
Comments by DeclineToState (page 30)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    It’s Waffle Time
    That's correct TFP, I was unaware of Waffle as a tuscl member and of posts re her travels
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Real Dancing ?
    -->@O.P Papi: "Ever noticed a dancer that caught your eye b/c she danced very-well; and by very-well not necessarily sexually or b/c she was showing you her tits which of course is always appreciated." In the SC, I equate dancing well with dancing sexually and don't separate the two. Sensual performance generates bigger tip by me to dancer. Impressive acrobatic pole work also generates bigger tip because I find it entertaining and want to reward the effort. Twerking does nothing for me, and neither does lazy prancing around the pole with no sensuality.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Woman dies while performing ‘degrading’ webcam sex for perv
    Deceased girl's mother quoted in article as grievingly stating: "“A duty of care exists in any relationship. If someone is obviously in danger, one has a legal obligation to take steps to help." Moral obligation? Sure. Legal obligation? No.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Her tits are too BIG!
    -->@shadowcat:"More than a mouthful is a waste." I've been hearing that once since I was in high school. I'm not a subscriber. More than a mouthful is fun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    I hope it was not one of us
    The loud phone talking douchebag described reminds me of the Ken the stockbroker character in Breaking Bad that was doing the loud phone bragging/talking in the bank and had the KENWINS license plate. I couldn't find the clip of that scene but here's the clip from later that episode where Walter White blows up his car, which was awesome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GI4rwSqrEk
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Reno area pricing
    You can pull OTC out of the Fantasy Girls club but if you're only there for one night and are looking for a sure thing it may not be worth it to wait she gets off shift at closing time which is 4 AM. No experience with its sister club Spice House across the I've heard you can pull OTC out of there too.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    Fast Becoming My Favorite
    Nice review, thank you
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Turning down sex
    I've passed on opportunities with various co-workers over the years. I don't regret any of those because those girls would've never kept their mouths shut about it and the consequences wouldn't have been worth it. Well, I suppose I regret one of those because she was sizzling hot, but she was also my admin assistant. The one I regret is a Puerto Rican chick I met when traveling Europe during summer in college and we spent a week together sharing room as we traveled through cities we had as mutual desinations. She said she was a virgin and wanted to save it for marriage. We made out a lot in shared room and final night she opened her legs and said let's do it. I declined based on what she'd stated about virginity. My youthful chivalry has since died and I regret that one.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Turning down sex
    ^ NPUP - that would be a good tuscl username
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What cologne are you wearing in 2019?
    That was a good article. I had bought the Tom Ford Tabacco Vanille but returned it after wearing it a few times, it was too strong as was Muddy9’s experience. Recently wearing mostly Dior Sauvage when clubbing
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday afternoon vibe
    Thank you for accepting the mission TFP, you're a trooper
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    Bond, James Bond
    Those Singapore Air stewardesses are so hot in the body tight, tailored outfits the airline has them wear. @reverend, with your penchant toward Asian girls those stewardesses must drive you nuts
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Eating A BG pussy😁
    As Cristobal said, to each their own. But would I? Fuck no, unless there were a way to be certain I am her first arriba of the day. I have no interest in ingesting a prior PL's splooge if he did the girl BB or the latex flavor if it was covered. Yuk
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday afternoon vibe
    ^Sorry, I didn't mean "unlimited mileage" I meant unlimited access north and south. This place has no closed door rooms (at least not that I'm aware of) and the VIP dance area is a big open room with chairs and divider walls and I've never observed BJ or FS being performed
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday afternoon vibe
    My guess is the 3/100 sales pitch is a lingering thing from last year and previous when this place was $20 per dance in VIP room. Back then there was a sign at VIP entry that said $20 per dance, but if you wanted mileage the girls would negotiate their own rate and would start at 3/100 but you could negotiate 4/100 with unlimited mileage and sometimes even 5/100 during weekday dayshift. Then this past winter the sign changed and it now says something to the effect of tame dance is $20 per and touching is $30 per. This is the only place I've seen a sign like that and it's humorous - I wish someone would take a photo of sign and post it in the photo section of this club - I haven't taken the photo because every time I pass the sign I'm with a girl. Now I just pay the $30 per song and talk to girl in advance re what mileage will be like unless she puts off an I'm Loose vibe before proceeding to the VIP. Anyway, seems to me the overpriced 3/100 quote ($33 per) is a carryover from the before-the-sign-changed days.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mia at the 19th
    Billy and Harry?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Ponder this fake strip club scenario
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rejected review and my message to Founder
    —>@subraman: a review which focuses on the girls (without compromising them!) is more useful than the 10th review in a row which mentions drinks cost $8 and the stage is round and on the left. “ Nailed it. Yes, I would prefer that reviews check all the boxes. And it’s too bad many reviewers are too lazy to do that. Me personally, I approve if they provide acceptable intel without checking all boxes. But the intel most appreciated is the girls, what mileage is available in the club, and the dance/room pricing
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rejected review and my message to Founder
    -->"I don't mean to be a dick, but if Pete put as much time and effort into the review as he did his OP complaint, it would have been published." Apparently rejection is a difficult thing to psychologically manage. Backlash from rejection by a sexy dancer is more understandable than backlash from rejection by anonymous PLs on a strip club review site.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers Are Turning To Old-School Union Tactics To Fight For Fair Wages.
