If you were used to being at either one club, or one different area, and then you went elsewhere and were somewhat or very surprised at something. What was the first thing you noticed?
I’ll start. Coming from Texas, there was plenty of things:
“Why do these stages have chairs next to them? People actually sit there all the time?” “Wow, a lot of clubs really don’t care about your social security card? At all?” “Huh, so apparently being walked to your car by a bouncer is super common...”
Girls not being able to skip stage if they were in the middle of a private dance or about to start a dance. Either stop the dance and do stage or pay a fee to skip stage. That will always boggle my mind.
When I first went to Canada and saw dudes (and female patrons) tipping what I call "Canadian Style" where you lay down on the stage on your back and the dancer visits you in usually a 69 type position to take the money from your waistband, forehead or wherever you have placed it.
The fun part is female patrons, which there are usually plenty of, say at like the Sundowner, most times get their shirts pulled up or off exposing extra boobies for the crowd.
The odd thing I noticed was seeing dancers actually dancing on stage! In most of the NJ extras clubs they don’t waste time with dancing strippers. They just put the girls on stage so the customers can get a look before they negotiate price and extras.
Mine was the first time I got a lapdance in Florida and the girl commented that it was OK to let my hands roam a bit on her. I was used to San Diego where you never did that with a girl you didn't know.
Once I found this out, I have found a way to make it out to Florida every year since.
One thing that was also weird was a dance I got at Diamond Dolls in Clearwater back in the early 2000's. At the time, a local ordinance did not allow the customer to sit while getting a dance. I had to get a standing lapdance. Since then, this club has put in VIP rooms and is one of my favorite clubs in the Tampa area.
My first trip to the Tanga Lounge in Tampa, coming from a no-contact area in the early 80's, I went for my f irst dance in the back and asked the dancer about the rules. Her response? You can tough anywhere, except you can't put your finger in me". She lied. almost had a coronary. Good times.
Another take on the Dollar Dance thread. Back in the 80's I was at a club in Wisconsin that was holding a "Miss Nude Wisconsin" contest. Some of the contestants were working the crowd giving full on tongue kisses for a dollar.
I remember being at Rachel’s in Orlando Fl - the first time I saw pasties on dancer nipples.
They get a lot of tourists - and one dancer came over and told me they were pasties (required by some local law) and there was nothing wrong with her nipples.
The first time I went to strip clubs in Lawrence KS and was told I had to purchase a membership and there was a waiting period. WTF? (The Outhouse allows same day entry however.)
I had taken at least 5 years off from clubbing and went into a hole in the wall place in Charlotte, NC of all places. During a $5 table dance, the stripper rubbed her nipple across my nose and lips. All my previous experiences had been all airdances. In a few years it went from nipple grazing to being asked "aren't you going to unzip?"
1. The first time i experienced the tip walk mentioned in another thread. I literally said 'What is this? Where I come from if I tip you a few bucks in stage it means nice moves and if i tip you 5-10 it means come over after your set. If i dont tip you, not interested.'
2. The time the shorts came completely off in the VIP. Not down to the ankles, off and to the side.
3. Closed door VIPs with locks at COI Synn. Soon as that door locked I went bbbbooooiiiinnnnngggg.
I became a somewhat regular SCer while living in Dallas in the 2000s - when I moved back to Miami I didn't SC much till early 2012 and that is when I started hitting the Miami black dives - on one of my early night-visits I was having trouble detecting when one song ended and another one started which can be a problem in many black clubs IME especially at night) - anyway a girl had been dancing for me for about 2-minutes I wanted to double check we were still in song #1 and she tells me we're starting song #4 - "say wut?" I paid her for the 4 songs and told her to stop at the end of #4 - I thought she was trying to ROB me but I then used my phone's stopwatch and paid close attention to the music and yeah it seemed the DJ keot mixing in a new song every 30 or 40 seconds like he was in a hiphop club (which IME happens in a good # of black clubs).
My first (and only) time at the Mitchel Brothers' theatre in SF. The first was: Everything that went on in there! Famous porn star on stage - jumps off stage into my lap and starts kissing my neck...another room had the lights off, and you were handed a flashlight to find the two naked dancers 69ing in the center, another where you walked into a small room. Door opposite opened up, dancer emerged and asked what your pleasure was.... sigh all gone now.. ( was Lauryl Canyon, btw - in case you want to date the experience. lol )
When I wanted to stay the night in TJ, I usually stayed at Hotel Rizos or Hotel Cascadas which meant I woukd spend most of those visits at HK.
One time I wanted to spend my entire visit at Adelita's Bar so I stayed at a jacuzzi suite at Hotel Coahuila, as I was led up my room, the manager wanted to show me their two newest remodeled rooms.
One room had a sex swing and the other had a wall tie up, it seemed interesting but not my thing.
