continue...

avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
But Icey, I will just add that there are all sorts of reasons why guys might choose to pay for it. For me, fucking civilian women comes with too many complications and your notion that true NSA sex exists is not consistent with my own experiences. All it takes is one butt hurt civilian girl who convinces herself that she was used to ruin a family man's life.

As the old expression goes, I don't pay for the sex, I pay her to leave when it's done.
avatar for reverendhornibastard
6 years ago
“As the old expression goes, I don't pay for the sex, I pay her to leave when it's done.“

I generally insist on a little more.

I’d like them to do the dishes, take out trash, and go out to fetch me a pizza before they walk home.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
Icey, being a modern day child, pants like a dog seeking approval of others. He will never understand that people from my genberartion simply don't give a flying fuck what others think about our chosen lifestyle.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
"You're going to have to spend money. "

- IceyDodo, June 30, 2018
avatar for SanchoRG
6 years ago
Imagine how sad you would have to be to give a fuck what a stripper or hooker thinks of you.

Or an Internet NPC for that matter
avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 years ago
I know. It's sad that IceyDodo seeks so much validation from stripper whores and through demeaning PLs.

And LMFAO she pays stripper whores just like PL "tricks" if not more.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
A friend of mine is on ski patrol at Okemo mountain. I can ski there for free. I pay to ski at Killington.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, your generation not giving a fuck is why this country is so fucked up now.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
We made it great, but the caveat was you had to work hard to succeed. That's why your generation failed. Losers. Lazy. Impotent.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
People would work harder if there were actually any jobs.... As is, people are working harder than ever for less than ever.
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Skibum, no one has failed except you. And I will write that on the 55 gal steel trash drum we cram you into for burial.


Remember My Forgotten Man

Bonus Army
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I will outlive yout SJG and your attempts to belittle me are even more pathetic than your politics. You strike me as possibly the wimpiset person on earth. Have you ever held a job? Ever not been a leech? People are working harder than ever? Lmao
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
The movements of our politics have it so most people are working harder and harder for less and less. This was how Bill Clinton explained it in 1992. Even more true today.

And skibum I will be there to see your remains interned.

The only leech is you and your mouth.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Skibum, why are you so bitter and hateful? You provide great content here, some of your stories and experiences are really interesting....but you ruin it with this attitude and bigotry.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I'm a reflection of the attitude of the those with whom I interact. Sjg is a non working loser who hopes people die. I treat the douche accordingly. You're a hypocritical fraud and as such I treat you accordingly.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
No, you just act like that towards us coz our politics are different and our lifestyles don't concur with yours...
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