
Detroit (Again)

Evil Lair
Ok, so I got a lot of good advice in response to my June 3 post, and a lot of additonal good stuff from EastCoaster's Detroit discussion from yesterday. I'm going to be there July 19. My tentative evening plans have been narrowed down to Flight Club, Criket, Bogart's, Henry VIII, maybe Subi's, sequence TBD. I'll probably have to pare that list down a bit further, but maybe not. I could just walk into a place, find it dead, and move on, so I guess I'll just figure that out on the fly. I still have a couple of questions for the Detroit experts:

1. Last time I was in Detroit a couple of years ago, I went out to 8 Mile during the day/early evening and had a fun time at the Colliseum. Any recommendations for a daytime visit in the 8 Mile area with comparable fun as Coliseum? Or has the LE activity I've read about here put a damper on the fun in that area to the extent I should just skip it?

2. Negotiating with the dancers. I think I've seen references here to negotiating for flat fees with no song counts. Is that the way it's usually done in Detroit? Most of the place I have been to the dance count is the baseline, and anything you work out with the dancer is on top of that. A little insight here on would be appreciated.


  • Htxx
    6 years ago
    I’d skip 8 mile. Prices up front always. You don’t have to fuck around here and even talk about dances. Be specific as to what you want and start low as to what you’re willing to pay. Have fun be safe
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    1) The only option on 8 Mile besides Coliseum would be Players, and they both really close, just a 2 minute drive from one to the other. However, while Coliseum does have curtains in their VIP, Players only has strands of beads. Some don’t like the Players VIP setup, but I’ve had no issues when I used it. The others clubs close by, Truth and BT’s are not worth a visit.

    2) Standard practice is to negotiate a flat fee with a no song count. It would be a good idea to ask for a no song count during the negotiation process just so that you and your dancer are on the same page. Don’t pay until after your done in the VIP. If they do ask for payment up front, just show them you have the money and promise to pay afterwards. When you do pay them, some will tell you that you can tip extra if you’d like. It is up to you to decide if you want to add a tip to the amount you agreed upon.
  • samsung1
    6 years ago
    Area around players on east side seemed like a police speed trap.
  • anthony6613
    6 years ago
    Agree with s275ironman. I seem to have better luck in Players than Coli. Both are good. Beads are fine. Don’t be concerned with le. Quite a selection of dancers in Players. It is not necessary to tip. Negotiate before. Do not pay for dances. I always tip the bouncer upstairs.
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    I am not from Detroit, so I typically only get to clubs close to airport I can swing into a visit based on layover time unless I drive to DTW instead which I occasionally do. FC will be the most expensive in your proposed list, but also the most consistent higher quality selection. H8N and Bogarts have both been down for a while IMO, even by my standards. You can't miss at those clubs most days (you can't miss any day if you have no standards), but the selection hasn't changed for so long that I have grown tired and bored with those locations. Cricket has been back on my rotation since dropping Bogies and H8 for a bit (although a dancer PM'd and said she was going to give H8 a try, so I may put this back on my rotation briefly just for a visit). Anyway, back to Cricket, I have had 50/50 talent level during the day shift. A couple of days have been really good, one really horrible day (ranked with H8S level of talent), and one where the bartender was the best and only real option. So your experience will vary at Cricket. Subi's is a recent add to my list. I got there when it opened and I was pretty much the only one there. Dancer select started at 3, but grew to about 20 or so in a couple of hours. Both my Subi visits were weekend days, so I don't know if you will get the same results on a Tuesday. My suggestion though on Subi's would be to work it in late afternoon or near shift change to probably get the best options and cheaper cover. H8S is really down right now so unless you have a purpose to go there on good intel, just avoid it because unless something changes, there will be no talent at H8S on a Tuesday. I know not on your list, but since it is so close to Subi, just avoid it on Tuesday in case there are any adventurous thoughts. If your still there on Thursday, hit up LS a lookup Linzee. Other than that, I can't offer any other value. I am going to miss you by a day as I will be back through on Monday. Have many trips through Detroit coming up myself over the next 4 weeks as well as NY, MO, OH, PA and FL coming up. Good luck and looking forward to your reviews.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    6 years ago
    LE has calmed down in the city limits...sort of. I haven't heard of any recent "inspections" since Penthouse reopened. Vice was at Truth for Stormy Daniels, but for obvious security reasons.
    However, undercovers may be hanging out disguised as customers to silently gather info about infractions they may witness. This would not impact the customers though.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    @hoosierguy, that was some very solid intel, but the doctor said he will be in the area on July 19, which is a Thursday if you look at a calendar.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Yes, July 19, not Jun 19. I have noticed that many clubs are pretty busy on Thursday’s, I guess as they gear up for the weekend. Thanks to all for the good info.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I would seriously consider Subi's. It's not that far if you're staying at a hotel near the airport, and is much closer than the 8 Mile clubs.

    My choice of best clubs:
    Flight Club
    Landing Strip
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    Damn, time to get new reading glasses again or perhaps I should write more of my responses after I get up the next day. I'll be through Detroit heading to/from FL that week. Will still miss you by a day as I return on July 20. I'll be through DTW area 6 times between now and then so if anything changes, I'll PM you as I am sure this post will be a stale thread by then. Apologies for the date mix up, wish I had a better excuse for not seeing clearly now, but I just misread. Thanks to Ironman for the correction.
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    Also, I would agree with slash, although I personally don't like all the cash you drop at FC just to park and get in with a seat to get attention. So FC is more of an anomaly to my rotation for that reason, but definitely the highest quality of ladies. Although a fellow PL I would trust makes a decent counter argument on his recent post of his FC visit against my reasoning for not going to FC more. If there on Thursday July 19, check out @linzeedet on Instagram and see if she is working, worth the visit to LS if she is. I have only had the two visits to subi's, but both were great ones, but also both on a Saturday. Also, the "vip" rooms themselves are much better at all places mentioned than bogies or H8. The benches at H8 just are too narrow and not the most comfortable. Bogies, you may want to keep your clothes off floor and borrow dancer towel to sit on yourself sometimes, especially later as the day goes on. It isn't like they clean up after us at those locations. Talent level is way down there anyway.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    hoosierguy: no need to apologize. Great intel. Much appreciated.
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    Secretly still hoping to get a really bad connection that results in an overnight layover so I can go visit Legend, but haven't been that lucky to date. I have heard things are improving as she mentioned, but I just haven't had the time to get beyond the DTW area clubs. Would also like to visit the remodeled Penthouse, but again just too far to work in on normal travel schedule.
  • 0ddJob69
    6 years ago
    Secretly still hoping to get a really bad connection that results in an overnight layover so I can go visit Legend, but haven't been that lucky to date. I have heard things are improving as she mentioned, but I just haven't had the time to get beyond the DTW area clubs. Would also like to visit the remodeled Penthouse, but again just too far to work in on normal travel schedule.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Flight Club
    Landing Strip

    That would be my 3 in that order.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    6 years ago
    Flight Club

    I know people are ragging on Coli but the past few times I've went I have had a great time so I recommend. Heard good things about Players but still haven't been. Legends and PH are a waste of time. I would skip the Shakespeare clubs because the talent is pitiful. BTs Dearborn is definitely worth a pull
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