I forgot about Mitchel Bros. Been 3x, the first was during its glory years. That was definitely a WTF experience. To this day never seen this: bouncer was soliciting watching a girl on girl show in one of their rooms, entry was $40 for the show, and on a table in front of the bouncer was a medium-sized luggage open with about 75 various dildos and vibrators and sex toys. The luggage was so full it was one of those where you’d have to hold down the flaps to zip it shut. Bouncer was advertising the $40 while saying that the crowd gets to pick the toys. I didn’t go in, but I’ll never forget that giant heap of sex toys.
Honestly, seeing a lot of hot girls boggles my mind because the places I usually live and clubs I frequent don’t have my standards in general. First time I visited Miami, I was like WHOA!
It was my first visit a club that tried to act really upscale. Experience was a lot like my first visit to a Vegas club. It was at Christies in Cleveland back in the early 90's. Probably 75 dancers, very few under an 8 in looks. Dancers all walked around in dresses, and were required to cover up tattoos.
It was a freaking assembly line. The dancer would sit at your table for about 5 minutes at most and then had to leave if you didn't get them a drink or ask for a dance. About 30 seconds later, next dancer up.
Eventually tried a dance from a very friendly 9 blonde, and it was lamer than Columbus at that time. She stood 4 feet in front of me never once got on my lap. Supposedly the VIP area was better, but decided to cut my losses and headed out to a few less upscale clubs that I typically went to.
Went back about 5 years later, not quite as pretentious, dancers not quite as hot either, but at least they had minimal lap dances. Last time I ever went there, although I did go to one of their sister clubs and had a much better time.
Standing in ROXYS in East St Louiswhen the “shower show” took place. Two strippers playing together. Since the shower was technically a private room only for the dancers, they were allowed to do whatever they wanted so long as no customers came into “the closed off room”. As one dancer did a handstand and full Upside down splits, the other dancer shoved a 15 inch purple dildo 8 inches deep into her dance partner. I was like ..... W...T.....F. ?!!
I'll throw in one more from my trips across the border. The first time I went to The Sundowner in Niagara Falls and saw two smoking hot dancers, nude, eating each others pussies in the little horseshoe tables right out in the open in the middle of the club.
Another time, a train of 4 ladies were doing the same on the main stage.... crazy.
Can't say I've seen that anywhere else outside of a VIP room.
The most bizarre thing I remember was a club somewhere down south. Can't exactly recall the city but it was a small club attached to a hotel in either Tennessee or Kentucky while I was on the way back from a trip to New Orleans, where the dancers got on stage and did a Karaoke strip tease. Country music is bad enough sung by professionals, but sung by drunk strippers, likely purposefully out of tune, was a bit too much.
Longball, oh yeah Sundowner is a fun club. Watched two dancers going at it while a hot Hungarian lady had her hands in my pants, trying her best to convince me to do a four way with the other two.
I remember in one club I thought I was going to get the announced lap dance special. The next thing I know I’m sitting in a little dance room and the dancer has this weird look and says I want to lick your balls. Fortunately she wasn’t a zombie. She seemed weird afterwards acting like she didn’t know why she did that. At least she wasn’t dressed in all black like a vampire and bite me on stage like one dancer. It wasn’t a hard bite. I never know when a dancer is going to act like a zombie or something weird. If I ever see a dancer that is foaming at the mouth and looks like a real zombie, I’m running out of the strip club.
I’m watching a zombie rerun. At least it’s not a zombie infested strip club. I saw a movie with zombie dancers. They didn’t look too good. Maybe the dead look better than a few dancers I’ve seen though.
As far as vampire looking dancers getting attracted to me, they might notice I have 2 sharp long eye teeth but mine are natural and not much longer than normal. I keep forgetting but dancers who might be into that stuff, seem to notice me right away. I don’t drink blood or anything like that. I sometimes wear black. I once joined an online vampire support group for kicks. There were some weird stories in that group. I don’t think it was just for vampires. Just because I have two unusual teeth doesn’t mean I’m into vampires but female vampires often look sexy. I never expect a dancer to suddenly bite me but it happens. I’m never sure what they are thinking.
Smoking-hot stage dancer in Montreal in a full club getting totally ignored. But when she went all nude on the third song, her crotch got stared at so hard I'm surprised it didn't burst into flames.
In Mexico, saw a thirsty dancer lean other a grab a bottle of coke off a random table. Impressive cause the tabletop was about two feet lower than the stage. She did it on one leg, threw the other leg up in the air for balance.
An all nude club where stage tipping mean slapping bills on the dancer's crotch. I tried to hand a dancer some $ cause it wasn't my thing. She just danced away from me. That club closed when it got robbed while open, two customers were killed.
"A dancer who's mom was Afghani, doing topless belly dancing on stage."
There was a Pakistani dancer who danced years ago, and several iterations ago at Columbus Gold who used to do a belly dance strip tease, complete with dozens of veils. Gave one of the better lap dances too.
