Dance count conflict - what would you have done?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
Approached by first encounter 25 yo cute young honey. About an 8.

Had a fun convo about some crap. I then had three low contact dances. Given the low contact, I stayed very aware of the song count.

I handed her 30 for the three 10 dollar marginal dances and she said we did four.

With a smile, I assured her it was three but she insisted four.

Still with a smile I said okay but I'll never get another dance from her and gave another ten.

I probably would have had a couple of dances from her when I visited the club but, now, nada.

Ten bucks is not close to worth SC drama. Still the honey ruined a potential nominal lucrative sc relationship. Baffling.

How do you handle such discrepancies?


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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I would have done the same thing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Always paid up front and made sure it was one at a time, or some other special thing like DATYing her.

But buying dances is a chump's game. You want her to let you lead it!

FRMOS, save back rooms until it is time for your own pants to cum down.


Squatting in high heels…

Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting)…

Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine…

Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.……
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
^^ Since SJG’s comments are muted because he’s an arrogant prick, let everybody know that SJG advocates you find a woman to be submissive to your whims, and partake in this severely emotional damaged women. This would be the type Of scenario to let SJG take the lead on a DFK sessions followed up by his own pants coming down leading into toda la noche sessions..
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
yeah. yer screwed. (and I would’ve been too.) never again with her.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Had a dancer try and fast count me in VIP the other day at a club I don't normally go to.

This literally (almost) never happens, and she was a new dancer so it was obvious she was young and too inexperienced to realize she wasn't going to get what she wanted. Plus she wasn't very good in VIP. A 10 body misused through lack of skill is a shame.

Gave her a tip at my table later so she would stop complaining, even though she acknowledged her counting was a little shady. At that point I was still willing to try her again later after some more practice at her craft. By the time I left after doing another room with a different dancer to redeem the visit, her bad attitude got her put on my no fly list.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Have not yet had this happen.
Generally at my local clubs the dancer acknowledges a new song - if she doesn't I do. Learned this from tuscl early on. No problems, so far.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Front Room Friendliness, w/ feeding her money. But no explicit agreements about money or time.

Save such agreements until you are ready for a block of time for FS in the back room with her.


avatar for londonguy
5 years ago
I probably would have given her tbe extra 10 but made it clear that she was wrong but if 10 is worth lying over so be it. If I am getting more than one dance I always tell tbe dancer the total I want as dance 2 starts.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
"prevention is better than dealing with the consequences"


Front Room Friendliness is better!

avatar for bigman226
5 years ago
I've always forced the club to put me out. Nobody has ever tried. Then again, knowing a dance is either a song or 4-5 min interval is my standard.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I’ve had this happen a few times. I smile and say, “sorry, sweetie, my bad.”, then I pay her. And I never dance with her again. One gal that did this to me saw me the next 3 visits. She saw me VIP up to 3 times each night. She tried to get me to dance. I politely turned her down each time. She finally asked why I wouldn’t VIP with her like I do EVERY girl in the place. I simply smiled and informed her that she was not my type. End of communication.
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago
It happened to me with a new, to me,. Dancer.

After 3 dances we stop, I handed her the money for the 3 dances and she said we did 5, and I said no we did 3.

She insisted we did 5, I said no we did 3.

She then threatened to call the bouncer/security and I said go ahead, the bouncer came and took her side. I explain to him that it is not the money, it is the principle.

He asked me to go outside to the lobby and once there he said to pay her for the 2 extra dances or I won’t be allowed to go back inside the club.

I immediately ask the guy at the door to call the manager.

The manager came and I explained to him the situation and said “Are we going to have to call the boys in blue to solve this situation?”

The bouncer walked away and the dancer too.

The manager said that it was OK for me to go inside, just don’t talk to them please.

I said OK went inside and acted like nothing happened.

Mentioning the boys in blue sometimes helps.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In the black-dives I hit, keeping track of songs can often be a challenge b/c the DJ can play them all over the map in terms of length (sometimes cut them under a minute), and the songs are often bled-together where it's very-hard to know when a song has ended and another one has started - b/c of these issues and having had issues w/ song-counts, I started asking dancers b/f we start to let me know every time they start a new song, and I also use the stopwatch on my phone so I can keep track of the songs.

