Do certain cities have better looking strippers than others?

avatar for DisRuptive1
Or is it generally just based on the club atmosphere itself?


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I's say it could be either one. Although I have never been to a Vegas strip club, I'll guess that the lure of big money attracts more hot looking dancers than any other U.S. city.

On the other hand Cheetah in Atlanta attracts more hot looking dancers than any other club in the city just because of it's atmosphere.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Phoenix is the best of the cities I've been to so far. Tampa has a reputation for super hot dancers, but I was less than impressed.
Is agree with Phoenix and Vegas but Vegas clubs are such a ripoff it's sometimes not worth the time.
One simple answer to your question: yes

I've been around the block a lot and agree with Doug 100%. In all my travels Phoenix has the hottest dancers over all in the United States. Comparison... one of the ugliest girls at Bourbon Street in PHX would be one of the hottest girls at Flight Club in DET.

avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Young, hot strippers can find high-paying jobs anywhere. So, where do these stunning young women choose to live ? In the past, Southern California was a big draw. Currently, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, and Florida are big draws. Great weather, booming economy, and affordable housing.
^^^ ha kinda like how I remember the 90s. I had relatives living in South Florida and all the local kids would drop out of high school so they could work decent jobs that required little education in the tourism industry. Taking the easy road so to speak.
avatar for lopaw
7 years ago
LA has some fine ass lookers, as you'd expect. And if you like latinas, we have tons of them and many are hot af.
Clubs which are in the middle of nowhere tend to get the lower end of the looks scale.

IME, within a specific city or metro area with multiple clubs, the good looking ladies do end up at the same club, which is probably because of atmosphere.
IDK. but a client of mine that is a doctor gets a lot better internet porn than I do.
As far as clubs go, I wrote about this before. You can have a club that invests in lighting that is more flattering to the dancer. I've been to clubs where there is poor lighting and declined dances from a girl, only to see her dancing at a different club with better lighting and beg her to dance for me.

Phoenix used to be filled with attractive dancers, but I've recently written in general the decline in quality over the past several years. I think this is an industry wide phenomenon, and the fact I only go during the day shift when it is slower.
Vegas, LA, Dallas, Miami in that order for best looking from my own experience.
Tampa area also is doing well in the looks department, in my opinion. But it's a bit more complicated than that, because there can be some extremely attractive dancers but also some extremely unattractive ones. In a place like Vegas, only the most attractive girls are dancing; in a place like Tampa there are some very attractive girls dancing but there are also some less attractive girls dancing; in a place like Boston there are some unattractive girls dancing and some butt fucking ugly girls dancing. So part of the question is how attractive are the most attractive dancers in a city, but another part of the question is how attractive are the dancers overall in an aggregate manner in a city. Not only, what's the level of the top looker, but also, what's the average, and furthermore, what's the percentage of top lookers relative to the whole dancer population. Tampa area ranges widely from highly attractive all the way down to frightening. Vegas doesn't range but rather stays in the highly attractive zone consistently.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Within any large strip city, there are diverse clubs with a wide range of hotness. One way to measure would be the number of clubs with the highest rating of vampiness, as TUSCL defines it. Only one city has 3 clubs with a vampiness score over 8.0, Vegas.
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
Oops, Tampa also has 3. Dallas and LA have 2.
-->" In a place like Vegas, only the most attractive girls are dancing; in a place like Tampa there are some very attractive girls dancing but there are also some less attractive girls dancing;"

This always has a huge effect on me. There's some kind of critical mass of hotness that, once it's hit, lifts up my overall PERCEPTION of hotness. It's like the kid-in-a-candy-store effect: there's a difference between the little candy display at the local supermarket, vs the heart-pounding excitement of being 8 years old inside a store filled with nothing but candy, even if you end up picking tropical fruit starburst in either place :) In SC terms, I've seen girls go from less-hot clubs to our hottest club, and for some reason, they become waaay hotter -- did they up their game somehow at the hotter club, or am I just perceiving ALL the girls at the club to be hotter?

A little meta-discussion from the weak-minded :)
theres always the cheerleader effect which is pretty much what you describe, but im sure just being around hotter girls would make one give more detail to makeup and all that as well.
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