
Comments by wiffle shwaffle (page 35)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Deja Vu
    I work at a Deja Vu in MI a few times a month. They are all corporate owned and run. In my experience, the dancers are usually 1.) brand new to dancing or 2.) girls who couldn't cut it in Detroit and are looking for a club to be more "respected at" (not my words). I've found the girls to be closed minded, alcoholic (they bring in their own and use work to get drunk instead of actually work), feministic personalities (especially when I tell them stories of working at Legends), naive, and uninformed/uneducated in the industry. This is just my own observation of working along side the girls. There was a meeting shortly after I was hired about girls being ROBs. For example, I give a high contact dance for $20 and the rest tell you you can't touch for $20, but a $30 dance will allow light touching. Many of the customers at my location are newbie customers, underage, or sober. Coming from Detroit and being super fit, I run laps over most of the girls I work with at my Vu location.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How strict is the dress code at Flight Club and BTs?
    Jeans and nice shoes are probably okay. The hoodie is a no. I can't think of any club I've worked at in metro Detroit where hoodies are allowed.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Appropriate "justice" for ROBs
    I agree with rickdugan. Complaining to managers is basically futile. Unless the dancer signed an actual contract of employment with the club, which seldom happens, she is considered an independent contractor and the manager can't do much. Nor do managers care usually. They can't/shouldn't admit that prostitution is taking place either (and if they do, they're not a good manager). Letting the dancer know you'll be leaving a revie and paying for whatever songs you did in vip is probably best if services promised aren't given. Now, if she pickpockets or takes your money out of your hand and leaves, then yes, at that point complain to the vip host - but not the manager. If she's already a problem and has had complaints, the vip host will know and should then inform the manager.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Travel Around
    Is it ok if i do a review ?
    Yes, absolutely. Nicespice is right about StripperWeb, too. If you review here, include things you feel customers could benefit from knowing and also things for potential dancers (tip out rates, friendliness of staff, locker room conditions, etc).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why Are Detroit Clubs The Best?
    If she's new to there and she's hired, you should have her meet me. PM and let me know.n
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why Are Detroit Clubs The Best?
    Fuck voice to text typos. Wtf. -_-
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why Are Detroit Clubs The Best?
    "Do you ever see it changing for the suburbs Ironman?" I'll go ahead and answer this one. Ironman said almost exactly what I was going to say in response to statements above - especially in regards to clubs in the city limits only and the recession comments. He is correct - the 2008 recession brought in a surplus of extras friendly ladies needing to compensate for their jobs being lost, or their significant others facing unemployment. Supply and demand and girls selling services for almost nothing in the clubs created what Detroit vice and the City Council are now trying to stop. Only the clubs within Detroit City itself have been affected. *DETROIT VICE* is the *only* squad visiting these clubs. They have NO jurisdiction outside of the city, ergo the suburban clubs are unaffected and will remain so unless the managers & owners decide to change how business is dealt or Wayne County itself decides to step in and interfere. I've danced in Detroit and the suburbs for just over six years now and even got a ticket in 2013 just after the vice squad was put back together and began raiding clubs. Fun fact: Detroit didn't have the funding for vice starting around 2009/10 (somewhere in there), so there was no vice a while at all! Under Kilpatrick's joke of service as mayor, prostitution was on the low end of the city's concerns. That and not having a vice squad assisted in the explosion of what some of you call brothels (but were once gentlemen's clubs). I encourage you to to research Kilpatrick and how disasterous he was to the city's economics. Also, a woman (I think she was an escort? Tamara Greene, I think?) was murdered as a result of attending one pf his get togethers. I may be wrong about tje specifics of her murder though, but she basically witnessed things she shouldn't have. Another fun fact: Detroit City's vice unit isn't a completely dedicated unit! During a raid (aka inspection), some officers where ski masks to conceal their identities. This is because they want to protect themselves. Many vice officers are pulled from other units of the police force in the city. Last December, my club was rated on a Tuesday night. It was a very nasty raid and I don't want to go into details about it, but many of the vice officers were recognized as officers from the narcotics unit (by dancers and staff). Patrol squad officers are also used in vice raids as well, and the ski masks help them hide their identity in case they may end up pulling you over one day or whatever. Many vice officers who are pulled from other units are assumed to not be as educated with the ordinance as "regular" vice officers. I've witnessed them referring to the Detroit City Sexually Orientated Business Ordinance during raids because they weren't sure if somebody was actually violating a lot or not (seriously, not lying). This was especially so shortly after the ordinance was changed making it so dancers heads you have there gluteal folds (ass) fully covered. In the first wave of raids at my old club after the ordinance was amended, I remember three officers debating whether or not one of the other dancers could get away with what she was wearing on her behind. One of them brought up that the butt had to be at least 60% covered. Another brought up that no gluteal folds were supposed to be showing. The overall consensus of no gluteal fold showing one and that dancer ended up getting a ticket. Anyway, I hope I helped an answering your question and providing you with unsolicited, yet educational advice and knowledge. If you have any questions or would like me to post the link to the ordinance itself, please let me know. I'm happy to answer any questions regarding what goes on within the city limits as I'm very passionate about the subjects of vice and the ordinance.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    8 mile area in Detroit.
