
Comments by goosman (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Dances on Credit?
    BTW the post wasn't a want for an intervention. Just asking a question out of curiosity. I'm not trying to figure out a way to get dances on credit.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money is an addiction..... back to dancing.
    Court Reporter seems like a good career for an ex-dancer. Trade doesn't seem that difficult to learn.
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    7 years ago
    Keeping the Receipt
    A lot of clubs give paper receipts for drinks down here, and I say "thanks for the evidence"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    PL going off the deep end.
    As one of those guys who I guess wrote one of those in what was unintentionally a series, I'll reply. Shit maybe there is something in the air. Now my post got a bit misconstrued. I'm not doing anything crazy. I often post about the psychological/social aspects of the weird world of the club. And I've been run down with all types of stripper shit & approaches, and I'm interested in how its done. Generally I'm cognizant the game being played, and find it fascinating. Because I'm aware of the game, I can watch everything go down and float above it. But what happened the other night for some reason, zinged through my normal stripper shit defenses and hit a different nerve. I've been run down by chicks with better bodies & prettier faces, but this chick struck a nerve w/me. And I have no clue, why. So maybe there is some shit in the air. But I ain't leaving no body or trying to turn anyone into a house wife. As the strip club poet laureate Juicy J says "These hoes, they for everybody" not calling dancers hoes, but you get the point. She can't be yours, because she's for everybody
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Best slacks? Pantses for Dantses ...
    there are some slacks made of jersey (like jersey sheets, not sports jerseys) material, that are extremely soft & thin
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Papi Chulo Mode (white girl edition)
    I'll take Jenna Shea all day
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    One of the things I place into the category of "boner poison" is a dancer talking about children, whether they be mine, hers or the nightmare of knocking up a stripper & then postponing my child free home another 18 years. Again I didn't fall for stripper shit, that didn't do it. But something picked a lock, and I'm trying to figure out what it was/how it happened.
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    @RickDougan the whole comment about how our kids would look like, as I wrote in the OP I actually found to be a weird thing say. Didn't sucker me in with that line, but I threw it in the tome because it stood out as a new type of stripper shit. Maybe you guys hear that one all the time, but new (& odd, almost boner poison) for me.
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    Fair play to all of my psycho-analysts out there. I'm still enjoying the responses even those that attack the perceived weakness in my personality. As I've stated many times before, I'm as interested in the psychological/social aspects of this life as I am the big booties. I'm well aware of stripper shit, and have heard it laid thick upon me before, and cognizant enough to realize it was stripper shit. There have been better looking dancers, better dancing dancers & better bodied dancers to lay it down. And my home front situation was the same then as it was now. The question is: what happened on this occasion, what did she have to make me for the first time look down the rabbit hole? With all of the other strip club variables being the same, how/why did she pick the lock?
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    I'm loving the responses. As of right now, she is far too thick to be a heroin junkie. As that tends to be more my type, I'd lose interest when the drugs took their effect. I will keep you all updated on this fools errand.
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    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    bj99 is like a wise Shaolin Monk of this stuff.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    Here's the thing. I am self aware enough to absolutely get how stupid this place I'm in is. I absolutely know the game, and am conscious enough to know that this is not something that I should ever think. I'm like, no way this would ever happen to me. But then somehow with her magical techniques, here we are. The different thing is I'm not a conversationalist, I like dancers to be around me to be doing something i.e. giving me a dance. Her, I just liked being around her, and didn't want to leave her not in a sense of I want more lap dances, but like in my youthful days where a girl & I just clicked and we were just giddy around each other. To answer some questions: Age difference, based on her face & demeanor doesn't appear to be too big. I'm not rushing in or doing anything. Anyone who has read any of my posts or reviews knows that I'm very interested in studying the strip club world, just as a social phenomenon (plus I also like big bootys so that works for me too). So to me this is like a new experiment. I'm going to figure out my approach, and I'll report back the details so you all can get a good laugh at me. Believe me I have laughed at posts like this before, shit I read the other long one posted recently, and I'm like look at this friggin rube. But here we are. I'm not really going to destroy my entire world for a dancer who apparently just has magic game on me, but the fact that the thought crossed my mind is what is crazy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    OT: let's try the anonlvone question again
    Writing political posts on a strip club website is a chumps game. Better to make a sign written in crayon, and stand on a street corner.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Emotionally attached to ATF....Now what?
    I just posted a discussion that reads kind of like the very first part of your story. Reading this horror story just put my head back on straight. The thing is, you got emotionally invested, but it doesn't seem as if she had any emotion at all - certainly not reciprocated.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Am I Willing to Risk it All?
    @flagooner & GoVikings: Apologies for the run on paragraph, lot of PL passion behind it. @25: Powerball, not a bad idea. Fantasize about winning & giving half to the wife as a severance package, and taking the other half to run off with a stripper. Not a bad idea at all.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    ATF tied up again by a whale
    Remember everytime you are locking a dancer down, there's probably some guy in the club calling you the Fuckoe. Sometimes you are Mr. Fuckoe, sometimes you are getting Fucko'ed by someone else. It is the Yin & Yang of both life & the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    One of the better hidden camera inside Tijuana Clubs and with the girls videos
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    One of my favorite clubs, now has a reggaeton song/video dedicated to it
    @s88 yeah Aces has had me interested for a minute
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    Perhaps an option in the settings to allow the pictures of girls & purple, or not allow (i.e. a more plain background & colors) for a more discrete browsing experience. I don't know how websites work, so I don't know if that's even a realistic option.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Perhaps the crazier among us should release quarterly reports! ;)
    This made me laugh so much
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Quick Miami Questions
    I think the day when you are visiting matters. If you just want to see pretty girls, you have some other options. However if you just want to see pretty girls, during an off time (i.e. dayshift, or a slow day Mon or Tue), then you're probably safest going to Tootsies. Again with these blanket Miami questions, what you are looking for out of your visit matters. Are you looking for lap dances, or extras, or a party vibe, or the best looking women? Are you looking for latinas, black girls, white girls, or a very mixed club with options? Do you like them curvy or skinny. Tootsies isn't the best club down here as to any of those options above, but if you are looking for the best club with all of the above factors combined & averaged out, then it's Tootsies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Who SCed on Mother's Day ?
    If I did, i would only get dances from dancers with C-section scars, in celebration of Mother's Day.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What Are They Thinking
    Who says they don't mind it? There are some who don't, but some who do & suck it up because they have bills, or a child to feed, or a habit to support. I never forget these are actors & professional liars.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Washington DC
    Middle eastern strippers
    If Detroit has never seen them, then they don't exist.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tampa Clubs
    Mons is on average, the best place if you want a lap dance. It's not a tipping club, its not an extras club, so lap dances drive the club and earn the money. If you're looking for models, look elsewhere (although there are no dogs at Mons), if you're looking for extras, look elsewhere (also as stated above if you want a drink other than juice, look elsewhere). But if you are looking for lapdances, go to Mons. Also when you get back home, your friends will probably ask you if you went to Mons, so you might as well go to have an answer to that question. It's not for every taste, but it is an icon in the strip club industry, and rightfully so.