
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 54)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm back again. Same story of love. VERY lengthy and detailed but 3 months has p
    Take her away for a weekend or longer......three days and nights outside of the normal surroundings is going to tell you a lot about how compatible the two of you are and where the rough edges are as well........additionally it screens out all the external everyday factors of your buds, her job, her friends,and any impact her job has on the interaction between the two of you. I'm decades older than you ...doesn't mean I know much more about affairs of the heart but the issues now are where you stand one to one with her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Worst career politician
    Nanci Pelosi........followed closely by Maxine Walters......the hypocrisy and levels of bullsh*t that escape their mouths on a consistent basis is enough to fill all the pastures in the state of Montana. No matter what your political affiliation if you are not for these two being muted something is seriously wrong with your brain waves.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does tipping non-strippers really matter?
    Tipping the manager has provided me an introduction to the best looking women--ahead of everyone else, gotten me a seat in a packed club of my choice, gotten the manager to have the bartender take care of me.........and gotten me free passes into the club. Tipping the bartender has provided me insight into the girls and steered me in the right direction on things like what I can and can't do in the private areas, who is a good time, who might be in the back room and has not come out yet and is hot, better shelf of alcohol on mixed drinks, faster service, and introduction to the owner of the club...... I can list the clubs this has worked for me in......and as a side note it was from the advice of Subraman on how to become a regular and why you should that reinforced the idea I should tip to speed the process along ( yes I already had been following the tipping route but if you are a newbie as I was, or not doing what you want with a lesser degree of success you listen to those who are experienced)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rising OTC prices
    Any of the consistent women I see come from SA and not strippers. ( although some of the women on SA are strippers) With the exception of the DC area 500 typically is good for 4-5 hours if not overnight.
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    7 years ago
    Looking for Talent at the Gym
    I cut back my gym visits in the summer months and play more tennis, golf, and put mileage in fitness walks or runs, depending on how my knees and joints feel ( I'm an older fart at this stage of my life) In the small town I live in I doubt there are any dancers but we do have our share of good looking women in the area and as Ishmael stated a fair percentage of women do not take too kindly to guys chatting them up at the gym--they find it creepy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Does tipping non-strippers really matter?
    Tip the bartender on the first drink in cash Tip the manager who greets you at the door That makes me a" loser"...funny thing about being a loser.......based on what I read on "tips of becoming a regular" I haven't paid cover charges since, I get introductions from the manager to anyone I want, without asking my drinks seem to up a class/shelf of liquor. After the bartender and GM any tips are given on level of service and merit.
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    7 years ago
    Off topic. How I believe most people feel about Trump now, hope is diminishing
    My hope is that everyone understands the entire picture of what is taking place --good and bad and understands a lot of what we are seeing has to do with a broken political and media system as well as a guy who is not a politician sitting in the middle of a viper invested slime pit. Trump was not my first choice nor my second but he beat the one person I wanted in office the very least----and he'd after to sink three times as low in my opinion before I thought he came close to the Hildabeast in being bad for this nation.
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    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you care?... Doug vs. Dugan & Vince
    I'm new here so I do not know the history but every time I see the new topics it reminds me of Thunderdome.....and thinking we should by both of them a ticket in......only one comes out alive.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Preference for Submissive or Dominant Strippers
    My last SB was submissive in the bedroom....outside not in the slightest and it took some time before it came out...but once it did it was a lot of fun.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Things strippers say
    I've never held a contest but most recently....."I'm going to nursing school...followed by these two statements .....Biology, why would I take that......and.....Yuk I get sick at the sight of blood......" all within about three minutes of each other............. I see a long future with the pole she was twirling on....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Papi Chulo Mode (white girl edition)
    I like a full ass Papi...but is it full enough to hold a quart or a ten gallon container is the question.......this one looks a bit like 5lbs in a 2lb bag if you know the phrase :--)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "AMPs" and "Lingerie Shows"
    Subraman--from your club reviews would it be fair to say you are on the left coast? What I have found over on the East Coast and in the Midwest is half the time if you click and look at a girl they will click and look at your profile on SA. For obvious reasons mine doesn't have a picture but I hope what I have in my profile is enough to get a like, and sometimes even a message. But no matter what if I get a reaction my next goal is to not go back and forth 20 times with messages. I want to meet. Her choice of place --coffee for a lunch meeting, a drink for anything after 6 PM. A significant amount of meetings and depending on the situation once you find out her logic of how she set her price agree to a lesser amount. I'm not talking about low balling or trying to negotiate price but if someone in the 5 K range is looking to meet 3 times a week and I am only in town one week am I not meeting her price expectations? The other thing I have found interesting is most of the strippers I have found on SA are the ones priced in the above 5 K range ( Substantial or High) yet from what I read on here the going rate seems to be under $ 400. What I take away from the difference is what I think many of us feel --women will ask for the moon but if you present yourself and your offer in a fair and logical manner they really are looking for less
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Do The Cavs Win Tonight?
