I'm relatively new to Detroit (and this hobby more generally). My evening recently was soured by a bad negotiation with a particular dancer, and I'm looking for a little advice.
Prior to this experience, I've taken probably 8 dancers to the VIP section of Flight Club. Twice, I got an amazing experience for an agreeable price. The other times, however, either (1) I didn't feel a strong connection to the dancer once we were alone for a song or two, or (2) we weren't able to agree on a price for extras. In those instances, I've just paid for the two or three songs that we spent together and went on my way. Seemed chill.
On my last visit, however, I went into the VIP with someone and we seemed to have great chemistry immediately. Within the first song, she had my pants undone and her hand on me. At that point, however, she offered me a CBJ for $500 (more than twice what I've ever paid for FS). I countered, she declined, and so I got dressed and handed her $60 (ostensibly for two songs + tip, though we were still in the middle of the second song). She started ranting that I was being disrespectful, and that I should at pay her at least $100 since she bare-handed my unit for some number of seconds. I stood firm on the money, but decided to leave the club so that I wouldn't have to see her again throughout the night.
How do experienced Detroit folk handle this situation? Was it actually rude to walk away at that point?
I know that many will say to negotiate *prior* to the VIP room, but I don't like the idea of committing to extras until I'm confident I'll vibe with the dancer. My experience at clubs like this has been that there is very little touching, flirting, etc., on the floor, so I'm not sure how to figure that out prior to the VIP. Perhaps I should start splurging on booths so that I can spend a little more time feeling out the dancers?
happens all the time, you will get a dancer who is agreeable, and reasonable or at least fair in her quotes, and other times you will get ridiculous prices for shitty services. You did fine, and unfortunately it will happen again.
Strip clubbing is a crapshoot - it's the nature of the beast - there are some "rules of thumb" so one can mitigate undesirable events but not eliminate them - strippers are salespeople and salespeople ripoff customers every day - add to it sex and nudity and one gets a murky "business setting".
Rules of thumbs (which not everyone necessarily agrees with):
+ as you've done; most folks feel it's kosher to "take a dancer for a spin"; i.e. do some dances prior to committing big VIP $$$ - as for me, if her dances are uninspiring I tend to assume so will be her VIP - not saying it's foolproof b/c some good hustlers can act like a nympho pre-VIP then is a dud in VIP (and this can often be on purpose b/c all along they know they are not gonna do shit in VIP and just want your $$$)
+ never pay upfront - a lot of newbs get taken b/c they are often thinking w/ their dick - it's understandable that some dancers want payment upfront b/c they've gotten ripped-off b/f, but prepaying is too big a risk b/c one has zero-leverage and many ROBs use the prepay technique b/c once they have your $$$ they can do or not do as they please - in most clubs one has to prepay for a room often in the neighborhood of $100 - in Detroit-area clubs one has the advantage of not needing to pay for a room - i.e. often times guys get taken by feeling that if they already paid for the room then might as well also pay her and "get something" even if it was not what was agreed to ahead of time - again, some dancers are wary of getting ripped-off so the best I'll do is show her the $$$ but tell her I don't pay till the end (and also be careful that if you do go to VIP that your $$$ is not easily accessible to her - i.e. once she sees you have $$$ and where you put it after you showed it to her, she can take your $$$ while you're distracted in VIP)
As for me - as soon as she mentioned $500 for CBJ my ROB-alarms would have been blaring and I would've not had any desire to be w/ her nor negotiate - her $500 CBJ shit would have told me this is someone I don't wanna deal with nor in my best interest dealing with.
We've all being ripped-off in strip-clubs or have had bad-experiences - that is a given - analogous to saying that one has gotten ripped-off by a car salesman - happens all the time; it's the nature of the beast.
A dancer trying to rip you off or mistreat you is like saying it rained in Seattle - it's to be expected and thus you should let it roll of your back just like a telemarketer calling you on the ph trying to sale you something and you just hang-up and go about your biz.
All strippers are there for one reason and one reason only - to make $$$; and to make A LOT of $$$ - most will try to earn your $$$ via good-service - but it's the nature of the beast that there are dancers that *absolutely* give a zero-fuck about anything or anyone and wanna get their $$$ any shape way or form; and some whose hustle is is *specifically* to rip off every custy they can - and in upscale clubs with extras, there is A LOT of $$$ flowing around and the ROBs know they can make a killing conning a few custies per night and that is their business model.
Dealing w/ con-artists is part of the business - this is not to say that every dancer one meets is a con-artist or that one should not enjoy strip-clubbing, just that it's part of strip-clubbing one needs to be aware about and know how to deal with it (too many newbs piss in their pants when a stripper gets aggressive w/ them and pay-up w/e the stripper demands).
