
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    won...not one...........damn spell check........how old is flagooner? I always assumed he was some young whippersnapper......I'm the old guy in this group.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bouncer - customer interactions?
    In Jersey I would think anything beyond a grunt would require a dictionary for the bouncer to understand.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    ^^^Snowflake *,}...... millennials who take offense to everything you say even if it doesn't apply to them. They feel the world owes them something because they always been handed everything, including participation trophies their whole lives. Somebody must have one 8th place in the don't potty in your diaper at kindergarten..........:--)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    For those wondering about bouncer-customer interactions
    This is one of the reasons I have never liked the clubs as fully as some do. I've never run into a real horse's ass that is a manager or a bouncer or whatever the title happens to be in the club but I've heard a lot of stories, oddly most of them are in the Western part of the US.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The Hardest Part About Stripping Wasn't Taking My Clothes Off
    Once the first week of April comes there are clubs depending on their location and clients that do slow down. Tax season hits the guys who are the whales, the conventions start to slow down in places like Vegas, and the school season ends which can impact dancers ( the ones that actually go to school and go home for the summer) as well as guys with families. I would imagine women who are the top earners don't feel the impact the way the mid tier girls do but I've heard it from Indianapolis to Philadelphia and points in between ( as well as a few other girls who dance in the West and Southwest) it will not start picking up till the middle to end of September.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    shailynn: good call on Christies Cleveland
    When I am in Northeast Ohio if I go to a club it is CH Bedford more times than not. The one time I was in the Hustler Club it was boring--most of the girls were on their phones or in the back room waiting for a couple of the Cavs players to come in that night. Later I heard from a girl who worked there that I knew from outside the club it was pretty normal for some of the girls to cater to the Cavs & Browns players. Guess I can't blame them but one time there was enough for me. When I very first joined this board I was cautioned about putting too much detail out there about Christie's downtown and Canton.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    shailynn: good call on Christies Cleveland
    Max--better than any of the other clubs downtown. (IMHO--or not so humble)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Private club in Manhattan
    What's the first rule of Fight Club?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    I give all the credit in the world to LeBron--my comments concerning the Cavs center around a lack of team defense, in part due to so many new faces brought over 2/3 into the season. If you don't know the guy you are playing with it's hard to play defense. Additionally ( and I realize after yesterday this statement seems off base) I've never been a big Kevin Love fan and he is basically your 2nd option in the offense. I've been a Cavs fan since most of the people on this board were wearing diapers but the Raptors are not playing smart. Pushing the ball hard upcourt and taking advantage of the size they have, making Love defend, is how to beat Cleveland and they are not doing either.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Trendy New York strip club says it empowers women
    Papi--one of my oft said lines is " it's not what you make, it's what you keep" and that 1K a night gets hit from multiple angles before she gets out the door........and how many girls really make 1K a night? what percentage.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Trendy New York strip club says it empowers women
    The articles all read the same for the past decade...........somewhere there is a template with one of a couple versions.....
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    6 years ago
    somewhere fun
    Latest SA meet
    "For me, it's like bicycles and scooters -- both have 2 wheels and help you get around, but they don't feel them same; and an arrangement definitely doesn't feel like dating to me, although both differ from escorts and so have that in common" You know it's like dating when she falls asleep in your bed after sex and when she wakes up the next morning ( if in a hotel) wants to know if you have time for breakfast.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    The Rules of Engagement
    NYC and DC have always been the two places I have had the most fun but if you notice the places with the most escorts and better looking ones I might add are universally the places you find lousy strip club-mileage. As far as the 7/8 guys a day this is why a fair amount of guys don't see girls who travel because they know the girls are seeing a lot more clients when on the road than they do typically at their home base. No offense jacklash but from what I recall about Detroit.............:--) I ma curious what makes one a high price escort......where sits the bar?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Play-offs
    The Raptors are still reliving what happened in 2016 & 2017. They should have won last night but the Cavs are inside their heads. By far they are the better team this year, especially when it comes to defense and it wasn't just Lebron--Tristan came off the bench and played well as did Green. JR also had 20 points.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NFL Draft Starts Tonight
    An admitted OSU bias before I speak but keep in mind besides one big play Saquon had other 24 touches (20 runs, four catches), for just 31 yards. I don't think it was his line being bad as much as his tendendancy is to cut back on his runs--it makes for great highlight film, but in the NFL it's harder to be great when you run with his style. It takes an overly aggressive defense to succeed--or missed tackles. If I recall correctly OSU had a less than a 3% chance of beating Penn State according to the odds makers and pollsters but once they stopped Barkley they took control of the game. As far as being good without a great QB---I recall the Vikings did well last year without a great starter.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers: Employees or Contractors?
