
Feeling bad for stripper SOs

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 1:46 PM
No, I'm not talking about the DBs who eventually attach themselves to these little money honeys. I'm talking about the young guys who are dating these girls in their early years, before they are cast off. I'm talking about the guy who marries a girl and then she makes the decision to strip. I'm talking about the guy who loves a girl, but just doesn't have the earning chops to fight the temptation to work in the clubs when the chips are down. How can they compete against this lifestyle? I have never known a relationship to survive a girl's transition into full time stripping. If you're a 21 year old blue collar guy and your High School sweetheart decides to start stripping, you're already fucked in the bad way, even if you don't know it yet. When I was 21 if my live in GF had decided to dance I'm not sure what I would have done. I was still in my early college days and working a crap job. Shit we actually lived close enough to a club that she could have walked to work each day. I would have been consumed with anger and insecurity and that's without knowing what I know now. Anyone else ever think much about this?


  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    They shoulda paid the $30 is costs to get a blowjob. C'est La Vie.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    When I was in my 20's, strip clubs frustrated me. These cute girls would come flirt with me but none of them would give me their number. I simply did not understand the game. But that didn't keep me from continuing to ask them out. I did finally hit it off very well with one girl and she went out with me about 3 times. We had a great time together. But I very quickly realized that I could not handle the jealousy. All I thought about was other men putting their hands on her. So I ended it. From then on, I only dated girls that had very good jobs or came from families with money. Now I have sugar babies that I realize see other men initially when I started seeing them. But I don't think of them as MY girlfriend.
  • PutaTester
    4 years ago
    Cultural norms vary. Fucked a bar girl in Tijuana during a 3-some arraigned by my ATF. That BG and my ATF are linked on their FB page, so out of curiosity, I looked at the BG's page. Very normal family life. Husband (working) and two young kids. Apparently the husband fine with random guys fucking his wife for money. (She does anal for a propina.) And I have had other BGs speak of their husbands or boyfriends, some of whom are not dicks hanging on for the girl's money machine or free puss. And as I was reading a book on Mexican (sub) culture, apparently it is considered a game for guys to try to seduce other guys' wives and girlfriends. They see it not as sex, but as a sport. Maybe someone more familiar with Mexican culture can confirm or deny this "fact." And in Africa, apparently there is the "Love God." He travels from tribe to tribe fucking the local women. Apparently the tribes are so small, there is a risk to the diversity of the gene pool and his job is to bring that diversity to the group. Women fuck him to get pregnant and the husbands help raise the child. Whatta country. The bigger point is that different cultures have different norms. At the risk of being labeled Captain Obvious, residents of the USA have one of the most sexually repressed cultures on the planet.
  • bsa694fun
    4 years ago
    Had a girlfriend who was a stripper when we met, our oldest will be 24 next week and she only stopped dancing last year, I got real lucky because these type of situations rarely if ever work out
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    You can have a normal relationship with a stripper and money isn't an issue. Girls lie about their lifestyles. I know plenty of girls posting pics of airbnb mansion parties but living with 10 family members and goats. Most strippers make enough to get by. The money isn't stable nor consistent. Many hild 9 to 5s to makr sure bills get paid. They like to pretend theyre so well off to make men think their value is high so they'll spend money on them. Its all just finessing.
