
ITC / When did you discover Extras in a strip club ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 8:21 PM
Subraman made me think of an off-shoot of WavyCain's threat about your first SC experience . When did you personally discover that Extras happen inside a strip club ? I was about about 35. Had been married for about 8 years to this point. Had been totally faithful to my wife unless you count a lapdance as cheating. Up until now, my strip club visits had been limited to mostly stage tipping and an occasional bachelor party where I watched. I had an early. afternoon appointment cancel on the north side of Houston and had some time to kill until my next one. My office was about a 30 min drive from there and then I would have to drive back. This is way before wifi internet let you work from where ever. So I pop into what was the Ricks' Cabaret North, now I think it's called Bucks Wild. I walk in probably about 2pm and the place was almost empty. Music was playing, there were two girls sitting at the bar and a bartender cleaning things up. One of the girls jumps up as I walk in and takes me to the back of a bunch of tables. She was really cute but acted kind of odd. Looking back, I'm thinking she was on something. I don't do drugs, but I'm pretty sure she did. The club had these real high back chairs. So the blonde builds us a chair fort. I was kinda wondering why it was necessary since there was no one in there. The dances at this club were topless so she was wearing a g-string. She gets on her knees and starts playing with Junior over my pants. Then she unzips me real quick and starts searching for junior. I pull away at first thinking she's doing this in public. Then I look around and realize no one is there to watch us. So I let her take junior out and play with him. Of course I'm rock hard at this point. Next thing I realize is she turns around, sits down on me in reverse cowgirl position, pulls that g-string to the side and inserts junior. She did all that in about a half second before I realized what was happening. I was stunned but it felt so good, I wasn't pulling out. I was completely sober and extremely excited by this. I only lasted a couple of minutes. I'm thinking she was going to let me cum inside her, but I throw her off just before I did. I was a mess. I canceled that late afternoon appointment. Hurried home before my wife got home. Tried to clean off the pants I was wearing. Felt very guilty for quite a while. Did several stupid things like buy my wife a car and take her on a nice trip because of the guilt. Did not dare tell her why I was being so nice. I think the guilt has gone away by now.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Well San Francisco went high mileage and went to booths and back rooms, and this was written about in Spectator Magazine. But this was undermining the old Front Room Lap Dancing culture, which had its advantages. My first strip club makeout session was front room, and before extras or private back rooms. LDKing in a strip club is really bullshit. Perverted. Way to get blue balls. DATYing the dancer is better. But really only worth the cost if you are going to be seeing her outside. So I have never really gone along with the idea of "extras". In AMPs, I've always gotten mind blowing FS. And it starts with an extensive makeout session, and ends with the girl having an arm locked around my neck and ramming her tongue into my mouth because her body had taken over and all it cares about is getting my load. SJG
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    I was 23, and on some early SC board (might have been StripClubList, who knows, it's ancient history) I heard about Seductions in Niagara Falls offering "what wasn't on the menu." One weekend, curiosity got the best of me. I made the drive from Cleveland, and the rest was history. I just sat there, too dumbstruck to actively participate. Got away from extras until I moved to Boston and discovered Cheaters Providence.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    In an LDK shop, and if the girl absolutely refusea to kiss, but wants to sell LDKing, you and often get them to go for DATY in the dance booth. And then that really does soften them up, no blue balls risk, and they are responsive. And just playing them out, the will often reverse on "I don't kiss", and in the front room. But the whole exercise takes time and money. Best if you plan to be seeing her outside, and right away. SJG
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I was at an old defunct place called Cloud 9 on 441 in Farmingdale NY and this old whore pulled out my dick and gave me a blow job then she told me I owed her 10 dollars I paid her and thought to myself the girls I was playing with at the Levittown roller rink were way better and much more desirable it was a long time before I went back to a strip club
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Reviews of the LA Hostess Dancing Clubs, talking about how slutty the girls look, in stripper shoes and mini-dresses and all painted up. Well this is the way I think too. And that is all the girl should really have to do. The guy should be able to do the rest, get under her skin and make it happen with her. At these Dances and Extras oriented strip clubs they've gotten it all wrong. [view link] SJG
  • shanny72
    3 years ago
    The good ol Peek-a-boo lounge in WPB FL in the mid/late nineties. Paid for the room, and got a dollars worth of quarters for the condom vending machine, got the speech for the host that there was no sex allowed, got the rubber from the machine as I read the sign saying "no sexual activity allowed" and headed to the room and found out that I cannot nut from a CBJ. She said it was ok, she would rather ride it anyways. Not many great looking girls, but they allllll did the extras. You could be picky bc you knew that they all would fuck. Good times.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^wasn't the old Peek a Boo on Lake worth road where Scores is now ?
