Tip #1
Follows and Feed
Favorites are now Follows
If you follow (the icon that looks like a radar) clubs or dancers/members, then go to your feed (the icon that looks like radio waves) you will see EVERYTHING pertaining to your folows (which could be clubs OR dancers/other members). All new reviews, photos, discussions, everything in one place for your follow.
last commentTip #2
Bookmarks and Feed
If you bookmark (the icon that looks like a bookmark) posts (reviews, photos, articles, discussions) then go to your feed (the icon that looks like…
Tip #3
Editing Bookmarks and Follows
To remove anything from your follow or bookmark list, click on the BOOKMARKS or FOLLOWING icons. Then simply click the bookmark or follow…
Do the thumbs up/down do anything more than just provide a visual of a post being liked/disliked?
Not currently, but they will be added to everything else soon, and then you will get more of a feeling of who likes what.
In what section of the TUSCL User Manual for the website will these Tips be listed?
I’d suggest leaving reviews/articles/discussions separate instead of all on the home page
There are still separate pages for them
i’m confused.
and what is with these pinned discussions?
Founder when I click on reviews it doesn’t give all of the most recent reviews, those are still on the home page
Hell yeah! Thank you for the like button Founder!!!
I just fin the new format very confusing and not really user friendly. I like the old layout better. Things were much easier to find, everything…
Where is it you want to go, cruzer?
"Last Comment" link broken in main Reviews view and also inside the review itself
That link should be fixed now, papi
Tip #4 - if you follow yourself it makes it easy to see who responded to your posts
Tip #5 -. If you don't want to get an email every time someone likes on of your posts, you can turn it off in your email settings
What does the bullhorn w/ the line thru it and a number underneath, mean? If one hovers over it says "Toggle Mute". Does than mean another…
That's the ignore button for a member
The number is how many members have that user on ignore
Appearently 16 is the magic number
The feature where verified dancers can actually add themselves as dancers on a club listing is pretty fuckin sweet. Just saying. :D
Share the word with your dancer friends, eve
I'll get the avatar thing fixed soon
By the time I figure this layout out, it's going to switch again lol. It switches more than any other site I visit.
Can we get a button to see all full reviews instead of having to click reviews one by one?
Gotta keep my skills up, himoverthere
Full review view is coming soon
"@founder In what section of the TUSCL User Manual for the website will these Tips be listed?""
If founder has a User Manual, you will need this. Peppa Pig Childrens Books…
I find the new design difficult to use when compared to the previous version. Change isn't always an improvement.
Tahoecruz apparently he doesn't understand .
The more I’ve been using the site with the format, the more I’m liking it
These new site changes are badass!!!
If you right-click an avatar and select "open in new tab" you'll get a full size pic.
^ 👍
Every time there's a change to a website (or anything else), there's gonna be some getting used to.
I don't think the changes have been that drastic and I…
I am liking the clean look. I have some questions about the buttons. Every thread has a toggle mute at the top and a toggle ignore at the…
Mute is to shut down another user
The # is how many have that user muted
🚫 Is for the particular post
My initial hesitations regarding the new format have quickly reversed. I like it now. Good job. Except that I'd like to see reviews by dates on sperate pages…
An chance of getting an option to ignore or mute entire groups within the discussions?
For instance if I wanted to mute all of the TJ Monger Discussions because…
"... If you don't want to get an email every time someone likes on of your posts, you can turn it off in your email settings ..."
I didn't…
nicespice, Agreed! Better as time progresses.
If you clicked the speaker icon wondering what it did, how do you undo that? Nothing happened when I clicked the show button.
Then I click the button again and now can't see my own post. Not sure if it's a bug or the show button does not work on…
Show button works on my iphone. Might have something to do with using an old ios on my ipad. I think it might be a 9.…
i can’t ‘show’ my muted comments from my devices even with repeated clicking. old iphone and ipad.
shit. ALL my comments are ‘ muted’.
You've muted yourself, jascoi. Check your ignore list under account settings.
^ might be a good idea for TUSCL to not allow to mute yourself since this is almost always done by accident
good idea, papi
there were 23 members ignoring themselves.
i can’t find my account settings. i’m using a old iphone and ipad.
ok. found account settings on my ipad.
It should be on the menu
i have to turn the ipad sideways to reveal the top menu. and the iphone still no bueno.
Doesn't the menu on the mobile site work?
Menu still works on Android devices. Why does the home button at the bottom and the home page in the menu go to the "What's New" page (https://tuscl.net/home/)…
"Except that I'd like to see reviews by dates on sperate pages like in the past."
Also how about reviews alphabetically by state and then alphabetically by cities…
If you just want reviews for an area/state, go to the listing page then pick the location, then reviews.
Here's an example for reviews in Ohio
"there were 23 members ignoring themselves. sigh"
So, 23 people were in self-denial after seeing the site changes. LOL
Founder, thanks for that link. ;-)
Thanks for the bookmarking feature!
"there were 23 members ignoring themselves."
With some of them I'm sure there was a good reason 🤣🤣🤣🤣
In the "following" page, can we get a date added to the the most recent review so I don't have to go into the clubs page to see…
rougeone, the old site was way "broke" behind the scenes
added the last review date.
Can i still find ... "Clubs nearest me now" a cool location feature ?
Please no more changes for at least 4 years. And bring back the top 10 clubs.
w.r.t. published reviews, the club details (time of visit; dancers working; money spent), and the club ratings, IMO should be displayed before the review and not after -…
Love the updated site changes. Just like everything else, takes a bit to get used to new layout, etc. but GREAT job! Thanks for taking the…
What are the up/down indicators next to the send message supposed to do?
not sure what you mean shadowcat
To the right of the envelope icon for "send an email" there are an up and down indicator. What do they do?
Probably they are scroll buttons
It's probably not a good idea for users to know how many people are ignoring them.
Why, liwet? Think it hurts their feelings?
Knowing how many people are ignoring you builds character
It encourages trolls and stupid shit if they get rewarded for it.
"... the club details (time of visit; dancers working; money spent), and the club ratings, IMO should be displayed before the review and not after .."
I thought…
The club locations is a mess - one has to go down way too-many levels to get to a particular club - it's also way too granular further…
If I arrive in a town I'm not familiar with, how do I look up nearby clubs? There used to be a sort feature that was based on…