    "If I go clubbing in the Detroit area should I just assume all dancers provide extras?" NO. Absolutely do not hold this assumption. At Coliseum, yes; this is probably an acceptable assumption to have. However, Penthouse is basically half extras and half non-extras dancers (my sources are friends who work there and also downtown) and Players seemed like a third of the dancers were non-extras friendly. Be upfront about what you're looking for, but please don't assume all dancers in Detroit at providers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Is this a sign of a girl that does extras ?
    I meant fans instead of friends, but it doesn't up their value as humans much.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Is this a sign of a girl that does extras ?
    Rapper Six6Nine9 and his friends are all garbage. He has the same tattoo on his face. If a beer fart could take human form, it he would be him. And his fucking teeth.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Another Question About Detroit Clubs
    Compile a list of interested clubs and then just man up and call them and ask to be certain. Bouzouki opens at noon Sunday. I believe Henry's and Bogart's are open for day shift, but not sure which time. Legends opens at 6pm and all others open at 7pm with the exception of Centerfold, which opens at 8pm.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I did an amateur night at a Deja Vu and it was so fucking stupid. Amateur nights are meant for literal amateurs though, so that's why it was dumb af for me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    PSA: Google (Android) Sync Warning
    Use the TOR browser to access this site instead. It also provides access to the Deep and Dark Webs (yes, they are two different things). The Google sync stuff is not new news, no offense.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    50 Cent Collects Cash Off The Stage After Making It Rain At Strip Club
    50 Cent is now outing women on his Instagram who argue with him in threads or some shit. He posted a profile photo of some girl and I feel awful for her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    50 Cent Collects Cash Off The Stage After Making It Rain At Strip Club
    Papi, I did! The dancer's side of the story is posted on one of the Instagram links in the original post above. She explains it in a series of videos posted by Gizelle.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Social Media Observation
    The girls I work with in downtown Detroit LOVE posting their money in their Instagram stories. I laugh because I seriously doubt all of the money posted was accumulated in one evening as often claimed. Especially if I worked with them that evening and it's several singles and a few hundred dollar bills. Getting buckets a d stage rain at my club is a big deal and a status symbol there, but they are also girls who literally refuse to do dances, so the hundred dollar bills were given at a table?? And that's why I laugh. Because I don't believe them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Reviews of a different kind.
    Yes. We'll tell our friends working with us about you. There's also a Facebook group with roughly 6k dancers in it who bs about clubs, customers, and experiences.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    50 Cent Collects Cash Off The Stage After Making It Rain At Strip Club
    He was hosting a party there that night for a new liquor he's promoting. I assume there wasn't enough security for the evening. On his Instagram, he videoed himself bitching about the ordeal and said he feels the club owes him. Unrelated: he did a liquor promotion at my current club a few years ago before I was there. I've asked staff about that night and nobody had anything nice to say.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    50 Cent Collects Cash Off The Stage After Making It Rain At Strip Club
    The title is a direct quote from the article linked. If you look at the video, there is plenty of money in that club, bit the point was that 50 Cent took back a significant amount of money from the dancer's stage.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    50 Cent Collects Cash Off The Stage After Making It Rain At Strip Club
    God damn it. I don't keep up, clearly. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Travel State To State
    Do you think about STD'S
    Go to Shenanigans or StripperWeb woth your dumb whiny shit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Why does Nicole1994 bother me so much ?
    That user, whether male posing as female or just a young naive girl, needs to get a life and/or a job. They post too much too often and it's not healthy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse Weirdness
    s275ironman, you must have went to Bouzouki! ...where everyone is miserable and has a stick up their ass 24/7! (I have a strong hatred for that shit hole.) Papi, that fuckwad loser did ask dancers and customers for some afterward!! Later in the night, he asked me if I wanted a beer because he had found $20 on the floor. Food stamps is a good one though lololol.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Blood Moon/Lunar Eclipse Weirdness
    The dude offered to buy more dances with PayPal later in the evening. I'd jad enough of him though. PayPal, Venmo, and Square cash are much more acceptable than a fucking check. Jackslash, haha (sarcasm). -_- Also, vice has begun to raid clubs again for whatever it matters. They stopped for several months, but were out causing ruckus Thursday night at a few clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I just left for like two weeks because my eyes hurt from rolling in their sockets with the amount of unnecessary threads created by "her". I see she's trying to promote unique discussions, but many are literally just looking for an ego boost or a place to voice an unsolicited opinion. Many are not even on topic of the scope of the industry. God, I miss TwoSheds forums so much right now. :/