    I'm not afraid of anything and get to choose the way I spend my money without taking your trolling into account
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers Are Turning To Old-School Union Tactics To Fight For Fair Wages.
    Here's my quasi-Article on the topic but submitted in discussion thread: CHANGE IN CALIF LAW: The shift of dancers from independent contractors (ICs) to employees in California was caused by a Calif Supreme Court opinion, not a legislative act. Court opinion was issued in April 2018 and was not stripper specific. The IC versus employee test it established made it impossible for lots of types of workers (strippers included) to continue to be classified as ICs. Whether you agree or disagree with the court's opinion or are pro-labor or anti-labor is immaterial – it established a legal precedent and any employer not conforming would be taking a major risk. DV owns most all San Fran clubs. In October 2018 the DV clubs all switched over to the employee model and a girl could not get on the floor until the girl signed the employment contract. Why DV waited 6 months to do the switch is unknown to me. It had to have been a risk management decision. It's unlikely DV desired the switch because now they have to deal with payroll and withholding and lots of labor laws (rest breaks, meal breaks, etc.). THE CHANGE SUCKS FOR DANCERS: Here's what I know about the TL DV clubs (I don't frequent DV FN clubs because other than Centerfolds the girls are generally not good looking there): -- I haven't seen the contract but I have seen girls' pay stubs. --The girls get paid minimum wage for hours worked during shift. Club keeps some first amount of dance and room earnings per shift ($150 I think it is) and pays the minimum wage out of that amount. --As ICs, girls used to keep 67% of what they made off rooms and club kept 33%. Clubs now taking a dramatically bigger % of the room fees than before. I don't know what the stripper/club % split was for dances under the IC regime but the girls say club is taking way more than before. Here's what the girls say (and I mean multiple including CFs that stayed): --They uniformly hate it. They want to be ICs again. No girl has told me they prefer the employee setup. --They make dramatically less money. THE CHANGE SUCKS FOR PLS: The new employment regime sucks at the TL clubs and here's my first hand knowledge reasons: --The tip hustle has increased dramatically as the girls seek to compensate for the income drop. --There was a mass exodus of girls. 3 I could classify as CFs left immediately. About 2 dozen other girls I used to like watching on stage and occasionally get dances from are gone. The ones who've stayed are the ones seeing themselves as having no other options. -- Penthouse is dead because of the exodus - I haven't been back since and don't intend to return. Gold Club is still busy – I suspect that's because it's always had the best looking girls and is close to the convention center hotel corridor and gets more PLs. Some girls transitioned from PH to GC and there's also some new talent but not as good as before due to the exodus. I don't know about Hustler because my recent visits there at off hours have not been good (low quality talent). --In May, room rates increased 25%. Rooms rates were already high but now I'm done with rooms forever. --The floor dance and VIP chair dance prices have increased but I'm not sure how much. I heard the floor dances increased from $20 to $40 per and the VIP chairs increased from 3/$100 to 3/$140. I'd appreciate someone confirming what the new dance pricing is. If it's by that amount then SCing in SF will for me be mostly drinking and watching and not touching. That is a crying shame.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    No power at the strip club
    I was in Dallas and driving during that storm on Sunday that knocked out the power and it was crazy so I'm not surprised there was damage and long term power outages. The big orange drums on side of freeway separating roadwork from freeway lanes were blowing all over in the lanes. On sidestreets there were trees splitting down the middle from the wind and big branches were flying all over the place. Right in front of me the big parking lot sign from a fast food place blew down and shattered the sign all over the roadway. News reports later that day showed a construction crane toppling into an apartment building, killing 1 and injuring 5. Texan thunderstorms still better than Calif earthquakes or southeastern US hurricanes but it was nuts.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    edit feature please founder?
    I may not agree with everything founder says or does but I'm amused by the way he says it and his curtness. Thank you for the sandbox founder
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
    A Better Litmus Test for Determining How Much a Woman Likes You
    ^Yes. Bring her flowers next time you’re at the club
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    For those of you with a spouse
    Does she know? No, it would = instant divorce. How do I explain where I was? Not really, because I go when she's out of town or when I'm out of town but I have to exercise caution and sometimes have plausible explanation for why I'm not answering phone calls or responding to texts. Do I go because she doesn't dig sex? No, I go because viewing and having my hands on beautiful women in their 20s - 30s with perky tits and tight asses is amazing. Have never encountered a stripper older than mid-30s but if I were to find a milf stripper in great shape I would be into it. Have you ever considered bringing your spouse and doing the couples thing? No way, and would never suggest it because there's no chance she'd be into it.