Prices rose recently on the 30 minute VIP. Bikini dance =

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Prices rose recently on the 30 minute VIP.

Bikini dance = $20
Topless dances = $40
Nude dance = $60
3 Nude dances = $150

30 minute VIP = $450 (Used to be $350)

Monday all day special = $150 30 minute VIP
Tuesday all day special = Two for ones all day

6-8pm everyday free admission.


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Monday's 30 minute dances are now $200. I believe the rest remains unchanged.
lol at paying 150 for 3 nude dances
@Wavvy being horny will make you do dumb shit sometimes.

But yeah that's why when I came to GA and experienced those $10 dances it felt like I was paying bargain basement prices.

@PredragDR do the dancers still ask for tips before the VIP even begins?
Buying Dances is a Chump's Game!

FRMOS, then and only then you invite the girl to the back room.

Sounds like SF Centerfolds is just too expensive to operate in.

We need to set up Private Party / Membership Club model venues.

Caring about what other customers do in their club visits is a chump's game.

Go to the club and get the experience YOU crave. As long as you and the dancer/s you choose are happy then that's all that matters. Emphasis on "go to the club".
TFP, you talk like a fool. What are reviews for.

@SJG why so defensive? You can call getting dances a chumps game, but when your shtick is called out you get upset?

And reviews are very helpful. Too bad you don't write any. You stay hiding behind that privacy wall BS, all while consuming everyone else's reviews and not contributing a single review yourself. So don't tell me what reviews are for. I write them, most of us write them, you don't. But you stay on this bullshit of trying to tell people they're doing the wrong things in their club visits all the time. There is nothing respectful about that.
TFP, my f2f life is private. You seem to want to bash your skull against my privacy wall.

Last I checked, it was YOU who bumped this 4 year old thread with your bullshit.
Just stay off my shit.
Clubs are reopening post COVID. Not sure what the picture will be.

Fuck yourself TFP.

Clubs are reopening post COVID??!! No shit you dumbfuck, I've been to plenty. And written reviews. Have you? All you do is stay on this site recounting other people's stories and theorize all fucking day.

You wanna play this dumb ass game of bump an old ass thread and troll, fine. Say whatever dumb shit you wanna say. I'll wait till the San Jose Library closes to post a response. Your no home internet having ass can sit and wait till the next day to be able to respond. Knock yourself out you fucking lame ass rapey psycho piece of shit.
TFP you know nothing about me. So keep trying, bash your skull into my privacy wall and see what happens to it.

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