    The question isn't just tonight but both games in Cleveland........drop one and it's over. Do not expect a repeat of last year when they came back from 3-1 down. KD was brought to GS for one reason and one reason only.......and this was it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "AMPs" and "Lingerie Shows"
    The "golden age" for escorts has come and gone. ( and yes this is my opinion and we all know what opinions are worth) It started in the mid 90's and started to decline in 2005. From my experience and again this is one man's own journey places such as Miami, NYC, DC, and Tampa had the hottest women and if you were a decent guy some of the women were more than happy to charge you an hour and stay the night. My own transition was from the first go around visiting strip clubs and being bored or constantly being the guy talking other guys out of getting tossed for being jerks to agency escorts, to independents ( there is a difference that has not been discussed or made) to a break from doing much of anything to SA mostly done because my area of travel changed and I found the escorts simply do not be what I wanted or was even interested in, only to find some of the SA girls I was meeting were strippers. I've never stopped seeing civi's but I would say today in 2017, in the places I play, SA and strippers are the better choices than AMP's, agencies, or independent escorts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Papi Chulo Mode (white girl edition)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    I am on a LOT of stripper's and ex-stripper's FBs... their divorce rate is 100% from what I can tell. + 1. I find the Twitter accounts the most telling--for some reason because family is on FB they tend to go a bit easy on some of their comments......not Twitter. You really want to get a mindset of what they are thinking it's the place to start.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What's With All The Threads About Dating Strippers Lately?
    It is popping up because it has become "cool" or would that be RAD or as the youngsters say today Relevant AF to date a stripper. Ask Cardi B...... There has been a lot of positive spin in the past half decade about how strippers are really all that and a sprinkle of hustle as well......but .....most of the spin and the hype is just that spin and hype. The other part I love about this is you need game........if you are over 30 years old and still running game I hate to be the one stopping that smoke from getting blown up your backside but you have more important things to worry about than bagging a stripper as your GF. When asked my game is I don't need a game.........dating myself but for those that want to see someone to use as a guideline check out Steve McQueen......yep I'm old school.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    is it possible to find a 'decent' girl in a club?
    Step one I would suggest reading the book "How to make friends and influence people" if you are going to ask for advice and look down on the people you are requesting for said help. Step two is to define nice/good/decent. I'll refer back to a recent comment I made on here which is most strippers have baggage but I have my own fair share as well--meaning I don't judge and they deserve every chance as I do to be treated with respect until they prove otherwise. Having said that trying to date a stripper ( as opposed to a person who happens to be one for a living) is a bit like repeatedly putting your hand on the lit burner of a stove and wondering why the result is the same time and again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    Just to clarify the two I referenced I dated or at least to the best of my knowledge dated before they became strippers or at the very least before I knew. Both still to the best of my knowledge have hid they strip although from what I understand the veil is starting to drop from a few people's eyes in the one case. In the case of the one it is because she told me she was going to start and I did everything I could to convince her not to because I could not see her being successful or adjusting to the lifestyle as much as I saw the move for her as a downward spiral in life she was not going to be able to pull out of.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "AMPs" and "Lingerie Shows"
    Years ago there was a place in Philadelphia by the name of Callow Hill named after a neighborhood in the city and know by the guys that visited there on a regular basis simply as the Hill. Once it shut down I never found another one that came close to the level of beautiful women and I mean drop dead beautiful in some cases, or the level of service and I gave up trying to at least on the East Coast and the Midwest/Southwest. If you drink scotch once you've tasted Oban 18 no one settles for Dewars regular label.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    Estafador--it's impossible for me to answer since I haven't been on this site all that long nor do I know you or have seen you interact inside a club. For me, I used SA for a couple of years and found it to be a great source of meeting women--it just so happens a couple of them were strippers in the making, or wished to keep they were strippers a secret from almost everyone around them. Since going to the clubs I haven't dated anyone OTC--I have had one ITC experience which I didn't put up a review because I am certain no good would come from me doing so. I was surprised the girl was willing to go as far as she did and the place did not have reputation for asking for extras. There are as I have come to find out a decent amount of dancers/strippers on SA in the DC, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Cleveland areas. If you do both as I do you start to recognize a few faces.....and the code of what they write in their profiles on SA starts to have a common pattern. I've never set out to purposely date any type of girl, and especially not a stripper because of the baggage ( not that I don't have my own carry on case ) but I will say it seems the girls that work in the clubs can sense certain traits in guys. $$$ obviously plays a part as well, a large part, but over the last year I've been happy with the fun I have had and most of that can be measured by being able to interact with the women I want to and not settling for second or third choices.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Would You Really Ever Date A Stripper?
