
avatar for drewcareypnw
The following set of "rules" has been making its way around the IG accounts of some Seattle local dancers:


I grabbed the images, converted to text and have shared them here, apologies if you've seen them before. I felt a few of these were pretty good, and a few seemed like BS to me. I thought you gentlemen would enjoy discussing them. As far as I'm concerned, these rules break out as follows:

Reasonable: 5, 9, 10, 12, 13

No Opinion: 2, 6, 14

Bullshit: 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15

1. strip clubs are places of luxury. if you can't afford to spend at least $ 200, you shouldn't be going to the club. strippers accept a high degree of stigma and societal exclusion, and in return we expect to get paid the big bucks.

2. do not haggle with strippers. most clubs have set dance prices that are not decided by strippers, and even if your stripper sets their prices, those are their rates for services and it is disrespectful to haggle

3. leave after you've spent your money. we are not dancing for free. most clubs do not pay us an hourly wage, so we have to earn every dollar we get either by selling dances or getting tipped from stage dances. it is rude to sit around and enjoy a "free" show.

4. do not ask us out. do not ask us what we are going to do later. we are working, and like most workers when they are cornered on the job, we are unable to leave. we are obliged to treat you with hospitality or we will face penalties, so don't pressure us into going on a date.

5. don't ask what our real names are. stripper names protect our identities not only from stalkers and other people who wish to harm us. they also protect our families, especially our children in custody disputes. you are not entitled to knowing our personal information.

6. ask what the rules are for lap dances. it will often vary from stripper to stripper, and asking helps you to respect our boundaries. you might even be positively surprised by what people are comfortable with, but you won't know unless you practice consent by asking.

7. tip your dancer at least 20% of the dance price. tips go directly into our pockets, but dances are often split with the club. tips are the backbone of our wages. it is incredibly rude not to tip. it's like going out to eat and not tipping your waiter. again, most strippers do not get paid hourly, so the money you hand us is our only wage.

8. if you're watching the stage, try to tip each dancer a minimum of $5. it's the equivalent of a cup of coffee, but it demonstrates respect for the performance.

9. shower/clean up before coming to the club. brush your teeth, make sure you smell clean. we have to be up in your personal space, and there is nothing worse than dancing on someone who smells like garlic knots.

10. DO NOT RECORD US. stripping is a very stigmatized industry and many of us will face violence if we are outed.

11. if you are throwing a party at the club make sure you educate your friends on proper strip club etiquette. keep your homies in check and bring extra cash if you know your friend is too broke to be there.

12. tip Black strippers. too often i see super dope Black strippers get completely ignored on stage. check your internal bigotry and make sure you're tipping Black dancers as much as the other dancers.

13. "no" means "no!" don't try to push dancers into doing anything they aren't comfortable doing voluntarily. that's super predatory and gross. don't be a predator

14. to the celebrities/rich people who rent out clubs for events/ movies/ etc: can you just not? the only people who benefit from this are the building owners and managers. strippers lose the ability to work, they aren't paid anything for these losses, and being unable to work can have dire consequences. many strippers live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to miss work.

15. ladies: do not act like this is your girls gone wild moment. do not try to climb on stage and dance. do not start stripping with us. do not try to rub a single dollar bill on our kitty. bring money and spend all of it. don't act broke. couples: do not fight in the club. take your baggage elsewhere. don't try to lowkey get freaky in a dance booth. we will notice and we will judge you.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Well, the only real rule is the need for consent. Otherwise, lots of things are possible.

For myself I would always be prepared to let go of serious money, and I would not ask about lap dance rules. You don't try to get the girl to agree to things. And if I select a girl it is because I intend to be seeing her outside. I would not so much ask her out, as I would just let it go that way, if she goes along with it.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
1. strip clubs are places of luxury. if you can't afford to spend at least $ 200, you shouldn't be going to the club. strippers accept a high degree of stigma and societal exclusion, and in return we expect to get paid the big bucks.
---DISAGREE. While you shouldn't come empty handed, if there's no drink minimum or dollar parade, don't tell me what I can spend.