In the mixed-clubs I hit, it's no so-bad - in the mixed clubs often times most of the songs are around the same-length, and often times the DJ only talks in b/w songs (to announce who the next-dancer is and/or say who just finished her set) - so in the mixed-clubs I can often go off of the DJ since often times he only talks in b/w songs, but in the black clubs the DJ either talks when he wants, or all the time - so easier for me to keep track in the mixed-clubs but I still ask the dancer to let me know every time she starts a new song, and I still use my stop-watch - some mixed-clubs the songs can vary a bit b/w 2.5 to 3.5 minutes so it can at times go by faster than what it feels.

I say all this b/c of my particular clubbing-history, I take extra effort to keep track of songs - thus I'm usually pretty-sure of what I got/did vs what "I think" I did - if I'm in a mixed club and my stopwatch tells me we did 10-minutes worth of songs, that tells me we did 3 songs vs me having to have paid attention or wonder if we actually did more - thus if I used my stopwatch, I rarely will pay for an overcount - if I didn't use my stopwatch then I may have doubts that I may have done more than I thought and I'm more apt to pay-up as long as it's not egregious like I think we did 2 and she says 5 - I might pay for one more than I thought we did *if* I have some doubt where I didn't use my stopwatch to keep track - I'm also more apt to let it slide if the overcount is one-song and it's $10 or less per song - but if it's $20 or more, and I'm sure I didn't do the extra-song, then I won't pay .
avatar for etsutwigg222
5 years ago
@Lone Wolf......I have it happen a few times at HL lately. Did what you did and gave her the unearned 10 ? Told each of them that they hadn't earned it, so consider it a final payment with no future possible additional income from me. Saw all of on later visits and when they asked to sit I reminded them they could not count.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I would have paid the extra $10 because as you said it is such a small amount that it isn't worth the drama and if the dances were decent enough for me to get 3 of them I was probably planning to tip her more than $10 anyways.

I would make it abundantly clear that I would have tipped her more than $10 but since she lied about the dance count she isn't getting any tip from me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
To me it comes down to the amount of overcharging, and how bad I may want to stay in that club - if I woke up on the wrong side of the bed that day, I may very-well dig-my-heels-in and willing to leave the club rather than being overcharged - if it's my go-to/#1-club, then I may reconsider if I wanna get into it w/ the dancer and the staff and have it ruin my visit, or worse yet, not be able to return to the club - so it often comes-down to the amount and how I woke up that day.

I don't bother with the "you'll never see another dime from me" speech b/c they really don't give a shit (at least not at the moment since they got what they wanted; it may affect them on a future visit when they are not doing well and you won't do deal w/ them).
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"Mentioning the boys in blue sometimes helps."

Over lap dances? Can you imagine how that would go down for a bunch of TUSCLers on cams in clubs that get "ignored" but still work just fine? Why not ask for a bolt of lightning up the ass while you're at it.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Honestly, I don't know what I would do. If a girl bored me that much then i'd have been gone by the end of the first song. Also, the rare times I pay for LDs ITC, I'll admit that I don't keep very careful track so I probably overpay a bit. But I'm guessing that $10 probably wouldn't be worth the hassle. I probably have rounded it of to $40 anyway after 3 dances.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
Depends how much of an overcount and how much per song and how confident I am that she overcounted. 10 bucks I pay and move on. $20-30 I’m not happy but not overly agitated. Anything more than that; I ask her to bring over a manager. I did have one epic wuss out at The House in DC where a dancer overcounted me for 7 songs when we did like 3. I split the difference and we both walked away pissed. I’ve not been back.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Situational ethics for me, based on the $ at stake and how certain I am about the count.

In OP’s scenario w dances being only $10/song (what a deal, especially if dancers 6+, I want me some o those, it ain’t that cheap where I club), I’d likely have just paid and not bothered with a hassle over $10.

If dances @$25+ and I’m absolutely certain of count I would not pay the overcount, but that’s never happened because the couple times I’ve suspected overcount I’ve also had bit of a buzz going and was pretty sure but not 100% certain and paid with no tip after some mild objection (I always tip unless dances were awful).

I’ve experienced undercounting more than overcounting cuz at most clubs I go to the VIP dances are sold in sets of 3, so I announce 3 or 6 at the outside. A half dozen times, dancer has said ok that’s it and I said nope that was 2 not 3 (or 5 not 6) because I was 100% certain of count and dancer has always kept going, never disputing.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
announce 3 or 6 *at the outset
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
In your exact situation, I would just give her the money and never do business with her again.

When I do lapdances, I ask the dancer to tell me the dance count as we go. And if I feel like the dancer is "losing count", I'll occasionally ask "how many dances is that?"

