Question for dancers
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
This has been asked b/f but it's usually us custies chiming-in and custies' POV is often more an opinion that necessarily fact.
Anyway; question for dancers:
In your experience/opinion, on avg how many dancers are:
a) lesbian
b) on avg how many are bi
c) how many are straight but still fool around w/ other dancers either out of curiosity or just from being in that environment
d) are you as a dancer straight, bi, or lesbian (and if straight have you gotten it on w/ other dancers out of curiosity)?. Obviously you can no-comment on this one since it's kinda personal
Question is for dancers but since there are so few participating on the board everyone else can chime-in even bi-custies like flagooner.
In talking to my CF she only knew of a handful of other girls who were openly gay. This is in an ultra high volume club with 20-50 working at a time. However I am deep in the bible belt so some of the gay strippers weren't super open about it, as it could have negative consequences with the other girls.
Good whether or not they are otherwise lesbians.
Lots of licking and kissing.
MBOT pioneered this, cause the old laws did nothing to prohibit it.
People seeing this in strip clubs other places today?
:) :) :)
Sex At Dawn, Christopher Ryan…
Nah - just bi-curious
The old San Francisco way, girl on girl action on stage, then girl's going out to sit on laps. The girl on girl action really heats up the laps sitting.
Other places in the country seeing this today?
Usually the laws have been written in such a way that girl on girl action is not seen as sex and so not prohibited.
That is incorrect
It is seen as sex and the reason that no laws are broken and it is not deemed illegal is because the actual sex acts are simulated.
But f2f, totally different matter, shows that women control the erotic, a show of power, and intense turn on.
As it explains, the laws were Victorian Era, they could not imagine lesbian sex. So while a man and a woman having sex would have gotten MBOT shut down, the book explains, "lesbians could get up on stage and lick each other senseless." And so this, with open tongue kissing, is what made things go.
In South Bay, yes it is simulated, no real contact. But San Francisco, at least in times past, totally different, and having a totally different effect on the audience interaction part of the show.
San Francisco, girl on girl not simulated.
Other places likely have their own newer laws, not really constitutionally tested. South Bay, simulated girl on girl sex only, if even that. Where you are, I do not know. But those laws not fought out on constitutional grounds in court, not yet.
What happened on stage in SF was not simulated. What then happened when the girls went out to sit on laps was not simulated either. It was fantastic.
Today, San Francisco no longer competitive, near monopoly, no reason to take risks.
But the on stage girl on girl action was not taking risks and would not be taking risk today.
Dianne Feinstein tried to get Jim and Artie convicted, but she failed.
Very little in SF would be taking real risks today.
Girl on girl DATY on stage or penetration girl on girl, foreign objects, okay. So why is it tamed down? Because even though legal, it creates an impression about what goes on in back rooms.
Girl in short dress standing on sidewalk is not illegal. But it creates and impression and draws LE attention.
Used to be SF clubs pushed the envelope. To stop them, LE would have to get a jury conviction in a well defended criminal trial.
Now, near monopoly, they don't need to. They stop way short
of where enforceable law would come into play.
What has changed is that SF clubs used to push the limit. Now they do not because they have booths and back rooms, and higher front room mileage, even when legal, does create an impression of illegality in back rooms.
But in old days people like Jim and Artie LOVED TAUNTING LE AND DIANNE FEINSTEIN.
Girl on girl action on stage is booring, for me, on video. But when it is live and one of the girls will soon be on my lap, it is an intense turn on.
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this member is generally considered incredibly untrustworthy and comments from him should not be taken as serious advice
Did any dancers actually answer...probably too busy having lesbian sex in the dressing room.
I've never understood guys that have a sex change and then declare they were lesbians.
b) *maybe* 30-40% not sure
c) Hm, I suppose I’ve done double dances before. But never hooked up for the fun of it. Seen dancers use the same restroom stall before but I’m pretty sure that’s coke related lol
d) Straight I suppose. But hey “never say never”
Good to have an Austin dancer on board.
I agree with this fully, and I see it all the time. Though more I think among women than among men. And I certainly am not going to do that.
I know that lots of strip club dancers get their sex and sex acts with men, when the men are paying, like in strip clubs and OTC. And then their outside partners are women.
Now, LegendsatLegends and BJ99, at the strip clubs you've been to, is girl and girl action a big part of it?
My suspicion is that no it is not.
But when Jim and Artie started their theater in San Francisco, girl on girl stage sets were a big big part of it.
And so typically a girl would conclude her stage set by inviting another girl on stage for girl on girl action.
There really were no rules, certainly no laws.
The CA state laws against live sex shows were from the Victorian Era, and they defined sex as only between a man and a woman. They never envisioned same sex shows.
So, as explained, "Two lesbians could lick each other silly" and the law could do nothing.…
So Jim and Artie, having started with porno movies, they were well accustomed to such. And these guys lived to thumb their noses at the authorities.
So as they moved to live shows, girl on girl action was a standard component. Sometimes open tongue kissing, often more.
Fisting and dildos have been common, as recently as the 90's.
When a girl is doing girl kissing on stage, and especially open tongue kissing, it makes a big difference in how things are likely to go when she and the other girl each go out to sit on laps.
And no, there have not been any new state laws passed about strip clubs since. We all would have heard about if there had been.
There is that state law against prostitution, PC-647b. And there are lots of rules tied to alcohol licenses. But no non-alcohol new laws about strip clubs for California.
San Francisco is City and County joined into one. There are no San Francisco ordinances passed about strip clubs, maybe just zoning for opening new ones.
For the other counties and municipalities, maybe they do have ordinances. Santa Clara County has all sorts of very restrictive things.
But consider, most of these city and county ordinances could be found to be unconstitutional. Just like an earlier generation of ordinances, they violate the 1st Amendment.
If brave people did not challenge these kinds of ordinances, then strip clubs and lots of other things would be illegal everywhere.
About girl on girl action. In porno movies I just FF past it. Not interested. I think pretty girls should be getting fucked.
But FF, and when one of the girls is likely to be next on my lap, girl on girl action is an extreme turn on. And I have found myself unable to refrain from commenting to the girl about this. It is a show of girl power, showing that they control the erotic.
Is it done like this in San Francisco today? Hard to say, I would say that there is no legal obstacle. It does though, crank up the front room action, and when you have booths and back rooms it would create the impression that lines must be getting crossed there. The San Francisco strip club scene has already collapsed. It is no longer a competitive metro.
William Deresiewicz, Ph.D. Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite…
Papi asked questions for dancers yet so many I didn't know were dancers answered!