Looking at you your checkings/savings

avatar for Muddy
After strip clubbing/OTCs/Stuff popping up. Oh God I can’t even look. Especially after this latest little adventure.

Do you guys the type to count every penny or are you looking away in horror and just waiting for payday to make it all go away?


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avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Just get your Trump subsidy, and grab em by the pussy lol
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I usually travel to do my club visits so I leave with what I have budgeted in cash. I don't worry too much if I hit the ATM a couple of times on a longer trip. In the morning, after a fun evening, I will look to see if I have enough cash to get through the next day. I do put drinks on a card because it is easier than doing cash on each drink.

I have got in habit of looking at my accounts every day but that is because I have had cards hacked 3 times in the past 8 years or so. I also put alerts on my cards to let me know about larger transactions. These hackers really suck. I'd rather not have to do this every morning.
avatar for gSteph
4 years ago
Planning and moderation work for me.

But, I already know I'm an outlier here.
avatar for sinclair
4 years ago
I work a lot of overtime at my employer and have a few side hustles, so I have never lived on a budget or know what it is like to live check to check. Yes, I might be a little upset after carelessly dropping a couple thousand on a weekend of partying, but it never put me in a position where I could not pay my bills or go hungry. I only look at my bank account about twice per week. I am only horrified to think how many hundreds of thousands I have spent in strip clubs. All of that money could have been used more productively. Oh, well. You only live once.
avatar for BabyDoc
4 years ago
I’ve always been a strictly cash guy which is self limiting. I don’t even carry a card with me when I go out. I just fill my pockets with whatever I think I’ll spend, add another 50% and then put about $40 extra emergency dollars in my shoe for a taxi to get me home.

If I wake up the next day and my pockets are empty then I know I had a good time. If I still have some money left over then I kick myself for not trying hard enough.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
4 years ago
I split my regular paycheck among several accounts. One account is exclusively for the strip clubs & OTC. And I discipline my self not to use the other accounts for SC, etc. I even make sure the occasional SC credit card charge gets paid out of that account.

When my SC account gets low, I just wait until payday before going out again.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
This is an expensive hobby ! No way around that fact ! I honestly believe that mongering has been a tremendous motivation for me over my life. It's easy to get enough for food and shelter.
avatar for Member6532
4 years ago
I have definitely got drunk a few times, walked into the club with $200 and hit the atm a few times, never hurt me but just pisses me off that I wasted close to a $1000 in 1 night. But what I hate the most is my BOA debt card and credit card look almost identical, I have pulled money out of my credit card by mistake a few times. One of the clubs charges $10 per $100 and the cash advance is $15 or 20 so the mistake with laziness not going to a bank atm can easily be $50-100 for the night
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
I always stuck to using cash only or stayed home if it might be an issue. Local clubs if open close too early and have mask requirements so I haven't visited since last year. I was hoping the virus restrictions would be gone by Fall in the Spring.
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
You could scratch a letter in the corner of a card opposite end of any chip assuming it can still swipe ok to tell them apart. It's just plastic except bar code and chip. Worst Case you may need to replace it to use it. Don't blame me if your card doesn't work.
Or Add Paint Or Tape.
avatar for aham5
4 years ago
Doesn't your ATM limit how much you can take out per day? I think mine is 300.
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
@aham you can change the daily withdrawal limit easily in the bank app. And with a call to the Bank directly you can get it changed to even higher amounts than the app will allow. Mine used to be $500, now $1500.
avatar for DenimChicken
4 years ago
I always take the money out in advance and just expect to spend it all. This way, it's a treat to come home with extra money that wasn't spent. It also helps with keeping disciplined on how much I spend.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I like the cash plan but then super duper hottie wants your dick for XXX you don’t have and everything goes right out the window
avatar for Icey
4 years ago
I only bring cash in willing to spend
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Strict budget. If you can't hold to one, you need a new job, or a therapist.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I have a fairly decent gap b/w what I make vs my fixed-costs/bills (my nature has always been to live below-my-means and even as a little-boy I was a saver by nature) - so I don't get in extreme trouble w.r.t. SC-spending but I did for a while back around 2012/2013 when I first joined TUSCL and I went fullboard and would hit the clubs multiple times per week and at times more than one club in a day/night - I got into some debt by not paying my full credit-card balance for a while but all it took was not SCing for a little while to get back on track.