2. do not haggle with strippers. most clubs have set dance prices that are not decided by strippers, and even if your stripper sets their prices, those are their rates for services and it is disrespectful to haggle
---MOSTLY DISAGREE. I understand the club prices have no wiggle room, but if a dancer quotes more than that (or anything that's "not on the menu"), negotiation is fair game. "Disrespectful" is a money-making ploy.

3. leave after you've spent your money. we are not dancing for free. most clubs do not pay us an hourly wage, so we have to earn every dollar we get either by selling dances or getting tipped from stage dances. it is rude to sit around and enjoy a "free" show.
---DISAGREE. Unless you're taking up seats from paying customers, why do they care? You don't have to give broke guys the time of day.

4. do not ask us out. do not ask us what we are going to do later. we are working, and like most workers when they are cornered on the job, we are unable to leave. we are obliged to treat you with hospitality or we will face penalties, so don't pressure us into going on a date.
---DEPENDS. Don't be a creeper or stalker, but respectfully asking a girl for OTC or even a date, whatever. Creator of this list needs a thicker skin.

5. don't ask what our real names are. stripper names protect our identities not only from stalkers and other people who wish to harm us. they also protect our families, especially our children in custody disputes. you are not entitled to knowing our personal information.
---AGREE. None of the customer's business, but most guys asking are just trying to be clever. A lot have it on a necklace or tattooed on their body.

6. ask what the rules are for lap dances. it will often vary from stripper to stripper, and asking helps you to respect our boundaries. you might even be positively surprised by what people are comfortable with, but you won't know unless you practice consent by asking.
---AGREE. Sexual assault is not cool.

7. tip your dancer at least 20% of the dance price. tips go directly into our pockets, but dances are often split with the club. tips are the backbone of our wages. it is incredibly rude not to tip. it's like going out to eat and not tipping your waiter. again, most strippers do not get paid hourly, so the money you hand us is our only wage.
---DISAGREE. Not our problem if the club rips you off. Find a new club.

8. if you're watching the stage, try to tip each dancer a minimum of $5. it's the equivalent of a cup of coffee, but it demonstrates respect for the performance.
---DISAGREE. You take whatever you can get, no covert arrangements. You're not going to get your thousand-dollar shift onstage, but a good stage performance attracts dances/VIPs.

9. shower/clean up before coming to the club. brush your teeth, make sure you smell clean. we have to be up in your personal space, and there is nothing worse than dancing on someone who smells like garlic knots.
---AGREE. 100%.

10. DO NOT RECORD US. stripping is a very stigmatized industry and many of us will face violence if we are outed.
---AGREE. 1000000000000000000%.

11. if you are throwing a party at the club make sure you educate your friends on proper strip club etiquette. keep your homies in check and bring extra cash if you know your friend is too broke to be there.
---AGREE with the first half, DISAGREE with the second half. Which is why strip clubbing is best with a fellow monger or alone. Tetradon's 111 rules of clubbing, a big one is that you'll only have as much fun as your least fun friend. That said, you're under no obligation to pay for them unless you're buying them dances and shit.

12. tip Black strippers. too often i see super dope Black strippers get completely ignored on stage. check your internal bigotry and make sure you're tipping Black dancers as much as the other dancers.
---DEPENDS. I hate when people racialize everything, and don't begrudge anyone their preferences, I love me some sistas. Definitely some diversity, equity, and inclusion in my strip club spend.

13. "no" means "no!" don't try to push dancers into doing anything they aren't comfortable doing voluntarily. that's super predatory and gross. don't be a predator
---AGREE. 1000000000000000000000000000000000%

14. to the celebrities/rich people who rent out clubs for events/ movies/ etc: can you just not? the only people who benefit from this are the building owners and managers. strippers lose the ability to work, they aren't paid anything for these losses, and being unable to work can have dire consequences. many strippers live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to miss work.
---NO OPINION. Doesn't happen in my universe.