  • 3131
    3 years ago
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    “The good ol Peek-a-boo lounge in WPB FL in the mid/late nineties” Must be a common name. There’s a Peek-a-Boo lounge in Bradenton FL. I was going to post in the other thread. The first club I ever went to. Helped a relative move to Florida during the summer of my junior year in college. Just turned 21. Don’t know what it’s like now - but then certainly no extras. Just $5 table dancers and never really got close
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    When I first started regularly going to clubs in the late 80’s a girl whispered in my ear during a lap dance “Fuck you for a hundred”. I was so shocked and stunned I didn’t even answer. I just pretended not to hear. So I thought this was the norm. Next time I brought condoms but the funny thing is, I still occasionally go to this club more than 30 years later and never again have been offered extras
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    It was the same first visit. :D
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Mons Venus - first HJ (Yes it does happen despite people saying there’s no privacy) Bogart’s first BJ Has a reputation for skanks but I got lucky with a very attractive dancer
  • Jasdoit
    3 years ago
    Been to a few clubs in my 20s, mostly for bachelor parties, but never got a lap dance. In my mid 30s I decided to go to PC in Baltimore and get my first lap dance. Quite a few cute spinners, but I went with M, petite blonde. It’s was 25-$30 per lap, and I thought I would get one, see how it was and add more if I like it. She took me to a semi secluded lap dance area, and had me sit on the recliner. As soon as I sat down, she stuck her hand down my pants, “to straighten jr.” This was my first dance ever and she already wowed me. Then she said a BJ would be a c-note on top of the dance. I declined just had 3 very sensual dances from her. But my eyes were now open. Here I had a pretty women with hot body, on her knees ready and willing for less than two video games. I declined that first time but that was the start of my mongering journey.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I always knew it was lucrative for hoes to work the clubs.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I became a semi-regular SCer in the 2000s when I moved to Dallas – Dallas wasn’t much of an extras-city and most clubs the dances were mostly out in the open in the seating areas (not even a dedicated dance-area) – I also wasn’t a TUSCLer back then so wasn’t well-versed in the “strip club sciences” – not being TUSCLarly-educated, and most of my SC-experience being in not-much-extras Dallas, I thought “there was not sex in the champagne room” and it was only a ploy for the dancers to take your $$$. Having said, my first, and only extra, while living/SCing in Dallas, actually happened at Baby Dolls circa 2008 – I met an attractive ebony that was a traveling-dancer – she seemed like a party-girl if not a pro/semi-pro on the side – we go for some dances in a corner in the balcony/2nd-floor of Baby Dolls (back then it was all tall and wide very highbacked chairs that many dancers made a little chair fort from to have a bit of privacy). Anyway I had been hitting Baby Dolls on and off since 2000 when I moved to Dallas and had never had any extras nor been propositioned – so this ebony starts giving me dances upstairs and she had her mouth close to my crotch but I just took it as her teasing – after a song she actually unzips my kakis but I thought she would at most just play w/ it a bit discretely – she then takes my junk out – I think to myself “hmm this is getting interesting” but I didn’t figure anything would come from it (maybe a little handjob action) – she stares at my junk for a few seconds and the next thing I knew she had me in her mouth and I was getting a great BBBJ – she never asked what I wanted, nor did I tell her anything – it was all her “initiative” – she gives me head for like 2 songs until I bust – we had done several-songs total and owed her around $100 and just gave her the $200 I had w/o really thinking much about it; I was kinda in a daze – she gave me her # and told me “call me and we’ll have fun” – I never did – this was very atypical of Baby Dolls especially at that pre-Cuban time and still atypical today although today HJs seem pretty-common at BDs but not even HJs back then – I can only assume this ebony went that far b/c she was a traveling-dancer and probably didn’t care if she got caught and fired. My first SC FS that I can recall was when I moved back to Miami and started SCing again after a hiatus of almost 2-years – this was early-2012 and was at a now-closed North-Miami black-dive called Angels and it was shortly after I joined TUSCL – it wasn’t till I joined TUSCL that I learned “there *is* sex in the champagne room (at least in certain clubs)” – similar to my Baby Dolls BJ above, this extras (FS this time) was unsolicited and it was bareback standing against a wall of the small main-room of this black-dive – I told the story back then in a 2012 TUSCL-article [view link]
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Infamous Memphis Platinum Plus circa 1990. I am in the club during a bust: They came in. 4 of them dressed like bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then headed for the couch room. It was not until the DJ announced that the couch room was temporily closed UFN. Drinks were buy one get one free. The couch room was closed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Many customers left but I stayed. 50 dancers and customers got ticketed. I get my first BBBJ in a strip club: After the cops left, I met Angel. A cute petite thing in a pink dress like Tinkerbell. We went to the couch room. She asked "what are your rules?" I replied "I don't have any. What are yours?" She relied "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that pink dress? NOTHING! She got my dick out and was stroking the hell out of him. I asked "Isn't your hand getting tired?" She responded "YES" and then her head went into my lap. She swolled and did not ask for a tip. All I could think of was, I just got a BJ in a club that was just raided by the cops.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    In the late 1990s, I went to the Foxy Lady in Providence, RI, during a slow afternoon shift. I attracted the attention of an absolute bombshell blonde who was very fun to talk to. It didn't take very much effort to talk me into several standard lapdances, which were not in a very private area. About two songs in, she leaned in close and whispered, "I'm taking your dick out." Predictably, I replied "Okay.", even though I had no idea where this was going, and was a little nervous about not being in a private area. Granted, she was wearing this loose skirt thing that covered the areas where we were ... ummm ... in contact. Anyway, I figured that she was going to do some sort of direct friction thing, which would have been fine by me, but what actually happened is that I suddenly found myself having quiet yet intense (and uncovered...) sex with a smoke-show dancer. And, yeah, I get it. Uncovered sex with a dancer where I didn't know anything about her birth control or STD status ... not me at my brightest or safest. But, by this point (A) that rational part of my brain had gone completely dark and my lizard brain was lit up like burning oil field, and (B) while I was having a great time I was also freaking out over what was happening. So, there was a bit of paralysis at play. Anyway, we both finished a few songs later and she quickly tucked me in and climbed off saying "I really like that. You should come see me again." And because I'm such a wordsmith, I replied "Okay." again. But I was in a bit of a quandary, because I knew what I owed for the dances as priced, and I could barely afford that. So, I held out that amount of money and awkwardly said, "So ... do I owe you more?" She smiled, took the money, and said "Nah, that's okay. But you should definitely come see me again." She told me her schedule, gave me a kiss, and then bobbed off to the dressing room. I left with a new perspective on strip clubs. So, anywho, I went back to the Foxy two days later, and couldn't find her. So, I asked another dancer, who said curtly, "Yeah, she doesn't work here anymore." And that's why I always get a phone number.