  • Lone_Wolf
    4 years ago
    Based on what I've seen - if the wife even hints at wanting to dance, the clock starts ticking towards divorce.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Ha! I mean what could go wrong, a guys wife/girlfriend getting money thrown at her all night while one of the Ricks is LDKing on her while she's dry humping him, or JS69 writing 3 page confessions about why she's DS #24 material on a strip club website, or her coming home with BBQ sauce all over her g-string because she stopped by Juice's table to say hi at the club while he tried to convince her to let him pimp her out. Most of us have decades of experience talking to strippers, and in some cases becoming knowledgeable of their personal lives, and it seems pretty damn rare to find a stripper in a healthy wife/girlfriend relationship.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    IMO if you dont support her or marry her if she strips, has an only fans, and is a model you will probably end up alone. Women have the upper hand in relationships and a lot of men will try to make it work even if shes unfaithful. if women dont cold approach you you cant be that picky when youre getting pussy. Those days are over, men are simps.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Women have the upper hand in relationships and a lot of men will try to make it work even if shes unfaithful." Salty, I disagree with much of this. IMHO most women are inherently relationship based creatures. Very few like to be alone and fewer still will easily leave a guy once they get past a certain point in a relationship, at least until a very long time has passed and they get older. I've spent all but a handful of months in my entire adult life in relationships and I did the leaving with my exes every time. Now will some of the hottest ones have ample guys trying to make connections when they are young? No doubt, but if you're decent looking and have a good job, that dynamic shifts as well as their 20s progress. With respect to strippers, I think that something that LW and shailynn alluded to was right on the money. Girls that choose to dance are likely not prone to be in healthy relationships to begin with. But if anything that makes me feel worse for the young guys who are trying to hang on in the face of impossible odds and who don't have the life experience to understand that they are already fucked the moment she decides to start dancing.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    The good news is, these former boyfriends can get a great career and then visit the local strip club to pay for the "Girlfriend Experience" thereby bringing it full circle. Thus a PL is born. And many PL's form a TUSCL. It's pretty much our Adam & Eve story. Except in this case Eve left to become a full time ho and got big money for it.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Ive mostly dated strippers since I was 17 and now going on year 4 with a stripper. Work has never been qn issue
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Most women crave relationships. Strippers are usually desperate for them coz many have low self esteem. You guys are putting them on pedestals and are overhauling their financial worth
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    I feel bad for dancers with yucky vaginas because Ricky won't give them any money. He just can't get enough of my dick. He finds it absolutely irresistible! 😉
  • BBBC
    4 years ago
    P. S. Ricky, I love what dat mouth do...👄👅🍆 😉
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    I dont think theirs a difference between strippers and non-strippers when it comes to relationships. Both can inflict damage to your life by the amount of investment you have to each. now that im in my 40s i would not have a problem living or dating a stripper in her mid 20s as long as shes my toy. If i was young and my GF started to strip, i would probably continue to hit it but eventually break it off. pussy is one hell of a drug
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    Been with mine, little bit after walking into a bikini bar to dance at age of 23, 40+ old now with nude dancing, otc, and lots of adult biz stuff in between, now primarily bartender/server/doorgirl (whatever?) Run it all My SO’s lucky🥴🙄🤣😂🤪
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    "I would have been consumed with anger and insecurity" Why the conditional past tense? Judging from most of your posts, you're consumed with anger and insecurity now.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    The trolling is heavy in this thread. I suppose they have nothing more meaningful to add. Hopefully doctorevil will eventually re-grow his nutsack and give us some more travel stories that live up to the recent one where he got a blowjob in the men's bathroom at Baby Dolls (Dallas). I enjoyed that story so much that I even refrained from asking whether it was really a Latina dancer or another dude - could go either way I suppose. 😉
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    If you're going to try to troll me, at least try to get your facts straight. The bathroom blowjob was at Chicas Locas, not Baby Dolls, and it was over a year and a half ago. [view link] I guess it's nice to know I've got a review groupie, even a slightly retarded on that gets confused easily. I may try it at Baby Dolls on my next trip to Dallas, though. That would be fun.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Doctorevil, who trolled who? Also you're getting your panties in a twist over a technicality. After all both of those dumps are owned by the same person aren't they?
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Trolling, counter-trolling, who trolled first? Technicalities. Don't get your panties in a twist.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    When a young guy is dating a girl who decides to strip, it can be a dangerous situation. The emotions can be volatile for young guys, and jealousy can be difficult to control. I think the underlying motivations of the girl must be understood before a negative outcome can be determined. If the guy is struggling financially, and the girl has no real job skills, it’s possible the stripping can be something to help make ends meet. This can be considered an affront to the man’s earning ability - and it can hurt the guys masculinity. But he must be honest and understand the girl is trying to help. If a time frame is set, and boundaries, this can work out. If the couple is doing ok, but the girl wants more money for material items - nicer clothes, expensive shoes, etc. This can be worse, as the girl is primarily motivated to keep getting more brand names, and she is ok with compromising herself to make money. As she ages, she will need to go farther to make enough money for those material items, and that will be very difficult. This is when aging stripper syndrome can be dangerous, as she will never be satisfied with her current handbag, as there will always be another carrot in front of her nose. But, these are large generalizations, and are prone to error.
  • PhredJohnson
    4 years ago
    I agree with Salty.Nutz. If I were 30 and dating a stripper, I would be so suffocatingly possessive that the relationship would be doomed. Now that I'm 69, if a 24 year old moved in with me, I'd support her, not care who or how many guys she fucked AS LONG AS SHE CAME BACK TO MY BED ~4 DAYS/WEEK. I think the difference is youth = "relationship" whereas huge age difference = business transaction (with hopefully some shared respect and affection).
