Follies guys *sigh* I miss seeing…

I miss seeing all your wonderful and funny reviews where we all would park across the street at plaza fiesta, risk getting towed, hit by cars crossing the road, and walking into that dark ass club. Lol every review would be like “I had to adjust my eyes when I walked in.” Those reviews used to make me laugh because everyone said it, it was true. You just had to experience that beautiful place to know what we were talking about. I miss Shadow talking about his corner seat, all you guys posted on the walls or those black couches having a great time. I don’t think the club was great looks wise, but it felt like home. Everyone knew each other and there was something there for everyone. I wish vivide would fix the layout and the lights, if so we could easily have that back. The club is too fancy, I need something less upscale like how follies was. Follies in it’s prime had reviews from visitors all over, I remember the golden days where I would see 4 follies reviews a day or more, now Atlanta clubbing has fell off so we’re happy to see 8 a week maybe. Vivide is the last and only hope to bring it back maybe.
last commentShare your funny follies memories in this thread or anything about it that you miss 🥺
It’s the only club I have been to where a dancer came up to me while I was sitting at the bar, reached down, grabbed my crotch, then unzipped me and started jacking me right at the bar. If you know Follies, you know the bar was always very crowded, so there were guys on either side of me while she was doing this. I kind of played along to see how far she would go, but I cut her off after a couple of seconds when she started jerking. Maybe I should have let her keep going. I might have gotten a BJ at the bar.
I celebrated my 70th birthday there by taking 2 girls to VIP for a 2 some. Management comped the room charge and the 2 girls were happy with $100 each. My 80th is coming up in 2 months and I'll try to celebrate it at vivide but it won't quite be the same.
I was only there twice, but I miss it as well. 🤣
Doctorevil’s story reminded me about one of the few times I sat at the bar there. As he said, the bar was always crowded, and actually that open bar seat was one of the few available in the whole club right then.
I was seated next to a girl who immediately engaged me in spirited conversation. Her outfit wasn’t as revealing as most of the other girls, but she was really hot and sexy. She unbuttoned her shirt and had me fondle her bra-less breasts, which she seemed to enjoy quite a bit. Just as things were really heating up, one of the managers tapped me on the shoulder and very politely said, “You’re not allowed to do that with the customers.”
—>“I celebrated my 70th birthday there by taking 2 girls to VIP for a 2 some. Management comped the room charge and the 2 girls were happy with $100 each.”
Well that’s one way to pay them to leave, if you weren’t even there. They must indeed have been pretty happy to go in the vip together 😝
Ya got me. :)
Lmao these stories are amazing. I once myself got a handjob from a Cuban by the front entrance door. That whole space was amazing. Hope you have a great bday this year too Shadow!
Remember pics or it didn’t happen.
Happy 80th birthday in advance, because I won’t remember later.
Good Times, Good Times...
Cool story, bro, especially the Cat’s.
Some of those Cuban girls were wild, theyd pull you out anywhere.
After I went to Follies for the first time I kicked myself HARD for going by it for years while traveling through or to Atlanta and never going in. Finally one day I was spending a weekend in Atlanta and saw reviews that couldn't be true so I went and got a few super cheap dances in this packed club in the middle of the day and was delighted to find some ample hand action. Went to the backroom and she said "don't look at the other people" (so of course I did) and the guys on both sides of me were getting fucked. 30 seconds later and I was too by one of the hottest tattooed latino dancers I've ever seen. It was... fucking magic. It was insane. It was SO incredibly blatant. I think I took 4 different girls back there that afternoon because I never wanted it to end and because I was sure I was going to need to take some antibiotics after what I was doing so I might as well enjoy it... but somehow, knock on wood, I didn't.
It was glorious. The money flowed, the honey flowed and a couple of months later it was gone forever.
Follies... you left us too soon. I would have gone back every single month to that damn city to visit that club. While there are plenty of clubs in my travel range where naughtiness can be found Follies was on a whole other level.
Fuck. These stories are making me more upset that I wasn't able to visit before it closed.
Wasn't just the Cuban girls but they were aggressive. Another time I was just talking to a blonde, not even buying table dances yet and she was just up my shorts going to town. Had to go to VIP just to not shoot a load all over her and the floor near the high tops.
