
SJG is a VIP?

Avatar for datinman
datinmanNot in Kansas anymore

Have my eyes deceived me? Is there a VIP dot next to SJG's handle now?

He still hasn't written a review.

After all these years I doubt he actually bought a membership.

Did Founder gift him a VIP in response to the concerted efforts to get him banned?

Does this mean he will be spending his time in one of the two circle jerk rooms?

Will he re-establish his greatest hits threads in VIP (because, you know, you can never get enough talk about Gnosticism on a strip club message board)?

Inquiring minds want to know.


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Avatar for misterorange

Yup, I noticed that too. Can't wait to see what this fucksack is planning next.

Avatar for TFP

Yeah I went and looked at his comments. I noticed that under a lot of his posts along with the random links he usually posts he wrote 'and a big thank you to TUSCL and it's leadership'. Seems to me that Founder gifted him with VIP status, unless he finally went and paid for it which I doubt. Now it seems he's going and searching for any reviews of clubs that mention kissing.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

SJG would have used his Deep State connections to call in an airstrike on founder's house if he wasn't made a VIP member.

Avatar for TFP

Looking further, it seems he's just reading reviews and criticizing guys for not 'getting the girl off script and trying for a FRMOS'. The age old issue with him: he's always telling people they're having fun wrong. He will NEVER get it through his head that people enjoy different things and that his way of clubbing isn't the only way to have fun.

Avatar for shailynn

The dude has been talking about going to Tijuana for a decade and he’s what like 3 hours away. Didn’t even have internet for a year, even the homeless people in my small ass town figured out how to snag free internet from the local gas stations during COVID, can you imagine how many Wi-Fi signals are floating around in San Jose with all those geeks?!?

This happens at my wife’s work all the time. When someone is doing g a shitty job but management can’t fire them, they just promote the person to another job that has less responsibility. I see this as kinda the same thing. Several of the people on here would lose interest if SJG left, he’s the train wreck nobody can look away from.

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

By his own logic, now he's part of the Circle Jerks!

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

I think San Jose is more like 12 hours from the border crossing into TJ. Strangely, when you stand at the street corner with a cardboard sign saying "Need money to pork third world teenagers", you don't collect much.

Avatar for Tetradon

If he's spamming reviews, that's another incentive to get rid of him.

Avatar for elmer

Don't know but looking more and more like he's the big guy

Or he's got pictures 😳

Avatar for twentyfive

^ Do you think SJG has pictures of founder getting peed on by Russian whores ?

Avatar for SirLapdancealot

Maybe after making 37,000 posts, founder figures you deserve VIP access. 🤷

Avatar for misterorange

^^ There are people who only have 37 posts and have added more value to the site than this idiot with 37,000.

Avatar for shailynn

^^ not if you are Founder’s Bandwidth provider.

Avatar for datinman

So now he is using a thread he created about "transmitting viruses" to provide synopses of TUSCL reviews he has read.

But, yeah, but autism spectrum doesn't exist. smh

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Do you every study a body of information and try to gain an understanding of it. or do you just shoot your mouth off.


Avatar for twentyfive

^ Do you have pictures or video of founder in compromising situations ?

Avatar for san_jose_guy

^^^^ Do you every study a body of information and try to gain an understanding of it. or do you just shoot your mouth off.

(directed at JustinTolook)


Avatar for twentyfive

^ Which is it, a dead girl or a live boy? LOL

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Holy shit, you actually talk about stuff like that?


Avatar for twentyfive

^ You are the one that got the pictures or whatever you got on founder! LOL

Avatar for Tetradon

During a successful election campaign for governor in 1983, he boasted, "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy."

Governor Edwin Edwards of Louisiana

Avatar for san_jose_guy

How about just making it so people besides Circle Jerkers can post on the forum. I do a lot of communicating by posting stuff and then sending the link to other people in a PM. More people would post, but they don't want their stuff exposed to trolls.


Avatar for Mate27

^^^ what time does the library close today so I can come back without you spamming g the board? Is it 5:00 or 5:30 LoydSchoene?

Avatar for datinman

"Do you every (sic) study a body of information and try to gain an understanding of it. or do you just shoot your mouth off."

It has been a while since I was an actively practicing clinician, but, yes, by education and training I know far more than you in regards to human physiology and the practice of medicine. I continue to have tenants in specialized medical practices. I have seen first hand severe autism. I have seen first hand Covid deaths. Your opinions on ASDs and Covid 19 would be laughable if they weren't so offensive to patients whose lives have been devastated.

Stick to Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism, and lug nuts and I won't keep calling you out. If you really want to "study a body of information and try to gain an understanding of it" here is a good place to start: www.amazon.com

Avatar for san_jose_guy

That there are medical people trained in psychotherapy and about autism, is not part of the remedy, it is the locus of the problem.



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