It has been a long time since I've dealt with a bad count.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I have been fortunate to avoid miscounts as most of the clubs I visited have (for example) 3 dances for $40, which you pay up front, so when the third song is over the dancer might ask if you want a few more and then you pay first.

For the most part I would not want to ruin my fun by letting an over count get to me, so the money and number of songs would be my criteria of how to handle it.

For the $10, I just pay her and move on.

"Still the honey ruined a potential nominal lucrative sc relationship. Baffling."

Not really OP, either she did not view you as a "nominal lucrative SC relationship" or she miscounted.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
Last night I was propositioned for a lap dance which I accepted. The song had just started, but she sat in my lap and let me fondle her. After that song was over she undressed and gave me a couple of songs to remember. I paid her for two songs, giving her $10. She told me she'd get change. I told her, no need. This is the kind of transaction that brings me back for more.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
^^^ Agreed.
avatar for loper
5 years ago
$10 extra, that is.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Id have given her 30 and would have told her cheating customera isn't hustling. If shed insist I'd tell her the $10 is a tip and I think she really needs it. Put her in her place
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
I let this happen once and then learn from it and always offer a flat rate in the future so that no matter how many dances the girl does, I only have to pay what we agreed I would pay.
avatar for azdd
5 years ago
Been there, done that (the same thing). There is a long term dancer at the HiLiter that knows to not even make eye contact with me. She overcounted me, and I told her I would pay her, but it would be the last time she danced for me. I bet I’ve been in that club the same time as her maybe 50 times since then. Her loss, big time.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
in the nine years i’ve been addicted to sc girls i usually loose count when i have a hottie on my lap. my mind gets overtaken! so usually i’m at their mercy.
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
That's a safe understandable route. If you were counting, I would have also set up a timer just for extra proof. But letting her know of her failure to cooperate is just as good and wont send as MUCH bad vibes around the club.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
5 years ago
For a $10 dance I would have done the same.
I have had dancers pull that then 'demand' a tip, I just then laugh at them and walk away.
I was in a nude club where a dancer tried to pull that AND say the dances were $35 when she told me $25. For $50 I will involve management.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"i usually loose count when i have a hottie on my lap. my mind gets overtaken! so usually i’m at their mercy."

I get that, but I try to stay focused. The last couple of times I lost count, which is rare, the dancer did too so we just picked a number. Hell the number I picked was higher than the number the dancer had a couple of weeks back after I'd gotten her naked a few songs back. But some clubs you'll be washing the dishes in back if that's how you roll.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
If I know I'm just doing dances, I'll talk dance count if I think the girl's just so-so. When I've decided she's alright I'll just tell her to keep going and take things from there.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
If I did three songs, she was probably in line for a $10 tip anyway. So, like others I'd have probably paid her. How exactly would depend on a lot of factors.

The biggest is how confident I am in the number of dances done. It's not always easy to be sure, and I'm not always putting in that much effort to do so. So, if I'm not really sure I'd just give her the benefit of the doubt. I wouldn't blackball her or make any smartass remarks. If I was very confident, I'd make it clear that I know we did 3 but I planned on tipping anyway so she can consider it severance pay.

Things like my mood, if its a club I visit regularly, if I plan to spend time with other girls, etc all influence my actions.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
The OP is probably more upset in the fact that want her whys for $10 is way less than it used to be. Contact is down and inflation is higher, so it’s a double negative. Not really the over counting that’s the problem if she could deliver with the physical contact, Lone Wolf wouldn’t mind paying the extra $10 and consider a tip. Hell, dance contact is so low he felt ripped off.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
Yea, it was the combo of weak LD's and me being sure of the count.

If I had to guess I suspect that's her standard MO. If that fine young honey would learn to give better dances she wouldn't need to over count no doubt..

I've had surprisingly few dance count disputes in all my years of clubbing. If there is any hint of doubt I pay.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Have the opposite issue around here. All dances are pre-paid at most clubs, so no overcounting. What does happen sometimes is that the dancer will start in the middle of the song and count that one. And then want a tip.

I know I’ve only been seriously clubbing for a couple of years but I have only had a couple of girls pull that here.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"All dances are pre-paid at most clubs, so no overcounting."

If I'm in a place where that happens and I want a dance I'll do a couple songs. Not sure I could unless it's I drop a bill and the bouncer turns around. The places where you can feed a machine in the booth are almost acceptable with the right girl.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Could do that all the time with the pre pay.
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