Questions for the Detroit Strip Club Cognoscenti

avatar for EastCoaster
I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.

On my first visit to Detroit in November 2015, I visited (and posted reviews for) Henry VIII, Criket, Bogarts, Landing Strip, and BT's. I am planning a return trip in August and, thanks to reviews here and doctorevil's June 3 discussion, I now have plans to visit several more clubs, including Flight Club, Subi's, and Players. I have a couple of questions for those of you who know the clubs in the Detroit area.

Question #1: Reviews of many Detroit clubs mention having to tip the bouncer outside the lap dance room or VIP. I did it at a couple of the clubs I visited, but only because the dancers said it was S.O.P. Is this necessary? What happens if you don't tip? How much of a tip is expected? I hate tipping bouncers, but I hate getting interrupted in the middle of a session even more.

Question #2: Lots of places there seem to charge to sit in a booth. If you're with a group of people, I sort of get that, but as a solo PL, would I ever want to do that in any of the Detroit clubs? Do you get more attention from the dancers?

These are things that can and do happen elsewhere, but I keep up on the Detroit reviews, and it seems they happen more frequently in Detroit than in other places.


last comment
avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago
  1. I cant speak for everyone here, but I do tip the bouncer when I take a dancer to VIP. It is not necessary, but I do it to make sure that I get complete privacy. At some places, there is a charge to use the VIP anyway, whether it be a 1-time fee, or a fee you pay each time. AFAIK, Bogarts, Henry’s and Criket have a 1-time VIP charge and they give you a wristband that allows you re-entry to the VIP. I think BT’s charges a fee each time you take a dancer to the VIP. The other clubs you mentioned don’t have a VIP fee, but I strongly suggest tipping the bouncer anyway.

  2. Since I club solo, I do not pay to sit at a booth. I just think it is common courtesy to let the booths be available for groups of people that want them. I always take free seating at a table of the bar, and I usually don’t have any issues getting approached by dancers.

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

Autocorrect does it again. I always take free seating at a table OR the bar

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

As for bouncer tips, usually between $5-$10 is generous enough.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago


Well well well - look at "Mr Ivy League" here


avatar for anthony6613
6 yrs ago

I usually tip $10.00 to bouncer at vip. Booths are usually $20.00. I club alone and usually get approached less in a booth. I know Players and would recommend. Penthouse still has extras but it is not private as before. I did have a good time.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

I'm a "value SCer" and don't like to pay for anything other than the dancer (e.g. don't like paying for valet parking; booth-seating; bouncer-tips; don't even like to spend my $$$ on over-priced SC alcohol and will usually nurse a drink for my visit since I'm not much of a drinker).

I visited The D in July 2014 and via TUSCL was already aware of the bouncer-tip system and was not happy about-it but once in the D I just considered it as "part of doing business" and felt it would have been a risk not tipping - i.e. if you're gonna be engaging in extras def better to just tip an extra-$20 - and if just doing VHM-dances then perhaps a $10 would suffice; but the Detroiters would know better what the tipping amount should be.

As s275 mentioned, in most areas not Detroit one usually has to pay for a room, so tipping the bouncer a $20 can be seen as cheap compared to most-areas in the country - and in many areas, in the mid-tier to upscale clubs not only does one have to pay for a room but the bouncer, and often waitress, both expect a tip or else they'll be checking in on you "to make sure everything is alright"

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago

#1 Many clubs like the Flight Club do not charge for visiting VIP. However, it is expected that you tip the bouncer who shows you to the VIP booth. The bouncer works for tips like most strip club employees, and he performs useful services such as cleaning up the booths and ensuring your privacy. A tip should be between $5 and $20.

#2 Sitting in a booth is something I do only occasionally. I usually sit at a table right by the stage like a regular pervert. The advantage of the booth is that is more private and can be fun if you have a few strippers partying with you. The disadvantage is that it costs $20. I don't think you get any more attention from dancers when you sit in a booth.

avatar for Htxx
6 yrs ago

I always routinely tip the bouncers, & do so well. Besides having been one in the past it’s just smart business. Think about it, You never know when you might just need one. I always club alone, depending on which club I sit in different areas. I’m not the kind of guy that fits into a booth real easily so I’m usually at the bar or a table.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

Tip the bouncer at least $25 or you will not get the privacy you expect.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 yrs ago

We ask you to tip the bouncers because (1) they ask us to ask the customer to do so, (2) they're supposed to be our safety and security in vip in case a customer assaults an unwilling dancer, ans (3) they clean and sanitize the space after you are done with your vip session.

avatar for SuperDude
6 yrs ago

In the first evil incarnation, the bouncer "tip" was a fee to be paid by the dancer upon exiting VIP. She was to give him his cut from her earnings. This provoked a lot of awkward moments when dancers asked for the customer to reimburse her the bouncer's fee. It really started a lot of haggling, because the demand, in the early days, was a real surprise to the customer. By default the fee is now paid directly to the bouncer and that eliminates tense conversation and confusion.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

I've never noticed a bouncer clean anything except once when a dancer knocked over my beer and broke it on the floor.