"A gymnast who supports herself by dancing, doing tumbling runs across the stage." I met one about a decade or two ago in Minnesota, while on vacation. I think she may have been a gymnast at the University of Minnesota. She would do tumbling runs, the the most impressive would be her in place jump and twist in the air. Ended up spending well over $600 getting dances from her over 3 different visits.
Dirtybirt, that reminded me. One dancer at a Brookpark Rd club back in the 90's filler her pussy full of water with a turkey baster then spurted it out.
Forgot all about that. Cleveland had some interesting dancers back then.
Sundowner again. For the on-your-back tipping and for the sheer number of dancers. They must fit 100 dancers in that little building. You're being asked for a dance every minute. And if you're a party of one so can't get a table then you're being told by a bouncer every minute that you can't stand wherever you're standing. Nowhere home is anywhere near that high traffic.
last commentEither stop the dance and do stage or pay a fee to skip stage. That will always boggle my mind.
The fun part is female patrons, which there are usually plenty of, say at like the Sundowner, most times get their shirts pulled up or off exposing extra boobies for the crowd.
Once I found this out, I have found a way to make it out to Florida every year since.
One thing that was also weird was a dance I got at Diamond Dolls in Clearwater back in the early 2000's. At the time, a local ordinance did not allow the customer to sit while getting a dance. I had to get a standing lapdance. Since then, this club has put in VIP rooms and is one of my favorite clubs in the Tampa area.
I had never heard of such a thing.
-street walkers in front of dunkin donuts in montreal.
-memphis social scene is really bad. platinum plus was actually a pick up spot. also saw a girl civvie tongue a dancer's ass on stage.
I had those same two firsts; the "stand up" slow dance at Diamond Dolls and Personalities in Clearwater...
The first time I was allowed to touch a dancer's boobs at Mon Venus in Tampa.... like you Ski I was stunned to say the least.
They get a lot of tourists - and one dancer came over and told me they were pasties (required by some local law) and there was nothing wrong with her nipples.
Outside of vegas I can't believe how shitty clubs look and how cheap they are
2. The time the shorts came completely off in the VIP. Not down to the ankles, off and to the side.
3. Closed door VIPs with locks at COI Synn. Soon as that door locked I went bbbbooooiiiinnnnngggg.
One time I wanted to spend my entire visit at Adelita's Bar so I stayed at a jacuzzi suite at Hotel Coahuila, as I was led up my room, the manager wanted to show me their two newest remodeled rooms.
One room had a sex swing and the other had a wall tie up, it seemed interesting but not my thing.
I had plenty of fun in the jacuzzi room.
Full nude during lap dances????
Having to tip the dj 20%???? Yeah not working in any club like that ever again, I refused and they didn’t allow me back but idgaf.
Girls coming up to sit down fully and talk to a customer that you’re already talking to? How’s that make any sense?
Going on 5+ stages in a row?? Tf??
Clubs making a customer pay $5 more per dance and charging you for that $5??
Alcohol like, in the club, wow ??!!!
Same. LOL
It was a freaking assembly line. The dancer would sit at your table for about 5 minutes at most and then had to leave if you didn't get them a drink or ask for a dance. About 30 seconds later, next dancer up.
Eventually tried a dance from a very friendly 9 blonde, and it was lamer than Columbus at that time. She stood 4 feet in front of me never once got on my lap. Supposedly the VIP area was better, but decided to cut my losses and headed out to a few less upscale clubs that I typically went to.
Went back about 5 years later, not quite as pretentious, dancers not quite as hot either, but at least they had minimal lap dances. Last time I ever went there, although I did go to one of their sister clubs and had a much better time.
Another time, a train of 4 ladies were doing the same on the main stage.... crazy.
Can't say I've seen that anywhere else outside of a VIP room.
Took me 30 minutes to realize that Tijuana DJs don't speak English.
Longball, oh yeah Sundowner is a fun club. Watched two dancers going at it while a hot Hungarian lady had her hands in my pants, trying her best to convince me to do a four way with the other two.
As far as vampire looking dancers getting attracted to me, they might notice I have 2 sharp long eye teeth but mine are natural and not much longer than normal. I keep forgetting but dancers who might be into that stuff, seem to notice me right away. I don’t drink blood or anything like that. I sometimes wear black. I once joined an online vampire support group for kicks. There were some weird stories in that group. I don’t think it was just for vampires. Just because I have two unusual teeth doesn’t mean I’m into vampires but female vampires often look sexy. I never expect a dancer to suddenly bite me but it happens. I’m never sure what they are thinking.
There was a Pakistani dancer who danced years ago, and several iterations ago at Columbus Gold who used to do a belly dance strip tease, complete with dozens of veils. Gave one of the better lap dances too.
I met one about a decade or two ago in Minnesota, while on vacation. I think she may have been a gymnast at the University of Minnesota. She would do tumbling runs, the the most impressive would be her in place jump and twist in the air. Ended up spending well over $600 getting dances from her over 3 different visits.
Dancer was on stage and golden showered the audience of PL’s......
Forgot all about that. Cleveland had some interesting dancers back then.