Vegas clubs a unsuspecting tourist trap?

avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL
I am a club cruising PL who travels all over and have actually only been in one Vegas club. I have clubbed in Reno and found them friendly and many other cities around the USA. I do not gamble at all, refuse to stay at any casino hotel after one openly attempted credit card fraud at the front desk and consider all casinos a long term legalized con. Therefore when I am forced to visit Vegas I stay at a hotel away from the "strip" and avoid everything but work leaving at the first opportunity. The one time I visited a Vegas club I found it to be set up just like the casinos, if you are not willing to piss money out all your orifices you get no service. I was unwilling to pay the rates required. I am not by any means a cheapskate and regularly pay for high priced dances and drinks in NYC but found Vegas expects you to leave you brain at the city limits. I can see why people drive all the way out of town to the brothels because from what I read their prices for full service are about the same as a VIP HJ in the clubs.


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avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
And this surprises anyone why? If you've read any comments on the Internet even those from dancers you can see the Vegas mindset is purely set on how to take as much of your money as possible with providing the minimal amount of customer service. Vegas clubs operate under a different model.........take a look at any dancers IG page and look at the tone of her comments...........
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
You make several good points. Vegas has used some great marketing to make it seem like a great tourist destination - but it's simply a place to separate you from your money. The combination of gambling and strip clubs can separate you from your money quicker.

I don't gamble, and I know that vegas strip clubs don't offer much (if any) value - so I have no reason to go there.

From my perspective - the NYC clubs are too expensive as well. They seem to be setup for guys with huge expense accounts - and guys who want to act like they have huge expense accounts - and I'd rather not play that game.
avatar for Lurker_X
7 years ago
I think for a long time it has been taken for granted that "nothing compares to Vegas" in terms of attracting beautiful women. People comment about encountering strippers at the airports on their way there to work for the weekend. IE, there are no "tens" at your local strip joint... because if a girl is a ten she won't hang around your local town. She'll go into modeling, acting, be a showgirl, or if necessary a Vegas stripper.

So yeah, it's mainly a fantasy for tourists to think they're meeting the cream of the crop dancers, in one city. I think most mongers on TUSCL are happy to find "good service with the sevens and eights".
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
I agree completely. While I spend a bunch of money in strip clubs, I refuse to be taken in by clubs in Vegas and NYC that are solely focused upon taking all of your money in exchange for minimal service.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
7 years ago
I am also careful in NYC and have had a few good experiences but you have to be careful and watch out for Russian ROBs
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I know several gorgeous strippers in Phoenix who travel to LV once or twice a month. So, I've got the best of all worlds, hot Vegas strippers in honest clubs with $10 dances.
avatar for impala
7 years ago
Thing is, Vegas got a reputation for sin than somewhat today is an overstatement. Yes, if you hang with the right crowd there is a lot of fun to be had, and many thing are "overlooked" (especially for those with the coin the throw around), but for the average guy it's just a money pit. The strip clubs are some of the worse for knowing that there is almost an endless stream of PL's that are going spend money on not much return just because its Vegas.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
To be honest - vegas clubs interest me - because I've heard so much about them. I don't plan to make a trip, but if I had to go to a convention - I might stop in a club to see how beautiful the dancers are. I wouldn't spend much - and I wouldn't stay long - as I know it's not my type of club.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Movies about Vegas are better than Vegas itself. Watch these 2 Nicholas Cage movies: Honeymoon in Vegas and Leaving Las Vegas.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I loved Leaving Las Vegas - and I suspected it was too good to be true! A drunk pl finds a gorgeous whore to care for him! It would be nice...
avatar for pensionking
7 years ago
I miss the Vegas of 20 years ago, before the corporations came in with their accountants and sought to squeeze every last fucking nickel out of every last square foot. That's why there are 5,000 slot machines and three damn craps tables, all over $25 minimums. If it wasn't for the ignorant 20-somethings paying top dollar for "bottle service" and paying $50 cover for "pool parties," Vegas would be in serious recession.

