
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 39)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
    Tint the windows on the SUV dark---works for rappers.....chicks love them. I'd suggest driving a Toyota/Lexus SUV and then commenting on how slow and sluggish they are compared to AB-POS. The last two I bought get a fair amount of compliments, some surprised at how well they run. And no offense but the Cruze is built at Lordstown Ohio---original factory of the Chevy Vega--many of the same workers decades later--same high standards of quality I'm sure.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Ford is basically giving up on US car business, and GM is not far behind
    GM is ahead of Ford---some years ago during the bailout GM shifted it's R&D and Marketing to China.....why? So there was more influence taken into consideration on what other nations wanted in the build of their vehicles. The move was just done very low key--and with the blessing of the Administration then because after all they shot the Constitution and about every law possible in the ass by what they did. With Ford expect the same thing. The cuts come first --the new cars will be more global in design when they come to market.......and no it isn't good for the USA. I'm mostly a Toyota guy and have been for years--I owned a Ford T Bird which was a great car but the last couple of GM's ( all prior to going Toyota) should have been painted yellow with little texture bumps all over them...........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NFL Draft Starts Tonight
    "5 of which are in the first two rounds" Five young men are about to see their career spiral down in a way they would never expect! "The Browns will probably pick a punter with the first pick. That is one of their most used positions".--they actually had arguably the best punter in the game two years ago and the meathead they have coaching got pissed at him because he wouldn't tackle a punt returned in an exhibition game two years ago --against Carolina......Carolina picked him up off the waiver list minutes after the Browns cut him....taught the guy a lesson ( the lesson being there is always hope the Browns are stupid enough to let you go with a Get out of Jail free card.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip clubs vs the real world
    +1 Dominic77
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Meat72---an added bonus to SA is many strippers have accounts there as well. Subraman can share with you how he brings it into the conversation when he is at the club. It brings down the walls to finding out if OTC activity is available. Over the years a lot of what I do depends on my mood and where I am located at the time. Stripclubs for me are more of a spontaneous decision---I'm not doing anything so I'll go to the club. SA, at least for me, is a more planned out undertaking.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Gynecology student
    Iconic cars that impressed the ladies (so we thought)
    I drive an SUV.........not that strange. I went through my motor stage years ago
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    I've only had one really bad in terms of not looking anything like her pictures but I have heard some horror stories. ISHMAEL I'm not one for a lot of back and forth before I meet someone but I do ask some basic questions to weed out the pros and the scammers. If I get one or two word answers or a press right off the bat about money I simply excuse myself and move on. I'm meeting my regular SA ( been seeing her whenever I am in one part of the country since January.) tonight and possibly Friday before I leave the area. There are good ones out there--she's a grad student which for me at least is the right age and the right reason for her to be on SA.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Bragging time. Least you spent for FS
    gothamyte from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham 1 HOUR AGO Say what warrenboy I'd wager free Pussy, $40 pussy, and $250 pussy all feels the same I'd wager the square needle in your body to fight the infection you get from the $40 girl actually gives you a bit more feeling than you want. I exclude the free because it could be a civilian which is a different perspective.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Bragging time. Least you spent for FS
    No offense but anybody not charging $ 250 at a minimum I'm not sure I'd want to stick my dick in.......sorry to be so blunt but there is cheap and then there is the mindset of a girl who would for too little unless....... this is outside the realm of P4P.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    PayPal, Venmo, cash, ApplePay, etc
    I've used Venmo for a couple of years now---the only issue I have ever had was very specific to the speed of a transaction and it was due to a holiday weekend. It appears some banks regardless of if you want to transfer money immediately simply do not make the transaction until the next business day. I use Venmo sparinging ( mostly with my one ex I have referenced on here) and never with anyone I didn't have a long term relationship with ( multiple years)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NHL Play-offs
    I was hoping Vegas would have dropped one to the Kings so I could catch the 5th game last week when I was in Vegas. Wanted to see them live and at home.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: 911 Operator Doesn't Want to Talk to Anyone
    hand =hang
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    OT: 911 Operator Doesn't Want to Talk to Anyone
    It means no one was monitoring her calls which technically is a violation of the standards a 911 center is supposed to perform. They did eventually flag her for it but one of the red flags is when you an inordinate amount of calls under 30 secs to one operator or you see a number call in hand up, and call back in the hopes of reaching another operator ( both are tracked)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If you were 25 again...
