I actually like work and having a structured life style its provide me with emotional stability
Im currently investing in school PT so as i age i can be in higher paying desk jobs so in i will work until i drop dead not because i need to but because i enjoyed it
So if the lord blesses me with long as life i might be a billionaire and run for office
As an investor, you better hope the S&P goes down! It’s the only way to make money. You don’t make money in a rising market, you make to when it goes down and a good investor swoops in and continues to buy, but since nobody has a crystal ball to know which direction the market moves, working stiffs like is continue to dollar cost average with each paycheck. It’s not too hard and your gonna fuck things up by by overthinking about the market going down. Just let it go and keep working and investing, and embrace the market drops as buying opportunities.
It’s different when your done working with a few million $$$ That your drawing off of to live in retirement. The retirement strategy is way different than the strategy Juice is currently at in his phase of life.
^^^ SJG so is the tax
Payer subsidized pensions across America a Ponzi scheme? Some would argue that it is, except we know that the tax payers are on the hook for future obligations of those pensions providing government employees their benefits. So you can’t be altruistic in your “Ponzi scheme” accusations, as it’s being used universally, and might I add incorrectly.
For example, bidirect? Any fixed income with a duration longer than 5 years is basically telling you you’re willing to take a loss against inflation with your money. This sole concept is the reason why most people contributing savings from their paycheck need to skewed more heavily towards equities than the fixed market. If you need to keep some powder dry to cushion from market volatility, put no more than 1/3 rd in cash and be willing to move that o to equities on the dips. Since we’re so busy with our day to day lives, fuck it and ride out the waves. There’s no ducking way Apple-Google-Microsoft-Boeing and thousands of other US companies are going to fail. It’s these companies that run our commerce and what your equity funds are invested in on a broad basis. It’s your choice, but bonds on the long end(over 5 years), are only guaranteeing you will lose purchasing power. I will take a gamble that inflation will be higher than 1.25% over the next 5 years/annually. Keep in mind debt is at record highs and rates are held hostage, but it’s probably going to stay this low for a while longer. If it goes any lower people will just stop buying bonds. It’s guaranteeing you owning a piece of shit, compared to big strong companies.
"so is the tax Payer subsidized pensions across America a Ponzi scheme?"
No, Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme. It is a government run and government enforced system. Tax money, if necessary, can always be collected at gun point, or just let me handle it and it can be collected from corpses.
And if we want more young people, just let them out of the Migrant Detention Centers, as we should be doing.
A government run pension system, paid out of current tax revenue, is the best hedge against inflation. It is as secure as our currency. The best and most popular federal program ever devised. Though eventually convert to UBI and cancel the Social Security payroll tax and just go with progressive income tax.
Pumping up a ponzi stock market means money being take out of circulation, it means not creating good jobs and new companies, it means money the gov't has to pay back at interest. It means stock market hype has become a political priority, and that is a huge mistake.
Actually even with Medicare for All, Free College, and The Green New Deal, and with UBI which Sanders is not even talking about, you still do not have Socialism.
For that you would have to also get to public ownership of all large and strategic industries.
And Sanders is only talking about Democratic Socialism.
So workers actually deliver the goods and services which are needed, not just run on a treadmill to the benefit of the financializers, while being mocked and called "losers".
M72,,,,, if i am right, your saying stay away from the standard ( 50% bonds 50%stocks) and go into== , 1/3cash to (buy the dips) and 2/3 stocks (buy and hold forever) for your conservative portfolio when you are on social security.... i agree with that since bonds dont pay much
take money off the table........
if you dont take your money,,,you wont make your money
play the long game, ,,,, increatmental weath building,,,,,income wealth building be robitic :consistent action = consistent profit
sjg,,,,,,,,,,,,, all countries print money to pump up the ecomony........china, japan, europe.......it works.......... ..... the stock market will keep going up ........
You know that printing too much Fiat money means trouble.
When Obama came in the Dow was at $6k, then at $18k when he went out.
To me that says that $6k is probably about as low as it might go. We are still using semi-Kennesianism, which will probably stop it from going to the 1929 level of zero.
The ponzi stock market is financed by the gov't borrowing at INTEREST!
Tax money is just collected freely. Makes much more sense.
Social Security being undermined is a horrible tragedy.
We must recommit to and strengthen Social Security. And all indicators say we need to go back to pre-Reagan taxation, which is top bracket of 70%.
Pre-Kennedy taxation, 90%, is probably not necessary, though those days were the time when the US had the greatest economic growth and the most rapid improvement in purchasing power for working people.
In the last 30 years, the rise of the financializers and the retirement industry, has stolen the Cold War Dividend and the Advanced Technology Dividend. And this is done by using conservative and idiotic cultural themes.
Just think, you will save all that money, retire, then fucking die 2 years later. I am gonna work until 99. Then, and only then, will I consider retirement. Until then, I’m gonna spend $500 every 2 weeks getting hot dancer/AMP Pussy all over me. Did Zi say that I need some vodka to go with my wine tonight?
Meat, for a change, is spot on that market corrections and even crashes to some extent are vital if you’re investing for the long haul. That’s when you buy low, and it’s always good to have a steady direct deposit from your paycheck. Market timing is futile.
The market crashes of 2000-2002 and 2008 were painful but helped get my portfolio to where it is today (seven figures) because I held steady and bought low when so many panicked and sold.
Mutual funds reduce the risk. Individual stocks are risky, at least being heavily invested in them is. I knew someone who had $100,000 in KMart stock some 30 years ago and figured he was set for life.
If you need the money in the next 5 years you shouldn’t be heavily invested in stocks but if you’re in it for the long haul, I see no issues with a 90-10 percent stock/bonds allocation because you’ll have many years to make up for a crash.