This $500-CBJ chick you were dealing w/ has ROB written all over her and you don't owe her anything, nor any stripper really - one only owes them fair-payment for services rendered - many dancers try to manipulate, intimidate, nag, custies into giving them $$$ and this is all too-common - as a custy in a strip-club it's important to stand one's ground and important to know how to deal w/ aggressive and ripoff strippers else one gets taken advantage of - no need to feel bad about someone that was trying to rip you off.
I think it might have been dumb to tip her but I don't think that was your biggest mistake. You should have negotiated everything beforehand; every guy on this board will promise the world to the chick that holds his dick in her hands.
Strip clubbing isn't a crapshoot if you save it for tj! 500$ for a cbj absolutely ridicolous! These are the reasons i have no interest in us clubs anymore! She thinks you should give her 100 for touching your junk! Wow!
She sounds like one of the self entitled feminist type of strippers. I work with a lot of them and I'm part of a Facebook group full of them. For example, one girl at one of the clubs I work at actually cried because a customer slapped your ass on a side stage. Another girl there cry because a customer grabbed her ass and shook it while walking behind her. Last weekend, one of the girls was bitching to me about how she couldn't believe a customer bitch about paying her $100 and not getting to touch her pussy. I simply replied to her something along the lines of " it's a strip club... He's probably used to getting other things than just a dance for $100. Where she went into a rant about not being a hoe or a prostitute blah blah blah. I feel a lot of these types of girls on Instagram and it is so annoying. Strip club is a strip club. Guys are going to try to finger girls and girls are going to accidentally touch things they don't want to (or maybe they do).
It was shity of her to tell you you owe her at least a hundred. I would only agree with her if you had asked her to touch you. It doesn't sound like you asked her to do that, and it sounds like she did it voluntarily... so fuck her. (You should have stayed just to be spiteful.)
She was overpriced and manipulative; I bet that she's tried this routine with other customers and succeeded. Other than not coming to an agreement prior to the dance, you handled the situation OK.
In most reviews, I do not mention the dancer's stage name if I include any explicit details of our interaction. However, in the case of ROBs, I often mention the dancer's name as a warning to other club patrons and as a "notice" to the dancer that this kind of behavior is not tolerated and will actually hurt the reputation of the club and the dancer.
Idk how Papi has the energy or interest in helping with his answers! His last paragraph was all that needed to be said. Legends last statement was on the money too. You should have stayed and enjoyed someone else’s company. As to me that’s why I frequent my regular girls in each club. No muss no fuss. Getting to that point takes some conversation. I’m generally a day shift guy when the girls to customer ratio is higher. Generally more time to talk know each other and negotiate specific expectations both sides before going back. Once I was asked for money up front. I laughed and said you got a bouncer here if I don’t pay. Told her to stick to the plan or forget about it and I’ll see someone else. IMO you sound to nice bud get a thicker skin and don’t put the pussyfoot on a pedestal. It’s just business
I think you’re doing just fine. You handled the situation appropriately. The only thing I would do differently is negotiate before going to the VIP, and be ready to move on if you find a girl with inflated prices and won’t go down to an acceptable price. And, as already mentioned, don’t pay until after services are rendered.
Papi and Legends just rewrote the instruction manual, you got great advice there I’ve got nothing to add to that, except that you handled yourself just fine.
"How do experienced Detroit folk handle this situation?"
I handle it by being a little more discreet. You can ask the same question without naming the club. Remember that the Penthouse Club has lost its private booths. Let's not give the politicians and do-gooders more ammunition.
I'm sure this makes me petty but I always take the high road in situations like this. If we agree to one price but then she demands more money for whatever reason, I'll give her the money. I make it clear that I'll give her what she wants but she's not going to get another thing from me. And then I'll get a dance from her friend. I'll spend as much money as I can with her. VIP's, drinks, tips. etc. Whatever it takes to make the unappreciative dancer know that I came to spend some money and she just blew the opportunity to make her rent for the month.
@JackScott: You’re simply encouraging ROB behavior. Most of these girls don’t even think about “later tonight” much less about “the next time he might come in.”