  • RockAllNight
    3 years ago
    I’ve “discovered” extras in quite a few different clubs. What’s interesting is that it almost always comes as a (welcome) surprise during a private dance. It almost never happens when I ask for it. It is only on a rare occasion that I go for timed dances, would be more likely if I ponied up for those.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    As I mentioned in WavyCains post, my 2nd strip club visit ever I got extras. I quickly realized that was a fluke and was not really "normal." A few years later a coworker of mine said she was going to Niagara Falls, Canada for vacation. A light bulb went off in my head and I remembered an acquaintance telling me how good the strip clubs were up there. A little research and I found extras were very common in some clubs in that area, so off I went. Rest is history. With the help of this site (and others, during that time period) it made it easy to find what clubs you could go the extra mile and to avoid ones that did not, no matter where I was traveling.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    First HJ: Tampa, 2001, mid 90s, the Spaceship. First BJ: a couple of years later, Daytona Beach, the Shark Lounge. The girl said if I went to the back with her, she would “rock my world.“ She did.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    About 15 years ago at a club in downtown Minneapolis. I was getting dances on a VIP special and the dancer asked if I was naughty. Of course, I said “yes”. I thought I might get a tit in the face but she pulled out my cock and I got my first extra. I was so naive, I guess, and in some state of aroused amazement.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Boston's famous, but long gone combat zone, which has at one time almost 30 clubs in a 3 block area in 1976. Sundays were "dirty days" and you could sit at the bar and get a hand job there; but only on Sundays. Kind of weird sitting there and pretending nothing was happening.
  • oscarlomax
    3 years ago
    I was in a club in LA County that had just installed back rooms. This curvy woman asks if I want a private dance. I said okay, thinking it was going to be just a sensual private dance. While walking to the room she said, "You can fuck me." I said, "Ok," thinking she was kidding. She was not kidding. During the first song she gives me head and expertly covers me via a condom with her mouth. Before I knew it, she hopped on bored and rode me like crazy. Like many, it was unexpected. I gave her a tip and she was cool and said, "I know you will cum back soon."
  • EastCoaster
    3 years ago
    I was in an upscale club on Federal Highway (U.S. Route 1) somewhere north of Miami, maybe around Aventura or Hallandale Beach -- wherever it was, the club is no longer there -- on a weeknight in 2000. The club was really dead, a handful of stunningly gorgeous women and maybe only a couple of customers besides me. I was with a really, really cute girl, basically just hanging out and getting along really well. For more money than I had with me, but not really a whole lot more, she promised we could really have some fun. At that point in my life, I had been to a number of strip clubs and had gotten lap dances, but I was not aware that there was anything further that could be done in a club. I was skeptical, but she was really down-to-earth and seemed quite genuine. And OMG, she was really hot. I left, swung by an ATM, and came back. She took me to a normal booth (with a table between two bench seats) in a part of the club that, had it been a busy night, would have been in kind of a high-traffic area. She then set up a folding screen that gave us some privacy and pushed the table back to give us some additional space. During the next hour or so, she proceeded to get completely nude and allowed me to explore her body everywhere. She was not in a hurry, as she basically had nothing better to do, and she seemed to be enjoying her time with me. After quite a while, I was surprised when she took my belt off. Finally -- after she took my pants off completely and used her hands to good effect -- she put my rock-hard dick between her spectacular boobs and worked me until I exploded on her. That was my first experience with what I would consider extras in a strip club. Since then, I have lost track of the number of times I have found extras at every level imaginable -- sometimes by asking, but many times just by surprise. Getting extras when you least expect it is always a real treat. Is this a great hobby or what?
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    Red Parrot. I was at soem event to see the pornstar Rachel Starr. I saw some big booty busy Latina, really pretty girl. I was interested too her to VIP. Before this I was under the impression you go to a strip club for blue balls damn was I wrong when she whipped my dick out. Oh ok I see how it is, wtf had I been missing out on? I’ve been hooked ever since.
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    What are these "extras" whereof you speak?