15. ladies: do not act like this is your girls gone wild moment. do not try to climb on stage and dance. do not start stripping with us. do not try to rub a single dollar bill on our kitty. bring money and spend all of it. don't act broke. couples: do not fight in the club. take your baggage elsewhere. don't try to lowkey get freaky in a dance booth. we will notice and we will judge you.
---GENERALLY AGREE. Neither is my thing, but I hate obnoxious partiers in any circumstance.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
mostly stupid, if this is bothering anyone then they need to get a new line of work,
sounds like an entitled twat to me.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
"most strippers do not get paid hourly, so the money you hand us is our only wage" seems incompatible with the statement "many strippers live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to miss work."

How can you live paycheck to paycheck when your only wage is from the cash handed to you by the customer?

I mostly agree with your categorization of the rules except I would put #2 into the bullshit category when it comes to clubs where the dancers set their own rates. If she is free to set her price and she sets it higher than I feel is worthwhile I am free to offer what I feel it is worth. I'm not going to waste time with repeated counter offers but if most girls in the club ask $20-25 and she asks $40 I am going to offer her $20-25 and she can choose whether to make $20-25 + possible tip or not sell a dance to me and move on.

I would also consider #4 to be reasonable with the exception of if you are offering to compensate her for the time and even then don't try to pressure her into it if she says no.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
FRMOS before you even consider taking a girl into any booths or back rooms. That is the most important rule as I see it.


avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@tetradon: I pretty much agree with each of your points. I agree that it's annoying that the author chose to racialize a tract about titty bars. Seems like the author is trying to convince new PLs that they should just walk through the club handing out money. Or, is writing fantasy porn for strippers.

@whodey: yeah I was torn on #2. As a rule I don't haggle, whether it's with a gardener or a dancer. I do come back with one counter to clear examples of positional bargaining, which feels dumb bc it's literally the lowest form of negotiation, but once you're into it what can you do? If we can't reach a quick agreement, I say "no thanks" as politely as I can, and move on.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Rule 1: Always be generous and never threat them like prostitutes
Rule 2: Front Room Makeout Session
Rule 3. Buying Dances Is A Chump's Game

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago

8 Minutes Ago
The following set of "rules" has been making its way around the IG accounts of

1. strip clubs are places of luxury. if you can't afford to spend at least $ 200, you shouldn't be going to the club. strippers accept a high degree of stigma and societal exclusion, and in return we expect to get paid the big bucks.


2. do not haggle with strippers. most clubs have set dance prices that are not decided by strippers, and even if your stripper sets their prices, those are their rates for services and it is disrespectful to haggle


3. leave after you've spent your money. we are not dancing for free. most clubs do not pay us an hourly wage, so we have to earn every dollar we get either by selling dances or getting tipped from stage dances. it is rude to sit around and enjoy a "free" show.


4. do not ask us out. do not ask us what we are going to do later. we are working, and like most workers when they are cornered on the job, we are unable to leave. we are obliged to treat you with hospitality or we will face penalties, so don't pressure us into going on a date.


5. don't ask what our real names are. stripper names protect our identities not only from stalkers and other people who wish to harm us. they also protect our families, especially our children in custody disputes. you are not entitled to knowing our personal information.


6. ask what the rules are for lap dances. it will often vary from stripper to stripper, and asking helps you to respect our boundaries. you might even be positively surprised by what people are comfortable with, but you won't know unless you practice consent by asking.


7. tip your dancer at least 20% of the dance price. tips go directly into our pockets, but dances are often split with the club. tips are the backbone of our wages. it is incredibly rude not to tip. it's like going out to eat and not tipping your waiter. again, most strippers do not get paid hourly, so the money you hand us is our only wage.


8. if you're watching the stage, try to tip each dancer a minimum of $5. it's the equivalent of a cup of coffee, but it demonstrates respect for the performance.


9. shower/clean up before coming to the club. brush your teeth, make sure you smell clean. we have to be up in your personal space, and there is nothing worse than dancing on someone who smells like garlic knots.


10. DO NOT RECORD US. stripping is a very stigmatized industry and many of us will face violence if we are outed.


11. if you are throwing a party at the club make sure you educate your friends on proper strip club etiquette. keep your homies in check and bring extra cash if you know your friend is too broke to be there.