Awake mortals, and seek out the wisdom of the one called SJG! Buying dances is for chumps that slumber. Front room tentacle makeout sessions are the way of the woken.
last commentRules of thumbs (which not everyone necessarily agrees with):
+ as you've done; most folks feel it's kosher to "take a dancer for a spin"; i.e. do some dances prior to committing big VIP $$$ - as for me, if her dances are uninspiring I tend to assume so will be her VIP - not saying it's foolproof b/c some good hustlers can act like a nympho pre-VIP then is a dud in VIP (and this can often be on purpose b/c all along they know they are not gonna do shit in VIP and just want your $$$)
+ never pay upfront - a lot of newbs get taken b/c they are often thinking w/ their dick - it's understandable that some dancers want payment upfront b/c they've gotten ripped-off b/f, but prepaying is too big a risk b/c one has zero-leverage and many ROBs use the prepay technique b/c once they have your $$$ they can do or not do as they please - in most clubs one has to prepay for a room often in the neighborhood of $100 - in Detroit-area clubs one has the advantage of not needing to pay for a room - i.e. often times guys get taken by feeling that if they already paid for the room then might as well also pay her and "get something" even if it was not what was agreed to ahead of time - again, some dancers are wary of getting ripped-off so the best I'll do is show her the $$$ but tell her I don't pay till the end (and also be careful that if you do go to VIP that your $$$ is not easily accessible to her - i.e. once she sees you have $$$ and where you put it after you showed it to her, she can take your $$$ while you're distracted in VIP)
As for me - as soon as she mentioned $500 for CBJ my ROB-alarms would have been blaring and I would've not had any desire to be w/ her nor negotiate - her $500 CBJ shit would have told me this is someone I don't wanna deal with nor in my best interest dealing with.
We've all being ripped-off in strip-clubs or have had bad-experiences - that is a given - analogous to saying that one has gotten ripped-off by a car salesman - happens all the time; it's the nature of the beast.
A dancer trying to rip you off or mistreat you is like saying it rained in Seattle - it's to be expected and thus you should let it roll of your back just like a telemarketer calling you on the ph trying to sale you something and you just hang-up and go about your biz.
All strippers are there for one reason and one reason only - to make $$$; and to make A LOT of $$$ - most will try to earn your $$$ via good-service - but it's the nature of the beast that there are dancers that *absolutely* give a zero-fuck about anything or anyone and wanna get their $$$ any shape way or form; and some whose hustle is is *specifically* to rip off every custy they can - and in upscale clubs with extras, there is A LOT of $$$ flowing around and the ROBs know they can make a killing conning a few custies per night and that is their business model.
Dealing w/ con-artists is part of the business - this is not to say that every dancer one meets is a con-artist or that one should not enjoy strip-clubbing, just that it's part of strip-clubbing one needs to be aware about and know how to deal with it (too many newbs piss in their pants when a stripper gets aggressive w/ them and pay-up w/e the stripper demands).
This $500-CBJ chick you were dealing w/ has ROB written all over her and you don't owe her anything, nor any stripper really - one only owes them fair-payment for services rendered - many dancers try to manipulate, intimidate, nag, custies into giving them $$$ and this is all too-common - as a custy in a strip-club it's important to stand one's ground and important to know how to deal w/ aggressive and ripoff strippers else one gets taken advantage of - no need to feel bad about someone that was trying to rip you off.
For example, one girl at one of the clubs I work at actually cried because a customer slapped your ass on a side stage. Another girl there cry because a customer grabbed her ass and shook it while walking behind her. Last weekend, one of the girls was bitching to me about how she couldn't believe a customer bitch about paying her $100 and not getting to touch her pussy. I simply replied to her something along the lines of " it's a strip club... He's probably used to getting other things than just a dance for $100. Where she went into a rant about not being a hoe or a prostitute blah blah blah.
I feel a lot of these types of girls on Instagram and it is so annoying. Strip club is a strip club. Guys are going to try to finger girls and girls are going to accidentally touch things they don't want to (or maybe they do).
It was shity of her to tell you you owe her at least a hundred. I would only agree with her if you had asked her to touch you. It doesn't sound like you asked her to do that, and it sounds like she did it voluntarily... so fuck her.
(You should have stayed just to be spiteful.)
In most reviews, I do not mention the dancer's stage name if I include any explicit details of our interaction. However, in the case of ROBs, I often mention the dancer's name as a warning to other club patrons and as a "notice" to the dancer that this kind of behavior is not tolerated and will actually hurt the reputation of the club and the dancer.
I think you’re doing just fine. You handled the situation appropriately. The only thing I would do differently is negotiate before going to the VIP, and be ready to move on if you find a girl with inflated prices and won’t go down to an acceptable price. And, as already mentioned, don’t pay until after services are rendered.
I handle it by being a little more discreet. You can ask the same question without naming the club. Remember that the Penthouse Club has lost its private booths. Let's not give the politicians and do-gooders more ammunition.