    There was a class action lawsuit a few years back against Christie's if my memory is correct. Most of the dancers decided it was not in their best interest to be considered employees ( I don't recall the reasons) and legal action was brought as I recall because a dancer fell on stage and the club would not cover her medical expenses.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Are things really getting worse?
    Jim--your history sounds very, very similar to mine. At one time I travelled every week and it wasn't uncommon to be on an airplane somewhere three to four days each week. I had a boss who loved strip clubs and to this day swear if he knew I was headed some place based on the clubs in the area more than the business/clients I had he would want to come along for the trip ( Atlanta, Tampa, Dallas in those days being the three cities he loved to go to clubs) I got away from the clubs because as time went by I saw less action and more hustle and the escorts, especially the independents were a better fit for me. You mention Redbook, over on the East Coast there was the Creative Writers Workshop as it was named at one time. About the only place I still went to clubs was north of the border-Canada and that was very rare. Today I have a different schedule and less travel although lately I've been all over the country. I started to venture back into clubs because of finding many of the strippers on SA, which in my case is my main source for finding women in the P4P arena. If we hit 2008-2009 again with the economy you'll see the clubs gain traction again. Until then I doubt the trend reverses.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Is anyone else tired of all the trolls
    25 neither do I. I've run discussion boards before. Quite frankly as a user we don't have much options but to ignore or tolerate. I'm pointing out what can be done and who really has the power to do it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Is anyone else tired of all the trolls
    "how would you separate the trolls from the serious posters" You could verify posters do not post under more than one handle. As a rule board trolls tend to use more than one handle on a board and there are plenty of ways, methods to see if someone is using the same login, same IP address or even same device to post. The days of going to a Kinko's and using a common PC where multiple people in the same city could by chance be on the same device or Internet connection is gone. Of course this means more work for the founder/moderator/pre-school teacher who runs the site, maybe more time than he/she has or cares to invest but it would cut back on the trolls ( at least as much as sunlight does)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    How many of you give zero fucks about Stormy Daniels?
    Less than....
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Dating Strippers from a club
    ppwh--Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is probably lost on most of this generation. I happen to be a bit older so I recognize the author/pilot's works. Although not as civilized I'll point you in the direction of Cat Stevens, now known as Yusuf Islam.......and later redone by Rod Stewart and Sheryl Crow........The first cut is the deepest.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Dating Strippers from a club
    Okay Jim here's what I can share. I've commented on here before I met a girl before she was a stripper. The relationship had enough of a strain that we broke off for about five months ( this is a couple of years ago) and during that time some of her friends convinced her to become a stripper since she was broke. I was surprised when she called me after a five month separation-- I had heard from her once ( text) during the break and it wasn't good. She spent the better part of two days convincing me that 1) she knew the problems were hers 2) although she was a "dancer" that nothing was going on besides dancing period. There were good times, great times, but the bad times were very bad. It ended five months ago, this time for good. If you are on the up and up the big red flag I see in your comments is that they are dating and he is going to the club she works in--on that alone I almost call BS....but.......if you are straight I will tell you it is going to lead to a problem and it is going to be ugly when it happens. I never, repeat never, went into the club she worked. I still don't go there although she is long gone and somewhere on the West Coast ( probably dancing) And just to be clear it had more to do with messing with her head than my becoming jealous. It also had to do with what you are describing is going on with him now--- other dancers taking a run at me--according to her it wasn't an if but a when if I showed up at the club. What broke us up is simple. She couldn't be honest with me and as the little lies piled up I trusted her less and less. Eventually she did something that I couldn't tolerate and I ended it. Now to be fair we had our problems before she started dancing but the dancing only made those problems worse and there was always some level of drama with her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    OT: Are Traditional Compters (Laptop and Desktop) Going to Become Obsolete?
    I use a laptop and dock it when at my home base. There are reasons to still use desktops -especially if you are using a workstation as opposed to a standard PC.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    How much does the club itself actually matter?
    The club in my mind comes first because how it treats the dancers in the long run determines if they stay or not, if they can make money or not, and what they can do or not. To some extent on the seedy perspective some clubs also allow their staff to take advantage of the dancers. So in the chicken and egg point of view the club comes first. If they do things right and if they keep the place in the right order to allow the dancers to feel comfortable and to make money the better ones will come, which in turn will bring in the right clients