12. tip Black strippers. too often i see super dope Black strippers get completely ignored on stage. check your internal bigotry and make sure you're tipping Black dancers as much as the other dancers.


13. "no" means "no!" don't try to push dancers into doing anything they aren't comfortable doing voluntarily. that's super predatory and gross. don't be a predator


14. to the celebrities/rich people who rent out clubs for events/ movies/ etc: can you just not? the only people who benefit from this are the building owners and managers. strippers lose the ability to work, they aren't paid anything for these losses, and being unable to work can have dire consequences. many strippers live paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford to miss work.


15. ladies: do not act like this is your girls gone wild moment. do not try to climb on stage and dance. do not start stripping with us. do not try to rub a single dollar bill on our kitty. bring money and spend all of it. don't act broke. couples: do not fight in the club. take your baggage elsewhere. don't try to lowkey get freaky in a dance booth. we will notice and we will judge you.

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@drew, yeah, I think we might have interpreted a couple points differently but generally see eye to eye.

Author definitely writing a wish list. It's like getting dating advice from a woman who says "just treat her like a queen."

But I still love black women and show my financial appreciation.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
shit if I didn't think Icee was a woman before I'm sure he's either female or a transvestite after that last post
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@25: I can't see ICEE or SJG, I ignored them. Someone came up with the ghost metaphor for ignored members a while back, and I've been thinking about it lately. When I see you guys talking about or to them, it's like you've got a friend who "sees dead people", and I can only guess at the other side of the conversation. Similarly, the My Feed feature still shows when they post, and I've been thinking of that like in horror movies when someone gets a photo, and then after it's developed there's a ghostly figure in the background that you didn't notice at the time. Maybe I'll bring them back from dead someday.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
LOL I'm with you bro
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@tetradon: now that I think about it, I've been giving most of my money to black women (specifically one black woman) since emerging from covid, but I think that's just a function of me finding a girl that I like who happens to be black. Being a SJW in the club feels disingenuous and sort of like an even lamer version of white knighting... "here's some money not because I like your dance, but because I want to make sure that you're getting as many tips as the white dancers. Aren't I a real hero???" BARF
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
1. It's your job to make me want to spend, not my job to provide charity money even if you suck.

2. I'll haggle if I feel like it. You can either agree or disagree.

3. I'll leave when I'm damned well ready. Also girls who worry about giving a "free show" are usually the uptight ones least likely to make any money anyway. Why? Because they are focused on the wrong thing. You are not selling tits and ass, you are selling entertainment and sex appeal, which goes away fast when you are sitting there obsessing over who is getting a free show.

4. You need to put your big girl pants on and learn how to deal with guys who ask you out. The better strippers already know.

5. I don't ask for real names, but not because some uptight girl who likely won't be dancing in 6 months from now asked me not to.

6. Good luck with asking each guy to have a consent conversation. It take back what I said before - I don't think you'll last 3 months, nevermind 6.

7. It's your job to motivate me to tip, not mine to give you extra just to satisfy your feelings of self-entitlement.

8. Sometimes if I'm watching the stage it's because I can't take my eyes off of a trainwreck. I tip those who entice me and the rest should get better.

9. OK, I'll agree with the hygiene comments at least, lol.

10.+1 on not recording. Any guy who does this deserves a baseball bat to his head.

11. It's not my job to educate anyone, it's yours. If you don't want to visit a group then walk away.

12. My penis is not an equal opportunity employer. I'll tip whomever I find attractive and ignore the rest. I'd rather give one 20 to a girl who I really like than single fives to one great gal and three charity cases.

13. Agree about not being a predator.

14. Bitch to the owner about his business practices, not to the customers

15. I can see the issues with other ladies - they often do not behave well.
avatar for WiseToo
3 years ago
@Tetradon - Agree with with your responses; just few additional thoughts.

5. don't ask what our real names are. stripper names protect our identities not only from stalkers and other people who wish to harm us. they also protect our families, especially our children in custody disputes. you are not entitled to knowing our personal information.
DISAGREE Just give the customer a fake name. I don't give strippers my real name.