  • eyeofodin
    3 years ago
    ^shadowcat --- I remember that place and BT down by Graceland..... Memphis was a fun city late 80's early 90's
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    There was a place in Times Square back in the 80's called Show World. You could get anything you wanted down in the basement area, but this wasn't a strip club. More like a cross between a peep show and a whorehouse. If interested, you can read more about it in an article I wrote a while back: [view link] First time I learned of "extras" in a regular strip club was around late 80's. Emerald's on Washington Ave, Bloomfield, NJ. (Long gone now, maybe closed 15 years ago.) Dumpy place sort of looked like an old house on the outside. Inside it was like a neighborhood pub except with scantily clad slutty women roaming around. In the back was a separate room with pool tables and a couple of booths kind of like small office cubicles only without the desk. No door or curtain, just a smoked glass window between you and everyone else. A chubby 40-ish bleach blonde Latina with big tits comes by. She was about a 6 in my opinion, not my type, but the best looking out of the grandmas I saw there. Starts sticking her tongue in my ear and whispering about the great LD she wants to give me, in between groping my crotch (OTP) from time to time. She was convincing enough so I agreed to go with her, expecting more of the same and maybe a good feel of those big knockers she had. As soon as I sat down she was on my lap and reaching around behind her back tugging at my zipper. She says, "take it out." I didn't argue. Gives me a nice grind on my now exposed dick, then spits a big gob of saliva in her hand and starts giving me the most unusual HJ. The smoked glass didn't give much privacy from the pool tables, and you could basically see the silhouette of whoever was inside the booth. So she gave me kind of a fake grind with her back to me, but was actually jacking me off. From outside it would have looked like a regular LD. She caught all the jizz in her hand and cleaned up with tissues, still in the simulated LD position. She obviously thought this out completely, and was well practiced. She tells me to come back, and gave me the day and time to meet her. This time the club was dead. There was nobody playing pool and that's when I learned about the next level of extras: BBBJCIM. Went back a few more times, but then I discovered the infamous "kitchen" at Bottoms Up in Irvington and the rest, as they say, is history.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    There are extras OH BOY !!!!!!!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Our local strip clubs are no touching. So it would have to be OTC, or our underground circuit. But with one exception, at the underground circuit it would still have to be OTC. So for me it was in AMPs. My first HJ was administered to me the first time I went, by a dolled up Vietnamese fashion plate hottie. I went in, paid the $60 for the hour house fee. She proceeded, on my back first, then had me flip. Then seeing that I had no idea what to expect, she took it upon herself to administer an expert HJ. She never even asked me for another penny. I was surprised by this, but this would not get me to go there often, or to spend much money. Soon I figured it out though that in that kind of situation, alone in the room with a willing girl, you could also fuck her. But I saw that the way was not to initiate a discussion about it, but just to do it. And usually the best way is just to make a small verbal come on and then to start kissing her. If she goes with that, what happens will be mind blowing, and being so disarmed by the approach, she will be very reasonable about the money. Girls have told me that guys try to verbally talk them into FS, while the guy is still lying face down on the table. And sometimes guys start pilling up money on the little night stand table next to the massage table. I have heard this many times, but it seems so silly. You don't go about it this way. The 'extras' offering in San Francisco strip clubs, to me that has never seemed like a good way, too too much money, blue balls, and the girl has not been softened up. DFKing or DATYing, or both, then FS. Doing BJ or HJ till completion is something to do at some later time, after you are already pumping loads into her regularly. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^ And also, the original S.F. lap dancing was all front room, not really extras generally, but more just getting it on with the girl, Titties, DFKing, FIV. The openness of it just makes it go better. SJG
  • K
    3 years ago
    i knew about them before ever going into one. The drinking age was 18 so every senior in HS could get into bars easily. The strip club in town as well as most bars only cared if you had money and could reach the bar. Every kid couldn't wait to go and get his dick sucked. I was 16 but looked several years older. I had been to the club a couple of times before but was too chicken shit to ask. My GF ended our date early and left me with a major case of blue balls. looking back i realize how awkward i was but some woman i considered old, she was probably early 30s but i estimated her to be 40 took pity on me and offered a bj for some pot. I flagged down some friends driving by and a few minutes later, out in the alley behind the bar, i received a BJ i thought could not be beat.