I miss the old days when a twenty (or a ten) slipped in the hand of a maître d could get you a table down front for an awesome live performance. I miss the service focus of the wise guys when genuine prime rib buffet was $8.95. I miss when Vegas wasn't trying to market itself as a family destination.

The Vegas of today is living off the reputation of a better past.

As far as SCs go, Vegas is most assuredly a tourist trap -- not even an unsuspecting one. It is flagrantly a tourist trap with no concern for repeat customers. It is squeeze every dollar out of every PL before they get on the plane to return home. For this reason, Vegas SCs are no bueno.

I have always said, if Cuba opened 1990-style casino hotels with restaurants and shows, they could undercut Vegas and be bursting with American tourism dollars, eventually.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Pension King's one phrase says it concern for repeat customers which is exactly what I meant when I stated in my initial comment about the clubs operate under a different model.

I know girls that work there. Knew them before they moved to Vegas, knew a couple of them before they danced. I was there a year ago for a convention so I was lucky and had some great options but as Cashman stated you might be Nicolas Cage but the odds of finding Elisabeth Shue are very small.
avatar for joc13
7 years ago
This is disappointing to hear, given that I'm one of the 70,000 people on the Raiders' PSL lottery list, and hope to get picked so I'll have a reason to go to Vegas 4 or 5 times a year.

So, perhaps instead of planning to visit Vegas clubs and arrange for some type of local take-out, I should plan to bring an OTC/SB date with me. Are the Vegas SCs any good as an eye-candy-party-atmosphere type of place, or would I get enough of that just taking a date to a regular night club?
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I go to Vegas several times a year and love it but I have "local" insider info since my close friend used to live there. Yes you will blow money, and as long as you somewhat discipline yourself it won't be that bad.

Last time I was in Sapphires I think the cover was $40 something, beers and water were $10 and lapdances were $25.

Vegas used to be a bargain about 8 years ago, but the costs of doing business and less money being raked in at the tables caught up with them, which invented all these "fees" including the worst yet, hotels charging for parking.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
There used to be a site called Cheapo Vegas, run by a cab driver, that gave genuine inside info about the values, con jobs, and rip offs in Vegas. Unfortunately, it is now like any other booking site. It was a great resource while it lasted.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Some archived advice. Fun to read.…
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
Back when the mob was running things in Vegas it was fun. I could get off work from my job at Western Air Lines at LAX at 10:30PM and catch our 11PM flight to Vegas, stay up all night and then catch our 6AM flight home. We had 18 flights a day back then.

Food, drinks, hotel & entertainment were just about free because the mob was skimming off of the gambling. Now every part of the business must show profit. I'm not much of a gambler. So fuck it. I haven't been to Vegas in about 40 years even though I can still fly there for free.
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
vegas. and my expensive learning curve. spent a LOT in the clubs... and had a blast... some great excellent times. i still stop there now and then... and maybe get a $20 lap dance from a hottie. but i won't pay the asurb cover charges.

coi and tj for me.
avatar for jester214
7 years ago
It's not for everyone and I wouldn't see the point without gambling (though I know people who go regularly and gamble little to none) but I love Vegas. I admit though it continues to go downhill and the strip clubs aren't great but when I start picking vacation destinations because of the strip clubs I'll know it's time for a change.

As far as trying to take your money, it's a fucking tourist destination, what the fuck do you expect?
avatar for DisRuptive1
7 years ago
I'm a Vegas local and go to strip clubs pretty often. I can confirm the women are absolutely beautiful (past 10PM) but the hustle is really strong.
avatar for 623
7 years ago
As a local I can confirm that there is still lots of fun to be had in Las Vegas but you have to get off the strip. I even suggest renting a car and staying off the strip. Better deals can be had everywhere if you do a bit of research. Check and for inside info on where and how the deals are.

And for god sake don't show up at a touristy strip club in a taxi!!!
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