Other than SCing I’ve never had much of a spending problem in that by nature I tend to buy what I need vs buying stuff just b/c I can/have-the-$$$ - thus I’ve never really bothered to “keep a budget”; it just seems like a PITA and no-fun-at-all to be counting pennies – for the most-part I’m wise about my spending and spend mostly on needs – also not having a wife or kids to support I sorta have more flexibility/control w.r.t. my finances.

w.r.t. SC spending – I don’t set a budget – I know what I can spend more or less and sometimes I spend a bit more than I plan and every now and then I’d go on a binge and overspend but I could fairly quickly get back on track by dialing back the SCing for a bit – if I start keeping track of what I spend/have-spent SCing I’d get depressed – thus I don’t bother – at the height of my-SCing, SCing was my escape and my me-time/fun-time, so I didn’t wanna be worried that I was going “over my budget by $50” and thus had to leave the club – my focus when I SCed was to enjoy myself vs keeping track of how much I spent.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
At the height of my SCing from about early-2012 (when I joined TUSCL) to about late-2017; my biggest issue w.r.t. my SC-spending was that I wasn’t saving/investing much – being a saver by nature that weighed on my PL-conscience.

Over the last 2+ years, particularly the last year+; I had significantly reduced my SCing (due to burnout) and started putting all the extra-cash into the stock-market – given how well the market did in 2019 and most of 2020, I made some significant improvements w.r.t. my savings/investments (I’d also had a separate savings account from years past that was my rainy-day-fund where I had about a year+ worth of fixed-bills savings that I also moved into the market and that help with my investment balance and returns).

Now I feel a lot better where I am w.r.t. my retirement savings/investments.

It’s hard to predict the future (of course) – but looking back w.r.t my past SC spending over the years and how at times I sweated what I was spending and at times beat myself up over it; for me it has kinda worked out – I was able to enjoy SCing when I was really into it and for the most part had a blast doing/experiencing something I enjoyed although I did spend a not-so-small fortune – and now I’m kinda in a different phase (for now at least) where the SC-demons don’t beckon like they used to - so I had my (SC) fun when I needed-it/wanted-it and enjoyed it and (at least for) now I’m in sorta a different phase where I’m not spending a big-chunk of disposable income on SCs b/c they don’t currently give me the rush they once did.
avatar for minnow
4 years ago
Muddy, I think you ought to see if you can get through on the phone to Dave Ramsey, and tell him your story. Please let us know how it goes, and provide YT link so we can listen in and be enlightened.
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
I have multiple budget levels: what I'm wanting to spend, comfortable spending, willing to spend, and oh shit don't do this again level spending. It helps that I don't want to be a known club regular, so I don't go frequently and I also have faves I plan around.

avatar for Liwet
4 years ago
I set aside money in advance and spend from that.
avatar for boomer79
4 years ago
Not so much after an individual trip. I have looked at it over time though and thought wow that was a lot of money.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
I’ve found that if I don’t indulge too often that I’m just fine spending what I’ve budgeted. But if I’ve binged too frequently, I get pissed at myself, even when I’ve spent smaller amounts on any given occasion. In short, I try to be deliberate and not impulsive. Somewhat mixed success on that.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I am frugal in most areas of life - except for clubbing.

I doubt I will come close to my drinking days - when I would bring over $1,000 in cash to the club - and not worry about spending it all.

Before covid I would usually club with about $700-800. I wouldn’t sweat spending it - but I wouldn’t piss it away for nothing.
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