    Invest more, spend less on material items but increase travel.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Are "extras" in clubs becoming a thing of the past?
    impala I've never found Northeast PA to be all that great in terms of mileage in the clubs, not as bad as DC or Maryland once you get outside of Baltimore but nothing great. I haven't been to downtown Philadelphia in some time but overall I have not seen much change in how the clubs operate for years.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cardi B Gives Advice on What Not to Do in the Strip Club
    shadowcat Atlanta 5 HOURS AGO Who the fuck is Cardi B? Sort of my thoughts and I know who she is.......right now she is the rage with strippers and wannabe strippers.......between her and Drake due to his new song many if not most social media post from the ladies who dance # with quotes from one of their songs. Nina can provide you more detail on Cardi B
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    If a celebrity shows up at your strip club, would you mention it in a review?
    Odd that would you ask this question....... I saw someone I know on line do the very same thing this morning. ( and she works in a Vegas club)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NHL Play-offs
    I've heard Syd Crosby referred to as many different things before but never as "the league"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Why We Fight
    Dominic the issue becomes one if P4P is your main source sex or if you decide to take a break and find you can't. In either case you have a problem and the problem is going to eventually impact the marriage.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    (1) Seems like many TUSCLers use SA as a glorified Backpage. There's nothing ethically wrong with that, but I guarantee that SA doesn't want, or need, that kind of business. These days you're asked not to message about pay-per-meet arrangments when signing up, and there are self-reporting tools to get rid of obvious escorts. The more men and women treat SA like Backpage, the more likely it will come down under FOSTA. My answer--I never did use backpage and nothing could be further from the truth. As a rule I use SA as my main source of entertainment although this was not always the case. When I find someone in the area I look for the long term partner and as much as possible I view the relationship as a part time relationship, mostly because as my tag lines states I am never in the same place for long. SA if you haven't noticed has management polices that favor the females, not the males. After about the 2nd year out it started to become obvious. Much of what they don't tolerate is to protect the women--it's odd since for the most part the revenue comes from the guys. (2) SA may have changed the openness to sugaring permanently, regardless of whether SA goes down. Without SA, I can't imagine that we would be living in a society where college girls are sleeping with AARP guys to pay college bills; the cultural change will probably live on if SA fails. And why not? How is some middle-class college girl expected to pay $30K to $50K per year by working at $11/hr? My answer-There have always been situations where older men have dated younger women--before SA Two and Half Men made a hero out of Charlie Sheen ( who was for all purposes playing himself on the show) and his exploits. What has changed is women feel more comfortable doing what they want and getting what they want out of life without being judged, or at least not caring if they are . (3) I'll probably get flamed for this: Just in a practicle sense, finding a sane, responsible, partner is a big deal to me. I'm the only guy in existence who finds blow-jobs boring -- but I live for unprotected sex. Finding someone sane, who's willing get and share written STD results, means that the arrangement can go unprotected. I only have one partner at a time. There's still a big risk, but it's no bigger than the risks I was taking in my 20s. I'm also hosting at my house and it only takes one crazy girl to ruin your life. My answer--again this is why SA beats escorts and strippers--it's why I am there. I commented yesterday I have found strippers on SA ( never found an escort yet) and they can be fun but I treat it differently because I realize it is different. Still can be good but its not why I am there. I find a girl that doesn't know how to give a blow job boring. One who knows how is not. I don't host at home or even near my home base. It's that simple. If you look at my older comments -nurses, grad students, artist, are where I find the best partners. Ages 25-35. (4) Call it white-knighting or mentoring if you like, but if I'm pissing money away on sex, it's a nice feeling that the money is helping some college girl get through school. My answer--yes, or paying off student loans.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    I'm not feeling it either Ishmael-he's young and inexperienced as much as anything and when someone is out of their element they are always going to appear out of sorts on some level ( and it can translate to comments being inconsistent)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    twentyfive I love a good cup of coffee ( or two) but at 500.00 per lb it better do something more than sit in a cup for me to sip.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    lol Huntsman.............no guy should ever eat asparagus if he plans on getting physical after the meal.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    what the worlds needs now is love, more love.
    Tips for first SA date?
    Paul fwiw I'm the same way--even more so since I try to stay away from anyone under 21 and actually prefer women that are 25-35 years of age. Coffee typically translates to Starbucks which in my mind is not a good place to meet for a first time SA date. Overall it's about the level of openness. Women relax and talk more about themselves when they are eating ( even if it is just an appetizer) And food means a longer time to get to know each other---coffee is drink and run at times.