  • PinkSugarDoll
    3 years ago
    After I had been dancing about a year, this Latina girl and I kept working same (very long) shifts and we were friendly with each other and we both had the same money goal and would encourage each other while working pretty hard. I was walking out of the dance room one night and glanced across the room and saw her laying back on a customer, like dancing with her butt on him and lying with her back on his chest. And then. I saw….her hand…reached behind her back…TOUCHING THE GUY’S 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆!!!!! OVER HIS JEANS?!?!???!!!! !!! WOW !!! I was horrified!!!!!!!!!! Times change lol, FYI I am no longer so innocent or naive lol.
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    We are all glad that PSD isnt that innocent or naive. Signed, All of TUSCL
  • TFP
    3 years ago
    My first encounter with extras clubs wasn't so shocking because I had read reviews on this site. Before that point, I had only been in clubs like Rhino or Sapphire in Vegas. Just standard lap dance stuff. I joined this site in 2017, did a review of my annual Spearmint Rhino Vegas visit, then I was able to read reviews of different clubs. I couldn't believe the stuff I was reading about two clubs In COI, Synn and Paradise Showgirls and just had to see for myself if it really went down like that. Happened to be going on a trip down to Socal two months later and stopped by Paradise Showgirls. The first dancer I took to VIP pretty much set the tone. We go back, she gets naked, I still have all my clothes on because I'm used to regular clubs. She looks and sees that I haven't taken anything off then says, 'so did you wanna have sex or what?'. I was blown away with how forward she was.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    The first time I had an 'extra' in a club wasn't at a strip club. I was 21, late 2002, and my buddies are I were on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood at some club with a sushi bar downstairs (Miyagi's?). After sushi and sake bombers, we went upstairs to the club, and right away noticed a crowd around two girls who were dancing on the bar, but nothing super crazy. Then some huge fat guy walks over to us, points to one girl, and tells us it's a porn star. We asked who, and when he said Alexis Amore, it didn't ring a bell (20 years ago we had dial-up AOL!). She came down from the bar and one of my friends asked her if she'd take a picture w/us. She was cool about it, and for whatever reason I had a disposable camera on me (I miss cargo pants), so the third friend went over to take the picture. Just as he was about to push the button, she reaches down inside my pants, full-on grabs it, and....well, somewhere there's a picture of a porn star in between my buddy and me with this stupid super-shocked "holy shit this is happening!?" look on my face. I got #metoo'd by a pornstar. Fast forward about six months, it's cinco de drinko, and my buddy and I grab burgers and then walk Miil Ave (lots of bars, right across from AZ State Uni), before deciding to walk into The Library (bartenders and waitresses rocked Catholic schoolgirl outfits...and we drank for cheap, sometimes free). Door guy tells us we're just in time. We ask for what, and he said a bikini contest. Sweet! We go in, grab a couple beers, and a few mins later it started. Round 1 was nothing special, they walked out on the bar, people cheered, that was it. Round 2? Different story. Place is pretty crowded at this point, the bar was rectangular, but had kind of a runway stick out in the middle. Round 2 became stripper showcase - apparently the contestants were almost all strippers with the evening off. Girl one one walks out, does her thing, takes her top off, and the crowd went nuts. She walks off to the side (right in front of me). Girl two comes out, does a twirl, teases about taking her top off, and I feel a nudge on my shoulder. Weird. Above the bar was a pipe going across the ceiling. I looked toward the bar after I felt the nudge, and next thing I know, just as girl two is ripping her top off, topless girl number one was hanging from the pipe, swinging like a monkey, spread her legs, and crashed into my face. The place went apeshit while she hung there, humping my face for about 30 seconds. ANYWHO... after the final round, it pretty much turned into a Skinimax lesbian movie, with four or five of the girls getting mostly and making out, playing around with each other's bodies on the bar...that I still happened to be still standing up against. IT...WAS....AWESOME. Every year on cinco de Mayo, my buddy and I tell each other happy anniversary. I got #metoo'd by a flying stripper. As far as strip clubs go...any time anything has ever happened, the girls just did it. They never asked anything...just...took initiative. #Metoo'd over and over and over again... so violated! But not complaining!
