It’s OD enough already. You did it. You won. You are the most annoying fuck in the history of the universe. Mission complete. After like the third thread, there was no need to go on for years. You got it. Now let’s take this account and go to Reddit and fuck with them over there. That’ll really show ‘em.
To me he seems like a kind of stereotype of the well off white guy. His life seems to be about buying expensive things and then having people admire him.
So he talked about buying a $200k automobile because it would impress strippers.
He really blew a fuse when he realized that I was not impressed with him LDKing with his ATF in the strip club. I told him, "see your women outside." He tried that but she refused.
Eventually though he figured out that TUSCL is not limited to people who think the way he does. And he also figured out that it draws different sorts of people because people can post a broader range of things.
So he made his own forum where he moderates it and he restricts it to a narrow focus.
TUSCL has done extremely well because it does allow a greater topical range, and hence a greater range of view points, and because it does not arbitrarily delete people like some other forums do.
Better yet, why don't YOU found your own forum rather than acting like this one is your personal fiefdom? It sounds like you have one, where you can have as detailed conversations with yourself as you'd like.
Why should 100 of us bend over to accommodate you? Just because you practically live here gives you no claim on it.
Mr. San Jose, seems like certain people on here, like Mr. OSU are obsessed with you. I think this is because they want to suck your cock. Or maybe they want you to suck their cocks.
Why don’t you clarify once and for all whether you swing that way. For the record, would you like to have some sort of cocksucking encounter with Mr. OSU?
Yes mr fakephildot let's talk obsessions. Why are you so obsessed with Ski and Dugan and to a lesser extent me and a few others that you tend to point out things that you're so prone to do in your critical posts of them? Pot calling kettle syndrome mr fakephildot.
And always having cocksucking on your mind. Don't be shy, go on, get out from behind your alias and send those PMs to Dugan and Ski and see if they'd consider letting you suck their cocks. My guess is I doubt that they will because deep down you know they're hetros and you're the only one here that swings the other way.
And why do you leave your original screen name and use a copy of the real DrPhil's name and add a dot to it? Only a pussy does that and the original phil showed you how big a pussy you really are and then you proved him right by taking his name to troll the board. You're such a hero fakephil, in your little maggot mind that is.
Since Mr. OSU asked nice I’ll tell him why I’m constantly baiting Mr. Dugan and Mr. Skibum: they both say funny shit when they’re baited. Mr. Dugan is especially ass-clowny so I get the lulz by baiting him. You also forgot Mr. Mark. That guy is comedy gold so baiting him is good for a laugh.
I seldom bait you because you’re not that funny. But you seem like the kind of guy who might be triggered by allegations that you want to suck Mr. San Jose’s cock. After all, you seems like a closet case. Embrace your inner self and become Big Gay OSU. It’ll make you happier!
Odd post from SJG talking about Paul Drake. Looked like SJG was talking straight out of his ass when he said Paul Drake blew a fuse, or said he tried to talk to girls outside of the club. I read the same threads that Paul Drake posted in, the only thing he mentions is what the majority of regular posters on this forum believes. And that's that SJG is a spamming ass clown with nothing good to contribute.
That strip club subreddit P. Drake created is actually pretty good IMO, the talk is much more strip club centered. My theory on why SJG doesn't like it, or probably doesn't like Reddit, is because his ramblings would get him downvoted to all fuck. I would think that with all the different topics he likes to talk about, that he would love a place like Reddit. But no, he's probably already had a bunch of screen names banned, and so he posts all his off topic shit here, where no one gives a flying fuck and he can't get banned.
R/stripclubs isn’t bad. Yes there are house rules, but within that there seems to be some tolerance to viewpoints. The strippers that wade in (even if there are harsher “strippery” opinions) haven’t been chased out yet either, as far as I can tell.
There has interestingly been more than one mention of Deja Vu in Tampa on there, which makes me miss that club. Meanwhile on tuscl that club is either ignored or criticized…I guess because it’s nearby Scarlett’s and Gold Club anyways idk. The different focus makes things interesting
I never would have thought an autistic, homeless guy in California would crash a strip club forum. Of all things you would have thought a once in 100 years pandemic would have done him in.
last commentSJG
Scrubby, your comment made me laugh. But, hey you worked hard for top honors.
Be less of a jerk off, SJG!
Hell, have you been within 100 yards of a strip club in the last decade?
I'm not a bully, I'm a troll-buster!
You know what clubs I frequent. Save up aluminum cans, sell your Huffy, buy a plane ticket.
I guess the best that can be hoped for is that you would just give up and fuck yourself.
We've been saying this about you for nearly a decade.
I'm not here ragging on PaulDrake.
To me he seems like a kind of stereotype of the well off white guy. His life seems to be about buying expensive things and then having people admire him.
So he talked about buying a $200k automobile because it would impress strippers.
He really blew a fuse when he realized that I was not impressed with him LDKing with his ATF in the strip club. I told him, "see your women outside." He tried that but she refused.
Eventually though he figured out that TUSCL is not limited to people who think the way he does. And he also figured out that it draws different sorts of people because people can post a broader range of things.
So he made his own forum where he moderates it and he restricts it to a narrow focus.
I think you guys would like that better.…
All you are doing here is posting belligerent meta-narratives.…
TUSCL has done extremely well because it does allow a greater topical range, and hence a greater range of view points, and because it does not arbitrarily delete people like some other forums do.
Why should 100 of us bend over to accommodate you? Just because you practically live here gives you no claim on it.
Why don’t you clarify once and for all whether you swing that way. For the record, would you like to have some sort of cocksucking encounter with Mr. OSU?
And always having cocksucking on your mind. Don't be shy, go on, get out from behind your alias and send those PMs to Dugan and Ski and see if they'd consider letting you suck their cocks. My guess is I doubt that they will because deep down you know they're hetros and you're the only one here that swings the other way.
And why do you leave your original screen name and use a copy of the real DrPhil's name and add a dot to it? Only a pussy does that and the original phil showed you how big a pussy you really are and then you proved him right by taking his name to troll the board.
You're such a hero fakephil, in your little maggot mind that is.
Is that FRMOS before or after she gave another guy a BBBJTCNQNS?
... or a Weight Watchers Meeting?
Go blow him in the public library, ICEE. It closes soon.
I seldom bait you because you’re not that funny. But you seem like the kind of guy who might be triggered by allegations that you want to suck Mr. San Jose’s cock. After all, you seems like a closet case. Embrace your inner self and become Big Gay OSU. It’ll make you happier!
You’re welcome!
That strip club subreddit P. Drake created is actually pretty good IMO, the talk is much more strip club centered. My theory on why SJG doesn't like it, or probably doesn't like Reddit, is because his ramblings would get him downvoted to all fuck. I would think that with all the different topics he likes to talk about, that he would love a place like Reddit. But no, he's probably already had a bunch of screen names banned, and so he posts all his off topic shit here, where no one gives a flying fuck and he can't get banned.
It had nothing to do with SJG and everything to do with SCPandit.
There has interestingly been more than one mention of Deja Vu in Tampa on there, which makes me miss that club. Meanwhile on tuscl that club is either ignored or criticized…I guess because it’s nearby Scarlett’s and Gold Club anyways idk. The different focus makes things interesting