
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 36)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Attitude on stripper web.
    I'm also a StripperWeb poster and have danced for TUSCLers (mostly TwoSheds customers when it was up, rip). I agree there is some attitude on there. It makes me think twice about posting each time. StripperWeb is a dying site though. There's a new hidden Facebook group for dancers and it gets much more traffic than SW and has newer, more useful info. Side note: I haven't been able to log onto StripperWeb in months either. Every time I log in, I get logged out immediately.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Amateur Night at the Flight Club
    Oh wait, nevermind. I just reread the first part of the post. I'm going to call the club and get whatever info I need.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Amateur Night at the Flight Club
    I saw the photos. The girl who won deserved it with her looks alone. Does anyone know if this was a one time only competition? I would actually be interested in competing if there are others.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Detroit (Again)
    LE has calmed down in the city limits...sort of. I haven't heard of any recent "inspections" since Penthouse reopened. Vice was at Truth for Stormy Daniels, but for obvious security reasons. However, undercovers may be hanging out disguised as customers to silently gather info about infractions they may witness. This would not impact the customers though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Questions for the Detroit Strip Club Cognoscenti
    I like the vip guys where I work, so I tip them myself. I never ask customers to do it because I know how you guys, the customers, feel about it. If you have a problem with tipping the bouncers, then don't and tell them you'll do so on your way out. Nobody can make you tip them. Also, for what it's worth, most are paid an hourly wage around here and not salary. This is why the tips are important to them. I'm not trying to argue with anyone or stabd up for tipping of the staff. I'm just trying to explain why the fuss over getting tips.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Bouncers ?
    The bouncers at my club relied mostly on vip tips. Since the club banned extras, all of the bouncers have been complaining...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Question for dancers
    Most dancers are bi or straight, I feel. But they aren't going to come out and say it until you've known them for a while. Any girls who are overly excited to just yell about announcing her sexuality is a liar looking for attention. I usually find out how othera swing when I ask them to do a double dance with a customer and myself.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Questions for the Detroit Strip Club Cognoscenti
    We ask you to tip the bouncers because (1) they ask us to ask the customer to do so, (2) they're supposed to be our safety and security in vip in case a customer assaults an unwilling dancer, ans (3) they clean and sanitize the space after you are done with your vip session.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    What is classy vs trashy in the world of stippers.
    *but not many. *Most Fuck typos.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    What is classy vs trashy in the world of stippers.
    I'm studying for my personal training certification. I hope I'm toned lol. I'm super lazy about hair & makeup. I make it look good, but I rarely change it up. I curl my hair seldom because I'm a pole sport competitor, so my hair ends up looking like Walmart if it's curled after a stage rotation. My hair is bright as fuck (currently pink & green). I like stimulants (not coke though). Caffiene pills, coffee, Adderall, etc. I have a thyroid disease and a sleep disorder, so I *need* to pep myself up. Girls who have anxiety about stage or in general, should not strip in my opinion. At Legends, I feel like I'm a six. The girls there are hot as fuck. There are a few hot messes, but many. At Deja Vu, I feel like I'm a 15. Those girls get sloppy ass drunk in the locker room. A lot are out of shape. It's like over all appearance and presentation of oneself is last in their order as nost seem to be more excited to drink and bash "Detroit whores" (they say every dancer from Detroit has or currently does extras lol. They're naive as hell.)...
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    What is classy vs trashy in the world of stippers.
    Absolutely. There are girls who look like supermodels and then there are girls with hair that appears to not have been washed in weeks wearing Walmart swim tops. But then there are hot, well kept girls who cocktail with xanax and alcohol, while the unkempt girls might work sober or have a shot or two. I consider myself in between depending on how much time I have to get ready. My hair is always straightened and styled because it's easier to do and I do the same makeup look every night. But my outfits are always on point.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    What is classy vs trashy in the world of stippers.
    The difference between the two, for me, depends on presentation (makeup vs no makeup; hair), outfit (does it match, is it new/old/has loose stitching? is it clean or does it smell?), level of intoxication (those I work with who get sloppy drunk are complete pieces of shit to me, but this is just my opinion), and drug selection(s) - if any (I understand how hard it is sometimes to work completely sober, but there are just some drugs girls should not do while working).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    July 10 DTW
    s275ironman, You were probably talking to one of the blondes who left. I saw them in photos at FL from their amateur night competition. Vice almost repeated what they did at Penthouse. I don't want to publicly talk about it what happened too much, but vice is raiding less and sending in nosey undercovers who like to log info more.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    July 10 DTW
    Legends is extras free now and all of the extras friendly girls went to Coliseum. Many of the remaining girls are probably not going to go for OTC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Ever seen one of these ?
    I lived in a furnished apartment building in Downtown Detroit. The entire building got an infestation because the landlord decided to carpet the walls in the elevator. One of the staff members mishandled infected linen and they just spread from there because of the carpeted elevator walls. Because my apartment was furnished, I asked for a new bed and they refused saying they had no more beds available (a lie, they were stored in the basement). They also told me I brought the bugs into the building myself and denied their ability to scale and climb walls, vents, etc. I was able to snap photos of the bugs crawling around in the elevator, along the walls and such. I also grabbed photos and video of the bedbugs in other parts of the building (hallways and the laundry room). Because the building staff and landlord were refusing to do anything for myself or anyone else who had them, I contacted the health department (there is a popular restaurant on the first floor of the building) as well as City Property and Maintenance Management. I forwarded photos and videos to both places I reported the building to Via a fake email address. I was told the restaurant in the building with both be inspected by the city. I moved out and was lucky enough to not take any bed bug larvae with me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lola, check out StripperWeb (of it's still even up).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Will there be any problems taking a couple thousand dollars across into Mexico?
    This seems more like a question for Reddit than TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Michigan HB HB5972-79 thread and developments
    Well, fuck. I already added you before I saw this. The group is secret and hidden though. If anything, browse it and get the info you need and then leave it? I'm so sorry.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Michigan HB HB5972-79 thread and developments
    Nina, I'll add you to the Facebook group.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Negotiating in the VIP (Detroit)
    You know, I really do hate voice to text sometimes... I meant HER ass. And past tense on the adjectives in my above comment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Negotiating in the VIP (Detroit)
    She sounds like one of the self entitled feminist type of strippers. I work with a lot of them and I'm part of a Facebook group full of them. For example, one girl at one of the clubs I work at actually cried because a customer slapped your ass on a side stage. Another girl there cry because a customer grabbed her ass and shook it while walking behind her. Last weekend, one of the girls was bitching to me about how she couldn't believe a customer bitch about paying her $100 and not getting to touch her pussy. I simply replied to her something along the lines of " it's a strip club... He's probably used to getting other things than just a dance for $100. Where she went into a rant about not being a hoe or a prostitute blah blah blah. I feel a lot of these types of girls on Instagram and it is so annoying. Strip club is a strip club. Guys are going to try to finger girls and girls are going to accidentally touch things they don't want to (or maybe they do). It was shity of her to tell you you owe her at least a hundred. I would only agree with her if you had asked her to touch you. It doesn't sound like you asked her to do that, and it sounds like she did it voluntarily... so fuck her. (You should have stayed just to be spiteful.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why I like being Facebook friends with strippers
    I used to be one Kelley's girls. I love her. Even more now that she's sober.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    a screen name change?
    I kind of would like to change my UN as well. Maybe set it so we can only change it once every six months?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bummer. RIP VM. :(
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Michigan HB HB5972-79 thread and developments
    It sounds like a group of Kalamazoo dancers are meeting with the Representative in person. I'm considering joining them.