In my case, I don’t even need much money since I live conservatively. I still plan in working as long as I’m healthy and my main expenditure when I hit 60 will be for pussy, about $15k to $20k a year I estimate.
Everything else will go to my kids, who are a long long way from retirement, hence the aggressive growth allocation strategy.
SJG, your advice on investing is beyond asinine. Anyone who would take it is playing a chump’s game.
Put your kids through college and be around and present when they teach their accomplishments, or else they’ll walk down the aisle without a father giving them away because they’re so starved for attention they grabbed the quickest loser they could find that would put a ring on her
Im currently investing in school PT so as i age i can be in higher paying desk jobs so in i will work until i drop dead not because i need to but because i enjoyed it
So if the lord blesses me with long as life i might be a billionaire and run for office
Decline LOL dude if you lived on what litte i do you could retire with $100,000 easily.. I basicly live out a backpack
I only invest in solid Dow Jones companies that will be around forever, like Kodak and Sears.
It’s different when your done working with a few million $$$ That your drawing off of to live in retirement. The retirement strategy is way different than the strategy Juice is currently at in his phase of life.
l over 100 k retired.
Peter Frampton Do You Feel Like We Do (2019, quite interesting)
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.
Payer subsidized pensions across America a Ponzi scheme? Some would argue that it is, except we know that the tax payers are on the hook for future obligations of those pensions providing government employees their benefits. So you can’t be altruistic in your “Ponzi scheme” accusations, as it’s being used universally, and might I add incorrectly.
For example, bidirect? Any fixed income with a duration longer than 5 years is basically telling you you’re willing to take a loss against inflation with your money. This sole concept is the reason why most people contributing savings from their paycheck need to skewed more heavily towards equities than the fixed market. If you need to keep some powder dry to cushion from market volatility, put no more than 1/3 rd in cash and be willing to move that o to equities on the dips. Since we’re so busy with our day to day lives, fuck it and ride out the waves. There’s no ducking way Apple-Google-Microsoft-Boeing and thousands of other US companies are going to fail. It’s these companies that run our commerce and what your equity funds are invested in on a broad basis. It’s your choice, but bonds on the long end(over 5 years), are only guaranteeing you will lose purchasing power. I will take a gamble that inflation will be higher than 1.25% over the next 5 years/annually. Keep in mind debt is at record highs and rates are held hostage, but it’s probably going to stay this low for a while longer. If it goes any lower people will just stop buying bonds. It’s guaranteeing you owning a piece of shit, compared to big strong companies.
No, Social Security is not a Ponzi Scheme. It is a government run and government enforced system. Tax money, if necessary, can always be collected at gun point, or just let me handle it and it can be collected from corpses.
And if we want more young people, just let them out of the Migrant Detention Centers, as we should be doing.
A government run pension system, paid out of current tax revenue, is the best hedge against inflation. It is as secure as our currency. The best and most popular federal program ever devised. Though eventually convert to UBI and cancel the Social Security payroll tax and just go with progressive income tax.
Pumping up a ponzi stock market means money being take out of circulation, it means not creating good jobs and new companies, it means money the gov't has to pay back at interest. It means stock market hype has become a political priority, and that is a huge mistake.
Pension plan for federal workers separate from social security, SJG. Those are the ones I was referring to, Ponzi-esque?
Bernie Sanders, why Socialism is better than Capitalism
Actually even with Medicare for All, Free College, and The Green New Deal, and with UBI which Sanders is not even talking about, you still do not have Socialism.
For that you would have to also get to public ownership of all large and strategic industries.
And Sanders is only talking about Democratic Socialism.
So workers actually deliver the goods and services which are needed, not just run on a treadmill to the benefit of the financializers, while being mocked and called "losers".
if you dont take your money,,,you wont make your money
play the long game, ,,,, increatmental weath building,,,,,income wealth building be robitic :consistent action = consistent profit
When Obama came in the Dow was at $6k, then at $18k when he went out.
To me that says that $6k is probably about as low as it might go. We are still using semi-Kennesianism, which will probably stop it from going to the 1929 level of zero.
The ponzi stock market is financed by the gov't borrowing at INTEREST!
Tax money is just collected freely. Makes much more sense.
Social Security being undermined is a horrible tragedy.
We must recommit to and strengthen Social Security. And all indicators say we need to go back to pre-Reagan taxation, which is top bracket of 70%.
Pre-Kennedy taxation, 90%, is probably not necessary, though those days were the time when the US had the greatest economic growth and the most rapid improvement in purchasing power for working people.
In the last 30 years, the rise of the financializers and the retirement industry, has stolen the Cold War Dividend and the Advanced Technology Dividend. And this is done by using conservative and idiotic cultural themes.
Supply Side is a scam, and it always was a scam!
The market crashes of 2000-2002 and 2008 were painful but helped get my portfolio to where it is today (seven figures) because I held steady and bought low when so many panicked and sold.
Mutual funds reduce the risk. Individual stocks are risky, at least being heavily invested in them is. I knew someone who had $100,000 in KMart stock some 30 years ago and figured he was set for life.
If you need the money in the next 5 years you shouldn’t be heavily invested in stocks but if you’re in it for the long haul, I see no issues with a 90-10 percent stock/bonds allocation because you’ll have many years to make up for a crash.
In my case, I don’t even need much money since I live conservatively. I still plan in working as long as I’m healthy and my main expenditure when I hit 60 will be for pussy, about $15k to $20k a year I estimate.
Everything else will go to my kids, who are a long long way from retirement, hence the aggressive growth allocation strategy.
SJG, your advice on investing is beyond asinine. Anyone who would take it is playing a chump’s game.
Why do you think I've up my production Im doing both
Im working like a mule saving for tomorrow but still living 4 tody