  • WavvyCain
    3 years ago
    First found out about them in December 2019 when I first heard about follies. Lol before then I didn’t know about extras in clubs.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    From a previous post… About 20 years ago, I used to go to Seattle strip clubs with buddies from work, mostly as a wrap up following dinner and drinks. This was not for extras (I wasn't really aware of extras at the time), but more for just lappers with stick shifting and boob grabbing. One of the clubs we went to was the Sands, today the same club is known as The Playground. Because I lived nearby, I would also occasionally stop by in the late afternoon just after work and do more of the same, not realizing that the day shift was much more extras focused. There was a cute, sweet mulatto girl with C's and long hair named Jamie. She upped the game for me one day by making out with me during the lapdance. I came back for more, and the next time she upped the game again by getting DC Jr out and then doing a sort of slow sneaky bend down to pull a cover from where it was hiding in her stocking. I was basically speechless while she suited me up, and then CHJ'd me while DFKing. It was AWESOME. I've mentioned my appreciation for CHJ before, and upon reflection this may have been the genesis of that particular predilection. A few times later, Jamie upped the ante again: we were doing the regular makeout/chj, and all of a sudden she pulled her panties aside, licked her hand, rubbed her VJ for a second, and POUNCED on DC Jr. I was so naïve that I had no idea that was what she was about to do. I don't know what I thought, but FS was not something I expected at all. This pretty much freaked me out, and I quickly lifted her off of my cock, and asked for the regular hand finish. We were both a bit embarrassed, but things wrapped up as usual. After the finish, I said "that was a bit more intense than I'm used to". To which she replied "it doesn't really get any more 'intense' than that"... in a way that made me think that she was implying that FS was the limit of her menu. I certainly did not ask for FS, or even suspect that it was coming. So, either she though that this was the next step in our business arrangement, or was just in the right mood at the right time, or both, or something else I can't come up with. I moved overseas not too long after that, and upon returning to Seattle 5 years later, Jamie was gone and none of the new girls had ever even heard of her.
  • RockAllNight
    3 years ago
    DC - why did you lift her off? Isn't that the goal?
  • DrStab
    3 years ago
    Wrote about this before on a similar thread, but I was a naive newbie at one of Detroit’s skankiest clubs (I didn’t know how skanky until I found TUSCL. My dancer was giving me a great grind, with lots of T&A fondling. She takes my cock out and starts to grind on it. I was having that newbie moment thinking “its actually gonna happen” when I second dancer walked by and starting rubbing my balls while dancer 1 grinders. I blew my top soon thereafter.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    I started dancing in San Antonio. It didn’t take very long to learn about that lol
  • RTP
    3 years ago
    I don't remember that much about my early clubbing, but do remember when I learned about extras. I stopped at a dumpy club near the airport in Miami called Les Girls in the mid 90's. I went in and must have stood out. A very nice dancer who spoke very good English asked me if this was my first visit? I said yes, but I have been to many clubs. She told me Les Girls was different and most of the dancers will promise me the world for $80 and try to get me to one of the private booths. She told me not to do that. I asked why? She said because I will do whatever you want to do for $40. She did, but a condom did cost $5 extra. The place was shutdown a few years later and then bulldozed.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I think I discovered them at an old club in Orange NJ. Before going there, I never did the private dance thing. I went downstairs with one dancer - and she was confused as to why I didn’t fuck her. In retrospect, it was a long trip to the musty damp club basement - and it was very private as well. I guess that’s why it was a good spot to fuck a dancer. A lesson learned by a 28 year old.
