Adventures of Assjobman
Comments by TFP (page 13)
discussion comment
3 years ago
I think I've made my fetish quite apparent in both my reviews and in my profile. That's why strip clubs are right up my alley.
Anyhow, I'm not into armpits but everyone's got their own thing. Having my own unpopular fetish helps me realize that and I TRY to remember that just because I don't see the appeal in something doesn't mean I have to say negative things about it. From porn sites I see different fetishes, some kinda vanilla and others seem kind of out there. But hey, as long as both parties are cool with what's going on and enjoying themselves then hey....more power to them!
discussion comment
3 years ago
I was actually meaning to include links to funny ass reviews in my profile, but never got around to it.
There are some straight up funny ass reviews lost in the vast vault of TUSCL reviews. I'll never forget there was this one dancer who made an account and tried to get people to come visit her club. We looked at the latest review and it was so hilarious about how bad the place was. I felt bad for that dancer after that.
review comment
3 years ago
@Ldme15 take a quick look at Desertscrub's profile and you'll see the words 'club ad' are probably his most used words out of all his comments on reviews. Basically, he thinks any positive review of a club he hasn't been to is an ad. So don't sweat it.
discussion comment
3 years ago
not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
I'm still tripping over 'Strip clubs are places of luxury'. Ummm, some of them look like places that you'd find in a third world country.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Degenerate gambler and virgin
Fuck. These stories are making me more upset that I wasn't able to visit before it closed.
discussion comment
3 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Also, cue another predictable ass response about privacy walls and all the other prairie shit he's been going on about for almost a decade.
discussion comment
3 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
@Pistola why even ask? Unless you want to see that tired ass excuse for the millionth time about his time being taken up 24/7 by affairs on the ground. Yet strangely he has enough time to post rambling diatribes on TUSCL during San Jose Library hours daily. But no time (or money?) to actually spend in the strip club that he talks so much about 🤷♂️
discussion comment
3 years ago
TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
Yeah it's closed, because he definitely would have responded to that. It's entertaining to watch you guys try to have a sane conversation with a dude that's totally out of his fucking mind.
I'll be here tomorrow at library opening time with a couple beers and watch the shit show resume.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Agree with everything misterorange just said. I wish they made portable breathalyzer kits so you could really know when you're approaching the legal limit. I bet I've probably been slightly past it plenty of nights, but still drove home and probably more safely than when sober since I knew I better not draw any attention to myself. There have been only two times where I knew I was in no condition to drive and let a friend drive. They were shocked, saying 'man you MUST be fucked up because you never let anyone else drive your car'.
156 miles an hour, why? Was he trying to show off to his GF who was reportedly in the car? Even if sober I'd be scared as hell driving that fast on a road with other cars around, let alone intoxicated.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
Like Nicespice already said, I can't believe how the dude basically told on himself. Was he trying to confess by putting up those screenshots? Or did he really think he was making her look bad? I mean he tagged the police department for Christ sakes. I don't understand his thinking.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Blow me. 😙 Pronouns: hoe/heaux
@ilbbaicnl I saw that dislike and immediately went to see who it was. I was hoping Gammanu would explain why he disliked that. CMI stated why it's not a feasible plan, maybe that was Gammanu's thinking? In any case, if there was an effective way to keep these kinds of guys out of the club I'd be all for it.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
My first encounter with extras clubs wasn't so shocking because I had read reviews on this site. Before that point, I had only been in clubs like Rhino or Sapphire in Vegas. Just standard lap dance stuff. I joined this site in 2017, did a review of my annual Spearmint Rhino Vegas visit, then I was able to read reviews of different clubs. I couldn't believe the stuff I was reading about two clubs In COI, Synn and Paradise Showgirls and just had to see for myself if it really went down like that. Happened to be going on a trip down to Socal two months later and stopped by Paradise Showgirls. The first dancer I took to VIP pretty much set the tone. We go back, she gets naked, I still have all my clothes on because I'm used to regular clubs. She looks and sees that I haven't taken anything off then says, 'so did you wanna have sex or what?'. I was blown away with how forward she was.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Adventures of Assjobman
@Wavvy being horny will make you do dumb shit sometimes.
But yeah that's why when I came to GA and experienced those $10 dances it felt like I was paying bargain basement prices.
@PredragDR do the dancers still ask for tips before the VIP even begins?
discussion comment
3 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
Looking further, it seems he's just reading reviews and criticizing guys for not 'getting the girl off script and trying for a FRMOS'. The age old issue with him: he's always telling people they're having fun wrong. He will NEVER get it through his head that people enjoy different things and that his way of clubbing isn't the only way to have fun.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Not in Kansas anymore
Yeah I went and looked at his comments. I noticed that under a lot of his posts along with the random links he usually posts he wrote 'and a big thank you to TUSCL and it's leadership'. Seems to me that Founder gifted him with VIP status, unless he finally went and paid for it which I doubt. Now it seems he's going and searching for any reviews of clubs that mention kissing.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Deja Vu Centerfolds, San Francisco CA
Gold Club Centerfolds, Rancho Cordova CA
Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas NV
Sapphire, Las Vegas NV
discussion comment
3 years ago
I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
^^^^I think that's what Tetradon is banking on. He's like me in his early forties so the thought of taking on some dude in his 60s or 70s doesn't seem that scary. Plus he's bragged about lifting heavy weights and shit like that so he's probably a pretty built dude. Then again, Hulk Hogan is 68 and I bet he'd still kick all our asses.
Still, from some of the talk and descriptions I've heard on here I think there are a few people whose bark is much bigger than their bite.
Kinda funny speculation at this point but not much point to it.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Lol at Yarise9, tell me you don't know SJG without telling me you don't know SJG. He is not a paying member which is why he can't visit the VIP sections that he calls circle jerk rooms. He doesn't even write reviews, which Founder himself once called him out on.
It seems like this SJGTHREATENSWOMEN account's main goal was to force people to have to ignore SJG in order to remove all the necroposted SJG old threads. Seems like it's working a bit. Hell if he keeps at it, I might be forced to also.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
At @CMI that exchange was one of the first ones I thought of when thinking of SJG's conversations with dancers on here. I forget her name also....I think it was April or some other name with a 101 in it. Anyhow, I also remember her commenting that she sees why SJG gets roasted so much on here now.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
@ilbbaicnl the San Jose Library is now closed, he'll be back to answer your question tomorrow at around noon.
If I had the time and interest, I'd go back and find some on his exchanges with dancers on here dating years back and link them here. Funny shit, he gets mad at the dancers for suggesting that FRMOS don't really happen. Any dancer that said that would be bombarded with questions and PMs from him afterwards. Long story short, the answer to your 2nd to last question is no.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Odd post from SJG talking about Paul Drake. Looked like SJG was talking straight out of his ass when he said Paul Drake blew a fuse, or said he tried to talk to girls outside of the club. I read the same threads that Paul Drake posted in, the only thing he mentions is what the majority of regular posters on this forum believes. And that's that SJG is a spamming ass clown with nothing good to contribute.
That strip club subreddit P. Drake created is actually pretty good IMO, the talk is much more strip club centered. My theory on why SJG doesn't like it, or probably doesn't like Reddit, is because his ramblings would get him downvoted to all fuck. I would think that with all the different topics he likes to talk about, that he would love a place like Reddit. But no, he's probably already had a bunch of screen names banned, and so he posts all his off topic shit here, where no one gives a flying fuck and he can't get banned.
discussion comment
3 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Blah Blah is that you???