    If dating them and not knowing they are a stripper counts than I have--I've referenced this before on prior comments. If dating one before they became a stripper counts than I'm guilty on a second count. --I've also commented on this in passing on here as well. The first one was a lot younger than me and I met through SA---by all criteria it was a relationship. I never felt used nor did I ever feel she took advantage of me. It ended on a friendly note--for a bit after we parted she would send me notes or pictures of herself--no nudes-and I am almost certain she wanted to get back together but I had no interest. The second one is a different story and seems to have reappeared again ......where it goes or how it ends only time will tell. We all have that one...... BTW you are never too old........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Next Moves
    This happened a few weeks ago--I didn't go to the club that night. I deleted both the conversation and her contact info from my cell and I haven't heard from her nor have I contacted her. I'm not vested at all in any way, the couple nights I got dances from her I tipped her well and bought her a drink or two--nothing out of the ordinary. I had been looking at option 3 as my first choice but again I wanted feedback---would I be polite to her if ( when) I see her--yes. Will I do any more private dancers--probably not. She is attractive and provides a good dance but so do other girls at other clubs. As for was it 100% P4P--no. To be blunt I wasn't the one that asked for the off site meet. We spent a fair amount of time talking my second time in the club and like I said she chose to hang around and wave a couple other guys off as well as she is the one that asked about meeting. I expected I was going to hear what she expected and wanted. Was I prepared --had cash with me and protection--but it was her meet. Keep in mind I never play in my home area---although the bar/restaurant is a hangout of mine it is when I am on the road 500 miles away from home. As Dolfan and a few others have stated it's the hour after the meet text that shows a total flake--risk and one that could --could ---have been more costly. Just because it wasn't does not excuse her actions. I don't let people or things frustrate me too easily....I'm hard to tick off......but harder to get back on my good side once you do. I'm headed back to the area tomorrow which is why I asked---well that and it seems to be a full moon based on the actions of a few women in my life these past few days........ To everyone with constructive advice I appreciate it......more stories to come.....real life is and this seems to apply to this lifestyle more so than some stranger than fiction.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Next Moves
    Okay--thanks. I wanted to be sure my head wasn't up my backside.......for the most part I am thinking the same way. The oddity in this situation was I didn't bring up the idea. She did and in reality it really didn't put me out either in terms of cash or in terms of prep time. I wasn't pissed, oddly enough, because I'm one of those guys that believes time is most valuable asset and hate to have it wasted. In this case the place we were to meet up in public first was one of my hang outs....nothing lost. When I received the text she wasn't coming I ordered another scotch, had a drink and watched some of the ball game at the bar, and went to another club and never replied. Like stated I'm not sure why in this case she just didn't say no or not bring up the subject at all. I can have a good time with the right girl without extras as long as she is decent looking, has some personality, and gives a good dance--she qualified on all three. OTC is icing to me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Is Dad Detachment a Development Factor for Stippers?
    From what I have observed from the small sample size of data is the negative influence is what brings them into dancing. Where they are brought into dancing ( city, club, etc) is what determines if they move into extras and how long it takes. For instance in Detroit--at least from what I have read on here--if you are not doing extras chances are you are not going to make money as opposed say DC where unless the girl goes OTC with you there are no extras. I can say the girls I have all talked to lack impulse control--all of them which is why for the most part they have more month than money when the rent is due and crisis management or Life Coaching could make a field day just taking on strippers as clients.