Don't forget the Griffin girls. One is at Vivid occasionally but just for her regulars. I found out today that the other 6 or 7 are not returning and 2 of them are pregnant.
I started hitting Follies from out-of-town about 2x/yr b/w 2014 and 2017; and about 1x/yr b/w 2017 and 2019 – if it wasn’t for TUSCL, and shadowcat, I probably would have never known about Follies.
Circa 2015 or 2016 afternoon visit – was sitting on the smaller left/DJ side – a youngish (21/22?) slim-thick ebony approaches me for dances – I prefer my ebonies on the thick-side but Follies being a mixed-club it didn’t have the brickhouses like some of the all-black clubs – but this ebony although not supa-thick was pretty-well-put-together w/ pretty-big full natural Bs and pretty-meaty-ass.
She starts dancing for me at one of the hightops on the left-side – around the 2nd-song she reaches into the elastic-waistband of my Tashi lounge-pants and takes out little-Papi – given it’s a busy crowded club I kinda had my eyes around me to see if anyone was looking – as I was “distracted” to make sure no-one was looking at us the next-thing I know she had mounted-me and was riding-me, bareback – I went w/ it b/c I didn’t wanna be rude 😇 – but actually that chocolate meaty pussy felt so good I couldn’t get-it off of me – she rides me for about 2 or 3 songs till I tap out (didn’t wanna bust and make a mess there at the table) – pay her for the dances and a fair-tip – as she’s walking away she turns around and says “don’t worry I’m clean” – I just smile and nod and think to myself “well it’s too late to worry about that now” – all along she never said a word during the dances nor asked what I wanted nor said anything about payment, she just did her thing and let her pussy do the talking – her actions surprised me a bit b/c she was pretty-young-looking and not necessarily slutty looking.
Follies was definitely a fun place. It took me a while to get used to though.One of the first times I was in there about 8 yeArs ago a guy was getting jerked off next to me on the couches and I ended up with part of his load on my pants. I loved the availability of extras at Follies but honestly I was always a bit reserved for that place.
Circa 2017 – an ebony BBW I had gotten w/ since my first out-of-town Follies trip back in 2014 – I like my womenz well-endowed and she had some pretty-big natural and firm Ds and a pretty-big-ass all in a compact 5'2 or 5'3 physique – she would always make a beeline for me when she saw me and she would usually convince me to do VIP w/ her (I’m a variety-guy and like getting w/ as many dancers as I can and find desirable; thus VIP is usually not my first-order-of-business when I SC and do it more from time to time on the spur-of-the-moment w/ certain-dancers).
Thus being into variety I usually stick to good-mileage-dances w/ multiple-dancers and based on that I may upgrade to VIP w/ a particular dancer – anyway I’m at Follies on a 2017 late-afternoon and the BBW sees me and approaches me as she usually did– we’re on our 2nd-floor-dance and she asks if I wanna do VIP – her dances are good-mileage and she usually convinces me to do VIP.
We go to the big shared dark VIP room w/ the multiple couches (this was b/f the big VIP room was remodeled) – the 2-far-couches were taken and we take one of the couches near the entrance of the VIP room – we’re doing our thing but I actually prefer fucking on a low-chair w/ no arms (easier for the girl to ride you FCG vs a sofa) – after some fucking on the sofa, I ask her to get a chair from the floor – she goes get one and brings into the VIP room – I sit on the chair and she gets on me FCG and she goes to work – this chick is a bit of a nympho and seems she enjoys her job or at least genuinely enjoys fucking – she’s fucking me more than I’m fucking her – she seems she’s trying to get hers – we go at it for a good while and I feel her juices dripping down my leg (I was wearing my black Nike athletic-shorts one-size-bigger (XL) – these shorts are very roomy; stretchy, and have an elastic-waistband – and a roomy/wide leg which is where I took out my torpedo from).
Anyway ebony-BBW is riding the shit out of me and she then explodes w/ a huge-nut and she happens to be a squirter – we call it a VIP and I head out on the floor – it was still early in my visit and when I hit a good club like Follies I stay ~4-hours especially since I’m coming in from out-of-town – anyway I wasn’t ready to leave the club yet for that visit – once I leave VIP I’m sorta fixing myself after having gotten the shit fucked out of me – that’s when I notice the front of my shorts are freaking SOAKED (since I had taken my dick out of my shorts' leg but o/w had my shorts on and thus she was on my shorts while fucking/riding me) – it wasn't a wet-spot; but the entire front-part of my shorts soaked as if someone had emptied a gallon of water on them.
