
Comments by orionsmith (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Does anyone know how to make exciting connections in the industry?
    I met a dancer a few weeks asking if I did private parties. Maybe she thought I was an industry insider. I don't know where I messed up. No Suit. All clothes at least a few years old. Wearing crappy worn out pre covid shoes and shorts. Must have been the drink I agreed to buy without asking the price. Went back 2 weeks later almost all different dancers. I don't even own a yacht and don't even own any crypto. Life is full of mistakes. I met a dancer a month or so ago who said she spent the whole day at the pool. Obviously she has it rough.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most dangerous strip club you had ever gone to.
    I haven't been in any clubs that had active shootings whle there and haven't been in any club fights but apparently the place I moved from was considered dangerous enough that I was asked how many fights I have been in. My biggest threats around some clubs were a chance of getting an std from someone I just met or getting taken to the cleaners by Asian massage parlor girls who were very aggresive. My car did get randomly attacked at 2 clubs.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    the stupid question i heard tonight was How many fights have you been in? I made the mistake of telling a dancer where I was from and apparently it has a worse reputation than I thought for being violent. I said no fights but there was a shooting at Applebees not far from me. She looked like she didn’t believe me when I said I hadn’t been in any fights. I didn’t realize I looked that rough tonight. Just because I used to live in a small town ranked as a very violent place doesn’t mean it was violent for everyone. Except for all the shootings it was somewhat peaceful.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you actually ever talked to a stripper on the phone?
    Most phone calls were quick especially compared to an aunt of mine whom no one wants to talk to because it's always a 1or 1.5 Hour call.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Have you actually ever talked to a stripper on the phone?
    Several times in years past. I think the first time was before cell phones and I was still living in my parents house so imagine your mother yelling upstairs saying you have a phone call from Bambi....Just kidding she used her real name so it sounded normal except I didn't get that many phone calls and with landlines there was always the risk someone would pick up another phone and listen.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancers ignoring customers
    I am having trouble understanding trouble getting attention. Even my smart tv occasionally likes to interrupt my phone call saying I’m listening etc etc. I have an annoying smart tv at times. Whomever I’m talking to if they hear my tv talking always sound suspicious. Maybe we shouldn’t have joked about sending a ufo strike in the dc area. I haven’t seen or gotten attention from any 9’s or 10’s lately in the strip clubs. I try not to get too much attention. I remember telling a dancer a story so good she told several other dancers and the following week they asked me about it. I could not remember hardly anything.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Dead at lunch
    Club was still slow friday night but I actually saw stage dancing and got some lap dances. It was not constant stage dancing though. Still slower early friday night then a tuesday precovid. Their web site advertised happy hour no cover until 8 door girl charged 10 and told me ends at 7 no stage dancing most of the 2 hours I was there and nothing until 830 or 9pm ish. I actually got dances from maybe 3 different dancers though.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Target, CVS, Starbucks and other retailers ease mask mandates for fully vaccinat
    My first visit to a strip club this year and a dancer told me you can take your mask off at the bar. She then shook my hand. Then she wore a face mask the whole time she danced for me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Target, CVS, Starbucks and other retailers ease mask mandates for fully vaccinat
    I’m glad I decided to get vaccinated about 3 weeks ago. Second dose this week. I thought eventually we will have a bunch of people running around unvaccinated with no masks and eventually authorities will say the crisis is over. Our hospitals have plenty of space if you didn’t get vaccinated and get sick. Supposedly the vaccine lowers your risk of death to zero and chances of a serious illness over 90% less. I might have had immunity last year from catching a mild strain but never knew if it was just a cold with a cough that everyone around me caught or Covid. Testing wasn’t available at the time. Unfortunately I didn’t hear the side effects can be worse if you already had Covid until after my first dose. The first one wasn’t that bad.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Are all Charlotte area clubs dead before 9pm?
    I guess I will eventually find out myself. As soon as I’m not worried about being able to find gas and not wait in a long line. I heard only 49% of gas stations are out of gas in the area so that’s a big improvement from over 70% last week. I heard many people stayed home last weekend due to the gas shortage.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Are all Charlotte area clubs dead before 9pm?
    Things did pick up after 9 pm at the GC but I’m wondering if earlier hours at clubs everywhere is a thing of the past right now.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dedicating my life to finding out Eliza-icees stripperweb handle
    Old Ho’s
    The last two times I visited clubs in the Charlotte area, it was dead before 9 pm with no stage dancing and barely any dancers at 2 different large clubs. Seems like Twin Peaks is a lot more entertaining and crowded. I felt lucky to see any dancers. I did not see any older dancers. If the clubs in the area have them, they must have been home watching tv or gone to bed early.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How fast do you drive ?