8. if you're watching the stage, try to tip each dancer a minimum of $5. it's the equivalent of a cup of coffee, but it demonstrates respect for the performance.
DISAGREE I get my coffee at Cumberland Farms only 99 cents.

9. shower/clean up before coming to the club. brush your teeth, make sure you smell clean. we have to be up in your personal space, and there is nothing worse than dancing on someone who smells like garlic knots.
AGREE. But it's a two way street. I don't like the smell of cigarette smoke. You don't have to take a smoke break and then try to cover the smell.

13. "no" means "no!" don't try to push dancers into doing anything they aren't comfortable doing voluntarily. that's super predatory and gross. don't be a predator.
AGREE. Again, it's a two way street. After you ask your customary "wanna dance" and the customer declines, don't try to push yourself on the customer by claiming you give the best dances or other such nonsense.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ I agree with WiseToo's additions

avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@wisetoo, I think all the guys here are on the same page, we just interpreted a couple points differently.

If we made a similar list as customers and ran them by dancers, how'd they react?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Just entitled SS - smart strippers focus on what the custy wants; vs just on herself - the smart strippers make the $$$, while strippers like this mostly just BMW (Bitch Moan and Whine) about not making $$$ and blame the custies instead of looking at themselves
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@tetradon: I LOVE this idea. We could even circulate on IG. It would be great, until they showed up with the pitchforks, that is... HAHAHA
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Cumberland Farms should be FUCKING NATION-WIDE!!! RULES!!!
avatar for Michigan
3 years ago
Time to go up to Seattle tonight and see if I can break all the rules 😁
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@drew, I might just do that, tomorrow.

They already have their opinions of us.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I don't dicker much with any but 5, 6 and 8. If it costs me $300 per half hour, only worth it if it's an extremely memorable dance. Otherwise, I'll take a pass on the club. I've tipped up to 100% in clubs with very low set prices. Clubs have standard rules for contact. Let me know if yours are stricter, or the standard rules if I'm new at the club. Move my hand if you are OK with more. I'm not there for the stage show, but, when I'm not in VIP, I tip each dancer on main stage at least two dollars. If you don't want me to watch for less than $5, let me know, I'll turn my back.

14. A nude dance does not mean wave your cooter 2 inches from my nose for a whole song. Even if Latka always said "thank you very much" when you did this back home in Caspiar.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
These types of lists display a basic ignorance of economics. Prices are ultimately set by supply and demand so there is no "just" price for a lap dance, total amount spent in the club, size of tip and so on. Customers have a right to spend what they want and if the girls don't think that is enough they have a right to ignore them. There have been plenty of times I offered to buy a couple of lap dances from a girl and she rejected me for someone else offering to spend more money on her. I accept that and don't get angry. I may be wrong because there are no facial expressions or vocal tones I can observe but, just as written, the above list comes across as being angry and demanding.

I noticed this lack of understanding of supply and demand with a girl I did lap dances with last night. I went to a club nearby. I started doing a lap dance with a girl. When I touched her breast she told me there was a no touch rule in the club and if I wanted to touch her I had to give her $30 instead of the $20 which was the price set by the club. I told her what she was saying wasn't true. I said I had been to this club a hundred times, touching was always allowed and I wasn't going to pay her more than what I knew all the other girls there would accept. She looked annoyed that she was caught lying and then switched to trying to gain my sympathy by saying she was trying to charge me more because she had been there three hours and hadn't sold a single lap dance. I was somewhat sympathetic but those girls need to understand that if there is little demand for your lap dances and you have trouble selling any at the current price, then the solution is not to increase the price. Increasing the price will just further decrease demand.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
Why do some people feel the need to set up rules for other people? Do they think a cheap, disrespectful strip club customer is going to read these rules and change his behavior?

