
Comments by orionsmith (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is the best type of customer for strip clubs to target?
    Now im making more money than ever but have nowhere to go with all the restrictions.
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    4 years ago
    What is the best type of customer for strip clubs to target?
    Back when things were normal the older regulars would think of it as no big deal to spend 100 to 300 On A Slow Night Assuming We Thought It Was Good Value For The Money. That Can Add Up To A Lot More Than Some Newbie Coming In The Club Thinking He Is Going To Wow The Dancers With His Money. If He Tips 20 Or 100 At A Time. No Contest With Me. If Every Dollar Or Two Dollar Tip I Ever Gave Was A 20 I Wold Have Tipped Over A Million Or More.
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    4 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Ever have a yeast infection?
    I was wondering if you could catch one while being out In the dentists office. It made me wonder after I heard they let me sleep extra long in a back room and there were female assistants. That would suck if they had a good time and I slept through it all. Also makes me wonder what if I had a kid I don’t know about? If I have a 20 year old daughter or son I would be shocked. I don’t know how a guy gets a yeast infection without sex. I never heard of anyone getting a yeast infection from a good dream.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Feeling bad for stripper SOs
    I haven’t posted much this year. I’ve avoided strip clubs all year due to the pandemic and other things keeping me very busy. I once used to visit strip clubs every week and been out with a few dancers after work. Lately I’ve been watching Donovan Sharpe on YouTube and a few others and they use the term SMV or sexual market value. Young pretty woman have very high SMV. Selling their bodies out for sex lowers that value to a guy with high SMV. Many men have caught on to the games women play and aren’t interested in long term relationships or marriage anymore. Marriage is at a 150 year low in countries that have been westernized. Birth rates are also dropping as more men are not wanting families, kids, or any long term marriage. I had one dancer who I ended up getting to know over the years in our on again off again meet ups want to make me her boyfriend after the guy she had been sleeping with got her pregnant and left. She was desperate. I had told her I was moving to another state which made her cry when I said goodbye. It was probably good for me. I can unfortunately imagine all the drama I would have had. I don’t think she wanted me as a boyfriend like she said. I think she wanted marriage and I would have had what one of my friends joked “instant family”. I dodged a bullet in my opinion. Would have been some pluses because she looked pretty good. Another guy I watch has a channel called Better Bachelor. I watched one episode and found out the better bachelor guy used to DJ at a strip club in NC. Watching the dancers in strip clubs over the years helps teach you how easily some guys can be manipulated by the girls. Anyway I just felt like commenting. It’s been a very rough year for me even though I’m doing quite good from a financial point of view. I’ve had 2 close family members pass away recently and haven’t had fun visiting a strip club since last year. I feel more alone which is probably why I’m thinking about old habits again.
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    4 years ago
    Looking at you your checkings/savings
    You could scratch a letter in the corner of a card opposite end of any chip assuming it can still swipe ok to tell them apart. It's just plastic except bar code and chip. Worst Case you may need to replace it to use it. Don't blame me if your card doesn't work. Or Add Paint Or Tape.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Looking at you your checkings/savings
    I always stuck to using cash only or stayed home if it might be an issue. Local clubs if open close too early and have mask requirements so I haven't visited since last year. I was hoping the virus restrictions would be gone by Fall in the Spring.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    The Second Wave is Coming
    I personally dont know anyone who has had nor anyone Ive been around. Makes me think maybe I had it already. If Im getting allergy symptoms from people who have it if thats what is causing it, then Ive been exposed over a dozen times since february. im currently having no allergy symptoms.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    The Second Wave is Coming
    I had some weird but mild cold and lingering cough way back in February. Ive been going to work every single week this year but not strip clubs. Going to go soon and see if my strange new allergy symptoms react to anything in the strip club. My body has allergy symptoms around certain people now. I sure hope Im not allergic to corona. Might be pushing my luck. I dont want to be subject to lab experiments in case I am.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
    As far as vampire looking dancers getting attracted to me, they might notice I have 2 sharp long eye teeth but mine are natural and not much longer than normal. I keep forgetting but dancers who might be into that stuff, seem to notice me right away. I don’t drink blood or anything like that. I sometimes wear black. I once joined an online vampire support group for kicks. There were some weird stories in that group. I don’t think it was just for vampires. Just because I have two unusual teeth doesn’t mean I’m into vampires but female vampires often look sexy. I never expect a dancer to suddenly bite me but it happens. I’m never sure what they are thinking.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
    I’m watching a zombie rerun. At least it’s not a zombie infested strip club. I saw a movie with zombie dancers. They didn’t look too good. Maybe the dead look better than a few dancers I’ve seen though.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Things that made you go “huh??” when getting out of a local area
    I remember in one club I thought I was going to get the announced lap dance special. The next thing I know I’m sitting in a little dance room and the dancer has this weird look and says I want to lick your balls. Fortunately she wasn’t a zombie. She seemed weird afterwards acting like she didn’t know why she did that. At least she wasn’t dressed in all black like a vampire and bite me on stage like one dancer. It wasn’t a hard bite. I never know when a dancer is going to act like a zombie or something weird. If I ever see a dancer that is foaming at the mouth and looks like a real zombie, I’m running out of the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Take care of me, so I can take care of you.