    Seems like I’m usually going 35 to 45 in a 55 zone because of a number of drivers on the road. I remember from drivers ed, a very slow driver is the most dangerous driver on the road. To prove the point many of these same drivers will speed up to make it harder to pass in a limited passing zone. If you wonder why some drivers go flying, they had too much of these dangerous drivers hogging the road.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fucking her out of your system
    I once thought I was going to break things off with a dancer and ended up sleeping with her. I started wondering how long all that would last. I didn't realize sleeping with her would ramp up drama so much.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    I don't remember a dancer telling me about being a fugitive. I did have a dancer tell me she routinely drove 95mph to the club. One night she said the cops caught her and some drugs. I only saw her a few more times after that. She lived in another state pretty far away. She was a bit crazy. I was surprised I saw her a few more times.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    I remember a fast car. I accidentally spun the rear tires punching the gas when i was already at 45 getting on a highway.You could drive over 100 with passengers thinking it sounded like 55 in their old car. Glad my mother didn't notice the spedometer one afternoon. All the other traffic was going between 100 to 120. It appeared like normal traffic if you ignored the dashes on the highway and trees going past quickly. We made good time for over 20 miles. I had tires rated for 145 so I wasn't worried.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How common is "stealthing"?
    Governments need to stay out of the bedroom. We don’t need more laws. Therefore California will probably pass it and then guys can refuse to use a condom at all so they won’t be accused if it comes off but the problem with government in the bedroom is that it becomes a he said she said and of course governments are set up to penalize males and not females. Example if a woman says she is using protection but doesn’t, guy has to pay child support anyway. No crime penalty for lying if a woman lies about it or does something even worse like using contents of a condom to get pregnant. Where is the penalty for women? Right now there is none and men have to pay child support for 18 years if a woman does something that should be considered criminal. Laws are set up to penalize men not women in western countries and a big reason marriage rates are at all time 150 year lows. After 35, women discover men don’t want to get married anymore. Of course everyone is still free to play around. I’m a guy though. Women ignore guys all the time. We have been demoted to second class minorities in westernized countries and it’s perfectly ok for governments and women to pass laws against men while women get paid child support for doing something similar.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Tomorrow is Valentines Day.
    Raining all day and all week so staying home this weekend. Went to a local club a couple weeks ago and didn’t care for everything going on right now. Hoping with virus cases dropping off rules get relaxed soon.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Have any clubs switched to dancing-only?
    I believe in NC, bars and strip clubs might still be closed unless they serve food. However now due to curfews, can’t serve beer after 9.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    How much time do you spend before picking a girl to do lap dances with?
    I like going when clubs are slower but working regular hours makes that more difficult. I’m used to getting approached rather fast. Whether or not I buy dances depends on how hot she is and how eager I am to jump right into getting dances. I usually like to sit and drink a little and take in the view. If I knew lap dances were good and the girl was hot and I already know I will enjoy her dances, I will make an exception and buy dances within minutes. This is the way I was operating. It’s been about a year since I’ve been in a strip club. Been staying away due to Covid risk and curfews. Although after seeing all the uncaring idiots going to Walmart with all their little kids and no masks on, makes me think strip clubs are probably safer than doing essential shopping because some people take their whole family and let their kids run around.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Just to clarify, a lot of my threads are not my personal opinion but based on discussions I had with other people online
    Do you guys think that the role of wife is different in America than in LATM?
    Toxic feminism has been teaching young women they can sleep around and find a guy later in life and treat Her Royal Highness Because Guys Are Thought Of And Treated Like Second Class Citizens The Only Group It Is Ok To Publically Ridicule And Treat Like Crap. Some Men Have Become Aware And Marriage Rates Are At 150 Year Lows In Almost All Westernized Countries And Birth Rates Are Dropping And Western Countries Are Projecting Population Decreases . The Situation Is Not Getting Better. Many Educated Women Focus On Career Bute If They Don't Find A Mate By Their Late 20's They Discover Later On The Men Treat Them Like They Treated The Men.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is the best type of customer for strip clubs to target?
    My favorite kind of music is heavy metal. Metallica, Rob Zombie ,AC/DC, etc . Wondering if strip club Expectations Would Change A Lot If K. Harris Legalizes Prostitution Like I Heard She Might. If Strippers Have To Compete With Sex Workers Might Work The Job Into Clubs Then Typical Customers Might Change. Actually Could Make Strip Clubs Fun Again Like Platinum Plus Gone Wild.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Curfews returning to Florida
    I used to like visiting places when not crowded. Curfews make that a lot more difficult. I do blame Everyone That Thought They Had To Go Travel Visit Family Etc While I And Others Stayed Home And Isolated Except For Essential Business.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Curfews returning to Florida
    I live in nc. Now have 10pm to 5am curfew except for work or groceries. Been going to work almost every Week This Year With Face Masks Required But Can't Go Out Past 9Pm And Drink Anything And Clubs Closing Early. I Think I Have Bettter Odds Of Dying In A Car Crash From Everyone Having To Visit Stores At The Same Time Than The Virus
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What is the best type of customer for strip clubs to target?
    Now im making more money than ever but have nowhere to go with all the restrictions.