I understand that dancers would like customers to spend more money on them. But customers have limited resources. They may not be able to tip every dancer $5 every time they come on stage. Even a man who doesn't tip at all and doesn't get any lap dances still has to pay entrance fees, parking fees and a minimum number of overpriced drinks. A non-tipping customer doesn't take any money away from the dancers, and he helps the club stay in business.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@doc strippers didn't invent hard sell. Hard sell cam make sense when a sales strategy based on repeat business isn't feasible. If a successful dancer wrote these rules, she's not directing it at most of her regulars, or she works somewhere like Vegas. Otherwise, they were written by a dancer who's too toxic to keep many regulars for long.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Consent is great! Negotiating services ahead of time is great! And yeah I've read straight women in strip clubs are the worst customers, so fine.

If I'm actively watching the stage show I believe a customer should stage tip. $5 is too much. $1 is fine. This covers the "if you're out of money, leave" point.

It sounds like the stripper who wrote this isn't familiar with the type of club that is a bar that happens to have strippers model.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Girls like this have no concept of business, money, or how a customer should be treated - they don't realize they're in a business environment and they expect guys to go in there and kiss their ass and on top of that guys give them all their $$$ - they expect to control and manipulate guys in the club and have guys kiss their ass like they might do in their non-stripper life - they don't seem to understand they gotta earn a custy's $$$/business rather than feeling entitled to it.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
“ 2. do not haggle with strippers. most clubs have set dance prices that are not decided by strippers, and even if your stripper sets their prices, those are their rates for services and it is disrespectful to haggle ”

That’s pretty funny. I guess she considers it disrespectful to negotiate with her car salesman and just pays whatever the sticker price is.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Eh. Some of it is spot on. But there's a chunk that's just a dancer's wish list. This list has been circulating in different forms for years.

Also, the Ignore feature is broken.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
How do you haggle with set prices? Or do you know how you come across trying to pay a girl less when she has to give the club the same cut regardless?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I actually spend very little time haggling with dancers over prices. Either I want to pay that rate or I don't.

But, given that more than a few dancers will ask for rates above the club prices, then that means there is room to negotiate, if you're in the mood for that sort of thing.

I've also had dancers give me a price, I've said I'm not interested, and then they offer me a lower rate. If they choose to lower their price rather than move on to another guy, then that's on them.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
“ I actually spend very little time haggling with dancers over prices.”

Me too. When the conversation gets to this point, it usually mean I’ve already done at least a couple of dances and have had a nice chat. When the conversation turns to VIP prices, which is the only thing I negotiate on, it will take less than 2 minutes to either agree in terms or go our separate ways. If the first offer is reasonable, I don’t negotiate, which means I probably won’t haggle over $50, depending on the service level being offered. But many girls will initially ask for $100 or $200 more than they are really willing to take and/or the going rate for the club. If you like throwing away that kind of money for no good reason, go for it.
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Oh, and no, negotiating doesn’t affect the quality of the service.
avatar for Studme53
3 years ago
My rule - don’t go to a place where the strippers think they make the rules
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
1 - I'm on the fence. 1000% disagree you have to spend any amount besides basic park, cover, drink costs. But, walking in knowing you can't is kinda disrespectful. Go in prepared to drop a few bucks if the girls are entertaining, if it doesn't happen that's fine.

2 - Disagree. Strippers brought this on themselves. They can't start high and negotiate downward to land a sale, then tell guys not to haggle.

3 - Fuck you, you entitled bitch.

4 - On the fence again. As written, my response is this is an occupational hazard, deal with it. Again, can't have your cake and eat it to. Don't spend an hour convincing a guy you're genuinely attracted to him to get his money, then get bent out of shape when he acts like you're attracted to him. That said, I'm sure many guys don't accept the answer and cross from persistent to problematic. And some guys probably fall for the girls who don't employ the phoney romance tactics.

5 - Ehh, deal with it. Come up with a dual layer of fake names or use a stripper name that could be real. Problem solved.

6 - Ehh, no. Why is the customer responsible here? Within the cultural norms I see no reason for this. I'm not encouraging sexual assault/harassment but if you don't want something touched, say it. Why do I have to ask?

