Michigan HB HB5972-79 thread and developments

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
More on this shit. While posting this thread may out two dancers who are active on it, it's important for everyone else who doesn't know who may be affected to know what's going on.

At the end of the thead, Leslie welcomes phone calls and emails. There's a Facebook group we created dedicated to bitching about this Bill and what we can do. Several dancers stated they spoke with Leslie and she is refusing to scrap it, but is open to hearing suggestions.



last comment
Fighting this kind of stuff is always hard. But what you are doing is right.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
It sounds like a group of Kalamazoo dancers are meeting with the Representative in person. I'm considering joining them.
That could help. That has happened here in Sunnyvale. But just be aware that these Representatives could be in a completely different space than you and the other dancers are.

Remember that the basic fear is of prostitution, prohibited by state law. But these kinds of ordinances come in to effect when no practice of prostitution has been established. Prostitution is defined as a crime, even though there is no victim, it is the conduct of consenting adults.

So in order to justify crackdowns they try to invent a victim. For conservatives the female service provider is seen as a social menace. They will portray her as a threat to law and social order. They will tell the news papers things like, "We have 15 dancers under investigation".

But for liberals they know that that is not right. So they will try to make it that the female service providers are the victims. So they look for bosses, pimps, and they talk about things like trafficking. The idea that there is no victimization going on is very alien to them.

What you are trying to do is right, but it might be more difficult and problematic than you are expecting.

This is in San Francisco:

This group has been going for a long time

It might seem unrelated to talk about prostitution. But the law against prostitution is extremely hard to enforce. So they try to look for situations conducive to prostitution, and then invent these kinds of regulations.

The 1st Amendment is the only counter, but much of the population does not care.

This should be mandatory reading for anyone with an interest in strip clubs. Lap dancing was started in San Francisco. Dianne Feinstein had Jim and Artie Mitchell prosecuted and they were calling them "The Corporate Pimps".


Lots of people are just afraid of their own sexual desires. So they will push these kinds of crackdowns mercilessly and invent all sorts of justifications.

Good Luck!


Led Zeppelin II
That link in the op doesnt work
You just need to log in to facebook.


Sharing an article about bills I introduced to regulate "strip clubs." This is a bipartisan (all women sponsors) package of bills.
If you work in the industry, I'd like to hear from you at 517-373-0857.


I don't know what this woman's problem is!

Tell her to stay the FUCK AWAY from your strip clubs!

I would say that this is that, "sex worker as victim" type of thinking.

Under the surface, her real motivations, definitely more complex!

A strong dancer voice in this, politely telling her to fuck off, and in public, would make a big difference, in my humble opinion.

Best if it were dancers, not owners or customers, who told her what she needs to hear.

we are in the minitory. (shit. i can’t even get spell check to correct it.)
I doubt that talking to Rep. Love will change anything. She is dead set against strip clubs. The better tactic is to talk to other state reps and politicians to convince them not to vote for the bill.
I think that people like Rep. Love, and others like her, can be publicly humiliated. And this is best if done by dancers.

One of our local clubs always had its owner inviting City Council members and their spouses. And suitably tush covered, they sent dancers to events at the fair grounds, for pole dancing.

Recently in NOLA, dancers spoke up in street protests.

I think it can be done, and it can be effective. People like this Rep. Love, they can be humiliated.

Also, if it were just a matter of controlling what goes in in Detroit or some other muni, then their City Council could pass something.

So that it is not being done that way, but it is in the state legislature, tells me that Rep. Love is just grandstanding. Much harder to pass statewide. And many rural areas will not want strip clubs 'professionalized'. They will either want them irradiated, or just ignored.

In Atlanta, aren't their strip club ordinances which do not apply outside city limits? Those kinds of things, good or bad, will be easier to get passed in local gov't. More affinity of view than you would ever have state wide.

Legend's Original Thread


Opioid Epidemic

How West Virginia Became Ground Zero of Opioid Epidemic
You want to piss off a do goody Liberal:
Ask if a woman has a right to decide what to do with her body and have an abortion?
Then ask if the person is in favor of legalizing prostitution, if they say no then say I thought you said a woman has the right to her own body?? Is it not hypocritical to allow one but not the other??
Aren't they both about a woman's right to control of her reproductive organs?

You want to piss off a Conservative:
Ask them if they are anti-abortion if they say yes and believe in the sanctity of human life
ask if they are pro death penalty if they yes then say I thought you believed in the sanctity of human life?
If you are a libertarian and are anti abortion you can answer you are because the baby is innocent and when asked why you support the death penalty you say because they person is guilty of heinous crimes and is a danger to innocent people
When strippers speak out, especially in visual protests, it can be very effective.


Very sound legislation... we have been in support of this since it’s inceptiob
It makes a huge difference when the women can speak for themselves, claiming their rights of free speech and free expression, and making it clear that they don't want or need any special regulations. And they can humiliate those like Rep. Leslie Love.



Tuscl NOLA dancer article where this originated.

"It sounds like a group of Kalamazoo dancers are meeting with the Representative in person. I'm considering joining them."

When will this happen? I'd like to speak to her in person as well.
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago

I'll add you to the Facebook group.
I really want to stay anonymous. :(
avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
Well, fuck. I already added you before I saw this. The group is secret and hidden though. If anything, browse it and get the info you need and then leave it? I'm so sorry.
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