
Comments by goosman (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Buying food from a strip club?
    Not quite in the club but Tootsies actually has a take out order booth OUTSIDE of the club. People do order food from Tootsies, and never step foot in the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Proper way to request a dance.
    Verbally asking for dances is a chumps game. Make up your own sign language to request a dance. If she doesn't understand your hand gestures, then she wasn't worth the dance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Chase a check, never chase a bitch
    No tip parade
    Hard to ball on a budget when you have the tip parade draining you dry. The only reason I put up with it, is because of the big old fat asses that don't seem as prevalent in Broward County. Lots of less consistent clubs in Miami don't get my business because you can't put out shoddy talent AND have them bleeding me a dollar at a time against my will.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Chase a check, never chase a bitch
    Ihearvoices is right, I've seen up to three at one time at Tootsies. Seeing all three was on a weekend through, but at least one on 50% of the weeknights I've been.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Question Re a VIP Experience
    Columbus? If extras are your thing, Detroit like 4 hours away. Save your $$$ for a binge weekend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Adult Stores Private Booths
    What the fuck is wrong with you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone care about French elections?
    Not on a board that is supposed to be about strippers, i dont.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How to approach customers in the SC
    It may be simple, and it may be crude, but nothing may be as effective as just grabbing a guy's dick. It's not an automatic sale everytime, but even if you're not interested in the dancer...it makes you think.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    House moms - How many clubs have them?
    I think I've seen them pop their heads out in a couple of clubs lately.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Approaching the woman for a dance?
    I hate doing it, but if you are determined to find out what it's like, sometimes you have to. Sometimes it's been brilliant (©4got2wipe) and sometimes it's been terrible. But I didn't leave the club wondering what she was like.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Easter Night in the club, Dead or Holiday Season?
    It's looking like my chance to get out to Booby Trap Sunday night is going away anyway, so I'll never know.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Easter Night in the club, Dead or Holiday Season?
    Clarification, I meant Easter night as in the Sunday night of Easter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip club recommendation in Miami
    What are you looking for, aside from dances at less than 40 bucks?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever string along a dancer for fun?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A friendly inquiry
    If you are trying to sell a lap dance, ass throwing/popping is what catches my attention. If you can give some eye contact while you're doing that, now we're talking.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Damned Cubans
    Eh, I know what I'm dealing with & know how to handle them. Cubanas have a thing about them that I can't deny. But Papi is right Colombians, Venezuelans put Las Cubanas in their place on a one to one level (Dominicans too btw).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Kissing - Per StripperWeb
    I understand why some PL will want to get some kissing action on, but I don't understand why some dancers will initiate. Like anything strippers do, it has to be related to their thought that they can get more dances/$$$. But in that case, they can give a guy a handy over (or in) the pants for that thought - which is still less intimate/less of a fluid exchange than kissing. Why initiate?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Kissing - Per StripperWeb
    The Guys ask for it! It is pretty common to have a dancer attempt to initiate it, and a lot of guys reject it in the same mode as some of the SW dancers living in fantasy island.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Hand sanitizer
    Can you DATY in the front room?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    "Adjust your cock"
    Good girls will adjust it for you. Some like the true north position, some like it off to the side on the thigh.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Who's hitting a club for St. Patrick's Day ?
    Green is not a sexy color on a woman. Pass.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How similar are your favorite dancers?
    I have a type, but I'm always interested when someone who is not my type works their way in & then impresses me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Being a regular
    increased familiarity with what you like. willing to push boundaries. Seem to put some care into their service. Other girls see that one dancer is regularly spending some time with you, so they see either the PL is actively spending money or not that creepy, or a combination of both.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Unexpected Natural Breasts/Body
    I can't lie, I do like the "your tits look like they are about to explode" look. But it was refreshing & surprising to assume the perfection in that body was man made, when really she got it from her mother.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami - highest mileage LD room
    Hittin: I know I really need to give StirCrazy a good chance with some time & some money, but when I've got both, its just so difficult to keep myself away from the Ass factory that is BTD.