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    The MILF I've been occasionally seeing for the last couple (more?) years has been with the same guy since early high school. She has several kids with him (and they all bear enough resemblance to him that I have little doubt that they're his). She's now in her forties, and while she hasn't danced since the shutdown earlier this year, she has done so almost continuously since she was 18 and legally allowed to do so. Is she typical? Hell no, but it would appear that it's possible for some guys to be able to deal.
  • aroundtown
    4 years ago
    Dating a dancer is almost always a bad proposition. Of the many dancers I'm close to that are in relationships, all have their boyfriends fooled as to their actual activities. Most lie. Also, I've seen so many dancers begin to acquire narcissistic qualities over time and that's not someone you want to be associated with, especially not someone you want to date. Unfortunately, I've learned these lessons the hard way and wasted many good years of my life.
  • Salty.Nutz
    4 years ago
    A lot of men dont know where they fall in the pecking order. Most men are average to below average. Look at the popularity of men strip clubs to women's, read SA profiles and the audacity of women who want a platonic relationship but still want help. The good news is money is the equalizer to gain access to hot women. Buy her dinner, who cares if youre a BETA, as long as youre smashing slend your money if you have the means.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Trolling, counter-trolling, who trolled first? Technicalities." I'm confused doctorevil. How was I counter-trolling simply by encouraging you to post more Baby Dolls brothel stories and less pure troll nonsense? In case you're confused, we celebrate that sort of thing here on tuscl. Indeed fun times like that in Dallas are increasingly rare, especially when DPD raided and closed the Fare Room, which was also owned by the same person who owns Baby Dolls. We should all celebrate BD's continued commitment to high levels of action.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I'm not saying that exceptions to these rules don't occur, but they are exceptions for a reason. To find a truly decent guy who is ok with this has to be extremely difficult. Add to this that most strippers are not especially interested in a Betty Crocker lifestyle and you the result is a recipe for ongoing relationship struggles.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    @salty “Most men are average to below average.” I’m going to go out on a limb here and state that half of all men are above average and half of all men are below average. (Friday morning math humor.)
    4 years ago
    WTF would I care about a stripper's SO unless I knew the fella. NAAAASTY
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    @jimmy: C'mon man. There's no reason to be mean! Just a little more math humor...😇😷
  • minnow
    4 years ago
    ... "most strippers are not especially interested in a Betty Crocker lifestyle." I'll have to disagree with you there, rick. I think most strippers want their daily life to be "a piece of cake."
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    I think some of you have experience with hookers and not strippers. The problems that make a girl a hoe are going to come up in a relationship. But dating dancers ia different. Girls don't bring their work home with them. They never mention customers and any talk of work is limited to bitching about management and gossip. The times jealousy comes up is when they get too touchy with guy friends coz theyre so used to close contact with men they don't give it a secind thought.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    Icee it seems that you are speaking from your own personal experience. Your experience may not be typical of all stripper relationships.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Honestly I can see why a lot of dancers just choose not to have an exclusive relationship while they dance. Unless it's a baby daddy the drama probably isn't worth the benefit. I also know some strippers end up being in lesbian relationships with other strippers. It seems like an interesting arrangement, although probably dramatic too.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    4 years ago
    Since I have been a dancer I have had three long term relationships. All were healthy. In one, he made about the same money as I did. In another, eventually pretty close, in the third, nowhere near what I make. In none did I experience issues of sexual jealousy or of conflict over finances. I dated one guy really briefly who had some kind of discomfort (in some way that I don’t think he could identify) over what I do—that’s why it was brief. Some of you have ideas that are very old fashioned!
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Pinksugardoll, I'll be blunt, are you a squeaky clean dancer or do you bend the rules? Some clubs are very low mileage which probably makes it easier for stripper boyfriends.
    4 years ago
    Doesn't matter if dancer is clean or not if BF thinks so or not. NAAAASTY
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Tfp. I don't think my experience is rare. I know other couples in the same boat. On the flip side the worst impediment ive seen to dancers being able to keep boyfriends is their kwn insecurities. Usually body issues and about being single moms.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Pink sugardoll is a caricature
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Since I have been a dancer I have had three long term relationships." Sugar, I hate to state the obvious, but if they were all such healthy relationships then why did none of them survive?