I couldn’t get any other dances like this and it was gonna take a good while for that shit to dry-up – fortunately I had some extra SC-wear in the rental car – again given I was in from out-of-town I was gonna be doing a lot of SCing, sometimes up to 4-clubs in one day/night, and why I had extra-clothes w/ me – it was a busy late-Saturday afternoon and Follies was jumping and I wanted to keep having fun – so I went out to my rental – up to about 2017 I used to park at the Pep Boys next door (supposedly it was ok to park there back then) – anyway I had parked my rental backwards in the last isle of the parking-lot closest to Follies – I had my spare-clothes in the trunk – I just stood behind the trunk of the car, took off my soaked PL-shorts, and was there butt-naked for a minute while I put on some new shorts – mission-accomplished and went back into Follies to have more fun.
On one of my Follies visits circa 2016 – busy weekday late-week late-afternoon around happy-hour - all tables taken so sat at the bar which I tended to avoid b/c it was so cramped – a fellow TUSCLer was there w/ one of his coworkers – me and the TUSCLer talk a bit while his coworker is getting a dance in the barstool next to me at the bar – my TUSCL acquaintance leaves the bar to walk the floor – so I’m sitting there next to the TUSCLer’s coworker while he’s getting a dance right next to me – I kinda peeked and see the dancer (either a Latina or whitegirl) giving him a serious handjob while she’s “giving him a dance right there at the bar” – while getting the serious HJ from the dancer the coworker nonchalantly extends his hand to me to introduce himself and give me his name as if nothing was going on – I had to LOL inside – in a way I thought to myself "that’s Follies in a nutshell".
By 2017 I started burning-out on SCing – I became an SCer in 2000 when I moved to Dallas but didn’t become a hardcore SCer till I joined TUSCL in early-2012 – by 2017 I had done A LOT of SCing and felt I had mostly seen it and done it all and wasn’t getting the same thrill from SCing as I used to.
By around this time Follies was also starting to get on my nerves – it would just get too-packed-for-comfort – Follies being so popular it had everything custies-wise from dopeboys to middle-aged whitecollar business-men – so there was a fair-amount of shitty people in there from some of the dancers to some of the custies – I also didn’t like all the freaking smoke and even less all the weed-smoking and dancer rolling-up-joints at your table – the “nastiness” of Follies was good in some ways (anything goes w/ many of the dancers) but for me bad in some ways – and given that I was coming in from out of town I tried to hit-it at the pique times when there were the most dancers but this also increased the negatives of a packed club.
Follies was a unique club like no other I’d been to – consistent-mileage to say the least – tons of girls – and there wasn’t such a thing as a shift/day that was not worth hitting b/c it was too-slow; one could have a good time no-matter the day of the week or the time one was there.
Having said all this, by the end Follies was getting on my nerves a bit – a part of that was me being burned-out on SCing by then – but still Follies could be overwhelming in certain-ways – and a thing I hated was the staff at times kicking you out of a table b/c they had sold it to someone that had just come-in (I assume the staff pocketed that $$$ and they often seemed desperate to sell those tables at times kicking you out in the middle of you getting dances) – that shit really pissed me off – IMO a small club like Follies w/ limited seating shouldn’t have “VIP tables”; but it was what it was.
Travis Porter video of Follies at night.
Video looks old. It looks like the pool tables are still there.
One of my better stories is I rarely went to the communal VIP, but one day a dancer from Columbia preferred that room. When we entered the room, two of the three spaces were occupied. One of the spaces had a dancer I knew well and she was riding a guy fast and hard. The other occupied space had an older dancer on her knees taking good care of another customer. The fun part is that the two dancers in the VIP when we entered were mother and daughter.
^Never experienced a mother/daughter. Did experience sisters, although not at the same time. Did have VIPs with lesbians who also liked dick a couple of times.
I knew a Mother/Daughter duo at the Columbia Platinum Plus. They did not get along. The daughter was always calling her mother a whore.
who are the griffin girls that are pregnant now?
^^^ Are you worried? :)