I've always seen the bouncer VIP tip as a shakedown and in reality no reason for the custy to have to pay it so the bouncer doesn't interrupt which is really the only reason most custies tip the VIP bouncer, bc they have to not bc they want to, IMO - and IMO a bouncer should not have to be tipped to do his job of protecting the dancers.

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

Papi, on occasion I have had to wait for the bouncer to clean a VIP room before being given the OK to proceed. It is usually just a quick wipe down of the furniture.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ my comment was w.r.t. clubs in general, not Detroit clubs specifically since I've only SCed in Detroit once but seems in most places the VIP bouncer and waitress expect to be tipped even if they don't do anything other than not look in and ruin your session

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago


We ask you to tip the bouncers because (1) they ask us to ask the customer to do so, (2) they're supposed to be our safety and security in vip in case a customer assaults an unwilling dancer, ans (3) they clean and sanitize the space after you are done with your vip session.<

Funny you should say this, but it seems the bouncers are there for you not us, as your post so very well illustrates, therefore it stands to reason that you girls, should be the ones paying, them out of your earnings,not creating an extra tax on the PLs, by passing your costs on to us.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

^ oh you naive man - custies are the equivalent of ATMs with legs and arms - if dancers could charge us for smiling at us they would- it's the nature of the beast - don't hate the player, hate the game

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago


avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
6 yrs ago

I like the vip guys where I work, so I tip them myself. I never ask customers to do it because I know how you guys, the customers, feel about it.

If you have a problem with tipping the bouncers, then don't and tell them you'll do so on your way out. Nobody can make you tip them. Also, for what it's worth, most are paid an hourly wage around here and not salary. This is why the tips are important to them. I'm not trying to argue with anyone or stabd up for tipping of the staff. I'm just trying to explain why the fuss over getting tips.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^I hear you and I appreciate your attitude, I sort of resent being asked for a tip, even though I have a tendency to tip well, the idea of a tip being expected, by the bouncer, for not interfering, seems over the top, reflected in that statement of them asking the girls, to tell the custies, to tip them, just my own personal bias , I guess.

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

"...not creating an extra tax on the PLs, by passing your costs on to us."

Every business does it, why would you expect dancers not to.

avatar for EastCoaster
6 yrs ago

Thanks, everyone, for your comments and insights. This has been an interesting, lively, and illuminating discussion. I will factor more tip money into my financial planning for my August trip to Detroit.

Papi, I'm still L-ingOL about your "Mr. Ivy League" comment. Too funny. It's not often one has the chance to use a word like cognoscenti, but, truth be known, I was not smart enough to know how to spell it. Not even close. I had to look it up. ( :-P)

avatar for minnow
6 yrs ago

@Papi- I've met EC, he doesn't strike me as being Ivy League. Nah, he just figured cognoscenti would be easier to spell than connoisseur.

avatar for EastCoaster
6 yrs ago

^ @minnow: True that! I should have just stuck to "mongers." At least I can spell that.

avatar for Ermita_Nights
6 yrs ago

I almost never tip the bouncer at the Detroit clubs I go to. I have never had a problem with this. I have had dancers ask me to tip the bouncer at Flight Club, and have even done so, but not noticed any difference in the service.

avatar for Trucidos
6 yrs ago

So general consensus is 25 will get me the privacy I deserve for VIP at flight club?

avatar for Htxx
6 yrs ago

$5-10 day shift. $10-20 night shift at FC that’s per trip to the back. I’ll do more after I’ve gotten to know the particular bouncer but that’s based on over the years of knowing them

Being ivy league is nbd.every one knows its just harvard yale columbia and the rest are ...riding on the coat tails of these schools.. lolol at least that was the word @ cornell before i left there

avatar for flagooner
6 yrs ago

LOL. Is the Nicole Troll trying to gain legitimacy by mimicking Nina?

avatar for s275ironman
6 yrs ago

^ Not only that, they posted on the wrong thread

Idgaf abt what nina says.

We are different ppl. Ivy league undergrad has nothing to do with law school( other than 20% higher than avg acceptance rate of undergrads into them hehe) so stop making irrelevabt comparisons.

And nope. It is nust that it is annoying to hear ppl think ivy league im tired of hearing non harvard being conflated with harvard by use if the term ivy league. Like harvard yale princeton(forerly known as HYP) form a totally a distinct, and very rightly so, category.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

"Idgaf abt what nina says."

Shut up, bitch.

Umm naw kinda said what i can and what i with it. Plus i didnt mean it like thay my bad.i just meant that i was my own person and not trying to impersonate you contrary to what ppl were saying.take it u want it though, and im also going to do what i want

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

No one thinks YOU are trying to impersonate ME.

U do have thin skin wow nice

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

My customers tend to call it "soft," but call it what you want. :)

Dont care what i call it..Whatever justifies over reacting and making big deal out of trivial matters is what will do.

avatar for NinaBambina
6 yrs ago

Ok cool. Thanks.

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