    4 years ago
    "if they were all such healthy relationships then why did none of them survive?" relationships end for reasons other than being a stripper NAAAASTY
  • rickthelion
    4 years ago
    Dugan, my brother, your concern for stripper SO’s shows your truly amazing empathy. What a piece of work is rick! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculties! in form and moving, how express and admirable! in action how like an angel! in apprehension, how like a god! the beauty of the world! the paragon of animals! But lo! As the smartest of hairless apes you must realize that to inadvertently lick the jizz of ricks from thy mate’s honey pot is an honor to mere mortals. Those that look up from their actions and ask: what is this quintessence of jizz? Hark, ‘tis a rick. Unless it’s vulture jizz. I like my little bud but he eats some rank stuff and I’m sure that makes all of his secretions kind of smelly. Not that I, as a rick, would look down on anybody who was into that sort of thing. ROAR!!!
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "relationships end for reasons other than being a stripper" Of course they do. But when they do end they are rarely "healthy" or else they would have continued. Now is it possible that one good relationship could end due to some freak or tragic event outside of anyone's control? Sure. But three is highly improbable (to say the least). Sugar, I'm not trying to be remotely mean here and I'm sorry if it is coming across this way. I'm also not trying to pour salt into any wounds. It's simply my experience that it's very tough for girls in the business to form healthy long-term relationships. There's nothing wrong with making an active choice to focus on one thing vs. the other. Indeed, as one Russian fav (basically a SB) once said to me, "I'd never want a man who would be ok with me doing this," when she was telling me that both our side fun and her stripper career would be over when she met Mr. Right.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    ^^^ Rick, how healthy do you think your relationship would be if Mrs. Dugan found out about all your extra-marital escapades? Has she ever been suspicious, or have you ever been close to being outed? If the answer to that is yes, then you’re one affair away from having an unhealthy relationship ship yourself. Often times I wonder what goes on behind closed doors myself, but I’m too damn busy to give a shit.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Meat, I'm not contending that staying together is an automatic sign of relationship health, not that I'm categorizing my relationship with Mrs. Dugan one way or the other. But splitting apart is almost always an indicator that a relationship wasn't healthy or else they wouldn't have split up.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    I disagree totally with that, Dugan. So you're saying if two people decide to mutually split that their relationship wasn't healthy? Like other folks have said, there are plenty of reasons why two romantically involved people might split ways. Seems rather broad for you to deem all those reasons as unhealthy. For myself in particular I can think of a few girlfriends in my past where we broke up for different reasons and yet I enjoyed the relationship, and we remained friends. I just think you're off base with characterizing all or most terminated romantic relationships as unhealthy.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    I enjoy your posts Rick. But saying that if exclusivity defines your reality on a healthy relationship then clearly there is something wrong with yours. Doesn't that make your wife in an unhealthy relationship with you? I expect you would say "of course not because..." I personally think its not a problem unless you want to make it one.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    A young man often doesn't have the emotional maturity to understand the difference between the nature of physical intimacy and love/respect. Also they often have ego issues since they have not made their mark on the world and are not settled into their own view of their self worth. If a girl is not just "his" its some kind of insult to his adequacy. Although I think that more young men are more accepting of open sex in today's culture.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    As someone who has been in a continuous string of relationships over the last 30 years, including 4 long term live-in situations and 2 marriages, I speak from some experience. People stay in relationships for any number of reasons, sometimes even when it doesn't really make sense. But when they leave them, it's inevitably because they have come to the conclusion that they will be better off apart (and/or with someone else) than together. That is a failed relationship, not a healthy one.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    @tahoecruz Great comment. I think the USA is one of the most sexually repressed countries. Because of the Puritan ideology most guys where want to have a significant other or have this "emotional connection." Other guys I've met did not have this interest and they mainly wanted to have sex with girls and be done.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Feeling bad for Rick’s SO No, I'm not talking about the “low volume” druggies who eventually attach themselves to Rick in a hotel room. I'm talking about the codependent types who feel compelled to marry Rick, before they are cast off and they are taking care of children alone while Rick plays in strip clubs. (If he goes as frequently as he claims) I'm talking about the girl who marries a Rick and then he ignores her while simultaneously imposing a bunch of rules. (If what Rick claims on the board is true) I'm talking about the spouse who loves a Rick but just doesn't have the self-esteem to fight the temptation to move on elsewhere. How can they compete against this lifestyle? I have never known a Rick to not be constantly chasing some feeling of ego boost. If you're a woman with a biological clock ticking, you're already fucked in the bad way, even if you don't know it yet. When I was 21 if my BF lived in strip clubs I'm not sure what I would have done. I was still in my early college days and working a crap job. Shit we actually lived close enough to a club that it would have been an easy drive. I would have been consumed with anger and insecurity and that's without knowing what I know now. Anyone else ever think much about this?