7 - Fuck you, you entitled bitch. Entertain me well and I'll tip more. Do a piss poor job and I ain't giving you shit. I'm fucking sick of every position that relies on tips expecting me to tip no matter what. The system is in in place to allow customers to discretion to compensate a service provider more or less depending on the quality of service received. My tip will reflect the quality of service I received, that's for strippers, waitresses/bartenders, baristas, Uber & delivery drivers, fast food line workers, the guy who washes my truck, anyone. Switch careers if you don't like tip based compensation.

8 - Once again, fuck you, you entitled bitch. See above. Also, it's strip to tip, not tip to strip. No one wins that Mexican standoff. Sure, no one gets a "free show" but lots of money walks out the building too.

9 - Finally, we can agree. But you too. I get that your job is physical and you don't have access to a full shower, but stay fresh. Nothing worse than a stanky bitch getting up in my personal space as she said.

10 - with ya there. I'll also add that dancers and staff need to take care not to record or photograph me while taking selfies or promo pics. Shit goes both ways.

11 - Give it a rest already. Learn to better identify profitable customers.

12 - Fuck you. Don't tell me who to tip. I tip hot, entertaining girls. I don't tip or not based on race, nationality, creed, etc.

13 - Agree here too. As long is this rule is here, #6 becomes absolutely no.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
The OP wrote that these stupidity is popular in Seattle. Seattle is avout as wome and as Communist as you can find in the US. The Communist thinks that their job, and the universe, is all about them. They do not understand that the real world is much different.

This shit will not last long or make its way into other markets, but it's funny af to read how these idiot liberals think.
avatar for TFP
3 years ago
I'm still tripping over 'Strip clubs are places of luxury'. Ummm, some of them look like places that you'd find in a third world country.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@TFP for me adult entertainment is a luxury, although often provided in seedy venues. I'll take the company of a hot, fun, naughty woman over bougie beer, a hotel room with a mint on the pillow, etc.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
I think this stripper is confusing "luxury" for overpriced
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Basically some of you are butthurt by common sense rules coz you go to strip clubs and spend as little as you can while soliciting girls for prostitution.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Wah said Icee, ending the charade that she is male and anything other than a poorly prepared troll.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Skibum what proposed rules do you disagree with? Proper hygiene or no means no?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Regarding 4, I think for most dancers, the problem is losing a regular. The regular asks the dancer out, gets butthurt, stops being a regular. It's relatively few that have a rickdugan moment, feel like you're not staying in "your place" by asking them out.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Rules? What rules? We don't need no stinkin badges.....
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
>if you can't afford to spend at least $ 200, you shouldn't be going to the club. we are not dancing for free. it is rude to sit around and enjoy a "free" show.

I've been flipped that attitude in clubs before, but the dumb bitch doesn't realize that I just don't want to pay HER. Usually it's a case of waiting to see if there's better available, but once I get that attitude, nope.

Sometimes I will just sit and watch hoping for a unicorn among the herd of cows. They really should be glad about that, no one likes an empty strip club. Really, if there's seating for 100 and 5 guys are there, yep, looks better empty, eh? (I never go on weekends).

Because I do always walk in with at least $200 and even if I can't find that unicorn, I'll spend at least that on someone who seems nice.

And haggling? I always accept or decline the offer. Sometimes, when I decline, they counter... So, who the fuck is haggling now? and what really pisses them off is when I just keep turning them down once this starts. $60 a dance, no thank you, then $40, then $30, $20, once she's down to a totally average normal price for the place, or even less, I'm still saying no on that principal of "her worth" that she just lowered on her own. This really pisses them off, but you know once she starts at $60 and ends at $20, the dance is going to suck anyways...

And the club's set price? OK, I will accept that if she NEVER GOES OVER IT. (so the club set's "your worth" eh?, ya...)
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@Dolfan: you make several interesting points.