    I’ve been ripped off by dancers with prepay. I have prepaid bouncers but that robs the dancers of money I may have spent on additional dances if her dances don’t suck. If everything goes prepay or a cashless society where the government wants a cut too, I might rarely buy dances anymore. Strip clubs might go out of business if no one is buying much anymore.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    I am distressed that five people ignore me.
    I rarely post here anymore but have had trouble turning off the ignore feature when turned on. Since Imissed Several Months Might Have Missed What All These New Buttons Do .Accidentally Put A Girl On Ignore And Site MaKes It Difficult To Turn Off .Im Typing On A Scrwy Tv Browser
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    I plan to go see how local clubs are in 2 weeks assuming nothing else comes up. Hoping face masks Not Required But Doubt It Hoping They Dont Have To Close At 11Pm But Doubt Things Change That Fast. I Will Have To Go Early It Appears Or Only Stay An Hour Or Two .Reason I Haven't Been Back
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
    If you have no money nothing to worry about. Not sure why someone no money posts on strip club site im hoping next year its a voluntary exchange Digital Cash For Dollars Have To Protect Us From Virus Or Something Maybe Everyone Gets Basic Income Check Probably All Bs Keep Worrying About Virus And Politics
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    4 years ago
    US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
    I didnt hear anything from qanon just real people one guy in the medical industry and a pastor's wife that said her husband had a heart attack. She said they listed death as virus. Why care if they make it seem worse? Im still wearing mask everywhere and staying homeexcept work etc . Regular flu theyonly report active cases Not the millions who ever had it. also heard congress quietly working on new law for required new digital currency while everyone worries about virus.probably law passes this fall Start replacing cash in weeks. Might be allbs. Believe what you want.
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    4 years ago
    US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
    Im hearing us doctors are feeling pressure to report all deaths as virus caused even if they arent sure if it was. got to keep everyone afraid
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Having my cake and pie
    Im glad trish found a place with cheaper rent.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Connecting with strippers from my past
    I just got a forwarded strange handwritten letter from greenville. Wondered if a stripper i knew found religion and my former address. Sounded crazy enough
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    They also close at 11pm so only those with party connections can really party so ive heard
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Lil Jayne Doe
    Put alil Jayne in your life....
    I think nc clubs are still closed unless they serve food and face mask required. Haven't been since last year.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: WTF?
    Ive notice much poorer customer service if any several companies since pandemic started
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: WTF?
    I just checked. I logged in ok using a password.i even saw a link for forgot password if needed
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How to avoid being shot by a cop
    Best interaction with the police is no interaction. Last time I was stopped I heard "PUT YOUR HANDS ON THE STEERING WHEEL". I did nothing wrong in my opinion but felt like I was in Nazi Germany. They eventually let me go with a warning because I had done nothing wrong. Makes me wonder if today's cops are taking steroids or drugs with an arrogant attitude towards everyone and the slightest wrong move and you're dead. They do not have a right to terrorize and harass people but some of them act like they do. They do it all the time to whomever they want to with impunity most of the time. If questioned, they always have excuses and must be trained to accuse people with lies just to see what you say. I did say something after the same cop said he smelled alcohol in my car during the stop. I said he must be smelling things because I hadn't had a drink in over a week. I probably caught him offguard with that statement.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    New Site Help and Tips
    Show button works on my iphone. Might have something to do with using an old ios on my ipad. I think it might be a 9. something version.