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    LOL. I can't argue that I'll ever win a "Husband of the Year" award, but I don't remember ever saying how often I go to clubs or what "rules" I purportedly set at home. Mrs. Dugan is hardly a co-dependent victim mentality type either, lmao. But you're way off the mark about the ego chasing. Anyone who tries to use strippers to boost his ego is a moron. I enjoy clubs and dancers for their entertainment value - no more no less. But turnabout is indeed fair play. ;)
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    You bash Rickdugan but at least he has a backbone. Hes honest and open about what he does and doesn't resort to euphemisms to make himself feel good like so many on here. I may not always agree with him but at least he can talk about concepts without resorting to petty ad hominem attacks like so many on here
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Almost every relationship, no matter how great it is, has an expiration date. The pinto relationship crashes and burns; the mercedes relationship wears out over 50 years.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Pintos are very underrated.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Ice, thanks for the kind sentiments but I saw it as more of a light heckle than a "bash.". After all it's hard to get mad at a young lady who writes my name on her books. ;)
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Damned autocorrect that was supposed to be boobs lol
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Hey you never know, she might also write your name on her books, sort of like an old fashioned going steady high school crush type of thing. Lol
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Icey may be salty, but Rick doesn’t mind my jabs. After all, I’m the cutest lady boy he knows 🥰
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    I'm not convinced that a relationship that terminates is automatically "unhealthy". In fact, I'd say that people who separate because they've determined they're no longer compatible, or never were and just realized it, or no longer in love, actually have *healthier* relationships than a couple that stays together because they feel they need to be "together". Separation is a *consequence* of an unhealthy relationship, not a cause or indicator.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    A healthy relationship isn't hard to find. Don't be so jaded
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Young women are now selling themselves on social media, only fans, Snapchat premium, pornhub, Hooters and other "breastaraunts", seeking arrangements, just to name a few. These are now just as damaging as stripping and prostitution. Almost all young women are now sexualizing themselves for money in one of these forms or a another.
  • K
    4 years ago
    no one can ever explain to me how a woman sexualizing herself is damaging or makes her less worthy of respect. how others treat her is damaging and hurtful. The poor life choices that go along with these jobs are damaging and hurtful.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    So You have no problem paying hookers but attack women for being hookers?
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I think K makes a good point. It took a few reads, to fully understand it, but I agree.
  • K
    4 years ago
    i don't think 2icee's comment was for me but to be clear There is nothing wrong with paying for or being paid for sex.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    I meant in general. Some guys on here like CD aka beat aka dave Anderson aka wynex at al supports prostitution yet bemoans feminism and womens rights. What men ...i use the term loosely...like him want are aex slaves.
  • K
    4 years ago
    i do not see the appeal of sex slaves . it is so much better to have a woman share her body and pleasure with you. That does not mean i don't enjoy the occasional consenting non consent .
  • orionsmith
    4 years ago
    I haven’t posted much this year. I’ve avoided strip clubs all year due to the pandemic and other things keeping me very busy. I once used to visit strip clubs every week and been out with a few dancers after work. Lately I’ve been watching Donovan Sharpe on YouTube and a few others and they use the term SMV or sexual market value. Young pretty woman have very high SMV. Selling their bodies out for sex lowers that value to a guy with high SMV. Many men have caught on to the games women play and aren’t interested in long term relationships or marriage anymore. Marriage is at a 150 year low in countries that have been westernized. Birth rates are also dropping as more men are not wanting families, kids, or any long term marriage. I had one dancer who I ended up getting to know over the years in our on again off again meet ups want to make me her boyfriend after the guy she had been sleeping with got her pregnant and left. She was desperate. I had told her I was moving to another state which made her cry when I said goodbye. It was probably good for me. I can unfortunately imagine all the drama I would have had. I don’t think she wanted me as a boyfriend like she said. I think she wanted marriage and I would have had what one of my friends joked “instant family”. I dodged a bullet in my opinion. Would have been some pluses because she looked pretty good. Another guy I watch has a channel called Better Bachelor. I watched one episode and found out the better bachelor guy used to DJ at a strip club in NC. Watching the dancers in strip clubs over the years helps teach you how easily some guys can be manipulated by the girls. Anyway I just felt like commenting. It’s been a very rough year for me even though I’m doing quite good from a financial point of view. I’ve had 2 close family members pass away recently and haven’t had fun visiting a strip club since last year. I feel more alone which is probably why I’m thinking about old habits again.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Amd how many relationships with squares last?
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