  • drewcareypnw
    3 years ago
    @rockallnight: at the time, I think I lifted her off bc I wasn’t prepared for the situation and I kind of freaked out. These days I don’t fuck strippers bc I am concerned about stds and bringing one home with me. CHJ with lots of 2 way is my thing now, I get to happy with no post deed anxiety. Though I recognize that I am in the minority with that approach here.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    In some club in N. Miami about 20 years ago. I don't remember the name or even know if it's still there. I was on a business trip and stayed over for a few days. A hot as hell blonde girl got me worked up during some couch dances and told me that she could take care of it in the CR. She did indeed, swallowing every last drop. Up until that point I only visited strip clubs sporadically, but that even gave me a whole new perspective. I started doing more research and for a while specifically targeted clubs where extras were possible, though good intel was much harder to come by on a consistent basis back then. That extras club phase lasted a couple of years. I was also visiting non extras clubs during that time because I could not always get to the other types. But once I cracked the OTC barrier in a club in Queens, my worldview widened even further. I started to understand the broader availability of side fun with strippers regardless of whether they did extras ITC. I then quickly began to prefer OTC for the comfort and general higher caliber of talent than existed in most extras clubs in my area. Fast forward 18 years and I doubt I will ever again sit inside another extras club and get serviced by subpar talent. I am too spoiled now.
  • rex035
    3 years ago
    I always thought the extras were largely a myth, but had my first experience a few days ago. I'm kind of new to the SC scene (but been to several during my college years). This hot Latina sits on my lap while I'm watching a football game and the girls on stage. She's trying to get me to a private room, but it wasnt my thing ... or at least I thought it wasnt. We're chatting and she's cranking on my junk through my jean's and kissing my neck out in the open. I was feeling kind of awkward at this point so I agreed to do a dance with her (not the $350 VIP room). We get back to the lap dance room and she's whispering all kinds of sexy Spanish things in my ear. She starts french kissing me and next I know her hands are in my pants. Then she says "I'm going to suck your dick." I dont know what the hell is going on because i wasnt expecting it and I'm concerned about the security guard that is walking up and down checking on the rooms. She gets down on her hands and knees in front of me and puts me in her mouth. I bust almost immediately. We hang and chat for another 10 minutes or so while she let's me touch her all over her body (I'm and ass guy so that's primarily where my hands stayed)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^ Strip clubs are always best with lots of DFKing. But it doesn't usually need to be reserved for the back room.
  • WiseToo
    3 years ago
    The first time I experienced an "extra" in a club was when it wasn't considered an "extra." While on a business trip, I stopped in a small mom and pop type club in a rural area. The back of the club had fence separating the unpaved parking area from a farmer's field. Not knowing anything about the club, I asked the owner about dances, etc. He told me the price of dances, $20 totally nude and $20 for each additional dance. Tipping was NOT allowed and the dancers were prohibited from asking for a tip. He made it perfectly clear - you are purchasing a dance and are entitled to a dance, nothing more. That sounded reasonable, so I purchased a $20 dance and entered a small room which had a comfortable sofa. The dancer closed the curtain for privacy and told me to sit in the center of the sofa. She immediately removed all her clothes and began some grinding for about like 15 seconds. She stopped, placed her legs across mine and began massaging my crotch with her hand while she reclined on the sofa. She asked if I liked her clit which she made quite visible. When the dance was about over, she asked If I wanted her to continue for another $20. How could I say no? This time she quickly unzipped my jeans, took out junior, proceeded to give me a hand job and said I could explore her if I wanted. She came prepared with tissues which she used about half way through the second song. After I finished, she complimented me and said I had a beautiful dick. She further said that she has seen a lot of dicks and I truly do have a beautiful dick. I guess she should know. I technically purchased a dance or did I actually just purchase a hand job under the name of purchasing dance.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    FRMOS first, before even considering taking her into the back room. SJG
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ FRFS is where it's at.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    In one of our underground places they were doing Front Room Full Service. That was a wild scene. But it also leaves more plausible deniability for the owner. We had a thread about the Chair Forts, improvised private space, in the early days of UHM in Dallas and Houston. More plausible deniability for the owner, and probably the house gets no cut. Very different from today's DV Clip Joint. But usually just getting a girl DFKing is enough to assure that she is really opened up to you. SJG
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