#1 - I agree that beyond parking + entrance fee + mandatory drink (in Seattle we have these), I get to decide what I pay and don't pay. It's my money, and when you think about it a strip club floor is as close to a truly free market as most of us ever get. Then again, it is sort of weird to not show up with money to a place that basically runs on lap dances. Dancers will let you know this early and often... how many of us have made the early PL career mistake of saying "I'm just here to watch" and then gotten chewed out by some stripper who's trying to pay club rent so she can pay apartment rent which is due? This reminds me of one of my first trips into the Sands (now Playground) in Seattle. I must have been 23 years old, and stopped in on the way home from work. It was me and one dancer. She did a single stage dance, and then walked over asking about a lapper. I went for the table dance (still had those back then) for $20. After dance #1, she asked if I wanted more, I said no and I would like to watch the show for a while. She headed back to the dressing room and didn't re-emerge. After sitting by myself for 10 minutes in an empty club, I split. Lesson learned.

#4 - OTC is real, and if for no other reason, this fact makes asking reasonable. If dancers don't know this, they're new, or full of shit. Or, as I suspect in the case of this 7k+ liked IG post, the author is writing Stripper Fantasy Porn: lacing things that dancers wish was true into enough things that actually are true to make the story believable. This applies to 8 as well.

#6 - This is quite interesting. The general tone among young women these days is heavy on consent, on the basis of #metoo, etc. Where this is a little grey is in a LD context. We're paying for some greater or lesser degree approximation of sex, and that often involves grind, 2-way, ass grabbing, tit grabbing/sucking, and the expectation of stick shifting if not HJ/BJ/FS. We all know this happens, and if it achieves nothing else TUSCL makes this clear. So while there really should be no expectation of these things with a civilian, there is very much an expectation of these things with a dancer. Otherwise we call it an air-dance and the best case outcome is one-and-done. That said, I've had experiences, see upshot #2 from my Ma 2019 review at the Sands https://tuscl.net/review.php?i… , where my reasonable presumption in a notorious extras club did not intersect with the new girl's presumption. Things would certainly be a lot easier if dancers said specifically what was on the table. Imagine if each dancer walked around with a card like this:

Dancer: Stormy
Dances: $30, 3/$100

✓ grind
✓ 2-way
X suck tits
✓ grab tits
✓ grab ass
✓ HJ
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
@drew, I don't think it's in writing, but I've read you kinda get a "menu" like that in Nevada brothels. The problem with sex workers committing to do certain things, is that the degree of roughness of the PL often determines whether it's tolerable or not to the dancer.

I guess for me, it's not really an issue. $20-30 doesn't seem like much money to me, to find out if I'm interested in trying to be a dancer's regular.

If a stripper tries to touch you dick before you put a condom on, do you yell "hashtag metoo! hashtag metoo!" at her?
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
My responses would have been pretty much along the lines of what rick posted. If a dancer is offended by my behaviour (assuming I don't do anything that actually constitutes assault or breaking an individual dancer's "touch" rules), there's plenty of other customers in the club. Then again, I don't act like a butthurt little whinger when a dancer declines to accommodate my requests.

It is, after all, my money until I give it to her, and I am the one who gets to decide to whom to give it, and under what circumstances.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
You can roughly categorize dancers as soft sell, hard sell, and no sell. Sometimes you can get a good dance from a no sell dancer, if she's in a good mood that night, but it's always a gamble. It sometimes works with hard sell dancers, to deflect their shpeel, rather than dispute it. Like "yeah I wish I could afford to do that". But a better club has plenty of softer sell dancers, with the hard sell ones scraping by on newbs and fools.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago

“ If a stripper tries to touch you dick before you put a condom on, do you yell "hashtag metoo! hashtag metoo!" at her?”

LOL I do not. Though I do try to get that thing wrapped up ASAP.

I agree wrt $20/$30 being no big deal even if it goes nowhere, plus I got to get close to a girl that I could never pull in real life. So it’s really not a loss either way.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Hmmm no mention of not getting bbq sauce or chackin fanger crumbs on a strippers outfit. This girl has obviously never met Juice.
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
One rule they are missing...

Always wash you're hands with soap and water for a solid 30 seconds between fingering different dancers.

The whole shower and hygiene before showing up doesn't preclude you from getting a little something on your finger and putting it somewhere else...
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^^^^ Very True!



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